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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 08:18:26

Congratulations to: -

Pokemonpoeguygcn - 38,000 B/P
ThePigeonMaster - Happy 18th Birthday!

At 7/30/10 12:08 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Question to Coop83, Odyssic, Fro and RohantheBarbarian: What's up with the collective mistake? Level 34, not 24.

For my part, I was just home and quite tired, to the point where I completely detached which icons are relevant to which level, and I "read" your post as 24 (again, you have no idea how tired I was, I should've left the list till this morning but it was already gonna be huge as it was so I wanted it out of the way). To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if I made a load of other mistakes as well >.<

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 11:04:41

Happy 18th Birthday ThePigeonMaster!

New gaming rant: Tomb Raider (Part 1)

Listening to:

Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark

At 7/29/10 08:32 AM, portalwarpedJP wrote: Level 21!
now i can go Gordon Freeman on them bitches.

Rise and shine, Mr Freeman.

At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: In that case, what does Wi/Ht? and C&C think?
I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!

Looks like I won this round. Now to ask the C&C regulars.

Wow really? That's what office people do? Not once have I touched NG while I've been working voluntarily.
Voluntarily? Dude, they're obviously gonna take advantage of you and let you do their work. That way they can slack the full 8 hours and still have something to show their boss at the end of the day.

I'm an honest individual, though.

Good. You know, I thought of something else. Seeing you have this kickass laptop (SPECS PLZ), are you interested in Steam?
Specs? You mean all that Windows 7 64 bits, 500 GB Hard Disk, 4 GB RAM gizmo? Sorry I don't know much about it, but I'm generally not that interested in such things. I assume it's all new and very good, but I can look it up for you if you want.

Windows 7 I heard is much better than Vista. I still need to look into upgrading my OS. As for hard drive space and RAM, that's the same as mine. The other two things I'm curious about are the processor and graphics card.

I don't know if I wanna have Steam. I suppose you gotta pay for stuff there, don't you? I got lots of other things to spent money on though.

Well, you have to pay to get the games but Steam itself is free.

I don't even know what DVDs you have.
Ehm... no Reign of Fire, no Dragonheart, no Eragon, no How To Train Your Dragon... there's a dragon in Spirited Away, but I don't know if you would be interested... =/

Screw the DVDs. Plus, blu-rays are better. :P

Dammit, I've gotta see Manowar live!
So it's gonna be either the N64 or Manowar tickets. What will it be?

How many Manowar tickets are there?

That was only possible because I disguised myself as a human-like figure. <_<
Lol. That's more like shapeshifting.

Maybe but I always saw myself as a Spy who can disguise himself very well.

To be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my 100th flash anymore.
Damn. Why don't you just submit something completely lame on Clockday this year? :p That'll stop people from asking you and might piss off a few.

I don't think the anger is worth it. I actually plan to say something about my 100th flash in a few days time.

I have lots of treasure as well but I'd love to see what she has.
All the fortunes from the general forum I'm guessing.

Doesn't sound like much to me. I'm sure she'll be impressed with what I have.

It was actually in the shop opposite the inn. If you examined that place closer, you'll find some information on Tetra Master.
Really? I never knew, but then again I was never really the type that went to check every inch of every building in FF games.

At times, I can be observant or get bored from not knowing where to go and look everywhere so that's how I found out.

At 7/28/10 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote: If you've got balls of steel, play the DS remake. The PS1 port (maybe GBA as well) is the pussy version.
How come? Did they make the monsters a lot stronger?

Yes, they can kick your ass so easily. I've heard the last boss is so hard that you'll still have troubles even at level 99.

I never really bothered with all the spells. All I needed later on was Ultima and multiple attacks.
I just collected them for the sake of completing the game a bit more, but yes ultima was basically all you needed.

I never really saw that as completing the game. Well, it is, just not necessary for me. All I care about is finishing most or all of the sidequests and the main story.

Nope, The Room is that film Nostalgia Critic reviewed two weeks ago. It was taken down for copyright infringement, though but that's never happened to him outside of YouTube before.
Wait you mean this? I have never seen it, but judging from the score I don't think I want to.

Well, it's worth seeing the hilariously bad parts such as the first eight seconds of this clip.

We'll see about that. :P
Well... my gf is dragging me away from NG more and more, but don't tell the others :(

Nice knowing you. :P

Yeah like I said, they immediately remove stuff as soon as someone complains. I also don't like what they keep doing with the lay-out. It only gets worse and worse somehow.

Oh man, tell me about it. For subscription videos, there's now an ugly menu bar at the bottom that pops up if you hover close to up. This shit is so unnecessary. I remember one guy who I talk to said YouTube must hate people and I think that statement is becoming more and more true. Still, let them keep digging that hole and eventually ruin the site for all.

But I only use youtube as a music player mostly, so I don't feel that involved with the site anyway. However, the dead links are really annoying me.

That's another reason why it's hard to leave YouTube. I can find so much music over there and it's very useful for whenever I want to buy an album or find new bands.

You want us to be a death metal band?
No, an all new genre type of band. Dragon metal!

Sounds like power metal, though since most bands sing about dragons.

The only thing I know is replying MORE AND MORE! We'll come to the point where the staff won't even want to bother reading my posts at all.
That's a good idea. Hiding our plans in plain sight, but pile so many replies on them that they won't even bother looking.

I'm pretty sure they've given up on my LUL posts at this point since over the last week or two I've been able to make 2/3 posts to cover all my replies. That's a shitload of reading to do. With gfox's help who he said he'll think of catching up over the weekend (*snorts* yeah right), we'll be safe and can talk about our plans all we want.

At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, reverend wrote: Rev mulls a username change; congrats to:

What do you have in mind?

At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: This is what you get for being a great addition to the Wi/Ht? community. :)
10x better than the Politics and Art Forum Lounges combined. Ha!

You're a contributor to those forums? I wasn't aware of that. I hardly hear from those places and how friendly they are towards others. Well, I can't imagine politicians to be very friendly. :P

And you actually thought of drawing my junk. I found it to be very flattering. :P As for that guy who drew me having sexual intercourse, he claimed he wasn't drunk or on drugs. Yeah, so he was fully aware of drawing dragon porn.
So he said he was and now back tracking, what's up with that?

Actually, I thought he was drunk or on drugs but he said he wasn't. He just said he was a genie and granted me three wishes. I wished for him to praise dragons, write a blog about them and then draw me fucking a dragoness. Wishes well spent, huh? The last one alone was worth it.

Well, good luck on that. I think I already succeeded that in dragon years. ;)
So what is the conversion rate from dragon years to human years?

You know what, I'm not so sure.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 11:05:44

At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote: By that logic, icon mods should have the most sex appeal because they're the least resemblant of actual mods, due to the lack of yellow aura and access to the mod forums.

I'll be sure to remind that to the other icon mods next time they mention the lack of gold aura and mod forums. After all, sex appeal is much more important than gold aura and mod forums.

Concordantly, since you became a forum mod, you lost ANY sex appeal you once possessed and paved the way for Bahamut to take over as one of the most eligible bachelors of the Wi/Ht? forums. ;P

It's great to know I've been good looking for so long.

Of course, Haggard leads the way in terms of teh sexiness. His username is definitely ironic.

Actually, he, reverend and Rohan win equally. They're not even icon mods, despite myself asking them if they're interested in becoming one.

At 7/29/10 01:54 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from holidays, what'd I miss?

Lots of conversations.

At 7/27/10 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hopefully someone has taken care of your account.
Nobody volunteered but it's cool, just 2 missed deposits, no big deal :P

Trust me, missing two deposits will be a big deal later on your NG life.

Nice doggy. Bye!
I think that's enough Room bashing for now. After all, I still have to watch yesterday's review :P

Actually, as long as Nostalgia Critic has troubles with Tommy Wiseau, I'll keep making fun of him and his movie, unless I get bored.

At 7/29/10 03:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm guessing you know their music very well and so far, I have At the Heart of Winter, Sons of Northern Darkness and All Shall Fall. Do you have any recommendations for more Immortal albums?
Heh, not too well. I just find those guys funny and like watching their shows. ^^

The Call of the Wintermoon is the greatest example of their humour.

But Battles in the North (contains the song Blashyrkh (mighty ravendark) which is kind of a trademark song for Immortal) and Blizzard Beast are pretty good.

Ah cool, I'll be sure to look into them later on.

Well, I'm sure it won't happen now. He comes when you least expect it, even if you talk about him.
NODODY expects the spanish inquisition!

Well, to be honest, I cannot predict when he'll show up so point taken.

My aunt is 52 and still can't drive.
An uncle of mine got his driver's licence when he was 62.

Well, there's still time for my aunt. However, she's all the way up in scotland and her boyfriend can take care of the driving for her so maybe it's not necessary.

Mine's good but far from perfect. The buses are often late but the trains are very reliable.
Heh yeah. I guess busses are always late, no matter where you are. But at least public transportation is possible 24 hours of the day. I can remember times when the last train would leave at 11 pm and the last bus shortly after that. And taking the "night bus" is horrible. Lots of drunk people and you have to drive one hour or longer because the bus stops at every possible (and impossible) opportunity there is.

Night travel services aren't very good around here. The last bus getting to my road is at midnight so I can't stay out in town for too long.

You don't? :O Surely you can at least enjoy some of their classics.
Maybe, but I never was interested too much in the band, so I don't know any songs from them (apart from Hangar 18, which uses the same intro as Metallicas Call of Kthulu).

I've probably said this before but please give Megadeth a real chance someday.

And be able to play well, right?
Yes, Oscar is a fucking genius!

See, if they play well and prioritise it, that's good. DragonForce on the other hand don't seem to know what they're doing. At least I hardly care about them these days.

That's not an excuse for That 90s Show. That was a huge slap on the face on The Simpsons' continuity. The episode should have never existed in the first place.
Yes it was. It was still funny, though.

I thought it was completely horrendous and not funny in the slightest.

I think it's the cupid. Sure, the shitblade sucks a lot but you have to stick with the cupid for over 100 days. At least the shitblade is only for a month and a half.
But the cupid is so high in the rankings, most users won't ever get this far.

Actually, there'll eventually be many users at level 49. For now, there's only less than 100 who are at there or past it. I remember when the redesign launched ramagi was at level 45 and now we have around 170 users who are level 45 or above.

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
Well, as I am not aroused by dragons I say that review mods are more sexy.

Which review mods are sexy, though? :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 11:06:51

At 7/30/10 12:08 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Join the party!
I remember when we complained about having little activity in here. Where's that now?

Haha, that is so true. I guess we just found many ways to make conversations and now we're full of it. Still, the activity in LUL overall isn't as fast as it used to be. It used to be 1 or 2 new pages each day. Now it's a new page every 2 days. On the bright side, it seems to be more conversations than posts about achievements.

Also, poisonous dragons? =P

That reminds me of one picture by FatChaos.

I think it's become too severe to be even a joke now. If they are joking, they're giving Tommy Wiseau too much heatrash over nothing.
Yeah, it isn't a joke. Copyright issues, it seems. And Doug is right, it's a review, how can it be copyright infringement? Huuuuuuuuuh?

Tommy Wiseau just can't take his criticism. I find that funny since many people have written negative reviews for his film before but when NC reviewed it, he wanted it gone. I'll admit, I wasn't great with handling criticism for my flashes a few years back but goddamn, if someone made a video review of it, I wouldn't make copyright claims on it. Hell, you can hate my flashes all you want and I won't care.

I'm not sure when the review will be back up on TGWTG so just watch it on YouTube. Funny how Tommy Wiseau has yet to take down the videos of them on YouTube considering that site is a huge target for copyright infringement.
Yeah, I had to go to YT this time. Once he released the "Tommy Wiseau Show", I knew it would take a while to come back. Still not on TGWTG, btw.

That's the only good thing that came out from the copyright infringement. I find the Tommy Wiseau show to be one of the funniest videos by Doug in a long time.

Tempting but no, I have enough accounts already!
Indeed. And I can barely handle one alt!

You'll get used to it after a while.

Most of my favourite servers don't have class limits (on normal games, that is) but I wouldn't mind faving a few of them. And yes, Spy during the Engineer rush was great.
Indeed. I'm actually doing better as a Spy now, I only need a better computer. =(

Can't you download low-res skins for the models to make it easier on the performance?

Speaking of melee fights, I highly recommend checking out some melee-only maps. I've been in Ringking and it's a lot of fun. Demoman with the axe is the shit in these games!
Nope. Scout + Bat = VICTORY.

Nope, Demonam + Skullcutter + Charge = WIN! Seriously, try it out sometime.

There's been a few threads about dragons before. Let's not forget FBIpolux's threads about them.
Yeah, he's always requesting more dragons in every story thread. He is correct. ^^

And I want to write a story about two dragons or even make a flash about it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

At this rate, gfox's epic posts will mean nothing.
gfox's posts always mean something.

True but will he ever return? I have doubts.

At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: YOU ARE USING OUR COPYRIGHTED FOOTAGE!
I did nat, I did naaaaaat. Oh hi Mark.



That makes it Coop and Gagsy.
Yeah. Tell them all hello!

Will do. However, I get the feeling a few others will want me to say hi to them as well.

</obscure Foo Fighters reference>

It wasn't obvious to me. :P

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I don't think The Foos are really metal so let's see someone like Iron Maiden or Judas Priest using triangles in their music.
I didn't say they were metal - they bridge the gap, but they aren't metal.

I won't be able to rely on them for triangles in metal, though.

Sounds good to me.
What did you think of my singing on sitckam last night?

It was magnificent.

Ouch! That is nasty. :(
It looks worse than it is.

Hopefully it recovers by next Friday.

At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote: No mods have sex appeal Auz, and you should well know that by now!
I guess your old profile pic was taken well before you were modded then :P

You're right about that. However, YOU posted a picture of yourself the other day..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 11:25:56

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: I guess your old profile pic was taken well before you were modded then :P

Waaaaay before. You should see me now; ever seen that episode of South Park where they get into World of Warcraft and become all spotty and fat? IT'S LIKE THAT ;P

At 7/30/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll be sure to remind that to the other icon mods next time they mention the lack of gold aura and mod forums. After all, sex appeal is much more important than gold aura and mod forums.

Remember to also remind them that they don't have quite as much sex appeal as regulars.

Of course, Haggard leads the way in terms of teh sexiness. His username is definitely ironic.
Actually, he, reverend and Rohan win equally. They're not even icon mods, despite myself asking them if they're interested in becoming one.

Haggard is definitely ahead considering he's been here the longest out of the three. He's the silver fox ;P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 11:42:23

14,000 Experience and Top 700 in Experience.
Same day, interesting.

Congrats to:
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 38k B/P
ThePigeonMaster - 18 Years Old!

Thanks to:
Soapbubble x2
WilhelmTheVampire x3


At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote: Heh, sounds a bit like what we call a submarine here, which is a small bottle of Flugel dropped upside down in a glass of beer and then you must drink it as fast as you can. Or something, I don't know if you know it. But... beer is not something to build mixes with I think. It's almost always just nasty.

Never heard of it. I just stay with the classic Jagerbomb. Yum!

At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Exactly, I lurk a LOT more than I post. Although this was easy, since he's a member of the TF2 crew, which I visit often. :)

Also, it's a pretty great sig.

Makes you think how or why Nintendo came up with that connection. Leaf turns you into a raccoon; not to mention, you can fly just like a real raccoon.

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: You should have heard my girlfriend laugh when she heard this one. It's got me a little suspicious now...

Well, when she tell you to go back in the kitchen, go back into the kitchen, Coop. :P

At 7/30/10 08:18 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if I made a load of other mistakes as well >.<

Like missing my birthday. :P

At 7/30/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: What do you have in mind?

Rahamut, Kauz, Laggard, TheGopherMaster, RohantheBarber, AWYS, Doop83, Sir-Raisins . . .
Actually, I have no clue. I'm still thinking if I want to go through with it.

You're a contributor to those forums? I wasn't aware of that. I hardly hear from those places and how friendly they are towards others. Well, I can't imagine politicians to be very friendly. :P

What? No. I was saying this is the best community on the forums and is 10x better than those. I tend to lurk the Art Lounge to see what's going on and rarely if ever head in to the Politics Forum.

Actually, I thought he was drunk or on drugs but he said he wasn't. He just said he was a genie and granted me three wishes. I wished for him to praise dragons, write a blog about them and then draw me fucking a dragoness. Wishes well spent, huh? The last one alone was worth it.

So I guess that 'genie' post on my newspost derives from that, right? :P

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 13:00:27

Sex appeal standings:

Icon mods 1 - 1 Review mods

Vote vote vote people!

At 7/30/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
Looks like I won this round. Now to ask the C&C regulars.

So far it's 1-1.

Voluntarily? Dude, they're obviously gonna take advantage of you and let you do their work. That way they can slack the full 8 hours and still have something to show their boss at the end of the day.
I'm an honest individual, though.

Yes, but that can't be said about them.

Specs? You mean all that Windows 7 64 bits, 500 GB Hard Disk, 4 GB RAM gizmo? Sorry I don't know much about it, but I'm generally not that interested in such things. I assume it's all new and very good, but I can look it up for you if you want.
Windows 7 I heard is much better than Vista. I still need to look into upgrading my OS. As for hard drive space and RAM, that's the same as mine. The other two things I'm curious about are the processor and graphics card.

It's WAAAAY better. Vista sucked ass in my opinion. I got a laptop with Vista and it just can't handle doing two things at the same time. I keep getting doesn't respond messages everywhere.

Let's see... Processor is 2.20 GHz and graphics card is intel int gma 4500m I think. Does that make sense?

I don't know if I wanna have Steam. I suppose you gotta pay for stuff there, don't you? I got lots of other things to spent money on though.
Well, you have to pay to get the games but Steam itself is free.

Yes alright, but like I said I already have other hobbies that require spending a lot of money. And if I buy games, I'd rather buy games for my N64 or Gamecube (even though they're hard to get nowadays).

Ehm... no Reign of Fire, no Dragonheart, no Eragon, no How To Train Your Dragon... there's a dragon in Spirited Away, but I don't know if you would be interested... =/
Screw the DVDs. Plus, blu-rays are better. :P

Yes, but they're way too expensive right now.

So it's gonna be either the N64 or Manowar tickets. What will it be?
How many Manowar tickets are there?

Three :p

Lol. That's more like shapeshifting.
Maybe but I always saw myself as a Spy who can disguise himself very well.

Yeah, but shapeshifting makes that kinda easy.

Damn. Why don't you just submit something completely lame on Clockday this year? :p That'll stop people from asking you and might piss off a few.
I don't think the anger is worth it. I actually plan to say something about my 100th flash in a few days time.

Ooh, I'm curious.

All the fortunes from the general forum I'm guessing.
Doesn't sound like much to me. I'm sure she'll be impressed with what I have.

There's still a lot of fortune left there from the fabled 'golden age' of the BBS.

Really? I never knew, but then again I was never really the type that went to check every inch of every building in FF games.
At times, I can be observant or get bored from not knowing where to go and look everywhere so that's how I found out.

Yes, but going through the entire game that way adds like ... about a dozen hours of unrewarded searching.

At 7/28/10 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote:
How come? Did they make the monsters a lot stronger?
Yes, they can kick your ass so easily. I've heard the last boss is so hard that you'll still have troubles even at level 99.

Holy shit! In most Final Fantasy games you're good when you're around level 50.

I just collected them for the sake of completing the game a bit more, but yes ultima was basically all you needed.
I never really saw that as completing the game. Well, it is, just not necessary for me. All I care about is finishing most or all of the sidequests and the main story.

Yes, but I always go for 99.9% completion in FF's. I don't have to beat it entirely, because there's always some incredibly annoying sidequest or something you can miss along the way. But I like to complete it as much as I can. Though the problem with that is that I generally lose motivation for finishing the game when I'm spending hours upon hours doing sidequests.

Wait you mean this? I have never seen it, but judging from the score I don't think I want to.
Well, it's worth seeing the hilariously bad parts such as the first eight seconds of this clip.

Lol, what the fuck was that all about? That guy with the black hair talked as if he was stoned or something. Weird dialogue.

Well... my gf is dragging me away from NG more and more, but don't tell the others :(
Nice knowing you. :P

Noooooo! You don't understand! You can't leave me like this!

Yeah like I said, they immediately remove stuff as soon as someone complains. I also don't like what they keep doing with the lay-out. It only gets worse and worse somehow.
Oh man, tell me about it. For subscription videos, there's now an ugly menu bar at the bottom that pops up if you hover close to up. This shit is so unnecessary. I remember one guy who I talk to said YouTube must hate people and I think that statement is becoming more and more true. Still, let them keep digging that hole and eventually ruin the site for all.

Yeah. The thing I hated most was that drop down menu they pasted on your username some time ago. That used to take you straight to your channel, but then you had to go there via some other links. So annoying. They made it a little better now, but still...

But I only use youtube as a music player mostly, so I don't feel that involved with the site anyway. However, the dead links are really annoying me.
That's another reason why it's hard to leave YouTube. I can find so much music over there and it's very useful for whenever I want to buy an album or find new bands.

Yeah, I like how you can pretty much find anything by just typing in a title or a lyric.

No, an all new genre type of band. Dragon metal!
Sounds like power metal, though since most bands sing about dragons.

We're different because we have an actual dragon in our band.

That's a good idea. Hiding our plans in plain sight, but pile so many replies on them that they won't even bother looking.
I'm pretty sure they've given up on my LUL posts at this point since over the last week or two I've been able to make 2/3 posts to cover all my replies. That's a shitload of reading to do. With gfox's help who he said he'll think of catching up over the weekend (*snorts* yeah right), we'll be safe and can talk about our plans all we want.

10 bucks that gfox is not gonna do that.

And if he does come here, I'll have an insane amount of catching up to do in one day 0.0

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 13:08:14

At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
No mods have sex appeal Auz, and you should well know that by now!

By that logic, icon mods should have the most sex appeal because they're the least resemblant of actual mods, due to the lack of yellow aura and access to the mod forums. Concordantly, since you became a forum mod, you lost ANY sex appeal you once possessed and paved the way for Bahamut to take over as one of the most eligible bachelors of the Wi/Ht? forums. ;P

... I think I'll just count that as a vote for icon mods. Also, forum mods are more sexy than anything and that's a fact.

At 7/29/10 03:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
Well, as I am not aroused by dragons I say that review mods are more sexy.

But we got a lot more than just dragons on the icon moderator team! Like exotic women, such as the lovely Reaneanea.

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hmm... I'm listening.
I can offer you eh... some pictures and autographs of all the cool people in the icon mod lounge.
You're going to need to sell it harder than that...

How about a meet and greet with Bahamut in London next week? I could arrange that for you.

Now we're getting silly.

Very silly indeed.

DIRECTOR! On the command "cut", you will cut to the next scene. DIRECTOR!

*tape plays* This is a firghtened city.

Wait for it! *camera pans back*


*tape plays* This is a frightened city...
Wait WE'RE getting silly? This is the silliest derailing of a discussion I've ever seen.
Monty Python - the silliest thing ever on TV.

Something as silly as that can only be made by the British.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: You've clearly never heard my rendition of Flight of Icarus :P
Nope, but if you're that confident about it.

So Coop takes the leading vocals, Bahamut does the guitar + background roaring, I do the amplified triangle, Haggard's on drums, reverend the bass guitar... it feels like we're still missing something... how about some violin players? I'm sure we can get Sir-Nuts and Fro to play one.
Keyboards / Piano?

No, we need Synthesizers! Gotta get either Fro or Sir-Nuts to play one.

At 7/30/10 11:42 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote: Heh, sounds a bit like what we call a submarine here, which is a small bottle of Flugel dropped upside down in a glass of beer and then you must drink it as fast as you can. Or something, I don't know if you know it. But... beer is not something to build mixes with I think. It's almost always just nasty.
Never heard of it. I just stay with the classic Jagerbomb. Yum!

Is that something with Jagermeister? Blech, I hate Jagermeister.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 13:32:32

At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:32 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
Lol, well I'm having a pretty huge conversation with Bahamut now as well. It starts to become a little chaotic :p
Heh, yeah. I hope we're not messing with your schedule. ;P

Kinda. I should be at my gf's house right now, but I'm still sitting here at home typing out all these replies.

Wait the Copa Libertadores semi-final is in July? I bet that must be tiring for some players if they've been to the world cup.
Yes, they were Tuesday/Wednesday, and the second matches will be next week. But hey, not many players from those clubs were in their national teams. Hey, Brazil only had three players from local teams, the rest plays in Europe.

Alright. I guess it's not such a problem then.

So he got shot for an own goal? Shame the killer got 43 years of prison but was free after 11 because of good behavior.
That's a problem I've said before - the criminal laws in South America as a whole are too lenient.

Yeah, you told me before. This kinda makes me wonder what's gonna happen to that dutch guy Joran van der Sloot that got arrested some time ago in Cuba. I think he got 30 years or something, but... I suppose he might be out in 10.

Do you guys have anything like hooligans there (as in almost like a lifestyle)?
Well... not really Hooligans, but there are some "organised crowds" who are quite extreme, from the point of fighting with rival crowds, having connections with gangs, protesting a little too much when the team is in a bad moment...

There's one of these crowds that actually broke the team's coach's arm. That's over the top.

Ah yes, I suppose they got more of a gang nature in South-America. Here it's more like a couple of people who got nothing better to do with their lives than dedicate it to their favorite football club and pick fights with other club supporters. I guess it might be worse in Britain.

And which was your favorite team again?
Sport Club Internacional. You might have heard us from winning over Barcelona in 2006's FIFA World Club's Cup. Epic match. =)

Yes I've heard of that club, I wouldn't have any idea who plays there. And I never really follow the world cup for clubs. I don't think it's ever broadcasted here anyway.

But nice to see your club winning in the CL. My favorite club (Ajax Amsterdam) doesn't do so well anymore these days in Europe. A couple of days ago they tied against some lame ass Greek club in the qualification round.

Woah, lots of new players I see. I know a few of them from the major European clubs, but with most of them I have no idea who they are. Interesting to see him come up with such a young and unexperienced team.
Yeah, that was the intention, renewing the team with different, less-experienced players. There were a lot of surprises even for us. But it's going to be a great team, nevertheless.

I hope so. Would be cool if they did as well as Germany did this WC.

Spains goal seemed like a clean goal to me. There was lots of talk about offside, but apparently it wasn't offside.
No, he wasn't offside. But the goal came from a free kick Casillas had, which was supposed to be a corner kick to Holland.

Oh yes!!! That was such a mistake. If I remember correctly, it didn't get touched once but TWICE by Spanish players. Yet he still gave a goal kick. One of the stupidest mistakes Webb made that game.

Oh man... way to overact. As if he was looking for something to criticize the western world for.
Of course. It isn't like the octopus is a god... we just think he's cool and everything. :P

Yeah, and it is quite miraculous that he predicted all those matches correctly, so it's only logical that some people think he's some kind of prophet. Heck I bet the same thing would happen in the Middle East if there was an Octopus like that living there.

It probably did. And I can imagine pretentious questions are incredibly annoying for a coach.
Exactly. And Dunga was known for being an energetic, "brave" player. He played with a lot of will, and so did whichever team he was on (including Internacional - he saved us from going to the 2nd division once!). And he took this with him when coaching.

Yes I think he was brave in his selection of players, but maybe he wasn't very clever with it.

Yeah, like Honduras might have to battle against China, Norway, Egypt and Australia or something like that? That would be very interesting indeed and might even be more fair than the current system. At least then you'll know that the strongest teams are participating and not a bunch of weaker teams because they happened to be on a continent with only two or three countries.
Yeah, although not every team would want this... Not only for their reduced chances of qualifying, but... travelling around the world would be expensive for "smaller" countries, it wouldn't be worth for them.

Yes, true. And I guess the long travels can be tiring for the players and maybe they won't be available for their clubs anymore for a longer time.

Made by English fortune seekers I guess?
Apparently. I think there was an old company in Brazil called "British Railways", which planned... building railways in Brazil. :P They could've settled in there at the time.

Heh, a railway through the amazon would be cool.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 14:20:15

Coolio, nglogs says I've been on NG for 2000 days

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 14:50:31

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: ... I think I'll just count that as a vote for icon mods. Also, forum mods are more sexy than anything and that's a fact.

Naaaaaaaaah, review mods are just really straight to the point. Icons mods are like the underrated guy that you see but you're always afraid to talk to because you know he would just reject you because you think he's too good for you, but really he's a nice guy.

Also Coop is an review mod. Take that as you will.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 18:49:29

Short list now. I just want to get it done so that these three achievements wont be waiting for me when I return on Monday.

Congrats to:
reverend: 14,000 Experience and Top 700 in Experience
knugen: 2,000 days on NG

Thanks to:


Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 19:06:25

Level 4 ohmahgawd

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 20:17:05

Wilhelm just got his high school schedule in the mail today. Congrats to:
ThePigeonMaster - 18th Birthday!
reverend - 14k Experience and Top 700 in B/P
knugen - 2k Days on NG

At 7/22/10 11:36 AM, reverend wrote: Rev feels so dirty for creating this;

I love this. No more can be said.

At 7/22/10 12:53 PM, chris-marks wrote:

I have earned over 50,000 medal points according to NGLogs.

My God, are there really that many points now?

At 7/22/10 01:35 PM, Cootie wrote: BooYahhhh!

I don't approve of this name change. Why did you do this to me?!

At 7/23/10 12:04 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: Oh okay, it's just a garbage icon instead of a rehash sword. Oh well, an improvement from the last level. Sigh.

But level 45 is an amazing icon. So simple, yet so intricately designed, plus it's the only weapon of its kind. The black doesn't look too shabby either.

At 7/23/10 07:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: ATTENTION WI/HT?'ERS! Are you ready for the Stickam chat tomorrow night at 4PM EST?

Um no? :(

At 7/24/10 02:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I'll have to recall the Stickam invasion tonight. I'll be at my uncle's soon and I'm not sure when I'll be back. We'll see how we are next week since myself and Coop can't make it in time tonight.

Oh good, I didn't miss anything. :D

At 7/25/10 11:24 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/20/10 08:42 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Mental effects? Like psychological effects? Sorry I don't know much about injuries, I rarely get hurt. Anyway I didn't know the weather had that kind of effect on the body. It's actually pretty interesting.
A small amount of depression and whatnot.

Depression? Wow, this is/was some serious stuff then, eh? Now I'm kinda scared of cross country and it starts in less than three weeks :O

At 7/25/10 03:37 PM, Haggard wrote: 19 people died at the Love Parade in Duisburg yesterday. This really sucks.

Oh my. That's absolutely terrible, and at a love parade too. My condolences for the affected families.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:

Yeesh, cricket must be quite the brutal sport to cause an injury like that. Last time I got something that looked like that was last time I played, ironically, softball.

At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/15/10 09:06 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Reminds me of my rabbit (yeah, I've also got a rabbit and a turtle) who clutches the wires on her cage until I open it and start petting it. That rabbit is the most spoiled creature on the planet but what can I do? It's a rabbit!
Hahahahaha, nice. Rabbits are cute. ^^

Mine sure is. It's a lop so it's ears hang down instead of up. Plus it's really fat. I have a family of wild bunnies living in my backyard so I see a lot of bunnies everyday.

But my cat is probably more spoiled. She will only eat if we scratch her. I guess my grandmother gave her that habit. When she lived with us, my cat slept in her bedroom. And she would scratch her for anything. And I guess the cat got used to that.

Yeah, none of pets are that spoiled. My family doesn't want our animals to be completely dependent on us.

Even you? Would you mind managing my account for about a week? If not, no big deal. Like you said, I've got options.
I would, but since you've already sorted that out...

Yeah, but thanks for offering. I'll think of you next time I need someone which I believe will be in November.

I didn't get it when I was younger. One day I just opened it for fun and once I understood what the numbers meant, it became pretty easy. I've still got a lot of improving to do to get my time down though.
Heh, I remember that my dad taught me how it worked when I was younger, although I only began playing on the harder level later. You get better after some tries.

My problem is that in almost every game, there are spots where I have to guess. It doesn't matter how good you are because a small part of each game is luck.

And it's funny how some friends have actually asked me how the game works. I tried to explain, but I think they didn't get it. =P

My friends all have Macs. Haha suckers...

At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/29/10 11:41 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/29/10 07:55 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Long list today, missed the two last days.
Yep yep.
Oh dear...

Well it'll be even worse when I come back from camp. I'll be gone for two weeks. Oh boy I can't wait for that...


While I was away, I got something called a teraminx in the mail. It's really cool but also very annoying. People on YouTube can solve it in like 90 minutes. It took me about 5 hours. I THINK IT'S MUCH MORE FUN TO LOOK AT IT THOUGH.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 21:53:56

39,000 Medal Points according to NG Logs.

Soon I'll be in 40K.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 22:52:07

You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 00:24:42

I have a test tomorrow afternoon, to see if I'll get a scholarship discount on a studying course, the same one I did last year. Hopefully it won't drag me away from here, unlike it happened last year...

Listening to:
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

Congrats to:
ThePigeonMaster - 18 Years Old -- Happy birthday!
reverend - 14,000 Exp. + Top 700 in Exp.
knugen - 2,000 Days on NG
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 50,000 Total Stats

At 7/30/10 03:32 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Today is Pigeon's birthday and now I'm congratulating:

So, what's the average lifetime of a pigeon?

At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/29/10 05:40 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Brazilian Air Force? :P
Ah, right. :P
Wow dude. One of my dreams in my life is flying a plane and you want to join to the air force :P

It's a distant dream, though.

I've already said to my mother that I wanted to take flying lessons and, eventually, become a commercial aeroplane pilot. She denied it with the reason if each class costing about R$300,00, which is actually true.

I'm still not sure if I REALLY want to join the Brazilian Air Force, but it would be great if it actually happened. There's a base I my city, and a couple in the south of Brazil, where I have familiars. I have to think about this...

As for the airport, well I'm already a 18 years old guy so know I can officially get out of the country without the permission of an adult :P

Come to Brazil! ;P

I'm gonna visit you and watch the awesome spectacle you've got near of your house.

Well... we could just go to the airport, then. :P

Força Aérea Brasileira = FAB. Really, that's the name.
Hahahahahahahaha. Coincidence? ;)

A pretty FABulous one!

At 7/30/10 03:36 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Sorry for the double post but I'm just telling you that somebody of you guys will make me a birthday thread. So if you're not "that person", please don't make me a thread and wait for the big one :P

You covered it well - if you had said "that dragon", it would've been easier to figure out who would make it.

At 7/30/10 08:18 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/30/10 12:08 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Question to Coop83, Odyssic, Fro and RohantheBarbarian: What's up with the collective mistake? Level 34, not 24.
For my part, I was just home and quite tired, to the point where I completely detached which icons are relevant to which level, and I "read" your post as 24 (again, you have no idea how tired I was, I should've left the list till this morning but it was already gonna be huge as it was so I wanted it out of the way). To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if I made a load of other mistakes as well >.<a h, right. I was surprised with the amount of listmakers who got it wrong, I guess everyone was tired as well. :P

And usually when I'm tired, I "begin" making the congrats list, and save it on a rtf file in case I don't finish everything. That applies to the conversations as well.

At 7/30/10 11:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/30/10 12:08 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I remember when we complained about having little activity in here. Where's that now?
Haha, that is so true. I guess we just found many ways to make conversations and now we're full of it. Still, the activity in LUL overall isn't as fast as it used to be. It used to be 1 or 2 new pages each day. Now it's a new page every 2 days. On the bright side, it seems to be more conversations than posts about achievements.

Yeah, I remember it being more active in my lurking days. But we are still a great place to hang out at, despite missing some users...

Also, poisonous dragons? =P
That reminds me of one picture by FatChaos.

Where? Which? When?

Yeah, it isn't a joke. Copyright issues, it seems. And Doug is right, it's a review, how can it be copyright infringement? Huuuuuuuuuh?
Tommy Wiseau just can't take his criticism. I find that funny since many people have written negative reviews for his film before but when NC reviewed it, he wanted it gone. I'll admit, I wasn't great with handling criticism for my flashes a few years back but goddamn, if someone made a video review of it, I wouldn't make copyright claims on it. Hell, you can hate my flashes all you want and I won't care.

Nobody hates your flashes, though. Your flashes >>>>>>>>> The Room. ;)

And yeah, the review is still up on other sites (youtube!), why he only got it down on TGWTG?

Yeah, I had to go to YT this time. Once he released the "Tommy Wiseau Show", I knew it would take a while to come back. Still not on TGWTG, btw.
That's the only good thing that came out from the copyright infringement. I find the Tommy Wiseau show to be one of the funniest videos by Doug in a long time.

Hahahahaha, yes! That video is great, his Wiseau impersonation was perfect!

Indeed. And I can barely handle one alt!
You'll get used to it after a while.

Hopefully. I think I always miss deposits, when I haven't done so yet. I'll try to keep it up!

Indeed. I'm actually doing better as a Spy now, I only need a better computer. =(
Can't you download low-res skins for the models to make it easier on the performance?

I guess I'll just wait until my father returns from Chile (he and my mother will go there on the 3rd and will return a week later) so we can talk about buying a new computer. I'll hold my expectations, although he complained about this computer today, so it's a step forward! :P

Nope. Scout + Bat = VICTORY.
Nope, Demonam + Skullcutter + Charge = WIN! Seriously, try it out sometime.

I'll give it a go, let my Spy moment cool down, and I'll give more time to my 30 minutes as a Demoman. :P

Yeah, he's always requesting more dragons in every story thread. He is correct. ^^
And I want to write a story about two dragons or even make a flash about it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


gfox's posts always mean something.
True but will he ever return? I have doubts.

I don't think he'll quit as a whole. Even if he makes only those odd posts here & there, he'll still be around. Lurking. In the shadows. ¬¬

Yeah. Tell them all hello!
Will do. However, I get the feeling a few others will want me to say hi to them as well.

Ok, then say hi for "all the Wi/Ht mates"! That covers it. :)

</obscure Foo Fighters reference>
It wasn't obvious to me. :P

It wasn't supposed to be obvious, but obscure, yes. :P

At 7/30/10 11:42 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Exactly, I lurk a LOT more than I post. Although this was easy, since he's a member of the TF2 crew, which I visit often. :)

Also, it's a pretty great sig.
Makes you think how or why Nintendo came up with that connection. Leaf turns you into a raccoon; not to mention, you can fly just like a real raccoon.

Well... they are Japanese. :P

The entire Mario series has those oddities. Just like that old "why-when-I-eat-mushrooms-I-grow" joke. I still can't find any slight relations between raccoons and leafs and why they make you a flying raccoon. =/

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keyboards / Piano?
No, we need Synthesizers! Gotta get either Fro or Sir-Nuts to play one.

I play guitar IRL, does that count on something?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 00:35:33

Congrats to:
PabMo - Police Lieutenant -- That's what I get for not refreshing the page...

At 7/30/10 01:32 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Heh, yeah. I hope we're not messing with your schedule. ;P
Kinda. I should be at my gf's house right now, but I'm still sitting here at home typing out all these replies.

Don't let that happen again.

Yes, they were Tuesday/Wednesday, and the second matches will be next week. But hey, not many players from those clubs were in their national teams. Hey, Brazil only had three players from local teams, the rest plays in Europe.
Alright. I guess it's not such a problem then.

Well, we still have the local championship going on, so we will play with our "bench players", mostly. And it's the biggest rivalry match this Sunday, and playing without the full team is risky. =/

That's a problem I've said before - the criminal laws in South America as a whole are too lenient.
Yeah, you told me before. This kinda makes me wonder what's gonna happen to that dutch guy Joran van der Sloot that got arrested some time ago in Cuba. I think he got 30 years or something, but... I suppose he might be out in 10.

Well, I believe Cuba's system is a lot different... I don't see why they would be that lenient.

And which was your favorite team again?
Sport Club Internacional. You might have heard us from winning over Barcelona in 2006's FIFA World Club's Cup. Epic match. =)
Yes I've heard of that club, I wouldn't have any idea who plays there.

We have Sandro, who was called to play in that friendly match against USA. He will go to Tottenham after the Libertadores is over, though. And maybe you've heard of Rafael Sobis...

And Pato, Nilmar, Lúcio, and even Dunga played for us. ^^

And I never really follow the world cup for clubs. I don't think it's ever broadcasted here anyway.

They've been broadcasting it here since 2005. Football always gives more audience than anything.

But nice to see your club winning in the CL. My favorite club (Ajax Amsterdam) doesn't do so well anymore these days in Europe. A couple of days ago they tied against some lame ass Greek club in the qualification round.

Ah, I've heard a lot about them when I was younger, although I don't believe they are that great nowadays, right?

Give me a quick review on how they are doing nowadays... ^^

Yeah, that was the intention, renewing the team with different, less-experienced players. There were a lot of surprises even for us. But it's going to be a great team, nevertheless.
I hope so. Would be cool if they did as well as Germany did this WC.

Hopefully. We have some great quality players in there, and most of them should be playing in Europe by the end of the year. Lets see how they're doing in four years time.

No, he wasn't offside. But the goal came from a free kick Casillas had, which was supposed to be a corner kick to Holland.
Oh yes!!! That was such a mistake. If I remember correctly, it didn't get touched once but TWICE by Spanish players. Yet he still gave a goal kick. One of the stupidest mistakes Webb made that game.

Exactly. I think it was a free kick for Holland. van Persie shot and it hit a Spanish player and Casillas' hands. WAY TO GO.

Of course. It isn't like the octopus is a god... we just think he's cool and everything. :P
Yeah, and it is quite miraculous that he predicted all those matches correctly, so it's only logical that some people think he's some kind of prophet. Heck I bet the same thing would happen in the Middle East if there was an Octopus like that living there.

And hey, ever noticed how he only picked the teams that were on his left side?

Yeah, although not every team would want this... Not only for their reduced chances of qualifying, but... travelling around the world would be expensive for "smaller" countries, it wouldn't be worth for them.
Yes, true. And I guess the long travels can be tiring for the players and maybe they won't be available for their clubs anymore for a longer time.

Hmm, maybe if they held it like a mini-world cup, on different places. Example, all the teams travel to a same country, and play their a bunch of games there. I don't know, maybe it would work, but not everyone would be interested in some matches...

Apparently. I think there was an old company in Brazil called "British Railways", which planned... building railways in Brazil. :P They could've settled in there at the time.
Heh, a railway through the amazon would be cool.

Yeah, but the Amazon had barely been explored at the time, so they stuck with Southeast / South railways.

Although our main transportation system are and will always be road transport. We barely have trains, and the nautical one isn't that big everywhere.

At 7/30/10 08:17 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hahahahaha, nice. Rabbits are cute. ^^
Mine sure is. It's a lop so it's ears hang down instead of up. Plus it's really fat. I have a family of wild bunnies living in my backyard so I see a lot of bunnies everyday.

And by how fast they reproduce, they will soon claim your entire house. :P

But my cat is probably more spoiled. She will only eat if we scratch her. I guess my grandmother gave her that habit. When she lived with us, my cat slept in her bedroom. And she would scratch her for anything. And I guess the cat got used to that.
Yeah, none of pets are that spoiled. My family doesn't want our animals to be completely dependent on us.

Well, whenever my entire family travels, we always find a new solution for our two cats, but it always involve someone. We won't let them stay outside for so long.

I would, but since you've already sorted that out...
Yeah, but thanks for offering. I'll think of you next time I need someone which I believe will be in November.

I'll have to deny this one, unfortunately. I'll have this huge test in December, and I need to get prepared for it. It might decide whether or not I'll go to college sooner!

Heh, I remember that my dad taught me how it worked when I was younger, although I only began playing on the harder level later. You get better after some tries.
My problem is that in almost every game, there are spots where I have to guess. It doesn't matter how good you are because a small part of each game is luck.

Yeah, 80% of the time I have to give a small guess, usually at the very end of the board. It sucks playing for 5 minutes and screwing up on the last seconds. =(

And it's funny how some friends have actually asked me how the game works. I tried to explain, but I think they didn't get it. =P
My friends all have Macs. Haha suckers...


At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Oh dear...
Well it'll be even worse when I come back from camp. I'll be gone for two weeks. Oh boy I can't wait for that...

More than a post, just of congratulating people. AWESOMENESS

While I was away, I got something called a teraminx in the mail. It's really cool but also very annoying. People on YouTube can solve it in like 90 minutes. It took me about 5 hours. I THINK IT'S MUCH MORE FUN TO LOOK AT IT THOUGH.

This? I'm not even touching that!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 04:01:06

Yesterday I got a call from the place where I had a job interview on wednesday. Monday I'll have my first "working day". Was about time for a side job, I need some money. ^^

At 7/29/10 01:54 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Haggard - 29,000 Saves


At 7/29/10 07:55 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Congrats to:
Haggard: 29,000 Saves


At 7/29/10 11:41 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Oh man. Congrats to:
Haggard - 29k Saves


To dearest Haggard, I still haven't forgotten that I said I'd tell you all about my trip to Germany last year, and I'm a man of my word. One day soon I'll tell you everything I remember, that is, if you're still interested.

Of course I am still interested. ;)

At 7/27/10 09:36 AM, Auz wrote: So Coop takes the leading vocals, Bahamut does the guitar + background roaring, I do the amplified triangle, Haggard's on drums, reverend the bass guitar... it feels like we're still missing something... how about some violin players? I'm sure we can get Sir-Nuts and Fro to play one.

Why me on drums? I'd rather play the guitar. :(

At 7/30/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm guessing you know their music very well and so far, I have At the Heart of Winter, Sons of Northern Darkness and All Shall Fall. Do you have any recommendations for more Immortal albums?
Heh, not too well. I just find those guys funny and like watching their shows. ^^
The Call of the Wintermoon is the greatest example of their humour.

Yes. The video is just priceless. Especially the "Benny Hill" version. XD

My aunt is 52 and still can't drive.
An uncle of mine got his driver's licence when he was 62.
Well, there's still time for my aunt. However, she's all the way up in scotland and her boyfriend can take care of the driving for her so maybe it's not necessary.

I head most people in the northern parts of scotland don't even own a car and hitchhike instead.

Mine's good but far from perfect. The buses are often late but the trains are very reliable.
Heh yeah. I guess busses are always late, no matter where you are. But at least public transportation is possible 24 hours of the day. I can remember times when the last train would leave at 11 pm and the last bus shortly after that. And taking the "night bus" is horrible. Lots of drunk people and you have to drive one hour or longer because the bus stops at every possible (and impossible) opportunity there is.
Night travel services aren't very good around here. The last bus getting to my road is at midnight so I can't stay out in town for too long.

I forgot to include that 24 hours of public transportation is only avaiable on Weekends (Friday to Sunday), during the week, I'd have to rely on those night busses. But there's not too much reason to stay out late during the week anyway.

You don't? :O Surely you can at least enjoy some of their classics.
Maybe, but I never was interested too much in the band, so I don't know any songs from them (apart from Hangar 18, which uses the same intro as Metallicas Call of Kthulu).
I've probably said this before but please give Megadeth a real chance someday.

Yeah, I think you said that already. ^^

And be able to play well, right?
Yes, Oscar is a fucking genius!
See, if they play well and prioritise it, that's good. DragonForce on the other hand don't seem to know what they're doing. At least I hardly care about them these days.

Well, I didn't follow them too closely. I saw them once in Wacken, which was great. I then saw them again on Rock Hard Festival, which was bullshit.

That's not an excuse for That 90s Show. That was a huge slap on the face on The Simpsons' continuity. The episode should have never existed in the first place.
Yes it was. It was still funny, though.
I thought it was completely horrendous and not funny in the slightest.

I liked the "Back to the Future" reference, for example.

I think it's the cupid. Sure, the shitblade sucks a lot but you have to stick with the cupid for over 100 days. At least the shitblade is only for a month and a half.
But the cupid is so high in the rankings, most users won't ever get this far.
Actually, there'll eventually be many users at level 49. For now, there's only less than 100 who are at there or past it. I remember when the redesign launched ramagi was at level 45 and now we have around 170 users who are level 45 or above.

I still think more people will reach level 15 and not so many level 49. ;)

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
Well, as I am not aroused by dragons I say that review mods are more sexy.
Which review mods are sexy, though? :P

Coop and NEVR of course. But both of them are also forum moderators... I wonder if THAT means anything.

At 7/30/10 11:25 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Of course, Haggard leads the way in terms of teh sexiness. His username is definitely ironic.
Actually, he, reverend and Rohan win equally. They're not even icon mods, despite myself asking them if they're interested in becoming one.
Haggard is definitely ahead considering he's been here the longest out of the three. He's the silver fox ;P

So, you have a soft spot for older men?

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
Well, as I am not aroused by dragons I say that review mods are more sexy.
But we got a lot more than just dragons on the icon moderator team! Like exotic women, such as the lovely Reaneanea.

I can't see any of the other icon mods. There's a big blue dragon in my line of sight.

At 7/30/10 08:17 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/25/10 03:37 PM, Haggard wrote: 19 people died at the Love Parade in Duisburg yesterday. This really sucks.
Oh my. That's absolutely terrible, and at a love parade too. My condolences for the affected families.

It's 21 now, 3 died in hospital. And out of the 500something that where hurt, 20 still need medical attention.
I've seen a view videos on youtube recorded by people that where in this "stampede", it was really shocking. :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 04:33:24

Top 25 Flash Reviewer!

Finally caught and passed Afro_Stud. Now I need to knuckle down and get past Frenzy, before sixflab passes me.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 04:43:12

Level 15

Spread your wings || Sig by the awesome Ninjar

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 05:08:22

List #7
last list
Congrats to
knugen-2,000 days on newgrounds
Hacsev-39,000 medal points
Pokemonpoeguygcn-50,000 stat points
PabMo-Police Lieutenant
ThePigeonMaster-18th Birthday
Coop83-Top 25 Reviewers
DeIvL666-level 15

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 05:17:56

btw... 24K saves...
i almost pass it unnoticed...
anyway... 25K... maybe that will be the top of that i am going to do... =)

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 05:18:19

level 17

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 05:23:40


Coop wonders if he's got a shot at 50 B/P per day this week, while congratulating:
reverend: 14,000 Experience; Top 700 Experienced
Knugen: 2,000 Days on Newgrounds
Hacsev: 39,000 Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 50,000 Total Points
DeIvL666: Level 15
aldlv: 24,000 Saves
sandwich-eater: Level 17

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Running Free
Motley Crue - Girls Girls Girls
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Guns 'n' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey, Oh!)

Thank you to:

At 7/30/10 03:32 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: I've not used anything so far - not really a painful situation, but it looks good :P
Well, that's pretty good to hear. And yeah, it looks pretty badass :P

And now it's starting to heal - I just need a few more days, so that certain friends can see it :P

At 7/30/10 11:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I don't think The Foos are really metal so let's see someone like Iron Maiden or Judas Priest using triangles in their music.
I didn't say they were metal - they bridge the gap, but they aren't metal.
I won't be able to rely on them for triangles in metal, though.

Fair enough - we need some massive amps for it, just to bring it to the masses

Sounds good to me.
What did you think of my singing on sitckam last night?
It was magnificent.

Thank you :D

Ouch! That is nasty. :(
It looks worse than it is.
Hopefully it recovers by next Friday.

No, I'd like to have a badass black eye for the meet :P

At 7/30/10 11:25 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: I guess your old profile pic was taken well before you were modded then :P
Waaaaay before. You should see me now; ever seen that episode of South Park where they get into World of Warcraft and become all spotty and fat? IT'S LIKE THAT ;P

Well, you only have yourself to blame. Playing cricket keeps me reasonably trim, but I could probably use going to the gym again.

At 7/30/10 11:42 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: You should have heard my girlfriend laugh when she heard this one. It's got me a little suspicious now...
Well, when she tell you to go back in the kitchen, go back into the kitchen, Coop. :P

I've told her, I'm not going in that kitchen until she cleans up. That;s my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

At 7/30/10 01:00 PM, Auz wrote: Sex appeal standings:

Icon mods 1 - 1 Review mods

Vote vote vote people!

Review mods are sexier. This is my official vote! I'll log in daily to vote for this, just like those knobs at 4chan, that log in *ahem* daily to vote for Trollcar :P

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: But we got a lot more than just dragons on the icon moderator team! Like exotic women, such as the lovely Reaneanea.

And you can't even spell her name right. Renaenae is lovely, yes.

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hmm... I'm listening.
I can offer you eh... some pictures and autographs of all the cool people in the icon mod lounge.
You're going to need to sell it harder than that...
How about a meet and greet with Bahamut in London next week? I could arrange that for you.

I'll take my chances.

Monty Python - the silliest thing ever on TV.
Something as silly as that can only be made by the British.

Indeed. We have a skill for it.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: You've clearly never heard my rendition of Flight of Icarus :P
Nope, but if you're that confident about it.

So Coop takes the leading vocals, Bahamut does the guitar + background roaring, I do the amplified triangle, Haggard's on drums, reverend the bass guitar... it feels like we're still missing something... how about some violin players? I'm sure we can get Sir-Nuts and Fro to play one.
Keyboards / Piano?
No, we need Synthesizers! Gotta get either Fro or Sir-Nuts to play one.

Forget the synths, get me a Theremin!

At 7/30/10 02:50 PM, TehSlapHappy wrote:
At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: ... I think I'll just count that as a vote for icon mods. Also, forum mods are more sexy than anything and that's a fact.
Naaaaaaaaah, review mods are just really straight to the point.

Also Coop is an review mod. Take that as you will.

Aaw, Slappy! That's really nice of you :)

At 7/30/10 08:17 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:
Yeesh, cricket must be quite the brutal sport to cause an injury like that. Last time I got something that looked like that was last time I played, ironically, softball.

A quick comparison for you - a cricket ball is 5.5 - 5.75 ounces; 8 13/16" - 9" in circumference A softball is 6.25 - 7 ounces and 12" circumference. Cricket balls are dense little rocks, while softballs aren't as hard, so don't pack as much of a punch.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 05:24:14

Top 140 B/P'ers

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 06:00:52

Listening to:

Blind Guardian - At the Edge of Time. Awesomeness, I got this album early. Big thanks to HMV for shipping the album out early and screw you Play.com for being so fucking hopeless with shipping out new releases in time.

At 7/30/10 11:25 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll be sure to remind that to the other icon mods next time they mention the lack of gold aura and mod forums. After all, sex appeal is much more important than gold aura and mod forums.
Remember to also remind them that they don't have quite as much sex appeal as regulars.

Can we at least agree that I have more sex appeal than the other icon mods?

Actually, he, reverend and Rohan win equally. They're not even icon mods, despite myself asking them if they're interested in becoming one.
Haggard is definitely ahead considering he's been here the longest out of the three. He's the silver fox ;P

I would have thought Rohan would take the lead considering he's a barbarian and how he'd have to keep himself in shape. :P

At 7/30/10 11:42 AM, reverend wrote: 14,000 Experience and Top 700 in Experience.
Same day, interesting.

It sure is. My four alts will probably take two weeks to get to the top 700 but I care more about my main account's rank.

At 7/30/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: What do you have in mind?
Rahamut, Kauz, Laggard, TheGopherMaster, RohantheBarber, AWYS, Doop83, Sir-Raisins . . .
Actually, I have no clue. I'm still thinking if I want to go through with it.

I think you should stick to reverend, although Doop83 does sound like a good name.

You're a contributor to those forums? I wasn't aware of that. I hardly hear from those places and how friendly they are towards others. Well, I can't imagine politicians to be very friendly. :P
What? No. I was saying this is the best community on the forums and is 10x better than those. I tend to lurk the Art Lounge to see what's going on and rarely if ever head in to the Politics Forum.

Ah right. I've lurked in politics once and art a few times. I never post there since I have nothing good to say with the exception of "OMG DRAGON ARTWORKS ROCK!" :P

Actually, I thought he was drunk or on drugs but he said he wasn't. He just said he was a genie and granted me three wishes. I wished for him to praise dragons, write a blog about them and then draw me fucking a dragoness. Wishes well spent, huh? The last one alone was worth it.
So I guess that 'genie' post on my newspost derives from that, right? :P

Yeah, that was related and considering that picture you drew for me, I thought you might have been a genie.

At 7/30/10 01:00 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: Looks like I won this round. Now to ask the C&C regulars.
So far it's 1-1.

I know I've won.

I'm an honest individual, though.
Yes, but that can't be said about them.

Maybe so but at least I'm honest and if they get caught not doing enough work, that's their problem.

Windows 7 I heard is much better than Vista. I still need to look into upgrading my OS. As for hard drive space and RAM, that's the same as mine. The other two things I'm curious about are the processor and graphics card.
It's WAAAAY better. Vista sucked ass in my opinion. I got a laptop with Vista and it just can't handle doing two things at the same time. I keep getting doesn't respond messages everywhere.

Ugh, I do get not responding messages quite often. Maybe it is time for me to get Windows 7 if it's more manageable.

Let's see... Processor is 2.20 GHz and graphics card is intel int gma 4500m I think. Does that make sense?

2.20 GHz? I take it you have dual core. As for graphics card, hmm, I'm always unfamiliar with what's good and what's bad but I wanted to know what you had.

Well, you have to pay to get the games but Steam itself is free.
Yes alright, but like I said I already have other hobbies that require spending a lot of money. And if I buy games, I'd rather buy games for my N64 or Gamecube (even though they're hard to get nowadays).

Well, if you're interested in Steam sometime, be sure to let me know. Just don't be like Haggard and completely oppose it, you hear?

Screw the DVDs. Plus, blu-rays are better. :P
Yes, but they're way too expensive right now.

I find them to be affordable and worth it for the quality.

How many Manowar tickets are there?
Three :p

So I can take Haggard and Coop to see them. THEY WILL NOT SAY NO! So yeah, Manowar tickets it is. When do you plan to see them anyway?

Maybe but I always saw myself as a Spy who can disguise himself very well.
Yeah, but shapeshifting makes that kinda easy.

Yes and?

I don't think the anger is worth it. I actually plan to say something about my 100th flash in a few days time.
Ooh, I'm curious.

You'll hear soon enough.

Doesn't sound like much to me. I'm sure she'll be impressed with what I have.
There's still a lot of fortune left there from the fabled 'golden age' of the BBS.

But Gagsy signed up in 2006. I felt the better days of General forum was in 2005.

At times, I can be observant or get bored from not knowing where to go and look everywhere so that's how I found out.
Yes, but going through the entire game that way adds like ... about a dozen hours of unrewarded searching.

Try saying that to gfox. He spends far too much time on some games just for these things.

Yes, they can kick your ass so easily. I've heard the last boss is so hard that you'll still have troubles even at level 99.
Holy shit! In most Final Fantasy games you're good when you're around level 50.

Indeed but for FFIV, Square wanted a ball crushing hard game. If I can beat FFIV DS, I'll feel like even more of a gamer.

Though the problem with that is that I generally lose motivation for finishing the game when I'm spending hours upon hours doing sidequests.

That's why I'm always dependable on sidequests. If it's good, I'll do my best to complete it. However, if I don't really like the sidequest, I'll put it aside.

Well, it's worth seeing the hilariously bad parts such as the first eight seconds of this clip.
Lol, what the fuck was that all about? That guy with the black hair talked as if he was stoned or something. Weird dialogue.

Exactly, and that's why The Room is infamous for how bad it is. However, it didn't stop Luis from greeting him at Comic Con.

Nice knowing you. :P
Noooooo! You don't understand! You can't leave me like this!

Nope, it's too late. You've got to spend more time with your girlfriend and look forward to the future. Hey, last year I was willing to give up NG when I thought I was in love. Too bad it didn't work out in the end.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 06:02:06

At 7/30/10 01:00 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh man, tell me about it. For subscription videos, there's now an ugly menu bar at the bottom that pops up if you hover close to up. This shit is so unnecessary. I remember one guy who I talk to said YouTube must hate people and I think that statement is becoming more and more true. Still, let them keep digging that hole and eventually ruin the site for all.
Yeah. The thing I hated most was that drop down menu they pasted on your username some time ago. That used to take you straight to your channel, but then you had to go there via some other links. So annoying. They made it a little better now, but still...

I believe I ranted on that. If you have a read here, you'll find out how inconvenient I found it to be.

That's another reason why it's hard to leave YouTube. I can find so much music over there and it's very useful for whenever I want to buy an album or find new bands.
Yeah, I like how you can pretty much find anything by just typing in a title or a lyric.

I dunno about the lyrics but title, definitely. However, when it comes to obscure bands, you might have troubles finding their music on YouTube because hardly anyone will know them.

Sounds like power metal, though since most bands sing about dragons.
We're different because we have an actual dragon in our band.

Well, I suppose having a dragon in a band counts as something. Maybe we could mix power and death metal together...

I'm pretty sure they've given up on my LUL posts at this point since over the last week or two I've been able to make 2/3 posts to cover all my replies. That's a shitload of reading to do. With gfox's help who he said he'll think of catching up over the weekend (*snorts* yeah right), we'll be safe and can talk about our plans all we want.
10 bucks that gfox is not gonna do that.

Who would be sane to believe that he's going to do catch-ups these days?

And if he does come here, I'll have an insane amount of catching up to do in one day 0.0

Haha, wouldn't we all? :D

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote: By that logic, icon mods should have the most sex appeal because they're the least resemblant of actual mods, due to the lack of yellow aura and access to the mod forums. Concordantly, since you became a forum mod, you lost ANY sex appeal you once possessed and paved the way for Bahamut to take over as one of the most eligible bachelors of the Wi/Ht? forums. ;P
... I think I'll just count that as a vote for icon mods. Also, forum mods are more sexy than anything and that's a fact.

NEVR is a more experienced moderator and you have to take his word on forum mods having very little to no sex appeal.

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote:
You're going to need to sell it harder than that...
How about a meet and greet with Bahamut in London next week? I could arrange that for you.

You called?

At 7/31/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:32 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Today is Pigeon's birthday and now I'm congratulating:
So, what's the average lifetime of a pigeon?

ThePigeonMaster can live much longer than other pigeons.

At 7/30/10 03:36 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Sorry for the double post but I'm just telling you that somebody of you guys will make me a birthday thread. So if you're not "that person", please don't make me a thread and wait for the big one :P
You covered it well - if you had said "that dragon", it would've been easier to figure out who would make it.

That would have been too much of a giveaway.

At 7/30/10 11:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Haha, that is so true. I guess we just found many ways to make conversations and now we're full of it. Still, the activity in LUL overall isn't as fast as it used to be. It used to be 1 or 2 new pages each day. Now it's a new page every 2 days. On the bright side, it seems to be more conversations than posts about achievements.
Yeah, I remember it being more active in my lurking days. But we are still a great place to hang out at, despite missing some users...

Yeah, it would be nice if they could return. Still, not much we can do and let's be grateful that we have several great loungers around here.

That reminds me of one picture by FatChaos.
Where? Which? When?

Dis guy. View at your own risk.

Tommy Wiseau just can't take his criticism. I find that funny since many people have written negative reviews for his film before but when NC reviewed it, he wanted it gone. I'll admit, I wasn't great with handling criticism for my flashes a few years back but goddamn, if someone made a video review of it, I wouldn't make copyright claims on it. Hell, you can hate my flashes all you want and I won't care.
Nobody hates your flashes, though. Your flashes >>>>>>>>> The Room. ;)

I don't expect everyone to like my flashes. Infact, I only expect a minority to enjoy it. Sure, 110 faves for flash author is quite a lot but I'm still an underground artist.

And yeah, the review is still up on other sites (youtube!), why he only got it down on TGWTG?

Tommy Wiseau hardly makes any sense, I guess.

That's the only good thing that came out from the copyright infringement. I find the Tommy Wiseau show to be one of the funniest videos by Doug in a long time.
Hahahahaha, yes! That video is great, his Wiseau impersonation was perfect!

I wish I could do an impersonation of Wiseau that well.

You'll get used to it after a while.
Hopefully. I think I always miss deposits, when I haven't done so yet. I'll try to keep it up!

Yeah, I too get paranoid about missing deposits. I sometimes think I didn't do the 5 votes for the day at all or slipped and didn't vote for the last flash. The only deposits I miss are the occasional ones for my alts but that's alright for me.

Can't you download low-res skins for the models to make it easier on the performance?
I guess I'll just wait until my father returns from Chile (he and my mother will go there on the 3rd and will return a week later) so we can talk about buying a new computer. I'll hold my expectations, although he complained about this computer today, so it's a step forward! :P

Here's hoping you can get a better computer. TF2 is far too demanding these days, even though it's a 2007 game.

And I want to write a story about two dragons or even make a flash about it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Yeah, I sure hope I can make it someday. I do love the ideas I have in mind.

True but will he ever return? I have doubts.
I don't think he'll quit as a whole. Even if he makes only those odd posts here & there, he'll still be around. Lurking. In the shadows. ¬¬

Well, the last thing he posted was in my birthday thread.

Will do. However, I get the feeling a few others will want me to say hi to them as well.
Ok, then say hi for "all the Wi/Ht mates"! That covers it. :)

Yeah, that works!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 06:03:10

At 7/31/10 04:01 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: The Call of the Wintermoon is the greatest example of their humour.
Yes. The video is just priceless. Especially the "Benny Hill" version. XD

Meh, Benny Hill is overused.

Well, there's still time for my aunt. However, she's all the way up in scotland and her boyfriend can take care of the driving for her so maybe it's not necessary.
I head most people in the northern parts of scotland don't even own a car and hitchhike instead.

If that's the case, he must be in the minority in Scotland for owning a car, even if his car is ancient.

Night travel services aren't very good around here. The last bus getting to my road is at midnight so I can't stay out in town for too long.
I forgot to include that 24 hours of public transportation is only avaiable on Weekends (Friday to Sunday), during the week, I'd have to rely on those night busses. But there's not too much reason to stay out late during the week anyway.

Well, you could be out late having a few drinks.

I've probably said this before but please give Megadeth a real chance someday.
Yeah, I think you said that already. ^^

Of course. Megadeth are one of the key bands in heavy metal as well as sharing several similarities with Metallica.

I thought it was completely horrendous and not funny in the slightest.
I liked the "Back to the Future" reference, for example.

There was one? Either I missed it or the joke fell flat.

Actually, there'll eventually be many users at level 49. For now, there's only less than 100 who are at there or past it. I remember when the redesign launched ramagi was at level 45 and now we have around 170 users who are level 45 or above.
I still think more people will reach level 15 and not so many level 49. ;)

Yes but suffering with the cupid for over 100 days is still horrible.

Which review mods are sexy, though? :P
Coop and NEVR of course. But both of them are also forum moderators... I wonder if THAT means anything.

In other words, none of the review mods are sexy. :P

At 7/30/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: But we got a lot more than just dragons on the icon moderator team! Like exotic women, such as the lovely Reaneanea.
I can't see any of the other icon mods. There's a big blue dragon in my line of sight.

All you need to see is me. ;)

At 7/31/10 05:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/30/10 11:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: I won't be able to rely on them for triangles in metal, though.
Fair enough - we need some massive amps for it, just to bring it to the masses

Just leave it to me. I'll find something that can add tons of energy to triangles.

It was magnificent.
Thank you :D

And now to hear it next week in person. I actually had a brief dream this morning where we were at the meet. We only had breakfast, though but if I slept longer, I'm sure more interesting things would have happened.

Hopefully it recovers by next Friday.
No, I'd like to have a badass black eye for the meet :P

Quit being so hardcore. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-31 06:03:44

List #104

I had an awesome day, and now I'm congratulating:

reverend: 14,000 Experience & Top 700 Exp
Knugen: 2,000 Days on NG
Hacsev: 39,000 Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 50,000 Total Points
DeIvL666: Level 15
aldlv: 24,000 Saves
sandwich-eater: Level 17
gamejunkie: Top 140 B/P

Thanks to:

All the people who wished me a happy birthday today :)

Listening to:

Chicago - Your the Inspiration


At 7/31/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: So, what's the average lifetime of a pigeon?

From 2 to 3 years. But I'm immortal :P

It's a distant dream, though.

I've already said to my mother that I wanted to take flying lessons and, eventually, become a commercial aeroplane pilot. She denied it with the reason if each class costing about R$300,00, which is actually true.

I'm still not sure if I REALLY want to join the Brazilian Air Force, but it would be great if it actually happened. There's a base I my city, and a couple in the south of Brazil, where I have familiars. I have to think about this...

Oh, then now I see what's going on. Think very carefully about making that decision, since it's obvious it will affect the rest of your life. Independent of whatever you choose.

As for the airport, well I'm already a 18 years old guy so know I can officially get out of the country without the permission of an adult :P
Come to Brazil! ;P

Hell Yeah! That's one of MY dreams :P

I'm gonna visit you and watch the awesome spectacle you've got near of your house.
Well... we could just go to the airport, then. :P

This is a small schedule of what I would like to do if I ever travel to Brazil:

- Visit Rio and São Paulo
- Take a snapshot of the Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer)
- Get deep inside of the Amazon jungle and watch the river.
- See if I have luck enough to meet Ronaldinho (if he is in the country) or Xuxa :P (same with her, lol)
- Being in the legendary Brazilian Carnival

Força Aérea Brasileira = FAB. Really, that's the name.
Hahahahahahahaha. Coincidence? ;)
A pretty FABulous one!

Fab aura is so kickass that it crossed the dimension of computers to the real world.

At 7/30/10 03:36 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Sorry for the double post but I'm just telling you that somebody of you guys will make me a birthday thread. So if you're not "that person", please don't make me a thread and wait for the big one :P
You covered it well - if you had said "that dragon", it would've been easier to figure out who would make it.

lmao, I was actually gonna post that in first place.

I play guitar IRL, does that count on something?

Any kind of guitarist kick ass. Period.
If you play guitar or appreciate the beautiful sound they create, you're in the club :P

At 7/31/10 05:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:32 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: I've not used anything so far - not really a painful situation, but it looks good :P
Well, that's pretty good to hear. And yeah, it looks pretty badass :P
And now it's starting to heal - I just need a few more days, so that certain friends can see it :P

Hahaha. I remember when I had my black eye, it disappeared in 1 week, I guess it took a lot of time in healing since the rock hit strong and directly in my eye, as I said in my last post.

Next time be careful with those cricket balls :P

At 7/30/10 01:00 PM, Auz wrote: Sex appeal standings:

Icon mods 1 - 1 Review mods

Icon mods look so sexy, IMO. I wish I could be one of them in my hopes on looking sexy in newgrounds :3

So my vote goes for the icon mods.

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