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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 00:58:26

20,000 medal points.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 04:39:01

[[[tl;dr version:]]]

As of today, Wednesday, September 16th, 2009... I have officially, technically, and INDISPUTABLY entered the top 50 experience points list at long, long last. My nearly 10 year journey (well, more of a nearly 7 year journey, since the first 3 years of slacking off are the reason I had to make the journey in the FIRST place!) is OVAH!


Way down there, in the bottom spot. There I am! :::waves to self::: Hey! #;-}>

[[[gfox ramble version continues from above:]]]

Anywho, I actually first APPEARED in that spot on Saturday, 9/12, 4 days ago now (as Bahamut notified me on Steam, as I hadn't seen it myself!)... but appearances can be deceiving. I was only on there because the lists (and profile rankings) still update only once per day, in the early morning (used to be 3:45 AM NG time, I think, not sure what it is now), and.... I've been depositing shortly after midnight lately...

http://uniqueusername.newgrounds.com/ <--- uniqueusername, OTOH, usually deposits in the last 3-6 hours of the NG day, and he had 8 exp more than me by the end of Saturday 9/12, meaning I wasn't really #50 yet when the list updated that morning... just 2 exp ahead of him temporarily till later in the day when he deposited. But... depending on your definition of "technically" in the top 50, you could say Saturday 9/12 was that day for me.

Anyway, the same thing happened on Sunday 9/13... I deposited before the list/profile ranktimeupdate funs, he did so afterwards... then, on Monday 9/14, something special happened:

I saw I was ranked #49 in my profile! Now, this made me think for SURE I might be #50 "for realz" this time, so I went to see who else I was "ahead" of now....

http://100816.newgrounds.com/ <--- 100816 and I were actually TIED for #49 with 25160 exp but I was showing as #49 due to having signed up almost exactly 9 months before he did way back in 2000... I resolved to check his profile RIGHT AT MIDNIGHT that night to see if he deposited to get 10 exp ahead of me, or if I really had tied (and thus passed) him... since I still wasn't "really" ahead of uniqueusername yet.

AND SO.... I forgot to do so until midnight MY TIME, which is 1 AM NG time on Tuesday 9/15, and at that time, just one hour into the new day, he was at 25170--meaning I couldn't tell if he'd just deposited in that past hour since the new day started, or if he had done so on Monday late in the day.

BUT.... either way.... today, Wednesday 9/16... I deposited within the past hour, checked my exp and his exp and.... I've got 25180, he's got 25170. I'm 10 ahead of him or I'm tied with him and have it on the tiebreaker for sure this time.

I think uniqueusername is still ahead of me, as he's at 25178 now, and again... he always deposits late in the day, so... I'm #50 for sure... working on #49.

And.... I had always wondered who I'd pass to get into the top 50... who would I knock out of that hallowed hall to take my rightful spot (long since pissed away on not being a NG statwhore my first 3 years of accountholderhood)...

Turns out I actually knocked 100816 out of the top 50 itself... but first I knocked uniqueusername off the top 50 list at update time. A very unique (har.....) and complex memory to hold, but one I'm sure to cherish in the years to come.

The End.

is-necessary, thereby meeting everyone's expectations of teh gfoxery... none moreso than my own!>

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 06:25:56

Congratulations to: -

Sispri - 2 Years on NG
JKMonkey - Level 22
KrevZabijak - 20,000 Medal Points
gfoxcook - Top 50 in Experience: Major congrats!

At 9/15/09 04:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from the hospital, the surgery went ok (I was only under local anesthetic and couldn't resist watching), and I'm a bit doped up on painkillers at the moment, so excuse any moments of stupidity in this post :P
Oh, what happened?

I developed a sebaceous cyst on my chest, it wasn't anything problematic but I just got sick of it and decided to get it removed. I was meant to get a lesion on my wrist removed as well but there was a complication with someone else's operation and so there wasn't time. Oh well, I should get it done in January anyway.

I never had surgery before, but if i did i would want to ber out cold. I don't think i would want to watch them cut me open with all of the blood and the fact that it was me and not watching a video of somone else getting it dome.

Well even if you were awake you could just look away or close your eyes, but I'm quite interested in medicine and anatomy, and I have a relatively strong stomach, so I thought if I was going to be awake, why not take a look? I know most people couldn't bear watch themselves being cut up, but I just could not resist.

Idiot-buster did not detect any idiotcy that need to be checked @;-}>


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 07:51:42

Congrats to:
1337 - Top 800 in Exp
Sispri - 2 Years on NG
JKMonkey - Level 22
KrevZabijak - 20k Medal Points
gfoxcook - Top 50 in Exp! - Awesome! Only a few hundred years till you get to #1


At 9/15/09 07:57 PM, Hacsev wrote: K. Can you replace Bahamut for an angry faic.

Sure. I'll get on it later on today.

At 9/16/09 06:25 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Well even if you were awake you could just look away or close your eyes, but I'm quite interested in medicine and anatomy, and I have a relatively strong stomach, so I thought if I was going to be awake, why not take a look? I know most people couldn't bear watch themselves being cut up, but I just could not resist.

I think you just wanted to make sure they didn't take off a leg or two. :)
I'm glad everything went well.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 08:24:56

Coop calms down from berating a teacher this morning, before congratulating:
Sispri: 2nd NG Berfday
JKMonkey: Level 22
KrevZabijak: 20,000 Medal Points
gfoxcook: Top 50 B/Per - If I could colour it green, I would have :P

Thank you to:
Hacsev (x2)

Listening to:
Queen - Let Me Live
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/14/09 02:39 PM, Haggard wrote: Don't know anything from Muse, so no comment. Megadeth never interested me, so I don't know anything from them either. -.-
Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.

I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)

At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Looking forward to it. BTW, belated congrats on 2k total reviews, lol.
Thanks - I've got a few more reviews done since then, but I want to push on with the review total now :)
Indeed, it shall even be higher once Art reviews are listed on our userpages.

Not too many more at the moment - I'll get that review count up through the RRC, pretty much like the Audio Reviews totals :P


I hope you don't mind me bringing up some reviews to you from time to time, more especially those I come across on random entries.

No, because people like yourself and Nick at least show some manners with regards to it - that really helps their chances. It's the people who talk to me like "You're a review mod, do some fucking work >:("

At 9/15/09 05:21 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/14/09 08:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: That signature is a lie :(
I know; it's like the furthest from the truth you can get. I should get a mod to delete into oblivion. :)
Not necessarily - it could be stating that Bahamut is Newgrounds favourite statwhore. Personally, I think that he's a close second to gfoxcook. I might be in the running as well, but it's only a maybe.
For the sig, just erase myself and put gfox's famous emoticon there. #;-}>

Sounds like a plan.

Also, you're claiming that I'm a bigger statwhore than yourself? :P

At least while you've got more B/P than me :P

Also, I didn't want to blow my own trumpet.

At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from the hospital, the surgery went ok (I was only under local anesthetic and couldn't resist watching), and I'm a bit doped up on painkillers at the moment, so excuse any moments of stupidity in this post :P

I had enough from a massage from my girlfriend yesterday - the knots were apparently quite deep in the thigh muscles, so she had to press quite hard. It hurt.

I couldn't watch someone cutting me open and poking around inside, regardless of how minor it was. *shudders*

I mean, glad to hear it went alright :)

At 9/15/09 04:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 05:09 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Michael Jackson: What have they done?
Well, you've got to get yourself closure on this situation - You aren't related to him, are you? If the answer is no, you've got to pull yourself together and get on with life, as nothing that anyone can di will bring him back, but there's a line that gets crossed.
I do have my closure on it, i just was writing how i felt after that long topic i was looking over in the genral that was just spam post after post of just childish comments. I don't know if it's still there, since it was becoming a troll fest. No i'm not related to him in any way that i know of. I just wanted to write something on how i felt.

LOL - Michael Jackson just appeared on iTunes. Clearly my iPod has a sense of irony :)

Fair enough, I can understand that much - did you see the trailer for the movie?

At 9/16/09 04:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: And.... I had always wondered who I'd pass to get into the top 50... who would I knock out of that hallowed hall to take my rightful spot (long since pissed away on not being a NG statwhore my first 3 years of accountholderhood)...

Supreme congratulations, man. One of my own long standing goals - I wonder who I'm going to pass to reach the top 50 most experienced

Sorry, Bahamut :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 08:48:30

Listening to:

Megadeth - Endgame

At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from the hospital, the surgery went ok (I was only under local anesthetic and couldn't resist watching), and I'm a bit doped up on painkillers at the moment, so excuse any moments of stupidity in this post :P

Oooh, nasty. I'm glad you're fine, though.

At 9/15/09 06:22 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
Please drop me a message on AIM or MSN, as I will most likey forget to check out the link. ^^

*sigh* I'll just have to harass you on either of them then.

As for Megadeth, Holy Wars? Hangar 18? Tornado of Souls? In My Darkest Hour? Into the Lungs of Hell?
Hm, you used Hangar 18 in one of your flashes, and I know that Metallica uses the same intro on one of the songs on Ride the Lightening

You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.

but I don't know any of the other songs. As I've mentioned, I never had any intereset in checking out Megadeth.

Now is a great time to explore some Megadeth. :)

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean awesome.
Fixed for you.

What fix?

Quit lying, you've known to fail at a few things already. :P

You fail at being a metal fan for liking St. Anger.

Others than you claiming Manowar is great, of course. Because they are not, and you know it.

Nope, they're great no matter what.

At 9/16/09 04:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Top 50 EXP

Mega congrats!

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/14/09 02:39 PM, Haggard wrote: Don't know anything from Muse, so no comment. Megadeth never interested me, so I don't know anything from them either. -.-
Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)

When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.

Indeed, it shall even be higher once Art reviews are listed on our userpages.
Not too many more at the moment - I'll get that review count up through the RRC, pretty much like the Audio Reviews totals :P

Ah, I remember the days when Audio reviews weren't even counted on our profiles. Still, you must have written a fair amount of Art reviews by now.

I hope you don't mind me bringing up some reviews to you from time to time, more especially those I come across on random entries.
No, because people like yourself and Nick at least show some manners with regards to it - that really helps their chances. It's the people who talk to me like "You're a review mod, do some fucking work >:("

You're a review mod, do some fucking work. >:( Nah, just kidding. We're willing to show you any reviews which we think should be looked into and let you share your thoughts on them. :)

For the sig, just erase myself and put gfox's famous emoticon there. #;-}>
Sounds like a plan.

gfox's new sig?

Also, you're claiming that I'm a bigger statwhore than yourself? :P
At least while you've got more B/P than me :P

Yes but you have more saves than me as well as more reviews and EXP.

Sorry, Bahamut :P

It was fair for once.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 13:48:08

Achievement of the Day
gfoxcook: Top 50 Experience. Congrats gfoxcook! About time, you´ve been #51 for as long as I can remember.

Congrats to:
1337: Top 800 Experience
Sispri: 2 Years on NG
JKMonkey: Level 22
KrevZabijak: 20,000 Medal Points
Lizzardis: 5,000 Posts

Thanks to:

Listening to:
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust, Space Oddity

At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 01:15 PM, Auz wrote: Lol. Funny that they actually make such decisions depend on the opponent players strengths and not have a general strategy like they have in most other sports. But it makes sense I guess.
Scouting reports are something that they tend to focus on really hard - I've sen players poring over lever arch files that are full of notes on opposing batters so that they know how to pitch against them. Sometimes even adding their own notes.

Lol, that´s pretty insane. I know they also use scouts with football, but I don´t think they pay that much attention to every single detail.

At 9/15/09 06:22 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/09 05:37 AM, Auz wrote: I´ve heard of that term. And yes, you could compare it with that I think. Although I´m not sure if that term is also used a lot for jokes and mockery.
For mockery yes. But I'm not sure about the jokes. I think the caravans are the number one subject when it comes to jokes. ^^

Oh yes, I´ve seen a video with some German comedian joking about how "der niederlanderthaler" was the first species to take his hole with him on vacation :p Can´t find the vid at the moment though.

Same with me for German. Although I think I have a decent feel with how they are pronounced.
Good thing about the german language is that you pronounce nearly everything the way it is written and vice versa. Unlike french for example, where you can have like 12 different meanings when you say "aux" (or "eau" or... I think you get the idea).
So there are just some basic rules when it comes to pronouncation.

Very true. I think you can hardly do anything wrong when reading a German text out loud. Although I remember I always had a bit of trouble with the umlauts whenever I had to read a text in highschool. The Ü is easy, but I always get confused with the Ö, Ä, ï and ë

Just wondering: Can you also read this?
Yes. It's a bit difficult from time to time (for example the 't), but I can understand most of it.

I´m a little suprised there, since even for me it can be quite hard to follow sometimes. It´s Limburgs in case you were wondering. One of the dutch provinces at the German border.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 13:52:16

B00m. Level 11. I finally got past the fist zone, and I'm heading for weapons.

PSN username - UnreaK745 / PM me for similar sig.

Visit my page, cocksuckah.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 14:21:54

ok i recently leveled up to i dont know what but my icon is now a plank of wood.
and i ma also police officer.

so yeah

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 14:43:14

At 9/16/09 04:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: [[[tl;dr version:]]]

And where's the "wall of text version"?

As of today, Wednesday, September 16th, 2009... I have officially, technically, and INDISPUTABLY entered the top 50 experience points list at long, long last.

Big congrats, man!

At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/15/09 06:22 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
Please drop me a message on AIM or MSN, as I will most likey forget to check out the link. ^^
*sigh* I'll just have to harass you on either of them then.

Hey, at least I ask you to give me the link on AIM, I just could have said "oh yeah great, I'll chek them out" but then never click the link.

As for Megadeth, Holy Wars? Hangar 18? Tornado of Souls? In My Darkest Hour? Into the Lungs of Hell?
Hm, you used Hangar 18 in one of your flashes, and I know that Metallica uses the same intro on one of the songs on Ride the Lightening
You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.

Yeah, Call of Ktulu. I know the songs are different, but they use the same riff in the intro. ;)

Also Call of Ktulu > Hangar 18.
In fact, Metallica > Megadeath.

but I don't know any of the other songs. As I've mentioned, I never had any intereset in checking out Megadeth.
Now is a great time to explore some Megadeth. :)

Yeah, we'll see. I have to explore some Kreator before. :P

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean boring.
Fixed for you.
What fix?

That one.

Quit lying, you've known to fail at a few things already. :P
You fail at being a metal fan for liking St. Anger.

That's not failing, that's just saying that the songs aren't as bad as people make them (but the sound is, yes).

However, you fail at being a metal fan for saying Manowar are a good band. What's next? Complimenting Anal Cunt for their good songwriting? :P

Others than you claiming Manowar is great, of course. Because they are not, and you know it.
Nope, they suck no matter what.

You know, it gets annyoing to constantly fix your typos. Please pay more attention to what you write. :P

At 9/16/09 01:48 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/15/09 06:22 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/09 05:37 AM, Auz wrote: Same with me for German. Although I think I have a decent feel with how they are pronounced.
Good thing about the german language is that you pronounce nearly everything the way it is written and vice versa. Unlike french for example, where you can have like 12 different meanings when you say "aux" (or "eau" or... I think you get the idea).
So there are just some basic rules when it comes to pronouncation.
Very true. I think you can hardly do anything wrong when reading a German text out loud. Although I remember I always had a bit of trouble with the umlauts whenever I had to read a text in highschool. The Ü is easy, but I always get confused with the Ö, Ä, ï and ë

Heh, ï and ë aren't german umlauts. You'd have to ask sonofkirk how to pronounce them as they are french. :P

Just wondering: Can you also read this?
Yes. It's a bit difficult from time to time (for example the 't), but I can understand most of it.
I´m a little suprised there, since even for me it can be quite hard to follow sometimes. It´s Limburgs in case you were wondering. One of the dutch provinces at the German border.

Maybe I can understand it because I know what a troll is. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 19:40:55

Congrats to:

KrevZabijak: 20,000 Medal Points - I think a user is hacking since the maximum you can get is 19,960 (counting FUI2 medals)
gfoxcook: Top 50 in Experience
Lizzardis: 5,000 Posts
UnreaK745: Level 11
SPLINTERCELL58: Level 18; Police Officer
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 16

Thanks to:


At 9/16/09 07:51 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/15/09 07:57 PM, Hacsev wrote: K. Can you replace Bahamut for an angry faic.
Sure. I'll get on it later on today.

Alright, I'll be waiting.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 20:06:17



20390, oh my god! Him too!

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 21:42:30

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 88th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD. And it goes to...gfoxcook: Top 50 Experience!

Watching: Man vs. food

Congrats to:
JKMonkey: Level 22
KrevZabijak: 20,000 Medal Points
Lizzardis: 5,000 Posts
SPLINTERCELL58: Level 18; Police Officer
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 16

Thanks to:
All who made a list today.

At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
I developed a sebaceous cyst on my chest, it wasn't anything problematic but I just got sick of it and decided to get it removed. I was meant to get a lesion on my wrist removed as well but there was a complication with someone else's operation and so there wasn't time. Oh well, I should get it done in January anyway.

Oh, was that painfull when you tuched it or was it just one of thoes that was just kinda there and had no use ::::yet to read the Wiki artical, saw the pics though::: Glad everything went well. Looks like you have something else to look forward to in january @;-}>

Well even if you were awake you could just look away or close your eyes, but I'm quite interested in medicine and anatomy, and I have a relatively strong stomach, so I thought if I was going to be awake, why not take a look? I know most people couldn't bear watch themselves being cut up, but I just could not resist.

Ya, i guss i could just look away and all, but it's just knowing that there cutting me open would just freak me out. Also that you can watch and that you can't move or anything. I don't even like getting my shots every few years, i hate needles and all that stuff. I have a strong stomach as well, but to the extent of me geting cut open. Well it must have been fun for you, gald you are well and i hope i never need surgery again >.>

Idiot-buster did not detect any idiotcy that need to be checked @;-}>

You know it is @;-}>

Listening to:
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

I did like this song, but he looked really strange in the music video >.>

At 9/15/09 04:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 05:09 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Michael Jackson: What have they done?
LOL - Michael Jackson just appeared on iTunes. Clearly my iPod has a sense of irony :)

What did you just buy some songs or did they just appear for no reason to your ipod?

Fair enough, I can understand that much - did you see the trailer for the movie?

Ya, i seen it while watching the VMA's. It looks like something i would see, since i was trying to get tickets like a mad man, but failed. I tried to order them from website of the venue he was performing at and the site just was not responsive :::due to all of the people on at once:::. i did not get them and looked on ebay then, well lets just say i looked at it and said "fuck it".

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 21:53:49


God what a.... uh...um... great 3 years...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-16 23:56:07

4 years since I opened this account.

Although I haven't been on here in weeks.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 00:16:52

Just leveled up to Level 33. I can't wait until 35 though. I don't really like the ninja stars. Now I am looking back and wish I deposited everyday. I would be at 42 and have the sweet sword. Too bad.

Hopefully my next accomplishment will be 10,000 blams. Hopefully in a month or so.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 07:49:03

Rev is wondering when the rain will stop; Congrats to:
Lizzardis - 5,000 Posts
UnreaK745 - Level 11
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 16
Falling-Angel - 3 Years on NG
TheBlackDahliaMuder - 4 Years on NG
boloneyman - Level 33


At 9/16/09 09:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Watching: Man vs. food

I love that show. Too bad I dozed off while watching it last night.

At 9/16/09 07:40 PM, Hacsev wrote: Alright, I'll be waiting.

Here you go. Any adjustments? Tweaks?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 08:15:24

Listening to:

Megadeth - Endgame

At 9/16/09 02:43 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: *sigh* I'll just have to harass you on either of them then.
Hey, at least I ask you to give me the link on AIM, I just could have said "oh yeah great, I'll chek them out" but then never click the link.

OK, when I see you today. :P

You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Yeah, Call of Ktulu. I know the songs are different, but they use the same riff in the intro. ;)

Also Call of Ktulu > Hangar 18.
In fact, Metallica > Megadeath.

I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.

Now is a great time to explore some Megadeth. :)
Yeah, we'll see. I have to explore some Kreator before. :P

So you want to hear some Kreator as well?

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean awesome.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.

You're not making sense, I see no fixes.

You fail at being a metal fan for liking St. Anger.
That's not failing, that's just saying that the songs aren't as bad as people make them (but the sound is, yes).

St. Anger is abysmal.

Complimenting Anal Cunt for their good songwriting? :P

Anal Cunt aren't intentionally serious so I'm not going to say why they're good. Infact, I don't even listen to their music. INFACT, I'm not even a fan of grindcore at all.

Others than you claiming Manowar is great, of course. Because they are.
Nope, they're great no matter what.
You know, it gets annyoing to constantly fix your typos. Please pay more attention to what you write. :P

It gets annoying to fix yours as well. Also, you spelt annoying wrong, lololololol.

.At 9/16/09 08:06 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:



20390, oh my god! Him too!

Now I feel ashamed for having only 8,660 medal points. ;_;

At 9/17/09 12:16 AM, boloneyman wrote: Hopefully my next accomplishment will be 10,000 blams. Hopefully in a month or so.

The ninja stars may not be pleasant for you but you sure as hell got a nice treatment for being so close to 10k blams. I'm actually very close to a blam milestone myself but it's taking a while. Hopefully I'll get there by the end of the week.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 08:40:29

Coop tries to get the council to adopt a road, while congratulating:
Lizzardis: 5,000 Posts
UnreaK645: Level 11
SuspiciosPenguin: Level 16
FallingAngel: 3rd NG Berfday
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 4th NG Berfday
boloneyman: Level 33

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Deja Vu

At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.

Cthulhu? I kniw it's a different spelling but...

Pic related ;)

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)
When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.

Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)

Indeed, it shall even be higher once Art reviews are listed on our userpages.
Not too many more at the moment - I'll get that review count up through the RRC, pretty much like the Audio Reviews totals :P
Ah, I remember the days when Audio reviews weren't even counted on our profiles. Still, you must have written a fair amount of Art reviews by now.

I think it's somewhere between 20 and 50 at the moment. Maybe I'll start writing a load more at some point...

Also, you're claiming that I'm a bigger statwhore than yourself? :P
At least while you've got more B/P than me :P
Yes but you have more saves than me as well as more reviews and EXP.

Well, that's true... plus I haven't retired from stats either, unlike both yourself and gfoxcook :P

Sorry, Bahamut :P
It was fair for once.

Yay *dances*

At 9/16/09 01:48 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 01:15 PM, Auz wrote: Lol. Funny that they actually make such decisions depend on the opponent players strengths and not have a general strategy like they have in most other sports. But it makes sense I guess.
Scouting reports are something that they tend to focus on really hard - I've sen players poring over lever arch files that are full of notes on opposing batters so that they know how to pitch against them. Sometimes even adding their own notes.
Lol, that´s pretty insane. I know they also use scouts with football, but I don´t think they pay that much attention to every single detail.

Yeah - you can be a baseball anorak, if you let the game get to you. I like watching the highlights first and the stats second.

Talking of highlights, a heart-warming tale from a life long Phillies fan.

At 9/16/09 09:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 04:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 08:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/14/09 05:09 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Michael Jackson: What have they done?
LOL - Michael Jackson just appeared on iTunes. Clearly my iPod has a sense of irony :)
What did you just buy some songs or did they just appear for no reason to your ipod?

No, I've not bought any Michael Jackson merchandise, music or other since before he died. I just had iTunes playing in the background and it came along to one of his tunes.

Fair enough, I can understand that much - did you see the trailer for the movie?
Ya, i seen it while watching the VMA's. It looks like something i would see, since i was trying to get tickets like a mad man, but failed. I tried to order them from website of the venue he was performing at and the site just was not responsive :::due to all of the people on at once:::. i did not get them and looked on ebay then, well lets just say i looked at it and said "fuck it".

That much I can understand - talk to Gagsy, she felt really bad about getting her tickets for his O2 London gigs a few days before he died.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 09:10:22

Alright... legolass opens another chest... *play-zeldaopenchest.wav*

Obtained 18,000 medal points :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 10:02:34

Achievement of the Day
boloneyman: Level 33. Congrats!

Congrats to:
UnreaK745: Level 11
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 16
Falling-Angel: 3 Years on NG
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 4 Years on NG

At 9/16/09 02:43 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/16/09 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Very true. I think you can hardly do anything wrong when reading a German text out loud. Although I remember I always had a bit of trouble with the umlauts whenever I had to read a text in highschool. The Ü is easy, but I always get confused with the Ö, Ä, ï and ë
Heh, ï and ë aren't german umlauts. You'd have to ask sonofkirk how to pronounce them as they are french. :P

Really? =/ Aren´t you confused with the é and î? Because I had to read quite some french in my highschool days and I never came across any umlauts as far as I can remember.

I´m a little suprised there, since even for me it can be quite hard to follow sometimes. It´s Limburgs in case you were wondering. One of the dutch provinces at the German border.
Maybe I can understand it because I know what a troll is. ^^

I just hit the random article button and that came up. Anyway, I guess that helps.

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, that´s pretty insane. I know they also use scouts with football, but I don´t think they pay that much attention to every single detail.
Yeah - you can be a baseball anorak, if you let the game get to you. I like watching the highlights first and the stats second.

Talking of highlights, a heart-warming tale from a life long Phillies fan.

Lol, that's a funny story. A great catch by her dad all the way up in the third ring and she just throws it back xD I like how her father can still laugh at it though and doesn't get angry at her.

Although I must say, all the media attention described in the article seems a little overacted to me.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 11:00:12

9,000 Posts
888 Audio Reviews

I decided not to do any special topic for my 9,000 post. Instead I'll just save the topic that I had in mind for my 10,000 post. Should move on to 900 Audio Reviews sometime later next week because of the RRC also. Also, only three days until I level up, but I just couldn't wait to post these. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 11:24:07

Listening to:
Hypocrisy - Evil Invaders
Deine Lakaien - Resurrection Machine - Hey Bahamut, you should check out Deine Lakaien! ;)
Blumentopf - Kein Plan

At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/16/09 02:43 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: *sigh* I'll just have to harass you on either of them then.
Hey, at least I ask you to give me the link on AIM, I just could have said "oh yeah great, I'll chek them out" but then never click the link.
OK, when I see you today. :P

Great. :)

You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Yeah, Call of Ktulu. I know the songs are different, but they use the same riff in the intro. ;)

Also Call of Ktulu > Hangar 18.
In fact, Metallica > Megadeath.
I much prefer Hangar 18 over The Call of Ktulu but as for the whole Metallica and Megadeth debate, both are awesome bands but I'm slightly leaning more towards Megadeth.

LOL! You fail.

I mean, Metallica used to be called "Alcoholica" because of their excessive drinking, and yet Mustaine got thrown out because he was drinking too much. Hell, he wasn't even sober when they had shows so he couldn't hardly play the guitar. ^^

Now is a great time to explore some Megadeth. :)
Yeah, we'll see. I have to explore some Kreator before. :P
So you want to hear some Kreator as well?

Yeah, they play at the Rock Hard Festival next year, so I have to check them out a bit to see if I want to see them live or not.

Far from it, I know how to spell awesome correctly and when I mean awesome, I literally mean boring.
Fixed for you.
What fix?
That one.
You're not making sense, I see no fixes.

That's because you constantly change my fixes back.

You fail at being a metal fan for liking St. Anger.
That's not failing, that's just saying that the songs aren't as bad as people make them (but the sound is, yes).
St. Anger is abysmal.

No, that's the adjective you should use when talking about Manowar.

Complimenting Anal Cunt for their good songwriting? :P
Anal Cunt aren't intentionally serious so I'm not going to say why they're good. Infact, I don't even listen to their music. INFACT, I'm not even a fan of grindcore at all.

I don't think there are any real grindcore fans out there. It's hard to be a fan of music where the songs are hardly longer than 30 seconds.

Others than you claiming Manowar is great, of course. Because they are.
Nope, they're great no matter what.
You know, it gets annyoing to constantly fix your typos. Please pay more attention to what you write. :P
It gets annoying to fix yours as well. Also, you spelt annoying wrong, lololololol.

I didn't spell it wrong, I wanted to type it that way. :P

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Cthulhu? I kniw it's a different spelling but...

Yeah, the song is named after the short story by Lovecraft. Also, you spelt know wrong. :P

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)
When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)

But he shouldn't listen to any more songs by Die Toten Hosen. Die Ärzte > Die Toten Hosen. ^^

At 9/17/09 10:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/16/09 02:43 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/16/09 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Very true. I think you can hardly do anything wrong when reading a German text out loud. Although I remember I always had a bit of trouble with the umlauts whenever I had to read a text in highschool. The Ü is easy, but I always get confused with the Ö, Ä, ï and ë
Heh, ï and ë aren't german umlauts. You'd have to ask sonofkirk how to pronounce them as they are french. :P
Really? =/ Aren´t you confused with the é and î? Because I had to read quite some french in my highschool days and I never came across any umlauts as far as I can remember.

ï and ë aren't that common, but just think of the car manufacturer Citroën. ;)
But as german is my native language you can trust me when I say that the only german umlauts are ä, ö and ü. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 14:16:24

At 9/17/09 11:00 AM, Fro wrote: Also, only three days until I level up,

Looks like the gap between levels has finally allowed me to catch up with you, as we're both going to be level 28 for at least 1 day. :P

Also, 32,000 b/p


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 15:03:10

level 16!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 15:51:38

Congratulations to: -

Lizzardis - 5,000 Posts
UnreaK745 - Level 11
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 16
Falling-Angel - 3 Years on NG
TheBlackDahliaMuder - 4 Years on NG
boloneyman - Level 33
LegolaSS - 18,000 Medal Points
Fro - 9,000 Posts and 888 Audio Reviews
Metal-Therapy - 32,000 B/P
portalwarpedJP - Level 16

At 9/16/09 07:51 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/16/09 06:25 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Well even if you were awake you could just look away or close your eyes, but I'm quite interested in medicine and anatomy, and I have a relatively strong stomach, so I thought if I was going to be awake, why not take a look? I know most people couldn't bear watch themselves being cut up, but I just could not resist.
I think you just wanted to make sure they didn't take off a leg or two. :)
I'm glad everything went well.

Thanks man, there's a pic of my bandaged self in this thread I made, so as you can see it's hardly a massive wound :P

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from the hospital, the surgery went ok (I was only under local anesthetic and couldn't resist watching), and I'm a bit doped up on painkillers at the moment, so excuse any moments of stupidity in this post :P
I had enough from a massage from my girlfriend yesterday - the knots were apparently quite deep in the thigh muscles, so she had to press quite hard. It hurt.

I couldn't watch someone cutting me open and poking around inside, regardless of how minor it was. *shudders*

I mean, glad to hear it went alright :)

Haha, thanks Coop, as I said I know most people couldn't take seeing that being done to them, but what can I say, I'm weird like that lol.

At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Back from the hospital, the surgery went ok (I was only under local anesthetic and couldn't resist watching), and I'm a bit doped up on painkillers at the moment, so excuse any moments of stupidity in this post :P
Oooh, nasty. I'm glad you're fine, though.

Thanks Bahamut :)

At 9/16/09 09:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 01:59 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
I developed a sebaceous cyst on my chest, it wasn't anything problematic but I just got sick of it and decided to get it removed. I was meant to get a lesion on my wrist removed as well but there was a complication with someone else's operation and so there wasn't time. Oh well, I should get it done in January anyway.
Oh, was that painfull when you tuched it or was it just one of thoes that was just kinda there and had no use ::::yet to read the Wiki artical, saw the pics though::: Glad everything went well. Looks like you have something else to look forward to in january @;-}>

Nah, it wasn't painful, it was just annoying by virtue of it's presence, and I wanted to get rid of it.

Well even if you were awake you could just look away or close your eyes, but I'm quite interested in medicine and anatomy, and I have a relatively strong stomach, so I thought if I was going to be awake, why not take a look? I know most people couldn't bear watch themselves being cut up, but I just could not resist.
Ya, i guss i could just look away and all, but it's just knowing that there cutting me open would just freak me out. Also that you can watch and that you can't move or anything. I don't even like getting my shots every few years, i hate needles and all that stuff. I have a strong stomach as well, but to the extent of me geting cut open. Well it must have been fun for you, gald you are well and i hope i never need surgery again >.>

Wasn't my first op and it won't be my last :P Thanks man.

Idiot-buster did not detect any idiotcy that need to be checked @;-}>
You know it is @;-}>

Oh hell yeah!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-17 20:30:11

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 89th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD. And it goes to...TheBlackDahliaMurder: 4 Years on NG!

Watching: CNN news

Congrats to:
Falling-Angel: 3 Years on NG
boloneyman: Level 33
LegolaSS: 18,000 Medal Points
Fro: 9,000 Posts and 888 Audio Reviews
Metal-Therapy: 32,000 B/P
portalwarpedJP: Level 16
SuspiciousPenguin: 2 years on NG
LynchedJohNNY: Sergeant rank
Joeyag: level 23

Thanks to:
All who made a list today.

At 9/17/09 07:49 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/16/09 09:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Watching: Man vs. food
I love that show. Too bad I dozed off while watching it last night.

I do to! Last night was a older one but still good non the less. He tried to eat some wings that were over 5,000,000 scoville units. He had to eat ten wings and only got though about half of them and just could not finish them. I have been sleeping during the day after school and staying up kinda late, works for me.

At 9/17/09 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: .At 9/16/09 08:06 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:

I think he just has alot of time on his hands.


20390, oh my god! Him too!
Now I feel ashamed for having only 8,660 medal points. ;_;

Look at me, i only have about 2,300 or just above that. Now that i see wylo has that much i now know i do suck at playing flash games.

At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 09:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/15/09 04:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Michael Jackson: What have they done?
LOL - Michael Jackson just appeared on iTunes. Clearly my iPod has a sense of irony :)
What did you just buy some songs or did they just appear for no reason to your ipod?
No, I've not bought any Michael Jackson merchandise, music or other since before he died. I just had iTunes playing in the background and it came along to one of his tunes.

Oh i see. I have bought a few things like his HIStory album and the movie that went along with it, I had most other on Cd that i just uploaded to my itunes.

That much I can understand - talk to Gagsy, she felt really bad about getting her tickets for his O2 London gigs a few days before he died.

Oh thats really got to suck, i thought i was disappointed for not getting tickets. But having them in your had and then his death would just really make me mad. I would have to travel to london to so it would have been costly since i live in New York and would have to take a flight over there and then the hotel price. Would have cost me over 1,000 $ if it all panned out.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 03:28:08

Been only a few hours since my last list, but I won't get another chance today.

Congratulations to: -

SuspiciousPenguin - 2 Years on NG
LynchedJohNNY - Sergeant
Joeyag - Level 23

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 04:19:29

Oh hold to BT internet services, Coop congratulates:
LegolaSS: 18,000 Medal Points
Fro: 9,000 Posts; 888 Reviews (Audio)
Metal-Therapy: 32,000 B/P
portalwarpedJP: Level 16
SuspiciousPenguin: 2nd Ng Berfday
LynchedJohNNY: Sergeant
Joeyag: Level 23

At 9/17/09 10:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Talking of highlights, a heart-warming tale from a life long Phillies fan.
Lol, that's a funny story. A great catch by her dad all the way up in the third ring and she just throws it back xD I like how her father can still laugh at it though and doesn't get angry at her.

That's pure love - I'd have probably thrown the kid after it or something stupid like that :P

Although I must say, all the media attention described in the article seems a little overacted to me.

Well, it's a feel good story. Kids really do the funniest things, so this is one of them, that's given her dad his fifteen minutes of fame.

At 9/17/09 11:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/17/09 08:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: You might be thinking of The Call of Ktulu but the two songs are very different to each other.
Cthulhu? I know it's a different spelling but...
Yeah, the song is named after the short story by Lovecraft.

He's always been my second favourite HP - right behind the table sauce.

Also, you spelt know wrong. :P

*Quotation fixed ;)

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Worth giving Muse a try. Just listen to Knights of Cydonia and see what you think.
I'll recommend this as well - it's my ringtone :)
When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
Hooray :) In that case, you must listen to the flip side, Bahamut - Hier Kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen ;)
But he shouldn't listen to any more songs by Die Toten Hosen. Die Ärzte > Die Toten Hosen. ^^

I did not know that - additional listening material gleaned for later.

At 9/17/09 03:51 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: I couldn't watch someone cutting me open and poking around inside, regardless of how minor it was. *shudders*

I mean, glad to hear it went alright :)
Haha, thanks Coop, as I said I know most people couldn't take seeing that being done to them, but what can I say, I'm weird like that lol.

I just had a Homer Simpson line float around my head - "Ooh, spiky. Eew, slimy. *gasp* moving. Aaw, $20" Just seemed right to me :P

At 9/17/09 08:30 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
That much I can understand - talk to Gagsy, she felt really bad about getting her tickets for his O2 London gigs a few days before he died.
Oh thats really got to suck, i thought i was disappointed for not getting tickets. But having them in your had and then his death would just really make me mad. I would have to travel to london to so it would have been costly since i live in New York and would have to take a flight over there and then the hotel price. Would have cost me over 1,000 $ if it all panned out.

That's a lot to pay for one gig, I must say. Alice Cooper in Wolverhampton is more my thing, at about £50 per head. That is going to be a great night, if I can get it arranged.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-18 07:35:18

Level 31.

Congratulations to all!