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FBIpolux: 300 Reviews
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Kaytee: Commander
Sir-Nuts: 20,000 Medal Points
mwmike: 5,000 Posts
Faggard: Level 27
At 3/2/10 02:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 3/2/10 10:18 AM, Auz wrote: Hahaha. Well I knew it was pretty bad in Brazil when it comes to corruptness, but I thought it was slowly getting better and better. Guess not.Hahahaha, it isn't getting better anytime soon. This case, for example, has been under secret investigation since 2006, but only came to public now.
Also, our judiciary system is very lenient, there are many ways to ramble on for five years, until the crime "expires". We need stricter laws.
Expires? I'm not sure if things like that are even possible in Europe :p
Also, I always find it strange that countries run investigations against their own politicians. I mean I always thought that the politicians were pretty much in charge of that. Or does the guy have many enemies in his own government?
Haha yeah the commander guy was by far my favorite character in the entire movie. I just loved how he jumped out of that burning airplane, and how his shoulder was on fire but he didn't even cared at first. Then he just slapped it out with his bare hands :pHahaha, I remember that. Also, when he was trying to stop their airplane, he pretty much didn't care about the oxygen masks. :P
Haha oh yeah! He was standing there, shooting at the aircraft for like a full minute before he went back to breathe.
I also loved how he was just sipping his coffee when he was blasting the crap out of that home tree with those helicopters. That was probably my favorite action scene from the entire movie.
I heard that with some 3D movies they provide 3D glasses with the DVD's though. But I heard the quality of those glasses was just terrible, and it just doesn't work that well. I suppose they might also come up with a 2D version, which I would have preferred in the cinema, but like I said I don't think it will be that amazing on a small screen.Yeah, we once rented a movie that came with a 3D option + a pair of glasses. We didn't try it, though, but I I think it would have looked a bit choppy on our TV.
And yeah, those 3D glasses aren't the best invention ever. I had several headaches during the film, where I had to take the glasses off and rest my view for a few seconds. Although I think they won't release a "regular" version for it, though. It's up to the movie staff.
That's a complaint I hear more often. People getting headaches in the cinemas after a while and from some people I even heard they had to leave after 20 minutes or so. Gotta say that my eyes also started to hurt after an hour or so.
That's one of the main reasons why I don't like 3D cinema so much. I mean I can just feel that my eyes are simply being deceived.
What I also hate is that there are more and more movies coming out right now which are only in 3D. Like next weekend I'll be going to Alice in Wonderland, but I will have to watch it in 3D and I will have to pay a few euros extra for that. I don't want to pay extra >=(
A resistance as in: She just wanted people to pay for her music? And why did she gave up then?I think so, her music was being more downloaded than bought, I believe.
She gave up due to many people "attacking" her blog, harassing her (you mercenary etc...) and such. I think Muse was supporting her as well, something like "if we want you to download our music like that, we would make it available for you. Since we didn't, then don't do it!".
Oh, and the whole Muse catalogue is available at their site, just to listen, not downloading.
Hehe well if your music is being downloaded more than bought than I can imagine that can kinda suck if you are an artist :p But I bet she is still earning plenty of money anyway, so... I can't feel sorry for her.
Also meh.. I got a feeling it's a war they can't win anyway. I mean, I believe youtube keeps trying to remove videos of copyrighted material but it seems that there are more going in than out. They're only creating more and more dead links on their own website this way.
Yeah I guess that's true. But I suppose there will be a limit for that as well. Eventually there must be a point where the fans just don't want to go anymore. I believe we are already nearing that point here. I believe two years ago, concerts from Madonna and some other huge artist were not even sold out due to the insanely high ticket prices.Hey, I think we have reached that point. I'll make a new blog soon but for now...
B.B. King is coming for a concert where I live. The cheapest tickets are at about R$150,00 which would be about U$90,00. The most expensive is at R$600,00. And hey, I wanted to go, but I'm not able to, because the prices are nearing the absurd.
B.B. King is probably a great artist, but I would never pay $90 to visit his show. That's just too much indeed. Especially for someone who is almost retired.
Yeah, but there was also a spitting accident once. Roger Waters once said that he couldn't stand people who screamed through his music when he was playing live and he spit a fan in the face apparently. That must've happened somewhere during the Animals Tour and I believe that accident and attitude is sort of where The Wall came from.Ah, I remember seeing that in a mini documentary. He thought of the stage and the crowd being split by an invisible wall or something, then he came up with it. The other meanings for it are very "spread".
Oh yeah that's another thing I heard. So yeah, it has a lot of autobiographic elements from Roger Waters life as a musician.
Oh yeah The Resistance is the album I mean. I haven't listened to Origin of Symmetry yet, although I am sure I must know a song or two. I think it is considered Muse's best album by most people.Hahaha, yeah, I remember reading when you said "I've just listened to Muse's new album, and I still don't like Muse" or something. Yeah, The Resistance isn't a good album for "starters", hahaha.
I think Absolution and Origin of Symmetry are their best albums. Go to Muse's website to listen to all of them, if you feel like. =)
Listening to some Origin of Symmetry songs right now. I still don't know. Instrumentally it is alright in my opinion, but their singer... I just really don't like his voice. Bliss is probably the best song from that album in my opinion.
Also I must say that I am really missing variety. Every single one of their songs sounds.. depressing imo =/