Fro just recently fell down the stairs while saying Congrats To:
mwmike: 10,000 Medal Points
michelinman: Level 16
Coop: 1,600 Flash Reviews (thanks for the plug)
cantstophammertime: Police Lieutenant
dx5231: 13,000 B/P
Hacsev: 26,000 Medal Points
MagnumForce: Level 11
cheesebizkit: Total Voting Power of 10
Ship: Level 22
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 23,000 Medal Points
Haggard: 15,000 Medal Points
LegolaSS: 30,000 Medal Points
ChampionAnwar: 1,000 Posts
Thanks to:
At 2/25/10 02:02 PM, Haggard wrote:
That's why I think we should add medals - not medal POINTS
Yeah, that's what I said. :P
At 2/25/10 03:46 PM, dx5231 wrote:
Holy shit, now that I stop to think about it, 13k flashes (well, I didn't get b/p for every single flash I have watched/played so far, so it's more than that) is a fucking lot!
That's why I question people when they get more than 100 B/P a day for a week. If you can honestly watch that many movies (not counting the ones that passed that you voted to blam) then you need to find a new hobby. :P
I know what you mean though. It's crazy to think that you've voted correctly on that many flashes.
At 2/26/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Well, give me about a week and I can do other voices - my vocals got such abuse last night, what with a cold and the vocals for Shadow of Intent. I belted out a Maiden Medley, so I'm a little delicate :P
Don't worry about it. With lesson plans being written now and with midterms next week I'm not even thinking about the script right now. I won't start writing till break here in a couple weeks.
At 2/26/10 11:01 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/26/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:
I never even had one. :D
Neither did I. ^^
Tis a shame. The topic died out quite quickly. Even after Coop's post, but I still get to respond to it tomorrow if I have time. That might bring in something, but if not I'll allow it to die.
At 2/26/10 02:18 PM, reverend wrote:
Well first it doesn't really roll off the tongue as well, and second considering it's pretty easy to cheat the system and steal medals it would be hard to tell from people who legitimately earned medals from those who stole medals without using suspicion and hearsay. You can check out the top medal list to see what all sorts of problems they are having with it.
Yeah, I almost feel like there should be an additional thread where they can call people out and try to prove it there because they are really bringing the threads off topic. It's quite annoying actually. PM system anyone?
What the hell is the point of the medal system if your not going to play the game the way it's suppose to be played.