Auz's VIP replies (since I was running out of characters in the other post :P).
At 2/27/10 11:00 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Envy me, I had the whole week off because of carnival! ;)
I do, carnaval in Brazil must be awesome 0.0
Depends... sure, there are parties pretty much everywhere you go to, but the amount of irresponsible people is just stunning. This year, I think we broke the record for deaths/injuries, mostly because of car accidents. Despite all the warnings, we managed to do it. >:(
Just had a whole week off myself though, but it's only been boring and rainy out here. Having done much but hanging around doing nothing.
I didn't do much during carnival either, aside from watching Avatar. :)
It's a great movie, but the ending is predictable since the beginning.
Sweet. Although my dad is probably older than yours (he's 50 now), his musical ''era'' was a bit earlier. He's more fond of 60's/70's music. However, I think he has a tape (yeah, a tape!) with ''Joshua Tree'' in it. I don't know if it works or not, though.
Not much difference then. My dad is.. 48 now I think. But he used to be a DJ in the 80's at some small hang-out place for young people. I guess that's why he must prefer that era.
Really? That's awesome! He must know a lot about the 80s, then.
Also, my dad is a little bit oldschool: he bought a leather jacket the other day - he looked like a bald Billy Idol. :P
And a tape? :p I haven't seen one of those anymore since I was seven or so.
Hahahaha, we used to have a car which still had a tape player, and we actually used it often!
But yeah, there's a tape player right next to me, i think it still works, despite being stopped for a while now. And there's a 12-pack of recording tapes in a drawer here, and it's still locked. My dad used them a lot back in the day. :)
And downloading music is still easy, isn't it?
Eh, not really. I'm concerned about it nowadays, with all the recording companies bitching about it. =/
Oh yeah, true. Seems to be more and more bitching going on nowadays. I remember recently there was some discussion going on again in our government that people might get fined if they put music videos from youtube on their profile pages (like on facebook, myspace etc.). Luckily not many people supported that plan though, but I can see it happening in the future.
Seriously? The recording companies have gone that low now?
Really, I think the artists like when their music is spread like that. It's more fame for them, more people will appreciate their music. That's why independent labels (like Domino [Franz Ferdinand, Dirty Projectors...]) are great - they don't really mind about that.
I think Tubular Bells has only two 20-minute tracks, called Tubular Bells I and II.
Really? But they must be split up then in different parts, because I remember I had some part called 'Finale' on my MP3 coming from the Tubular Bells album.
Well... on the back of the disc it's written just "Tubular Bells" part I and II, and it's only split due to the original vinyl recording, I think. But the song itself changes a lot during it's ~20 minutes, so it's possible that it's split.
Genesis is a pretty confusing band I guess. I think I must know some of their songs, but they could be from Peter Gabriel's or Phil Collins' solo-careers as well.
They have great songs, though. Really, give "Invisible Touch" a listen. :)
Snowy White is one of the other guitarists, the oldest one I think. And someone once wrote that he could be considered the sixth Pink Floyd member. He used to tour with Pink Floyd occasionally and now he tours with Roger Waters. I thought he was with them on the Animals tour and it could be that he even did some of the guitars on that album.
Ah, alright then. I read that he was playing with Pink Floyd during the Wall tour as well as recording some guitar parts in some albums. Weird, I've never heard of him before.
Also I thought he had some solo career once, but I guess he never really got world famous with that.
I'd guess he's more of a ''special participation'' guitarist, then.
Indeed. That part and ''The Trial'' as well are very ''touching''.
Agreed. The whole movie was actually very touching I think. At least it left a great impression on me after I first watched it.
Yeah, but it's a little weird as well. I mean, who becomes a Nazi leader overnight? :P
But I think that must mean something else, metaphorically...
I also recommend Muse. I have already seen them live, and I'm proud of that. =)
Well... I know a lot of people who are big fans of Muse, but for some reason I have never liked them all that much. I think it's mostly because of their singer (Matt Bellamy?). I just think he sounds very whiney.
Yup, that would be Matthew Bellamy.
And yeah, his singing sometimes is weird. In Supermassive Black Hole, he sings in falsetto, but it isn't very good. Although I really like Muse, their songs are so full of energy! :)
Not so exclusive anymore, since Fro has just posted as well. :P
At 2/28/10 03:18 PM, Fro wrote:
Fro just got the news seconds ago that his niece was successfully brought into this world...
Congrats, uncle Fro!
Sir-Nuts: 23,000 B/P, Spamming the LUL
Hey, I didn't spam anything... <.<
At 2/27/10 11:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Ah, but it's been a while since you changed your username, not everyone remembers Corky52. I think more people remember Fro, though. :)
Tom made a thread about how hardcore Corky52 was though. :P
Hello, Mr. hardcore user with lots of friends! Hahahahaha, I remember that.
Anyone knows if the "friends system'' is still on the backburner?