Time on NG: 5 year(s), 9 month(s) and 13 day(s) (=2112 days)
And the meek shall inherit the earth. Speaking of earth, the first two episodes of Futurama season 6 are great. The storylines for both episodes are miles ahead of ANYTHING The Simpsons have done over the last decade.
Listening to:
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol
At 6/24/10 12:00 PM, Fro wrote:
Also, icon mods rock.
Indeed, welcome aboard Fro!
At 6/24/10 01:01 PM, reverend wrote:
At 6/22/10 03:39 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Well, I think we should have at least the "fav. Bahamut alt" award. Or a "fav. alt" overall. :)
I don't know too many other Wi/Hters with alts to include everyone; Fro has several, gfox has a couple, I have one...
Coop83 has C0GMA, Rohan has R-T-B, NEVR has an alt (need to remember what it was now) and Afro_Stud has 40 or so but he doesn't count because he doesn't even post on the BBS anymore.
At 6/24/10 03:58 PM, Haggard wrote:
*continues to blow vuvuzela* :P
*punches Coop in the stomach*
This is for hating Manowar!
At 6/24/10 11:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
So, did you beat the crap out of that douchebag?
No, luckily he either stopped or went somewhere else.
Or maybe someone else beat him up before you had the chance.
The trident is alright but if you want to avoid the cupid at all costs, you're best stopping somewhere between 41 - 46. As for me, I'll soldier my way through it.
Yes, no stopping for the main account. That's what alts are for. Still haven't decided at which levels to stop my alts at. ^^
Faggard for level 49. As for my main, definitely no stopping at all.
Yeah but if the supposedly Bahamut fans show up, I'm sure they'd vote me for Best Poster.
Maybe they vote you for both? That would be even more funny. "Look at him. He makes the best posts and is also the most underrated user!"
I suppose they would vote me for Most Underrated. Well, it's not going to happen. The deadline is today and I definitely haven't won Most Underrated.
Now this is getting silly.
Yes, seems like some people make up new genres just to sound "clever".
Yeah, and viking metal is not an official genre to me. It's only describing the lyrical themes of the music.
At 6/24/10 03:59 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/23/10 11:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yeah, I don't think there's a lot of users out there with over 900 audio reviews.
Nope. Oh well he got 1,000 audio reviews almost the day after, so he got his AOTD anyway :)
Quake voice: Impressive.
Oh yes it will. I can't wait until my next level up.
Level 45 is sweet indeed.
Yep, it is the level icon of Death. If that doesn't make it awesome, nothing will.
Usually I think if the person you nominated for gets through to the finals, you should also vote for them there as well but a reason like that I understand.
Yes you are right about that. It is quite silly to suddenly vote for someone else, but I thought this reason was sufficient to change my vote.
You're forgiven. I don't think I said it yet but thanks for voting me for Best Poster.
Hahahaha. Of course I'll stick around afterwards. However, another 10 years? We'll just have to wait and see.
If gfoxcook can still be around here at his 32nd, you surely can too.
I'm not promising anything.
It'll be an option, though.
Butter and toast is typically British too right? It's about the only British thing that sounds alright to me in the early morning.
Not to worry, you'll have your butter and toast. You know, I wish I had American breakfast more often. I think they put our breakfast to shame.
No, something far, FAR worse!
Was he just seriously ranting about the shapes in his lucky charms breakfast? 0.0
Yes, this guy actually thinks there's something wrong with them changing shapes of the cereal.
What's up with the irate gamer anyway? I keep hearing complaints about him.
That's one of the many reasons that's wrong about him. Not to whore my rants out but I give out reasonably good points as to why he sucks on my rant.
If it's on Pico Day, that's one of the many things to find out there. ;) I'm guessing every Pico Day event will be like this year with a special party at the NG office.
Yeah and wasn't Tom talking about opening the office and turning the first floor into a hangout place for NG users? I'd definitely check that out if I was living anywhere near Philedelphia.
Why don't I live there rather than here? :P
I thought maybe due to you being an icon/genre mod, your 99 flashes and your 20k+ posts the NG
Recognisable, sure but stats mean nothing to them so that just makes the modship and long time regular. Heh, now I wonder if they read my posts on a regular so to any of the NG staff reading this:
Hello! :D
Maybe they really enjoyed your 99 flash movies (and are eagerly waiting for your 100th)?
I find that to be far fetched. There's so many better flashes out there and most of the movies I made were rather silly. However, I'm at least proud to have made something original rather than following one of the crowds. OK, I did have a video game sprite in most of them but that was just one character. Still, who else has made a series of cartoons about a blue dragon, a star with afro hair and a goatse loving nerd?
At 6/24/10 05:46 PM, Myst wrote:
Wuuuuut ? I'm #55 on the list ? Damn, I tought I was way further then that ! Well, I thought I'd stop at level 50, but if I can make it to the top 50 it's worthy to keep on voting !
Sorry molotov, you might not pass me that soon, all thanks to Lizzardis :D
I hate to burst your bubble but even if you're a few ranks away from the top 50, it'll be very tough for you to get on there. As of my latest EXP update, there's only two inactive users in the top 50 (Sizzler is now out, though) and one semi-active user while the rest are very active and don't miss too many deposits. Still, it'll be an interesting challenge for you.
At 6/24/10 08:48 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 6/24/10 11:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Futurama returns for America today!
And so are the new episodes.
I was once curious about it but a few pictures in and I knew it wasn't good for my sanity.
Hell, I can't even stand 4chan. It's the user that annoyed me, but the pictures that drove me away. I suppose they think they're being funny but...no.
I've tried going on 4chan a few times but to me, the whole site is a complete mess. I'm happy to be posting regularly in a more organised forum like Newgrounds.
At 6/25/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/24/10 11:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
It should be worth every penny. I've pre-ordered the 2CD digipak edition of Blind Guardian's new album for £14 and I know it'll be worth it.
As per some of Eddie's pictures, they are real no-brainers ;)
Of course, it's Blind Guardian, how could I be hesitant to buy their new album? I even heard previews of the new songs right here and so far so awesome.
You broke the rules
Now I'll pull out all your pubic hair.
You mother fucker
You mother fucker
Kyle betrayed me
And then he lied tried to hide