TGIF; congrats to:
Stretchysumo - Level 24
HeavyTank - 36k Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 25k Medal Points
Chumbawamba - 16k Exp and Sgt Major
Xiivi - Level 44
NeMeSiSM66 - 33,330 Exp
Fro - 100 Art Reviews
gamejunkie - 43 Years Old! - I think Bila and Denvish are older but not by much.
At 4/16/10 01:45 AM, Xiivi wrote: Don't be a sword, don't be a sword.
I swear, whatever this new level is better not be another damn sword.
Level 44 is my only favorite sword icon but yes NG has too many sword icons.
At 4/16/10 08:10 AM, Bahamut wrote: I thought that'd be the name of Coop's first child. :P
I thought all the Coops go in sequential order...
At 4/16/10 08:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: * I mean seriously, if someone tried to tell me that a reason for not paying out on an insurance policy was because of a so called Act of God, I would ask them for unquestionable proof of any deity's existence and their direct involvement in such a phenomenon. I'm agnostic, so I will be willing to reconsider my findings if they brought me proof, I am just skeptical about the methods of proving it ;)
They should really call it an 'Act of Nature' because that's what it really is. I guess Act of God is more catchy.
So I either had my first child at 1 or at 15. Potent, I'll give you that, but not me ;)
So that's what the 83 stands for; your birth year. I thought it was just some random numbers.
At 4/16/10 10:01 AM, Haggard wrote:Draft someone else in? Haggard? reverend?Don't look at me, man. *takes a step back*
Hey look there is Auz. He'll do it!
At 4/16/10 11:53 AM, Auz wrote: Ah :p I always wondered how the American system would work with those letters as grades. I didn't know how you could take the average of an A and a B. Thought you guys just had to get anything higher than an F for every test or something, but with those percentages it makes more sense.
For most courses relating to your major you have to get above a C grade or else you have to retake it. For your electives you can take a D but that won't do much good for your GPA.
Anyway, I suppose you took it easy and went for a B then in that case :p That's what I would do at least.
Yeah it was my last final of the semester and I did decent on it, I want to say I got a 77% which gave me a B overall. The professor was a new one, so he was super easy on the grading.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.