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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 04:08:52

Rev is ready for another Gameday; congrats to:
Odyssic - 12k Exp
Hacsev - 15k Saves
mranarchy - Level 31
Zwe - 1,000 B/P


At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote: Okay I think I get this. Base Percentage actually means the amount of times they scored a point divided by the amount of times they hit the ball?

Not score. It's just how many times they reach base; whether they get a hit, walked, or hit by a pitch over their At Bats.

And the slugging percentage just counts the amount of ... plates he ran after his hit?

Yeah essentially. It's basically Total Bases per At Bat. If you hit a home run you earned four bases, so forth, so on.

These two stats are really useful in determining productivity better than their Batting Average.
If you looked at Jeter and Ichiro; their BAs are similar .330 .384, respectively. However, if you compared Jeter's OBP and SLP of .397 and .470 verses Ichiro's OBP and SLP of .384 and .458 you'll see that Jeter is the better player since he gets on base more and hit for more extra bases.

Hey Bahamut. I fixed your sig for ya. It had a misspelling in it. :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 05:47:27

With that vote, you now have 10,670 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 32. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 18 hours, 14 minutes, and 1 second.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 06:07:28

My account = 5 years old today

Since today is my NG account birthday, I have to make a comparison between this time last year and now.

2007: 14,530
2008: 18,180
Difference: 3,650
Comment: PERFECT!

2007: 37
2008: 41
Difference: 4
Comment: That's a good amount of levels for where I am right now. I should be close to level 45 this time next year.

EXP rank
2007: 333
2008: 236
Difference: 97
Comment: 100 ranks up would have been nice but you can't win them all, especially not when you're higher up in the ranks. It's hard to say how far I'll get in 12 months time but I should easily reach the top 200 by then. I'm hoping I can get in the top 150 but that might be hoping for too much.

2007: 37,028
2008: 39,911
Difference: 2,883
Comment: Had I not stopped B/P'ing for most of the time, I'd have probably racked up over 8k blams but I much rather retire at a good number, so don't expect the difference to be any higher than 89 next time.

2007: 34,327
2008: 37,776
Difference: 3,539
Comment: One short but I'm saving the last save point for something good. It would have been Dadgame if it didn't pass so quick.

2007: 71,355
2008: 77,687
Difference: 6,422
Comment: Good amount of B/P gained considering I was aiming for retirement all year.

B/P rank
2007: 15
2008: 16
Difference: -1
Comment: Here's where I'll keep falling down. :P

2007: 18,325
2008: 20.150
Difference: 1,825
Comment: Didn't exceed 2,000 as I did last year but that's good enough for me, especially when I'm in the 20,000's which only 19 others have exceeded.

Reviews and responses
I don't care. :P

2007: 99
2008: 99
Difference: 0
Comment: This bites. :(

Total Points (EXP + B/P + Posts + Reviews)
2007: 105,468
2008: 117,264
Difference: 11,796
Comment: May be my least impressive amount yet but for retirement plans, it's good. However, I don't expect to exceed 10k in gaining this time next year, even if medals became official for the Pentalist.

Here's to another five years. Oh, BTW reverend, favourite is the correct spelling in the UK. Therefore, it's correct.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 06:25:54

Coop wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed (?) to congratulate:
Derek Jeter: Most hits as a New York Yankee (2,723 and counting, passing Henry Louis Gehrig)
Odyssic: 12,000 Experience
Hacsev: 15,000 Saves
Haggard - 6th Anniversary with girlfriend. Enjoy your 'special night' ;)
mranarchy: Level 31
Zwe: 1,000 B/P; 7.00 Base Voting Power
simon: Level 32

Thank you to:

At 9/11/09 04:22 AM, reverend wrote: Off the top of my head, On Base Percentage refers to the amount of times the batter reaches base divided by his at bats.

Basically the amount of time he gets to base as a runner (Hits, walks, hit by pitch, reached on error all count as +1) against the number of chances to hit (at bats)

Slugging Percentage actually weights each hit i.e. single weights 1 double 2 etc. divided by his at bats.
It's mainly use to compare power hitters and such.

Yeah, slugging percentage goes up to 400% (4 bases every at bat, but no-one can possibly do that :P) If anyone is slugging at about 60-65%, they're doing well, as they're getting one base in every 60% of their at bats. In 2000, Barry Bonds came really close to 100%, so most teams chose to walk him instead of pitching to him.

At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/11/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Right, the balls and strikes thing is different - the pitcher pitches and if he hits the strike zone (Knee to letters, home plate width), the player swings and misses or connects with the ball going out of play foul, that's a strike. Foul balls can't be strike 3, if you get three strikes, you're out. If you get 4 balls - pitches that are outside of the strike zone, that the player doesn't swing on, he can walk to first base.
This I did know from the times I played baseball in highschool. Or it was softball actually. But does that foul ball at strike two still count towards chances to hit?

A foul ball with a count of 2 strikes will not retire a hitter. They get another pitch to swing at. One player endured a 15 pitch at bat this year and then hit a single to have his team walk off as winners.

At bats (chances to hit) are the number of times a player gets to the plate and either scores a hit or gets out. Reaching on errors counts as an at-bat, but no hit. Being hit by the pitch and getting a base on Balls (walk) do not count as at bats, neither do sacrifice outs, where you move runners up intentionally, or even score them.
Alright, and sacrifice outs are those times when they don´t actually swing at the ball but just let it drop on the bat. Right?

Almost - you're thinking a bunt, when they drop the ball onto the infield grass and then run to first base. Pitchers tend to do this in order to move runners from first to second and second to third. If they get out and move runners across, then it is a sacrifice (not an at bat recorded, but no hit either). It is possible to bunt for base hits.

The other sacrifice is a "sac-fly", where a runner is on third base with no outs or one out. The batter hits the ball to the outfield, where he is caught. The runner remains in contact with the base until the catch is made, then runs to home plate, scoring the run.

But what is reaching on errors then?

Reaching on an error - say the batter hits the ball to the third baseman. The third baseman puts his glove out to pick up the ball and then the ball skips over his glove, allowing the runner to reach 1st. That's a fielding error. Throwing errors are when routine plays are missed, usually at first base. These can all cause 'unearned runs' to be credited to the pitcher - the pitcher did no wrong in pitching to them, but the defense let the team down.

Not quite - that's the simpler version, as the player then gets to jog leisurely around the bases, to complete the run. You can belt it into the outfield and run hell for leather and make it the 360 feet from home plate to home plate. The inside the park home run is possible and it was the way that Yankees outfielder Brett Gardner scored his first career Home Run.
Yes okay, but that´s something that doesn´t occur often right? Unless someone like... tosses the ball over the fences or into the player benches or something.

Correct. I think you tend to see an inside the park home run maybe three or four times a year in the whole of major league baseball - 2,430 games is a lot of baseball :P

At 9/11/09 05:59 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/11/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh well, I'm now up to 20th place and I'll be hoping to pass iscrulz before the next update.

Anyone would think I've got a vendetta against the poor chap...
Maybe you should stop talking about him for a while once you've passed him in total points.

Perhaps I will - I've stopped talking about him min the B/P thread and it'll be a while before I catch him for Reviews :P

The greatest advantage of not having any mod privileges. :D
I'll stick to having a legion of fanboys, thanks :P
What legion of fanboys? :P

The legion of fanboys that keep PMing me saying "He Mr. Mod, please delete the review for my flash."

It was a figment of our imaginations.
What are you doing using my shower?! You'd better not have used all of my hot water >:(
I gotta wash somewhere. :(

"Ai yah - you used up all the hot!"

Amy Wong, from I, Roommate. May have been a deleted scene, but it's still a Futurama quote :P

How long before Fagamut steals your sig?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 08:02:58

Achievement of the Day
simon: Level 32. Congrats!

Congrats to:
mranarchy: Level 31
Zwe: 7.00 VP, 1,000 BP
Bahamut: 5 Years on NG
mranarchy: 10,000 Experience

At 9/11/09 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/10/09 12:13 PM, Haggard wrote: But other than that, your german is pretty good. :)
Thanks, but I think most dutch people are better with German than me though =) I especially have a lot of trouble with the grammar.
Hm, most dutch people I talked to said something like: "Can you repeat that in english? My english is way better than my german..." XD

I think almost anyone here is better with English than with German. Mainly because everything around us is English. We hear English on tv, we read English on the internet, heck a lot of English words have actually gotten their place in our language.

But we do not read or see much German. Although I think German would be easier for us to learn.

At 9/10/09 12:13 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/10/09 09:00 AM, Auz wrote:
See above, it can really destroy the atmosphere of a scene, but most of the time dubs are pretty good. And it saves you from reading subtitles all the time.
However, there are some pretty bad translations where you think what the translators had been smoking to make such mistakes.
Well we do have dubbed versions of movies for children (Madagascar, Kungfu Panda etc.), but I´d still rather go to the original version and take the trouble to read the subtitles.

But maybe that is because there aren´t many (good) voice-actors in Holland. It´s just kinda strange to hear for example Alex the Lion from Madagascar having the same voice as Shrek and Po (Kungfu Panda). Plus the original voice-actors usually do a much better job anyway.

But perhaps that´s different in Germany.
Yeah, there's a pretty big voice actor scene with lots of good voice actors here. And not only do they dub movies but they also can be heard in full cast audio dramas, which too is only a big thing in germany, I think.

Of course it's sometimes weird to hear a voice and then think: "Where did I hear that voice before?"

Which is what I constantly think here when watching dubbed movies.

And sometimes an actor is dubbed by more than one actor, even though most big actors like Samuel L Jackson or Nicolas Cage or Bruce Willis have their "standard voice-actor".

Oh now that´s a pretty good idea. In that case it wouldn´t be so annoying to hear the same voices if they have the same faces.

But on the other hand there are examples where the dubbing is even better than the original. Most prominent example is "The Persuaders", know as "Die Zwei" in germany. This series was a very big success in germany because of the funny dialogues the translators wrote.
Yeah, but doesn´t that still give you mixed feelings? I mean, doesn´t that give you the feeling that you´re not actually watching the real movie?
No. Maybe people here are just used to it. For us it's weird to read subtitles. ^^

I guess, if you grew up with it.

At 9/11/09 03:07 PM, Hacsev wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
Hacsev: Lt. General. Congrats!
What's this? Thank you so much, Auz! But, I think Nijsse really won it this time.

Now that you mention it, I kinda overlooked his achievement when picking AotD :p

At 9/12/09 04:08 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote: Okay I think I get this. Base Percentage actually means the amount of times they scored a point divided by the amount of times they hit the ball?
Not score. It's just how many times they reach base; whether they get a hit, walked, or hit by a pitch over their At Bats.

Oh alright. So it´s divided by those things you mentioned then.

And the slugging percentage just counts the amount of ... plates he ran after his hit?
Yeah essentially. It's basically Total Bases per At Bat. If you hit a home run you earned four bases, so forth, so on.

These two stats are really useful in determining productivity better than their Batting Average.
If you looked at Jeter and Ichiro; their BAs are similar .330 .384, respectively. However, if you compared Jeter's OBP and SLP of .397 and .470 verses Ichiro's OBP and SLP of .384 and .458 you'll see that Jeter is the better player since he gets on base more and hit for more extra bases.

Indeed. It seems more fair and logical to compare players that way.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 08:04:30

At 9/12/09 06:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/11/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Right, the balls and strikes thing is different - the pitcher pitches and if he hits the strike zone (Knee to letters, home plate width), the player swings and misses or connects with the ball going out of play foul, that's a strike. Foul balls can't be strike 3, if you get three strikes, you're out. If you get 4 balls - pitches that are outside of the strike zone, that the player doesn't swing on, he can walk to first base.
This I did know from the times I played baseball in highschool. Or it was softball actually. But does that foul ball at strike two still count towards chances to hit?
A foul ball with a count of 2 strikes will not retire a hitter. They get another pitch to swing at. One player endured a 15 pitch at bat this year and then hit a single to have his team walk off as winners.

I don´t really see how that made him win. Is there like another rule besides scoring points that make you win?

At bats (chances to hit) are the number of times a player gets to the plate and either scores a hit or gets out. Reaching on errors counts as an at-bat, but no hit. Being hit by the pitch and getting a base on Balls (walk) do not count as at bats, neither do sacrifice outs, where you move runners up intentionally, or even score them.
Alright, and sacrifice outs are those times when they don´t actually swing at the ball but just let it drop on the bat. Right?
Almost - you're thinking a bunt, when they drop the ball onto the infield grass and then run to first base. Pitchers tend to do this in order to move runners from first to second and second to third. If they get out and move runners across, then it is a sacrifice (not an at bat recorded, but no hit either). It is possible to bunt for base hits.

Yes that´s what I meant. And so that´s called a "bunt".

The other sacrifice is a "sac-fly", where a runner is on third base with no outs or one out. The batter hits the ball to the outfield, where he is caught. The runner remains in contact with the base until the catch is made, then runs to home plate, scoring the run.

Alright. So it´s like, you hit it as high and far away as possible to the right side of the field. The one on the third base waits until the ball is caught and then he runs like hell to the home base.

But what is reaching on errors then?
Reaching on an error - say the batter hits the ball to the third baseman. The third baseman puts his glove out to pick up the ball and then the ball skips over his glove, allowing the runner to reach 1st. That's a fielding error. Throwing errors are when routine plays are missed, usually at first base. These can all cause 'unearned runs' to be credited to the pitcher - the pitcher did no wrong in pitching to them, but the defense let the team down.

Yes, but can batters actually aim for those things? That´s kinda what the term reaching on errors implies. Of course I think a low bouncing ball to the third base will be difficult to stop, but it seems so risky to aim for.

Not quite - that's the simpler version, as the player then gets to jog leisurely around the bases, to complete the run. You can belt it into the outfield and run hell for leather and make it the 360 feet from home plate to home plate. The inside the park home run is possible and it was the way that Yankees outfielder Brett Gardner scored his first career Home Run.
Yes okay, but that´s something that doesn´t occur often right? Unless someone like... tosses the ball over the fences or into the player benches or something.
Correct. I think you tend to see an inside the park home run maybe three or four times a year in the whole of major league baseball - 2,430 games is a lot of baseball :P

Indeed that´s not often. I guess you have more chance of seeing an own goal on the football field.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 08:59:10

Congratulations to: -

Zwe - 1,000 B/P and 7.00 Base Voting Power
simon - Level 32
Bahamut - 5 Years on NG
mranarchy - 10,000 Experience

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 09:50:16

3,000 blams.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 13:48:52

Level 13.
It looks pretty cool.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 14:21:31

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 14:59:48

5 year anniversary on Newgrounds.
Congrats to Bahamut for 5 year anniversary :D

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 17:23:08

Soon is my 5 years ani too!

Also, 5k posts!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 17:56:02

Hey again..Seems like a lot of you guys are still here from my days in the club..Michelinman seems like the only new guy..

So, following a few months with the Review Request Club, I'm here to celebrate 100 Audio Reviews! :D


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 18:11:43

At 9/11/09 03:20 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote: Real life achievement: As of today me and my girlfriend are together for 6 years!. :D
Congrats man, interesting that you happened to get together on September 11th, at least you will never forget your anniversary :P

Yeah, we needed a date that's easy to remember. XD

At 9/11/09 05:59 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/10/09 12:13 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/10/09 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well you shouldn't say such things.
But if it is the truth?
It's not even the fucking truth.

It is.

Now that's going too far. Think about what you did Haggard and never call yourself a metal fan until you accept your wrongdoings.
Lol! How about you stop calling yourself a metal fan until you stop listening to all those shitty bands?
How about you don't say whether I should call myself a metal fan or not until you admit that St. Anger sucks? HA!

Ha? Well, St. Anger sure isn't as good as their other albums, but I won't say it sucks. Because it doesn't. At least not as much as Manowar. :P

At 9/12/09 05:11 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote: Real life achievement: As of today me and my girlfriend are together for 6 years!. :D
Do I hear wedding bells? Really congrats!

I don't hear any bells. Right now we have no plans of getting engaged or even married. ^^

At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: My account = 5 years old today


2007: 99
2008: 99
Difference: 0
Comment: This bites. :(


At 9/12/09 06:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Haggard - 6th Anniversary with girlfriend. Enjoy your 'special night' ;)

I sure did. :)

At 9/12/09 08:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/11/09 12:03 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/10/09 12:13 PM, Haggard wrote: But other than that, your german is pretty good. :)
Thanks, but I think most dutch people are better with German than me though =) I especially have a lot of trouble with the grammar.
Hm, most dutch people I talked to said something like: "Can you repeat that in english? My english is way better than my german..." XD
I think almost anyone here is better with English than with German. Mainly because everything around us is English. We hear English on tv, we read English on the internet, heck a lot of English words have actually gotten their place in our language.

It's the same here with english words in the language. Sad thing is that even words that only sound english are being used to "sound cool".
For example the word "Handy" I mentioned some time ago, which means a "mobile phone". No one speaking english would understand me if I asked for a "handy", yet those little things are called so, because it is "english" and therefor "cool".

But we do not read or see much German. Although I think German would be easier for us to learn.

I once heard a report that until the 60's or 70's it was quite common for dutch people to speak german, but then as an late aftermath of WW II people didn't want to learn it anymore.
But yeah, I think dutch is very close to "Plattdeutsch" or "Low German". So it shouldn't be that hard for dutch people to learn german and vice versa.
Try if you can understand anything in this video. ^^

And sometimes an actor is dubbed by more than one actor, even though most big actors like Samuel L Jackson or Nicolas Cage or Bruce Willis have their "standard voice-actor".
Oh now that´s a pretty good idea. In that case it wouldn´t be so annoying to hear the same voices if they have the same faces.

Yeah I guess that's what people who dub movies thought as well. Sometimes a voice actor is occupied with other things though, so it may be that the voice changes from one movie to another. It's sad, but it really doesn't disturb that much.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-12 21:16:14

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 84th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD. It looks like we have the first ever tie today! Bahamut/Ivanturoc: 5 years on NG!

Listening to: Smooth criminal!

Congrats to:
Lizzardis: 6,666 Saves
Metal-Therapy: 8,000 Experience
Odyssic: 12,000 Experience
mranarchy: Level 31
Zwe: 1,000 B/P
WilhelmTheVampire: 3,000 blams
Coop83: 666 audio reviews
Calintz: 5,000 posts
Rabid-Animals:Private First Class
Insanimation: 100 Audio Reviews

Thanks to:
All who made a list today.

At 9/11/09 03:07 PM, Hacsev wrote:
At 9/10/09 09:50 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement of the day!
And it goes to....Nijsse: level 45!

Damn, I really wanted to be the AotD.

Sorry about you not getting that, i just thought level 45 was just a little bit better then what you had.

At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: My account = 5 years old today

Since today is my NG account birthday, I have to make a comparison between this time last year and now.

I like that idea! i think i might use that same format when i have my 3rd Newground account birthday in just over 6 days! Oh and congrats on being here so long :P

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 04:02:24

Rev is ready for some football; congrats to:
simon - Level 32
Bahamut - 5 years on NG!
mranarchy - 10,000 Exp!
WilhelmTheVampire - 3,000 Blams
l33tHaxxor - Level 13
Coop83 - 666 Audio Reviews
IvanTuroc - 5 Years on NG!
Calintz - 5,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals - Private First Class
Insanimation - 100 Audio Reviews


At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh, BTW reverend, favourite is the correct spelling in the UK. Therefore, it's correct.

I know. I was just making fun of the language differences. :P

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 05:15:45

Coop finishes his list of requested reviews, before congratulating:
Bahamut: 5th NG Berfday! Sorry I missed it yesterday, you must have posted after I started looking at the LUL :P
mranarchy: Level 31
WilhelmTheVampire: 3,000 Blams
l33tHaxxor: Level 13
IvanTuroc: 5th NG Berfday
Calintz: 5,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals: Private 1st Class
Insanimation: 100 Reviews (Audio)

Thank you to:

At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP rank
Comment: 100 ranks up would have been nice but you can't win them all, especially not when you're higher up in the ranks. It's hard to say how far I'll get in 12 months time but I should easily reach the top 200 by then. I'm hoping I can get in the top 150 but that might be hoping for too much.

It slows down when you reach the top 200, but there is hope - I've reached the top 175 with little hassle, but top 150 is a long shot ;)

Here's to another five years.

Arr! *raises glass* I know it's not talk like a Pirate day for another week, but fuck it!

At 9/12/09 08:04 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/12/09 06:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: A foul ball with a count of 2 strikes will not retire a hitter. They get another pitch to swing at. One player endured a 15 pitch at bat this year and then hit a single to have his team walk off as winners.
I don´t really see how that made him win. Is there like another rule besides scoring points that make you win?

With the game in the bottom of the ninth, any run scoring in a tied game will result in a win. There was a runner on first, that got 'pushed' to second by the single, the runner on second advanced to third and the runner at third ran to home, scoring. D-Backs won 4-3, I believe.

Almost - you're thinking a bunt, when they drop the ball onto the infield grass and then run to first base. Pitchers tend to do this in order to move runners from first to second and second to third. If they get out and move runners across, then it is a sacrifice (not an at bat recorded, but no hit either). It is possible to bunt for base hits.
Yes that´s what I meant. And so that´s called a "bunt".

Yeah, but bunting is not always a sacrifice.

The other sacrifice is a "sac-fly", where a runner is on third base with no outs or one out. The batter hits the ball to the outfield, where he is caught. The runner remains in contact with the base until the catch is made, then runs to home plate, scoring the run.
Alright. So it´s like, you hit it as high and far away as possible to the right side of the field. The one on the third base waits until the ball is caught and then he runs like hell to the home base.

Any position in the outfield can receive a sacrifice fly. Some outfielders have really good arms, so they have the chance of throwing out the runner at home, which makes for some interesting plays.

Reaching on an error - say the batter hits the ball to the third baseman. The third baseman puts his glove out to pick up the ball and then the ball skips over his glove, allowing the runner to reach 1st. That's a fielding error. Throwing errors are when routine plays are missed, usually at first base. These can all cause 'unearned runs' to be credited to the pitcher - the pitcher did no wrong in pitching to them, but the defense let the team down.
Yes, but can batters actually aim for those things? That´s kinda what the term reaching on errors implies. Of course I think a low bouncing ball to the third base will be difficult to stop, but it seems so risky to aim for.

Since errors don't count as hits, hitters don't tend to aim for these things - they would rather hit the ball between the fielders, or over their heads to score hits, rather than reaching on errors. Of course, if you hit the ball to the fielder, running as fast as you can could force them to make a snappy throw that pulls the first baseman 'off the bag', which is why you keep the pressure up.

At 9/12/09 05:23 PM, Calintz wrote: Soon is my 5 years ani too!

No, it'll be your 6th :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 06:36:00

I've got over 5000 Medal points. The last one I earned was hard to get. I hope I can get all of the medals for DadGame, although I likely won't get the Dad Gamer one because I suck at the target breaking challenges.

If I could ask a question. The way this thread works if basically talking about achievements you get and giving people congrats for achievements they make, right?


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 07:21:32

Listening to:

Candlemass - Nightfall

Thanks to:


At 9/12/09 06:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/11/09 05:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: Maybe you should stop talking about him for a while once you've passed him in total points.
Perhaps I will - I've stopped talking about him min the B/P thread and it'll be a while before I catch him for Reviews :P

Damn, you'll be mocking the poor fellow for a long time then. Ah well, this is what he gets for hating on FF.

What legion of fanboys? :P
The legion of fanboys that keep PMing me saying "He Mr. Mod, please delete the review for my flash."

Oh, them. I see what you mean now.

I gotta wash somewhere. :(
"Ai yah - you used up all the hot!"

Amy Wong, from I, Roommate. May have been a deleted scene, but it's still a Futurama quote :P

I remember that quote but almost forgot it was a deleted scene.

How long before Fagamut steals your sig?

Newgrounds' Gayest Dragon?

At 9/12/09 02:59 PM, IvanTuroc wrote: 5 year anniversary on Newgrounds.

Already told you this via PM but happy 5 years on Newgrounds. :)

At 9/12/09 06:11 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/11/09 05:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: It's not even the fucking truth.
It is.

Sorry but you're wrong. Angel of Death is NOT boring, it is A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

How about you don't say whether I should call myself a metal fan or not until you admit that St. Anger sucks? HA!
Ha? Well, St. Anger sure isn't as good as their other albums, but I won't say it sucks. Because it doesn't. At least not as much as Manowar. :P

It's official, you fail. :P

At 9/12/09 09:16 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: My account = 5 years old today

Since today is my NG account birthday, I have to make a comparison between this time last year and now.
I like that idea! i think i might use that same format when i have my 3rd Newground account birthday in just over 6 days! Oh and congrats on being here so long :P

I originally took it from Coop but sure, go right ahead and use it for when your account turns 3. :)

At 9/13/09 04:02 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh, BTW reverend, favourite is the correct spelling in the UK. Therefore, it's correct.
I know. I was just making fun of the language differences. :P

Someone was bound to make fun of the spelling anyway.

At 9/13/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/12/09 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP rank
Comment: 100 ranks up would have been nice but you can't win them all, especially not when you're higher up in the ranks. It's hard to say how far I'll get in 12 months time but I should easily reach the top 200 by then. I'm hoping I can get in the top 150 but that might be hoping for too much.
It slows down when you reach the top 200, but there is hope - I've reached the top 175 with little hassle, but top 150 is a long shot ;)

It's already slow where I am. There are 5 users who I need to miss another deposit or two to take over them permanently and then there's two inactives coming up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 07:42:51

Congratulations to: -

WilhelmTheVampire - 3,000 Blams
l33tHaxxor - Level 13
Coop83 - 666 Audio Reviews
IvanTuroc - 5 Years on NG
Calintz - 5,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals - Private First Class
Insanimation - 100 Audio Reviews
Liteice - 5,000 Medal Points

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 08:46:56

Hacsev is very happy because he turned 17 today!

Congrats to:

Zwe: 1,000 B/P; Police Sergeant; 7.00 Total Voting Power
simon: Level 32
Bahamut: 5 Years on NG!
mranarchy: 10,000 Experience
WilhelmTheVampire: 3,000 Blams
l33tHaxxor: Level 13
Coop83: 666 Audio Reviews
IvanTuroc: 5 Years on NG
Calintz: 5,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals: Pvt. First Class
Insanimation: 100 Audio Reviews
Liteice: 5,000 Medal Points

At 9/12/09 04:08 AM, reverend wrote: Hey Bahamut. I fixed your sig for ya. It had a misspelling in it. :)

How about making me a sig? Newgrounds' favorite Statwhore or Newgrounds' favorite face? I don't know right now.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 09:15:08

It's been a very long time since I've posted here, but I guess once you get a lot of milestones and level ups it takes longer and longer to get new ones. :P

7.00 Base Voting Power
14,000 Medal Points
50,000 Total Points
1,000 Total Review Responses

Also starting to catch up to my 9,000th post here pretty soon so I'm thinking about making a thread in general for it. Nothing special, but just something other than posting here like I usually do.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 10:59:44

24,000 Saves!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 11:07:42

Level 22.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 12:18:25

Achievement of the Day
Fro: 50,000 Total Stats. I thought this was the nicest one. Congrats!

Congrats to:
Hacsev: Happy 17th Birthday
WilhelmTheVampire: 3,000 Blams
l33tHaxxor: Level 13
Coop83: 666 Audio Reviews
IvanTuroc: 5 Years on NG
Calintz: 5,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals: Private First Class
Insanimation: 100 Audio Reviews
Fro: 7.00 Base VP, 1,000 Total Review Responses
Haggard: 24,000 Saves

At 9/12/09 06:11 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/12/09 08:02 AM, Auz wrote: I think almost anyone here is better with English than with German. Mainly because everything around us is English. We hear English on tv, we read English on the internet, heck a lot of English words have actually gotten their place in our language.
It's the same here with english words in the language. Sad thing is that even words that only sound english are being used to "sound cool".
For example the word "Handy" I mentioned some time ago, which means a "mobile phone". No one speaking english would understand me if I asked for a "handy", yet those little things are called so, because it is "english" and therefor "cool".

Oh yeah. I know germans like to do that. Like my girlfriend could pick a minor german for her study which they called "Deutschland live".

I don´t know about you but to be honest, I think it sounds awful :p English words just sound so out of place in the German language.

But we do not read or see much German. Although I think German would be easier for us to learn.
I once heard a report that until the 60's or 70's it was quite common for dutch people to speak german, but then as an late aftermath of WW II people didn't want to learn it anymore.

I think I heard something similar once, and I think it´s true. A lot of older people here can still be a bit unfriendly towards Germans. They still call them "moffen" and all.

But yeah, I think dutch is very close to "Plattdeutsch" or "Low German". So it shouldn't be that hard for dutch people to learn german and vice versa.
Try if you can understand anything in this video. ^^

I couldn´t really understand much of it. But I can see some similarities here and there. The line: "Zal ik die in een plastic tut(?) stoppen" is very much like dutch except that we say "tas" instead of "tut". And I could also understand "handen hoog" and "ik zegge das nog eenmaal".

For the rest, I think it might be pretty close to the dutch that´s spoken in the eastern provinces of our country. The people that live close to the border. I think a lot of people there speak a mix of german and dutch which is probably that plattdeutsch that you´re talking about.

But since I live in the western side of our country, it´s hard for me to understand. Ordinary german is probably easier for me.

At 9/13/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/12/09 08:04 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/12/09 06:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: A foul ball with a count of 2 strikes will not retire a hitter. They get another pitch to swing at. One player endured a 15 pitch at bat this year and then hit a single to have his team walk off as winners.
I don´t really see how that made him win. Is there like another rule besides scoring points that make you win?
With the game in the bottom of the ninth, any run scoring in a tied game will result in a win. There was a runner on first, that got 'pushed' to second by the single, the runner on second advanced to third and the runner at third ran to home, scoring. D-Backs won 4-3, I believe.

Aha, so they still scored a point then.

Almost - you're thinking a bunt, when they drop the ball onto the infield grass and then run to first base. Pitchers tend to do this in order to move runners from first to second and second to third. If they get out and move runners across, then it is a sacrifice (not an at bat recorded, but no hit either). It is possible to bunt for base hits.
Yes that´s what I meant. And so that´s called a "bunt".
Yeah, but bunting is not always a sacrifice.

Yep. I happened to see that this afternoon when I was watching baseball. Or perhaps it was meant as a sacrifice but the batter got lucky. Some korean guy made a bunt and the ball rolled towards the first base. Three players of the dutch team ran towards it and the guy who got to the ball made it slip through his legs. And so the batter made it to first base easily while some other guy made it to third.

I guess our team really sucks ass -.-'

Also, when you only have 1 out, all bases taken and 3 wides vs 0 strikes TWICE, it´s pretty much the maximum chance you can get to score some points right? Yet, the dutch team managed to fuck up and couldn´t get anyone home =/

I mean, to me it seems like a simple low fast ball between first and second should do the trick.

The other sacrifice is a "sac-fly", where a runner is on third base with no outs or one out. The batter hits the ball to the outfield, where he is caught. The runner remains in contact with the base until the catch is made, then runs to home plate, scoring the run.
Alright. So it´s like, you hit it as high and far away as possible to the right side of the field. The one on the third base waits until the ball is caught and then he runs like hell to the home base.
Any position in the outfield can receive a sacrifice fly. Some outfielders have really good arms, so they have the chance of throwing out the runner at home, which makes for some interesting plays.

Alright. But isn´t the right side of the field preferred because it´s away from the guy who tries to run home? Perhaps it doesn´t make much of a difference with through the middle, but to the left doesn´t seem like a good option to me.

Yes, but can batters actually aim for those things? That´s kinda what the term reaching on errors implies. Of course I think a low bouncing ball to the third base will be difficult to stop, but it seems so risky to aim for.
Since errors don't count as hits, hitters don't tend to aim for these things - they would rather hit the ball between the fielders, or over their heads to score hits, rather than reaching on errors. Of course, if you hit the ball to the fielder, running as fast as you can could force them to make a snappy throw that pulls the first baseman 'off the bag', which is why you keep the pressure up.

Right. That´s what I thought.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 14:55:21

Listening to:
Deep Purple - Hard Lovin' Man
Radiohead - Go To Sleep

At 9/13/09 07:21 AM, Bahamut wrote: Candlemass - Nightfall

A finally the dragon comes to his senses and listens to some good band for a change. :P

At 9/12/09 06:11 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/11/09 05:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: It's not even the fucking truth.
It is.
Sorry but you're wrong. Angel of Death is NOT boring, it is A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

If by awesome you mean boring, then yes (hey, I think I said something like that already).

How about you don't say whether I should call myself a metal fan or not until you admit that St. Anger sucks? HA!
Ha? Well, St. Anger sure isn't as good as their other albums, but I won't say it sucks. Because it doesn't. At least not as much as Manowar. :P
It's official, you fail. :P

It's official. I fail at failing.

At 9/13/09 12:18 PM, Auz wrote: Haggard: 24,000 Saves


At 9/12/09 06:11 PM, Haggard wrote: It's the same here with english words in the language. Sad thing is that even words that only sound english are being used to "sound cool".
For example the word "Handy" I mentioned some time ago, which means a "mobile phone". No one speaking english would understand me if I asked for a "handy", yet those little things are called so, because it is "english" and therefor "cool".
Oh yeah. I know germans like to do that. Like my girlfriend could pick a minor german for her study which they called "Deutschland live".

I don´t know about you but to be honest, I think it sounds awful :p English words just sound so out of place in the German language.

English words sound out of place in every language except for english. :P
There are some advantages, though. The word "ticket" for example. It's much shorter than "Fahrkarte" and it fits better on signs. ^^

But we do not read or see much German. Although I think German would be easier for us to learn.
I once heard a report that until the 60's or 70's it was quite common for dutch people to speak german, but then as an late aftermath of WW II people didn't want to learn it anymore.
I think I heard something similar once, and I think it´s true. A lot of older people here can still be a bit unfriendly towards Germans. They still call them "moffen" and all.

What does "moffen" mean? ^^

But yeah, I think dutch is very close to "Plattdeutsch" or "Low German". So it shouldn't be that hard for dutch people to learn german and vice versa.
Try if you can understand anything in this video. ^^
I couldn´t really understand much of it. But I can see some similarities here and there. The line: "Zal ik die in een plastic tut(?) stoppen" is very much like dutch except that we say "tas" instead of "tut". And I could also understand "handen hoog" and "ik zegge das nog eenmaal".

"Ik sech di dat nich noch enmal" acutally (you forgot the "not").
But it's kinda hard for me to understand as well. Not many people nowadays can speak "platt", and platt itself has so many dialects of it's own that it is really confusing and hard to understand people from certain areas.
It's easier for me to read it, like in the "Wikipedia op platt". :D

But since I live in the western side of our country, it´s hard for me to understand. Ordinary german is probably easier for me.

I see.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 16:21:24

Although Bahamuts update came just a moment too soon and the NG rankings haven´t updated yet, I have officially made my way into:

The Top 50 BP'ers

And with that, I say goodnight LUL.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 17:00:40

63,000 B/P

Not really much else to say, so off to write some more reviews :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 17:10:31

At 9/12/09 02:59 PM, IvanTuroc wrote: 5 year anniversary on Newgrounds.
Congrats to Bahamut for 5 year anniversary :D

Lol has it been 5 years I thought he signed up in 2005. Well I have been here for 2 years only but

7,770 Experience points *sniff wipes away tear*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-09-13 20:36:14

Just leveled up to Colonel today. What a trip it has been. I'm hoping I can keep up my pace and rank up again in a couple of months. I better hurry up so I can get on the top VP list.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature