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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 08:17:05

EA Sports rant is up!

Also, I've been watching through the entire Red Dwarf series and I was not pleased with Back to Earth.

Listening to:

Megadeth - So Far, So Good...So What!

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Cthulhu? I kniw it's a different spelling but...

Still related, so it's good. I'm hoping you've heard Metallica's instrumental.

When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)

Gave that a listen and my thoughts, not bad.

Ah, I remember the days when Audio reviews weren't even counted on our profiles. Still, you must have written a fair amount of Art reviews by now.
I think it's somewhere between 20 and 50 at the moment. Maybe I'll start writing a load more at some point...

That's good to hear, you'll soon get your sudden boost in total reviews.

Yes but you have more saves than me as well as more reviews and EXP.
Well, that's true... plus I haven't retired from stats either, unlike both yourself and gfoxcook :P

I haven't retired from B/P'ing just yet. I'm very close, though.

At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Deine Lakaien - Resurrection Machine - Hey Bahamut, you should check out Deine Lakaien! ;)

What's with all the German recommendations?

At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: OK, when I see you today. :P
Great. :)

And thus you finally listened to Knights of Cydonia. Good to know you liked the song.

I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.
LOL! You fail.

Yeah right.

I mean, Metallica used to be called "Alcoholica" because of their excessive drinking, and yet Mustaine got thrown out because he was drinking too much. Hell, he wasn't even sober when they had shows so he couldn't hardly play the guitar. ^^

He was more metal than Metallica. :P ...And still is.

So you want to hear some Kreator as well?
Yeah, they play at the Rock Hard Festival next year, so I have to check them out a bit to see if I want to see them live or not.

Alright, I'll have to show you some Kreator when you're on MSN/AIM again.

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean awesome.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.
You're not making sense, I see no fixes.
That's because you constantly change my fixes back.

Liar, I never made any fix backs.

St. Anger is abysmal.
No, that's the adjective you should use when talking about Manowar.

But Manowar's music is far superior to St. Anger.

It gets annoying to fix yours as well. Also, you spelt annoying wrong, lololololol.
I didn't spell it wrong, I wanted to type it that way. :P

No, it was an unintentional typo, don't deny it.

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
But he shouldn't listen to any more songs by Die Toten Hosen. Die Ärzte > Die Toten Hosen. ^^

MORE GERMAN RECOMMENDATIONS?! ...Hey, Die Arzte sounds vaguely familiar.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 09:34:39

TGIF! Congrats to:
LegolaSS - 18,000 Medal Points
Fro - 9,000 Posts and 888 Audio Reviews!
Metal-Therapy - 32k B/P
PortalwarpedJP - Level 16
SupiciousPenguin - 2 Years on NG
LynchedJohNNY - Sergeant
Joeyag - Level 23
TacoFreak - Level 31


At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now I feel ashamed for having only 8,660 medal points. ;_;

Getting medal points is like Sisyphus rolling a rock up hill; as soon as you get close to having them all, another game comes out. :)

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Talking of highlights, a heart-warming tale from a life long Phillies fan.

Yeah, I saw that a couple of days ago on Sportscenter :)
With all the negative news that's been flying around I'm glad a story like that came out. It was really sweet, especially the Dad's reaction.

At 9/17/09 08:30 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I do to! Last night was a older one but still good non the less. He tried to eat some wings that were over 5,000,000 scoville units. He had to eat ten wings and only got though about half of them and just could not finish them. I have been sleeping during the day after school and staying up kinda late, works for me.

There was supposed to be a new one that night were he had to face a 'mystery challenge;' that's the one I missed. I think my favorite challenge so far has been the Four Horseman Burgers.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 09:36:53

2500 b/p
also 50 posts

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 13:40:49

At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Cthulhu? I know it's a different spelling but...
Yeah, the song is named after the short story by Lovecraft.
He's always been my second favourite HP - right behind the table sauce.

HP? That has vinegar as an ingredient, right? -.-

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)
When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
But he shouldn't listen to any more songs by Die Toten Hosen. Die Ärzte > Die Toten Hosen. ^^
I did not know that - additional listening material gleaned for later.

It's just a personal taste. There are a few good Hosen songs, but Die Ärzte have more than 16 good albums. :D

At 9/18/09 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Deine Lakaien - Resurrection Machine - Hey Bahamut, you should check out Deine Lakaien! ;)
What's with all the German recommendations?

Hey, try to broaden your horizon. Listen to music where you don't understand the lyrics for a change. XD
Also, Deine Lakaien sing in english. :P
Reincarnation is a pretty good song for example.

At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: OK, when I see you today. :P
Great. :)
And thus you finally listened to Knights of Cydonia. Good to know you liked the song.

Yes, it's nice. But I don't think I'll buy any Muse albums in the near future. ^^

I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.
LOL! You fail.
Yeah right.

Glad that you agree with me. :P

I mean, Metallica used to be called "Alcoholica" because of their excessive drinking, and yet Mustaine got thrown out because he was drinking too much. Hell, he wasn't even sober when they had shows so he couldn't hardly play the guitar. ^^
He was more metal than Metallica. :P ...And still is.

Wait, being drunk all the time = being more metal? I don't think so. :P

Mustaine is a pretty sad case, imo. He's a genius even though he drank away most of his brain by now. Just think what he could've done if he wasn't drunk all the time.

So you want to hear some Kreator as well?
Yeah, they play at the Rock Hard Festival next year, so I have to check them out a bit to see if I want to see them live or not.
Alright, I'll have to show you some Kreator when you're on MSN/AIM again.

I'll just check their home- and myspace-page. ;)
And if I like it, I'll have a look at youtube.

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean boring.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.
You're not making sense, I see no fixes.
That's because you constantly change my fixes back.
Liar, I never made any fix backs.

You're the liar.

St. Anger is abysmal.
No, that's the adjective you should use when talking about Manowar.
But Manowar's music is far superior to St. Anger.

You fail again.
I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear than to listen to Manowar for one single second.</AVGN>

It gets annoying to fix yours as well. Also, you spelt annoying wrong, lololololol.
I didn't spell it wrong, I wanted to type it that way. :P
No, it was an unintentional typo, don't deny it.

Everything I type I really wanted to type that way.

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
But he shouldn't listen to any more songs by Die Toten Hosen. Die Ärzte > Die Toten Hosen. ^^
MORE GERMAN RECOMMENDATIONS?! ...Hey, Die Arzte sounds vaguely familiar.

Die Ärzte are very big in germany and german speaking countries, so maybe some people in the UK know them as well.
Also Die Ärzte - Unrockbar.
A song about people who don't know how to rock. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 15:49:14

You guys know you like my sexy new icon. :3

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 16:52:57

My account Is 3 years old today!

Since today is my NG account birthday, I have to make a comparison between this time last year and now :::not mine:::

Over the past 3 years on newgrounds i have become a whole new user from what i was in 2006. Since i just signed up at that date no pont of saying how my stats were.

I started off just watching flashes in the portal and voting on them, so i could get my 10 exp a day and thats all i really did. I did not make my first post until june of 2007 thus my low post count at the time. I just made it to the forums only interested in talking about madness combat and the like. I could not type very well at the time and could not spell or did not use grammar to any extent. I then remeber getting alot of bans and alot of posts deleted, and still just deposting my exp points.

Some where around this time i just left. It was pre- redesign i left after hitting level 9, back then the difference was around 1,600 points.

I soon became really active on the general in 2007 up until 2008 where i soon started posting alot in here to get some help with things around the site. I was in the catagory of a troll/spammer at this time, even by the general forum standards. I also started poing in the clubs/crews and became a member in clubs that i am still active with today. As this happened, by mid 08' i almost stopped posting in the general and now don't really at all. I started to learn the ropes of this part of the forum soon. With help from alot of the memebers that are now mod's or are inactive.

During 2007 to mid 2008 i was not really accepted here yet as you all remeber :::hope not:::. I was just trying to help when the question was answered already and just making stupid topics. I hadn't really found my place here yet. Then on 5/29/08 i was no longer Buster1 but know idiot-buster. I think this name change was needed to get rid of my old image and start from scratch. This all came to be when Gfox started to help me alot and followed me everywhere i posted. He hleped me fix all of the things i was doing wrong and without him i may have nver gotten where i am now.

After this period of time i really hit the forums had posting alot and b/p pace was very high as you can see below. I started to become more accepted and became a better user. I even became a regular on the list and am today. Now things are so much different then they were when i first started out. Now i'm a helpfull user here and a good memeber of this place we know as newgrounds.

2007: 1,720
2008: 5,380
2009: 8,970
Difference: 7,250
Comment: i don't have it perfect, but still not bad since i should be a level 32.

2007: 13
2008: 23
2009: 29
Difference: 16
Comment: Thats about were i should be, i don't mis a day depositing now so i should be on the rise in the next year.

EXP rank
2007: 11,855
2008: 2,799
2009: 1,457
Difference: ALOT!
Comment: I have come along way since 2007, being ranked over 11k just looks really low now. but today being in the top 1,500 is not bad and maby the top 1,000 next year.

2007: 1,014
2008: 3,357
2009: 6,176
Difference: about 5,000
Comment: My blam pace was really low when i first started and now it looks bad on my account. I have picked up the pace in the past 2 years but it is not even close to myn save count.

2007: 3,455
2008: 14,316
2009: 20,558
Difference: about 17,000
Comment: In 2008 i really started just to save almost everthing that came into the portal, i peaked at about 10,000 in 08' and 6,000 this year. It's going to be even lower in the years to come.

2007: 4,469
2008: 17,673
2009: 26,734
Difference: ALOT!
Comment: From where i started in 2007 and where i am now, i say i'm doing pretty good and could reach 30,000 by the years end.

B/P rank
2007: 903
2008: 232
2009: 180
Difference: 700something
Comment: I'm at that point were it is hard to go up even 1 rank, but in good time i should be in the top 150 by next year.

2007: 513
2008: 3,943
2009: 5,963
Difference: 1,825
Comment: As i said above i did really pick up the pace in lat 07' and into 2008 gaining almost 3,500 in 1 year and from this to last year i have gained 2,020 posts @;-}>

2007: 19
2008: 89
2009: 114
Not counting audio since i did not have any until 2008 and today only have 8.

2007: 1
2008: 1
2009: 1
Difference: 0
Comment: Wow

2007: normal
2008: gold
2009: deity
Comment: What a battle it was getting the final rank, but it was worth it.

Total Points (EXP + B/P + Posts + Reviews)
2007: 6,722
2008: 27,093
2009: 41,779
Difference: ALOT!
Comment: I have gained alot in the past year.

Here it is, my 3rd birthday post. It's alot to read and it took along time to write, but it was fun doing so.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 17:20:18

Congrats to:

Falling-Angel: 3 Years on NG
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 4 Years on NG
boloneyman: Level 33
LegolaSS: 18,000 Medal Points
Fro: 9,000 Posts; 888 Audio Reviews
Metal-Therapy: 32,000 B/P
portalwarpedJP: Level 16
SuspiciousPenguin: 2 Years on NG
LynchedJohNNY: Sergeant
Joeyag: Level 23
TacoFreak: Level 31
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 23,000 Saves
Fezz: Level 27
idiot-buster: 3 Years on NG

At 9/17/09 07:49 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/16/09 07:40 PM, Hacsev wrote: Alright, I'll be waiting.
Here you go. Any adjustments? Tweaks?

The faic looks a little flat. Can you fix it?

At 9/17/09 08:30 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: .At 9/16/09 08:06 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:
I think he just has alot of time on his hands.

Does he even sleep!?


20390, oh my god! Him too!
Now I feel ashamed for having only 8,660 medal points. ;_;
Look at me, i only have about 2,300 or just above that. Now that i see wylo has that much i now know i do suck at playing flash games.

You don't suck. Unless you really want the medals. What really surprises me is that Wylo is getting them for nothing in exchange. It's pretty stupid.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 22:42:04

level 22

I invented the "Informative" genre. Its better than having to call your flash "Educational." Who the hell wants to be educated on Newgrounds?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 23:19:20

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 90th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD. And it goes to...Frank-The-Hedgehog: 23,000 Saves!

Watching: some show?

Congrats to:
TacoFreak: Level 31
Fezz: Level 27
MegamanMegafan: level 22
JKMonkey: 8,000 posts

Thanks to:
All who made a list today.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 23:47:08

22,000 exp points :D

blood...its in you to give...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 00:44:23

Anyone need a plumber?

Level 22 for those who don't get the joke.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 05:07:51

900th post! Just 100 to go! After 1,000, I don't give a shit about my post count.

PSN username - UnreaK745 / PM me for similar sig.

Visit my page, cocksuckah.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 06:47:50

Coop be talking like a Pirate t'day, whoile congratulatin' these land lubbers:
TacoFreak: Levl 31
D3NN1S: 2,500 Points of Blam or protec'
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 23,000 Saves
Fezz: Levl 27
idiot-buster: Fer stickin' around with the likes of us fer 3 years now.
MegamanMegafan: Level 22
JKMonkey: 8,000 Posts - Yer be likin' ter run yer mouth?
Bloodthorne: 23,000 Experience - That be a piratin' name, if e'er I saw one.
Kevin: Levl 22

Arr, we be needin' a pirate emoticon!

At 9/18/09 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Cthulhu? I kniw it's a different spelling but...
Still related, so it's good. I'm hoping you've heard Metallica's instrumental.

Not yet, but I'll have a large window for stuff like that after lunch.

When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
Gave that a listen and my thoughts, not bad.

I got into that thanks to Guitar Hero 3, which was nice.

Ah, I remember the days when Audio reviews weren't even counted on our profiles. Still, you must have written a fair amount of Art reviews by now.
I think it's somewhere between 20 and 50 at the moment. Maybe I'll start writing a load more at some point...
That's good to hear, you'll soon get your sudden boost in total reviews.

With the amount I've written over the last week, it's starting to sound insignificant :P

Yes but you have more saves than me as well as more reviews and EXP.
Well, that's true... plus I haven't retired from stats either, unlike both yourself and gfoxcook :P
I haven't retired from B/P'ing just yet. I'm very close, though.

Nope, but you've practically retired from Reviewing :P

At 9/18/09 09:34 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Talking of highlights, a heart-warming tale from a life long Phillies fan.
Yeah, I saw that a couple of days ago on Sportscenter :)
With all the negative news that's been flying around I'm glad a story like that came out. It was really sweet, especially the Dad's reaction.

What was he going to do? Throw her off the stand to go and fetch the ball? You've got to be a dad first and a baseball fan second in that circumstance.

At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, the song is named after the short story by Lovecraft.
He's always been my second favourite HP - right behind the table sauce.
HP? That has vinegar as an ingredient, right? -.-

Yeah, but it used to be made about 20 miles down the road from me, so it's pretty local.

And yes, I did quite like Unrockbar.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 08:08:10

Yarr, a hearty congratulations to: -

TacoFreak - Level 31
Fezz - Level 27
idiot-buster - 3 Years on NG
MegamanMegafan - Level 22
JKMonkey - 8,000 Posts
Bloodthorne - 22,000 Exsperience
Kevin - Level 22

At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/17/09 03:51 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: I couldn't watch someone cutting me open and poking around inside, regardless of how minor it was. *shudders*

I mean, glad to hear it went alright :)
Haha, thanks Coop, as I said I know most people couldn't take seeing that being done to them, but what can I say, I'm weird like that lol.
I just had a Homer Simpson line float around my head - "Ooh, spiky. Eew, slimy. *gasp* moving. Aaw, $20" Just seemed right to me :P

Indeed, although "The kneebone's connected to the...something. The something's connected to the...red thing. The red thing's connected to my wrist watch...Uh oh..." seems equally appropriate :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 10:08:59

Rev use some rum right about now; Congrats to:
D3NN1S - Private
Frank-The-Hedgehog - 23k Saves
Fezz - Level 27
idiot-buster - 3 Years on NG
MegamanMegafan - Level 22
JKMonkey - 8,000 Posts
Bloodthorne - 22k Exp
Kevin - Level 22
VinnyXY - 5,000 Exp


At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: What was he going to do? Throw her off the stand to go and fetch the ball? You've got to be a dad first and a baseball fan second in that circumstance.

I would have not been surprised if he did. Philadelphia fan are that notoriously bad; from pelting Santa Claus with snowballs to cheering injured players, they are not the most gracious fans.

At 9/18/09 05:20 PM, Hacsev wrote: The faic looks a little flat. Can you fix it?


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 11:06:44

23k B/P.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 12:10:11

Level 10.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 13:13:53

Thanks for voting, TacoFreak! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 10,000 experience points. You need 670 more to get to Level 32. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 10 hours, 46 minutes, and 38 seconds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 13:30:29

Ahoy, happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, shiver me timbers!

Listenin' t':

Alestorm - Black Sails at Midnight

At 9/18/09 09:34 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now I feel ashamed for having only 8,660 medal points. ;_;
Getting medal points is like Sisyphus rolling a rock up hill; as soon as you get close to having them all, another game comes out. :)

Ahoy, and thar's still games for me t' play. I got verily lazy at one point and then came fi'e or so games. It'll only get worse later on. Aye.

At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/18/09 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: What's with all the German recommendations?
Hey, try to broaden your horizon. Listen to music where you don't understand the lyrics for a change. XD

Aye, me don't mind gettin' German recommendations, tis' just strange t' get a bunch all at once.

And thus you finally listened to Knights of Cydonia. Good to know you liked the song.
Yes, it's nice. But I don't think I'll buy any Muse albums in the near future. ^^

Arrr, what about just buyin' the song itself? Gar.

I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.
LOL! You fail.
Yeah right.
Glad that you agree with me. :P

Aye, that was a sarcastic agreement. Aye, me parrot concurs.

He was more metal than Metallica. :P ...And still is.
Wait, being drunk all the time = being more metal? I don't think so. :P

Ahoy, you verily need your metalness impro'ed. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Mustaine is a pretty sad case, imo. He's a genius even though he drank away most of his brain by now. Just think what he could've done if he wasn't drunk all the time.

Arrr, da'e Mustaine is fuckin' awesome, argh!

Alright, I'll have to show you some Kreator when you're on MSN/AIM again.
I'll just check their home- and myspace-page. ;)
And if I like it, I'll have a look at youtube.

Aye, or you could do that. Why didn't you do that for Muse? And how about doin' the same thin' for Megadeth? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean awesome.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.
You're not making sense, I see no fixes.
That's because you constantly change my fixes back.
Liar, I never made any fix backs.
You're the liar.

Off the plank!

But Manowar's music is far superior to St. Anger.
You fail again.

Aye, me ne'er fail, I'm definitely right about Manowar's music bein' great. You just can't accept my thoughts on their music. Gar.

Aye, what about Runnin' Wild and Alestorm? Gar.

No, it was an unintentional typo, don't deny it.
Everything I type I really wanted to type that way.

Ahoy, quit hidin' the facts, it was an unintentional typo and you know it was. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

At 9/18/09 04:52 PM, idiot-buster wrote: My account Is 3 years old today!

Ahoy, happy 3 years on Newgrounds, argh!

At 9/18/09 05:20 PM, Hacsev wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:30 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I think he just has alot of time on his hands.
Does he even sleep!?

Arrr, try askin' Den'ish that from 2004 and 2005. A pence for an old man o'de sea?

At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/18/09 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: Still related, so it's good. I'm hoping you've heard Metallica's instrumental.
Not yet, but I'll have a large window for stuff like that after lunch.

Arrr, me hope you listen t' it soon, tis' verily awesome, gar!

When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
Gave that a listen and my thoughts, not bad.
I got into that thanks to Guitar Hero 3, which was nice.

Arrr, me can't recall it bein' in Guitar Hero III now. Was it a bonus track or is my memory that bad? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

That's good to hear, you'll soon get your sudden boost in total reviews.
With the amount I've written over the last week, it's starting to sound insignificant :P

Ahoy, you'll be surprised. Gar.

I haven't retired from B/P'ing just yet. I'm very close, though.
Nope, but you've practically retired from Reviewing :P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 15:10:49

Holy shit. Two hundred hundred experience. Don't remember if I posted here when I got the second best level on the site (43), but now I'm halfway to the stupid looking sword and sheath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 16:49:21

7,000 saves!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-19 18:54:15

At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, the song is named after the short story by Lovecraft.
He's always been my second favourite HP - right behind the table sauce.
HP? That has vinegar as an ingredient, right? -.-
Yeah, but it used to be made about 20 miles down the road from me, so it's pretty local.

I never understood why you brits have to pour vinegar over every food you eat. Hell, you even have crisps with vinegar flavour. ^^

And yes, I did quite like Unrockbar.

Nice. :)

At 9/19/09 01:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/18/09 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: What's with all the German recommendations?
Hey, try to broaden your horizon. Listen to music where you don't understand the lyrics for a change. XD
Aye, me don't mind gettin' German recommendations, tis' just strange t' get a bunch all at once.

Haha, yeah I see what you mean. It was just accidental.

And thus you finally listened to Knights of Cydonia. Good to know you liked the song.
Yes, it's nice. But I don't think I'll buy any Muse albums in the near future. ^^
Arrr, what about just buyin' the song itself? Gar.

I hate buying single songs or singles.

I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.
LOL! You fail.
Yeah right.
Glad that you agree with me. :P
Aye, that was a sarcastic agreement. Aye, me parrot concurs.

Yeah, now you try to talk you out of it by saying it was sarcastic. :P

He was more metal than Metallica. :P ...And still is.
Wait, being drunk all the time = being more metal? I don't think so. :P
Ahoy, you verily need your metalness impro'ed. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Over there -->

Alright, I'll have to show you some Kreator when you're on MSN/AIM again.
I'll just check their home- and myspace-page. ;)
And if I like it, I'll have a look at youtube.
Aye, or you could do that. Why didn't you do that for Muse? And how about doin' the same thin' for Megadeth? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

Because neither Muse nor Megadeth are going to play at the Rock Hard Festival. I only can motivate myself to check out bands if there's a chance that I can see them live.

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean boring.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.
You're not making sense, I see no fixes.
That's because you constantly change my fixes back.
Liar, I never made any fix backs.
You're the liar.
Off the plank!

There's no plank.

But Manowar's music is far superior to St. Anger.
You fail again.
Aye, me ne'er fail, I'm definitely right about Manowar's music bein' great. You just can't accept my thoughts on their music. Gar.

You can't accept my thoughts on their music.

Aye, what about Runnin' Wild and Alestorm? Gar.

Running Wild is quite good, but "Angelo Sasso" was just stupid.
Never heard of Alestorm.

No, it was an unintentional typo, don't deny it.
Everything I type I really wanted to type that way.
Ahoy, quit hidin' the facts, it was an unintentional typo and you know it was. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Over there -->
Oh wait, you already drank that. I'm afraid we're all out of rum then. :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 05:19:29

Coop watches highlights of Aston Villa keeping in touch with the top of the Premiership, while congratulating:
VinnyXY: 5,000 Experience
Kaytee: 23,000 B/P
Danavers: Level 10
TacoFreak: 10,000 Experience
Lizzardis: 7,000 Saves; 15,000 Medal Points
Goonie: Level 40
Evark: 200,00 Experience I moved the comma, just for you ;)
dx5231: 7,000 Saves
LunchedJohNNY: 4,000 Saves

At 9/19/09 08:08 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: I just had a Homer Simpson line float around my head - "Ooh, spiky. Eew, slimy. *gasp* moving. Aaw, $20" Just seemed right to me :P
Indeed, although "The kneebone's connected to the...something. The something's connected to the...red thing. The red thing's connected to my wrist watch...Uh oh..." seems equally appropriate :P

I think you've beaten me there - I tip my hat to you sir.

At 9/19/09 10:08 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: What was he going to do? Throw her off the stand to go and fetch the ball? You've got to be a dad first and a baseball fan second in that circumstance.
I would have not been surprised if he did. Philadelphia fan are that notoriously bad; from pelting Santa Claus with snowballs to cheering injured players, they are not the most gracious fans.

Well, they do have the dubious honour of being the longest suffering team in professional sports - having become the first major league team to record 10,000 losses. Over the next few years, we may well see the Atlanta Braves (9,821), Chicago Cubs (9,595), Cincinnati Reds (9,554) and Pittsburgh Pirates (9,666?) also record this dubious milestone.

I wonder how many losses the Yanks have... 7,235 Tidy.

At 9/19/09 01:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote: Glad that you agree with me. :P
Aye, that was a sarcastic agreement. Aye, me parrot concurs.

Glad to see that Sky is getting into the swing of things as well :P

At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
Gave that a listen and my thoughts, not bad.
I got into that thanks to Guitar Hero 3, which was nice.
Arrr, me can't recall it bein' in Guitar Hero III now. Was it a bonus track or is my memory that bad? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

It's one of the bonus tracks - get the guitar out and purchase the song this instant, I implore you!

At 9/19/09 03:10 PM, Evark wrote: Holy shit. Two hundred hundred experience. Don't remember if I posted here when I got the second best level on the site (43), but now I'm halfway to the stupid looking sword and sheath.

Ah, I see what you did there!

Stupid looking sword and sheath? That's a katana and wakisashi pair. Haven't you ever watched a decent samurai flick?

At 9/19/09 06:54 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/19/09 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/18/09 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote: HP? That has vinegar as an ingredient, right? -.-
Yeah, but it used to be made about 20 miles down the road from me, so it's pretty local.
I never understood why you brits have to pour vinegar over every food you eat. Hell, you even have crisps with vinegar flavour. ^^

Well, the vinegar is something that I only tend to put over deep fried fish. I was never really a fan of vinegar on my chips. I can eat salt & vinegar crisps though, they can be quite nice. Vinegar is just a base for HP though - the real flavour is a fruity BBQ flavour.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 08:15:04

Congratulations to: -

VinnyXY - 5,000 Experience
Kaytee - 23,000 B/P
Danavers - Level 10
TacoFreak - 10,000 Experience
Lizzardis - 7,000 Saves and 15,000 Medal Points
Goonie - Level 40
Evark - 20,000 Experience
dx5231 - 7,000 Saves
LunchedJohNNY - 4,000 Saves
Odyssic - Level 34: I'd happily trade to be honest :P

At 9/20/09 05:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/19/09 08:08 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: I just had a Homer Simpson line float around my head - "Ooh, spiky. Eew, slimy. *gasp* moving. Aaw, $20" Just seemed right to me :P
Indeed, although "The kneebone's connected to the...something. The something's connected to the...red thing. The red thing's connected to my wrist watch...Uh oh..." seems equally appropriate :P
I think you've beaten me there - I tip my hat to you sir.

Thanks, although somehow I doubt I could top you in a Futurama-quoting contest :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 08:57:33

EXP update will be up later.

Listening to:

Running Wild - Black Hand Inn

At 9/19/09 03:10 PM, Evark wrote: Holy shit. Two hundred hundred experience. Don't remember if I posted here when I got the second best level on the site (43), but now I'm halfway to the stupid looking sword and sheath.

I'm 174 days away which is roughly half a year but it feels close enough. Congrats on the big 20k.

At 9/19/09 06:54 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/19/09 01:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: Aye, me don't mind gettin' German recommendations, tis' just strange t' get a bunch all at once.
Haha, yeah I see what you mean. It was just accidental.

Ah well, I'll still look into Die Arzte.

Arrr, what about just buyin' the song itself? Gar.
I hate buying single songs or singles.

Your loss then.

Aye, that was a sarcastic agreement. Aye, me parrot concurs.
Yeah, now you try to talk you out of it by saying it was sarcastic. :P

I'm sorry but I do not fail for thinking Megadeth are better than Metallica.

Ahoy, you verily need your metalness impro'ed. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?
Over there -->

Thanks, I enjoyed it.

Aye, or you could do that. Why didn't you do that for Muse? And how about doin' the same thin' for Megadeth? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!
Because neither Muse nor Megadeth are going to play at the Rock Hard Festival. I only can motivate myself to check out bands if there's a chance that I can see them live.

Either way, it's highly recommended you listen to some Megadeth.

Off the plank!
There's no plank.

Oh yes there was. Now you go and this argument on myself thinking Slayer and Manowar are awesome is over.

Aye, me ne'er fail, I'm definitely right about Manowar's music bein' great. You just can't accept my thoughts on their music. Gar.
You can't accept my thoughts on their music.

You didn't accept mine in the first place. >:(

Aye, what about Runnin' Wild and Alestorm? Gar.
Running Wild is quite good, but "Angelo Sasso" was just stupid.

I wouldn't recommend later Running Wild material. Supposedly, it's their weakest stuff and I suggest listening to Black Hand Inn.

Never heard of Alestorm.

Another band worth listening to.

Ahoy, quit hidin' the facts, it was an unintentional typo and you know it was. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?
Over there -->
Oh wait, you already drank that. I'm afraid we're all out of rum then. :(

Goddamn pirate translator.

At 9/20/09 05:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/19/09 01:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: Aye, that was a sarcastic agreement. Aye, me parrot concurs.
Glad to see that Sky is getting into the swing of things as well :P


Arrr, me can't recall it bein' in Guitar Hero III now. Was it a bonus track or is my memory that bad? Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!
It's one of the bonus tracks - get the guitar out and purchase the song this instant, I implore you!

Buy it on GH3? Already done that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 10:00:33

Level 28!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 10:12:04

Apparently my weekends are becoming too busy to make a daily congrats list on those days. So I think I´ll mostly post them on Sundays from now on.

Achievement of the Weekend
Evark: 20,000 Experience. Congrats on this nice achievement!

Congrats to:
Fro: 9,000 Posts, 888 Audio Reviews
Metal-Therapy: 32,000 BP
portalwarpedJP: Level 16
SuspiciousPenguin: 2 Years on NG
LynchedJohNNY: Sergeant Major
Joeyag: Level 23
TacoFreak: Level 31
D3NN1S: 2,500 BP
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 23,000 Saves
Fezz: Level 27
idiot-buster: 3 Years on NG
MegamanMegafan: Level 22
JKMonkey: 8,000 Posts
Bloodthorne: 22,000 Experience
Kevin: Level 22
VinnyXY: 5,000 Experience
Kaytee: 23,000 BP
Danavers: Level 10
TacoFreak: 10,000 Experience
Lizzardis: 7,000 Saves
Goonie: Level 40
dx5231: 7,000 Saves
LynchedJohNNY: 4,000 Saves
Odyssic: Level 34

At 9/18/09 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/17/09 10:02 AM, Auz wrote: Although I must say, all the media attention described in the article seems a little overacted to me.
Well, it's a feel good story. Kids really do the funniest things, so this is one of them, that's given her dad his fifteen minutes of fame.

Yes okay. But I think they´re just blowing it up a little bit:
"Steve Monforto did a great job of reminding us what's really important about the game, no matter where our allegiance lies. What he did is something any father-daughter team can relate to."

Stuff like that. Coming up with moralities and principles and all. It sounds so typically American to me.

At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/17/09 10:02 AM, Auz wrote: Really? =/ Aren´t you confused with the é and î? Because I had to read quite some french in my highschool days and I never came across any umlauts as far as I can remember.
ï and ë aren't that common, but just think of the car manufacturer Citroën. ;)
But as german is my native language you can trust me when I say that the only german umlauts are ä, ö and ü. :P

Well I guess you would know :)

Also, I now remember those two are used often in dutch as well. Mainly whenever something is to confusing to read the pronunciation from.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 10:21:06

Rev is ready for some football; congrats to:
Kaytee 23k B/P
Danavers - Level 10
TacoFreak - 10,000 Exp!
Goonie - Level 40
Evark - Two hundred hundred Exp
dx5231 - 7,000 Saves
Lizzardis - 7,000 Saves and 15k Medal Points
LynchedJohNNY - 4,000 Saves
Odyssic - Level 34
Metal-Therapy - Level 28


At 9/20/09 05:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, they do have the dubious honor of being the longest suffering team in professional sports - having become the first major league team to record 10,000 losses. Over the next few years, we may well see the Atlanta Braves (9,821), Chicago Cubs (9,595), Cincinnati Reds (9,554) and Pittsburgh Pirates (9,666?) also record this dubious milestone.

I wonder how many losses the Yanks have... 7,235 Tidy.

True. Of course I'm referring not just to the Philiies, but all Philadelphia fans; 76ers, Eagles, Flyers.

That's an interesting stat. I didn't know so many teams were that close to 10k losses. Seeing how the Cubbies like to implode mid-season I think they can surpass the Braves and reach that milestone next.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 12:57:12

I don't even know my level.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-20 17:00:06

I figure this is the best, most Wi/Ht?-centric place to post about the fact that I'm gonna be around more starting today :)

Been a while since I've let it hang with you guys ;P

BBS Signature