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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 05:01:33

Rev is old because he turned 25 today; congrats to:
Dent0n - Level 44
1337UMD - Level 10
Haggard - 23k Saves!
Bloodthorne - Level 45, 1,000 Saves,and Top 100 in Exp!
aldlv - 7,000 Exp

5,000 Saves


Nothing too eventful or exciting for me today. Just a long but relaxing day ahead. :)

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 06:47:07

Your Statistical Variations Today:

23 of your friends want to be just like you!

I am an inspiration to my friends after all.

Also, 2009 Midyear awards are up and holy shit, I'm still considered underrated by some of you? I thought the recognition in this forum and last year's awards where I got in the finals for Never Logs Off and Best Poster was enough.

Listening to:

Radiohead - The Bends

Thanks to:

Auz. I believe it's so. Funny enough, the first time an alt of mine got AOTD it was Toohot100 for 13,000 EXP.

At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/27/09 06:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: You will once again when Coop reaches level 43. The only solution to this is bribing either of them to stop depositing. :P
It's unlikely that I'll convince Coop to stop depositing, he'll ask for a really high price.

Of course not, he's fucking Coop!

Hey, it's not that necessary for you to pay me back. As long as you get the game and we're all happy, that's all that matters. :D Like me and gfox established already, we're willing to help out great people such as yourself.

Hahaha, thanks a lot! I'll pay you back with some great matches, then! :)

Sure thing. :D



But what about the 110, 115, etc?
Headbanging = 5 points. =)

So I get 5 points for each headbang? I thought it was just the one time I get the points.

I do apologise for the huge ass posts. ;_;
I'll try to do 2 pages a day. ;)

Ah good, you'll get there little by little.

I'm glad you got into them that way. :D My sister found out about Iron Maiden, Helloween and Blind Guardian because of me. She really loves Iron Maiden, but isn't a big fan of Helloween or Blind Guardian. She likes some of their songs, though. BTW, what are your thoughts on Blind Guardian?
Blind Guardian? I think they're a great band. Apart from the fact that they cancelled a concert in here in 2002 because of the FIFA World Cup final result (Brazil 2 X 0 Germany) which was pretty stupid

A cancellation just for a football match? Not a smart move, but I guess they didn't want any hassle concerning their country losing against Brazil in FIFA World Cup 2002. Still, the fans would have still been there for the music and wouldn't really care about who won in the football match.

Naw, 77,770 EXP. :D
Hahaha, agreed, but we could have something at 66,660 exp, right?

Yeah, we need something for 66,660 EXP. Satan icon?

.....Perhaps. T_T
Well, send the bill to Tom Fulp, then!

Naw, not only Tom is too kind but the taxes cover that money up.

At 7/27/09 04:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/25/09 06:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: You can keep loling but Sir-Nuts should check those epic albums out nonetheless.
It seems our definitions of "epic" aren't the same then. One drum riff and two guitar riffs are far away from "epic" in my opinion. :P

Screw you, listen to Battle Hymn.

If Sir-Nuts wants to check out epic albums he should buy Death's "Human" or "Individual Thought Patterns" or some stuff from Bolt Thrower.

Needs some epic power/classic metal.

At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/09 06:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: Shame. Hopefully you will get it soon regardless of price as they're truly great albums. I got a good deal with two Mars Volta albums with that offer and I hope to do the same for getting two Radiohead albums today. :)
It's only a matter of time. Sounds like you've got a good deal sewn up though.

Oh yes, The Bends and OK Computer for £10. Definitely a great deal for two well received albums.

Cheers BBM.
At 7/28/09 05:01 AM, reverend wrote: Rev is old because he turned 25 today

Happy 25th! :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 06:57:04

I'm hosting this year's Midyear BBS Awards, so go and vote if you want to.

Congratulations to: -

Toohot100 - 14,000 Experience
Dent0n - Level 44
1337UMD - Level 10
Haggard - 23,000 Saves
Bloodthorne - Level 45, 1,000 Saves and Top 100 in Experience
aldlv - 7,000 Experience
reverend - 5,000 Saves

At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/27/09 06:44 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/26/09 04:18 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah. Many people were worried, thinking that it could've been similar to Senna's crash. Thank God it wasn't.
Yeah, that would've been another tragedy for sure, thankfully he's looking ok at the moment.
He isn't in inducted comma anymore and he's responding to commands. Still, I think this F1 season has ended for him.

Almost definitely, frankly if he's ready for next season psychologically it will be impressive.

OK then... ¬.¬
<.< I seem to have averted suspicion for now, all is well.

Although my head hurts :P
Heh, sorry. =P

No problem ;P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 07:57:33

Hell yeah 8 years since I signed up! I bet you don't see that everyday. Again, it's a crying shame I haven't been coming online every day to deposit. Damn it's depressing to see 07 users with a higher level than me...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 08:32:35

As predicted yesterday: 35,000 B/P! >:(

Listening to:
UFO - Prince Kajuku
Warshington - I'm A Patriot
Hollenthon - Eclipse - Vita Nova

Thanks to:

Congrats to:
Bloodthorne: Level 45, 1,000 Saves, Top 100 in Experience
aldlv: 7,000 Experience
reverend: 25 Years IRL - Happy birthday!
sushi13 - 8 years on NG

At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/27/09 04:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/25/09 06:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: You can keep loling but Sir-Nuts should check those epic albums out nonetheless.
It seems our definitions of "epic" aren't the same then. One drum riff and two guitar riffs are far away from "epic" in my opinion. :P
Screw you, listen to Battle Hymn.

I did. Well, at least I tried, but I had to turn it off after about 3 minutes. Oh. My. God. This is so ridiculous... >_>

If Sir-Nuts wants to check out epic albums he should buy Death's "Human" or "Individual Thought Patterns" or some stuff from Bolt Thrower.
Needs some epic power/classic metal.

HammerFall (Glory to the brave), Rhapsody - and I still call them "Rhapsody" not "Rhapsody of Fire" - (Dawn of Victory), Luca Turilli - can't name Rhapsody without naming him - (King Of The Nordic Twilight) and of course Iced Earth (almost all albums, but especially epic is the live album "Alive In Athens").
So much for power metal.
Classic metal... wow. Where should I start and where should I end? ^^
Deep Purple, Blue Öyster Cult, Uriah Heep, Led Zep, UFO, Sabbath, ....

Those are what I would call "epic". Manowar is left in the dust by all of them.
Also, I didn't want to post this picture, but the constant talking about Manowar is forcing me... :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 11:47:01

Achievement of the Day
Bloodthorne: Top 100 Exp, Level 45, 1,000 Saves. Nice achievements there, congrats!

Congrats to:
dent0n: Level 44
1337UMD: Level 10
Haggard: 23,000 Saves, 35,000 BP
aldlv: 7,000 Experience
sushu13: 8 Years on NG

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 12:12:56

i got portal sergeant. a thousand b/p. of course this is an elite ng'er hangout and i'm completely outclassed, but i'm still happy about it. haha.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 14:04:53

New sig is up. :)

Listening to:
The Killers - All The Pretty Faces

Congrats to:
Haggard - 23,000 Saves + (almost) 12,000 Blams + 35,000 B/P
Bloodthorne - Level 45 + 1,000 Saves + Top 100 in Exp.
aldlv - 7,000 Exp.
reverend - Happy 25th birthday!
sushi13 - 8 Years in NG
michelinman - 1,000 B/P

At 7/27/09 04:41 PM, Haggard wrote: If Sir-Nuts wants to check out epic albums he should buy Death's "Human" or "Individual Thought Patterns" or some stuff from Bolt Thrower.

More stuff to check out! :P

At 7/26/09 12:49 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Have you guys seen what happened to Felipe Massa? I feel bad about him...
I have seen it, but I don't care. I don't even know him and there's so much other far worse stuff happening in the world. :/

I know, but he's pretty popular around here, so there's the whole "extra-worrying" about his health and if he'll come back or not.

Sorry, I'll never spam again.

IUFYW4UVTY9346509XC4265CX-423¨#@&$¨(& fIOVTg&@%CBUYV24BY
A spammer AND a lyer... :/

ALL LIES! You have no proof that what I typed above was spam. It's... a secret language, yeah.

There is a VHS with 4 HOURS? I need to find that!
There are rumours that there's a version that runs for 10 HOURS! But I think that would bee too much. ^^

Hahaha, 10 hours is an exaggeration. But it would be epic, nonetheless.


"We've got, you know, armadillos in our trousers."

That movie is full of great lines!

At 7/27/09 04:44 AM, iscrulz wrote: Just here to say I finally reached 66,666 B/Pand I am going to think about retiring on that it sounds and looks like a good amount of points, Not a big milestone but its sort of a mini-achievement.
Nice try! :P


At 7/27/09 04:53 PM, 1337UMD wrote:
At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 1337UMD - Level 10 - Are you LittleWashu's cousin or something? =P
No, I don't even know who he is.

Too bad, she is a nice person. I miss her around here. =(

this is an alt

It's OK, it's no big deal. >_<a t 7/28/09 12:36 AM, aldlv wrote:

and 31,640 points away from lvl 60... yeah, right

We'll get there, eventually. =)

At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Also, 2009 Midyear awards are up and holy shit, I'm still considered underrated by some of you? I thought the recognition in this forum and last year's awards where I got in the finals for Never Logs Off and Best Poster was enough.

Heh, I still have to vote there, thanks for the reminder. And yeah, I'm going to vote for you as "Most Underrated". I mean, only we recognise your work around here, but not the rest of the BBS. I think you deserve it.

At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: It's unlikely that I'll convince Coop to stop depositing, he'll ask for a really high price.
Of course not, he's fucking Coop!

The human form of a statwhore!

Hahaha, thanks a lot! I'll pay you back with some great matches, then! :)
Sure thing. :D

At what time you're usually on Steam?



But what about the 110, 115, etc?
Headbanging = 5 points. =)
So I get 5 points for each headbang? I thought it was just the one time I get the points.

Well, you said earlier that headbanging was cumulative!

Blind Guardian? I think they're a great band. Apart from the fact that they cancelled a concert in here in 2002 because of the FIFA World Cup final result (Brazil 2 X 0 Germany) which was pretty stupid
A cancellation just for a football match? Not a smart move, but I guess they didn't want any hassle concerning their country losing against Brazil in FIFA World Cup 2002. Still, the fans would have still been there for the music and wouldn't really care about who won in the football match.

Well, most would have gone there only for the music. But almost everyone in Brazil (including me) has at least a little bit of fanaticism over football. Some people go a little over the hedge and take it too damn seriously. And it's likely that someone would have brought a sign regarding the match result.

Naw, 77,770 EXP. :D
Hahaha, agreed, but we could have something at 66,660 exp, right?
Yeah, we need something for 66,660 EXP. Satan icon?

A flaming trident?

At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hahaha, that's still going to take a while. Now only if deckheadtottie posts here. :P
I'll see what I can do ;)

Heh, level 42 w/ gold aura convention. =P

Yeah, I also heard that the total weight in the impact was about 150kg. Massa was going pretty fast at the time, and that spring is quite heavy as well.
150G-force impact? Nah, It can't be - the spring only weighed at 1kg and you're talking a 4-5G impact incurred from the speed that Massa was travelling, surely?

I'm not too sure about that either. But I saw in the news yesterday that the impact could be compared to being shot or being hit by that spring if it was released from the top of the Empire State. I mean, Massa was at almost 300Km at that time.

At 7/28/09 06:57 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I'm hosting this year's Midyear BBS Awards, so go and vote if you want to.

Will do.

At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: He isn't in inducted comma anymore and he's responding to commands. Still, I think this F1 season has ended for him.
Almost definitely, frankly if he's ready for next season psychologically it will be impressive.

That's another thing to be concerned about. I think he'll race the next season, but... it's unlikely that he'll race the same way he did last year/this year. He'll have to work on that during the end-year break.

OK then... ¬.¬
<.< I seem to have averted suspicion for now, all is well.

Although my head hurts :P
Heh, sorry. =P
No problem ;P

Also, I won't call the M.I.B. Lets keep it... a secret. <.<



At 7/28/09 08:32 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, I didn't want to post this picture, but the constant talking about Manowar is forcing me... :P

Ugh... that's... awkward. o_o

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 19:49:08

Sgt. First Class

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 20:18:20

Tomorrow I'll be a Brigadier General!

Congrats to:

Pokemonpoeguygcn: 12,000 Saves
Achromatic: Level 24
Toohot100: 14,000 Experience
Dent0n: Level 44
1337UMD: Level 10
Haggard: 23,000 Saves; 35,000 B/P
Bloodthorne: Level 45; 1,000 Saves; Top 100 in Experience
aldlv: 7,000 Experience
reverend: 25 Years IRL; 5,000 Saves
sushi13: 8 Years on NG - I had already congratulated you, but what the heck!
michelinman: Police Sergeant; 1,000 B/P
dx5231: Sgt. First Class

At 7/28/09 06:57 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I'm hosting this year's Midyear BBS Awards, so go and vote if you want to.

No one has voted for me...

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 22:33:17

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 42nd-43rd Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to....sushu13: 8 Years on NG

Additional information

Congrats to:
dent0n: Level 44
1337UMD: Level 10
Haggard: 23,000 Saves, 35,000 BP
aldlv: 7,000 Experience
sushu13: 8 Years on NG
Bloodthorne: Level 45, 1,000 Saves, Top 100 in Experience
reverend - Happy 25th birthday!
michelinman - 1,000 B/P
dx5231: Sgt. First Class

Listening to: Michael Jackson smooth criminal.

Thanks to:

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-28 23:38:10


At 7/17/09 11:54 PM, Overtired wrote: Yeah, mine's WAY bigger. Biz-nitch-er.
Concider yourself one upped.

I'd make a joke about how kind it is of you to give me an extra video game life and all (hurrrrr), but.... instead I'll just say that if you're satisfied with your signup date being a higher number than mine, more power to ya. #;-}>


At 7/18/09 05:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop tries to remain calm in the face of other people shirking, while congratulating:

SHIRKING? What sort of shirking do we be talkin' about here, eh?

At 7/17/09 09:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I think you're only 5 days behind him as of late, from what I noticed recently while doing catchups in the various list threads (the exp thread being the likely reason for me to notice such a thing, of course).
I can't tell when you've missed a deposit, to be honest. If you miss a lot, then I suddenly do, because of the margin for error.

I missed a deposit on gfoxclock and gfox on last Saturday. And for the third Saturday in a row, I didn't log on NGlog. I haven't had daily bppd tracking in almost a month now. It's insane. Why of all days of the week I'm MOST likely to not log on NGlog on Saturdays... is beyond me except that in so doing, I fulfill Murphy's Law. #;-}>

Anyway, didn't miss my gfoxcook deposit, so all's well.

Net result: my final deposit on gfox is gonna be on 8/16 on NG time. But still 8/15 for me, if I do it right away after NG midnight.

And don't deny it'll have more significance to you than just any ol' ranks, man! I know you wanna pass all 3 of my accounts someday, so passing the 1st of the three will be quite the treat for you. #;-}>
As if you think it would have little significance for me? This is probably more significant than me passing iscrulz for B/P

I thought you made some remark acting like it didn't have any extra significance beyond any other ol' rankswap, yeah. #;-}>

Hahahah, I'd say I'm touched, but I know how little passing iscrulz means to you, so that's not really saying much, alas!

Speaking of which, I'm now over 10,000 B/P ahead of Dream-of-Duke. Who'd have thought it?


Who? You and me, of course.

At 7/18/09 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: That sucks, I think I'll start playing Overlord 2 again when I complete Monkey Island. God knows when that is, I suck at some of the puzzles.
Well, plenty of time for that today. I've just got to make sure that I don't forget the Responses update and those outstanding reviews that I've got to do for the RRC :P

I still need to finish Overlord 1 before I go getting Overlord 2. Also, due to the silliness of Overlord's production company, I can't play the DLC/expansion pack/whatever for the first game on Steam, so... my impetus to get 2 even once I've finished 1... is lessened.

Monkey Island I am ALL over, once they do a big Lucas Arts pack sale. There's a ton of stuff I want beyond just Monkey Island, hence my patience at this point.

Having Plants vs. Zombies to tide me over helps a lot, too.

Here's hoping they bring over Monkey Island 2 and Grim Fandango as well, cannot wait to get them + 1 for Steam. GET ON IT, LUCASARTS/whatever the name of that other adventure game company is that's working on some of these modern adventure games/remakes/episodic things as well.

At 7/18/09 07:54 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: *opens LUL tab*
*sees simultaneous gfoxcook/Sir-Nuts catchups*
*head explodes*

BOOM. Headshot.

At 7/17/09 10:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Of course, 2037 will only have 365 days... so that's a full 6 hours less than you just made it out to be either out of silliness or not thinking it through completely. #;-}>
Chalk it up to not thinking it through :P

Ah, okay. That 'splains it. #;-}>

Pity about the rest of the year though, I can envisage it being a year full of #;-{>

Yep. I'll throw a little party for the lack of a Leap Day, and I'll still celebrate my birthday on June 30th, and then of course I'll throw a huge party for the coming of 38 on New Year's Eve (also my half-birthday)... and then 2038 will be here and it'll all be like a bad, bad dream that I never have to live through again! #;-}>

At least this topic itself will (hopefully) never get to page 37000. Though it probably will get to 3700, and then I'll have to suffer through 100 pages. Or else just disappear for 100 straight pages (sounds better).
100 pages of no catchups? Well if you did disappear I could only imagine the size of the catchup you'd have to do to compensate for your absence :O

Or I could just never read any of the 100 pages.

If anyone wants to say shit about me without me reading it, those 100 pages just might be the ones in which to do it. #;-}>

At 7/18/09 10:42 AM, Auz wrote: I'm a little busy right now, so gfox replies will have to wait until later :)


You iz wise.

At 7/18/09 11:08 AM, reverend wrote: Rev is ready for another day seeing old friends and the 49 later on; congrats to:
gfox - 8 x post manifesto


At 7/17/09 10:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: So you're saying that Josh Bedn had between 30-60 posts in LUL?

Not sure if I think that number is too high or too low, but how can you be sure that all the deletions in here were JUST from his account, eh?
I think it sounds about right. Haggard mentioned that a mod deleted at least one post from a spammer so at accounts for one post, but when you think about it, he had plenty of achievements he could have posted in during his parole time.

I see.

Well, I was thinking more of Bedn's posts from before he ever got into legal trouble in the first place, actually.

If Bedn ever posted in here, it seemed likely to me that it was way back then. But I don't remember too well, in any event.... he certainly didn't post here often.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 00:37:33

At 7/18/09 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: gfox catchups + Sir-Nuts catchups = PARTY TIME! Triple-Bahapost FTW!


How's that even possible? Being jealous of... yourself? O_O
Because of the mighty sword.

The mighty sword demands attention, respect, love, and fear all at once. I MUST HAVE IT. If I have it, I MUST KEEP IT.

At 7/18/09 03:41 PM, Bahamut wrote:
And lastly: what's your Steam username? Even if you'll only be playing TF2 on free weekends for the foreseeable future, that's still better than nothing. Let me and Bahamut know it either here or privately via PM, and we'll friend ya!
Sir_Nuts, that would be. But I have already added you guys, anyway. =)

When'd you change your display name to just "Nuts," anyway, SirNuts?

Yes but it's good to remember incase anyone else you know wishes to add you on Steam. I did try looking up your ID on Steam but I put a hyphen in the URL and didn't even think of underscores for your name. :S

Heh. Good ol' underscore-less NG. #;-}>

Wii? Claiming his life? Good thing the Wii will never do that to me. As a matter of fact, no game will ever 'claim' my life as I always play them for a reasonable amount of time. Sure, I might play a bit more than usual or a bit less, but it's nothing where I'm on it all the fucking time like my sister who has actually spent over thousands of hours on World of Warcraft in total.

Oh come now. By "life," I clearly meant "free time." Most people tend to use those terms synonymously, yanno. #;-}>

At 6/21/09 11:26 PM, gfoxcook wrote: One thing's for sure: no level rocks out with ALL the fucking auras as much as level 42 does.
Conclusion: level 42 = BADASS.
Can't wait until I wield the sword on 30th October. MARK YOUR CALENDERS THEN as the sword is the best icon for my name.

Nice Halloween present to yourself, dude!

Speaking of level 42... Hmmmm... it seems that when I hang it up around Clock Day for gfox to stay put at lv42 FOREVAH, he'll have gained about 2 months and 10 days of depositing. So, I'd wager you'll be passing ol' gfox sometime during early January 2010. I seem to recall reading text while getting quotes together for this catchup in which you told Coop you wouldn't be entering the top 200 exp very soon. But I really doubt gfox's gonna fall out of the top 200 exp THAT fast when he's climbed up all the way to around #175 right now. So we'll see what happens with him and you next year, I s'pose.

Hey, it's still possible. It's just no-one has ever tried to get two EGSC accounts before. The closest for an alt EGSC is Afro_Stud's LevelOneAccount, unless I'm forgetting someone...

Did he create that account himself, BTW?

At 7/17/09 09:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You do realise that millions more people know what a tetris block is, gamers or non-gamers... than know what/who Pyramid Head is, right?
Here's the thing, Pyramid Head is an actual character, while a fucking Tetris block ISN'T! It's reasons like this why GameFAQs is one of the lowest forms of shitty communities on the internet along with YouTube and Facebook. As long as the characters are legitimate, I have no arguments over who's in the final. Seriously, it could be the blandest character you could possibly find and it'd be still more legitimate than a shaped block.

Well, a shaped block is a pretty bland character. #;-}>

Seriously, dude... the definition of "character" is very very subjective. Most characters in video games would be scoffed at as characters in a novel, say. Non-human beings are characters, so why can't a block be one, too?

Seriously gfox, nothing and I do mean NOTHING can make L-Block a legitimate character. Calling L-Block a legitimate character is like calling Slipknot the founders of prog rock.

Seriously, Bahamut. If Slipknot were some oranges, and prog rock were bananners, then maybe the L-Block would be an apple.

Hey, he's been a douchebag for years now and still is.
I dunno who we were even talking about anymore, so... ehhhhhh. :::shrugs:::


Yay, I'm right! What do I win?
The pleasure of joining Coop in passing gfox in exp some day in the not-so-far-off future?
Good enough. :D

It'll have to be.

At 7/18/09 03:43 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/17/09 10:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, I prefer the regular one to the golden, actually. The golden is so boring looking, so monochromatic.
No, the golden one is made of goddamn butter!

Yeah, and butter is goddamned boring to look at, isn't it? One colour, nothing special about the shape. Boring in appearance!

It's not 41, 41's okay but not a great level. It's 42-43-44-45 you're thinking of. Like I just expressed to that xiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish bastich.
Wait what? I thought you loved the skullcrusher. Sure, the bandage on it looks a bit weird but besides that, it's badass.

I like 41 and 46 okay, they're just not the ultimate 1337ness that is 42 through 45, that's all.

Now that should be said to my friend (and possibly thousands of other people with similar thoughts), not me as I have no opinion on the game yet. However, I won't knock it until you try it.

I have tried it. O_o Gonna assume that was meant to say "I try it" there. #;-}> Anyway, I didn't type it for your benefit, I just typed it in response to you relaying your friend's GTA4 opinion. You should relay that to him, then, if it makes no impact, plus or minus, on you.

That's what I've done and it hasn't done what I want exactly for saving my alt's passwords. Meh, I'll just use Firefox to deposit my alts, I'll be fine with that.

That's what I do. It's a lot easier to switch between multiple accounts in firefox than opera, yes, which is why gfoxcook = opera, and firefox = the others.

Well, the food system doesn't sound like the brightest idea they came up with at the time.

And thus it was gone in the next game! Easy as that. #;-}>

Don't get me wrong, you can go to restaurants in GTA4, but it's more a part of the date/hangout minigame system, not necessary for normal gameplay.

THANK GOD! I always hate falling in the water in those games. Infact, many people seem to be rather traumatized with water in video games. I don't bicker too much on water-based levels/games as much as a lot of gamers do. Maybe since I love the Ecco and Tomb Raider games, I don't wish to complain about water in video games too much.

Yep. Water's teh goodness.

It takes real skill to do the graphics right underwater, as well. No matter how good a game looks in the air, underwater POVs are a challenge. Gotta have that underwater murkiness without making it TOO hard to see, yanno? Good game design challenge, and every game tends to do it a bit differently.

I declare it as pulling a gfox because you were the first to go on about URLs in posts.


I never "went on" about them. I don't notice URLs that don't LOOK like URLs in posts, because I tend to cut and paste posts into notepad rather than reading them in the actual BBS window. And since notepad doesn't preserve the link, it's just the text of the link, not the URL, and... yeah, you know what I'm talking about (so I guess this was more for anyone else's benefit, if someone besides you is reading this part). More on this in a moment.

At 7/18/09 04:59 PM, Haggard wrote: Also, epic catch ups are epic... O_O

Glad to be of service!

At 7/17/09 08:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Shit, I pulled a gfox by overlooking the link in quotes. Ah well, I've got it now. :)
Lol, I guess I should write "YES THIS IS A LINK" everytime I link to a page then. ^^

Simple solution for everyone:

just. paste. the. link. Don't turn it into a text-link, leave it as a URL. Simple enough, even grandpa can do it! Then everyone can see it's a link and follow it, whether they're reading in a browser or notepad!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 00:57:55

At 7/19/09 05:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to take his last hacks at Overlord 2 for a few days, while congratulating:

Why the hiatus? Wait, 'cause of playing Monkey Island instead?

At 7/18/09 03:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, it's still possible. It's just no-one has ever tried to get two EGSC accounts before. The closest for an alt EGSC is Afro_Stud's LevelOneAccount, unless I'm forgetting someone...
The only other one I can think of is Muffin, but that's got less. Unless you count Fro's "alt", Dream-of-Duke. Personally, I'd let the account rot, since he won't get any thanks from that ungrateful turd.

It only counts if the alt was made by the person who made the main, IMO. Inherited alts don't count, or Xiivi + Nemesis would be a potential double EGSC in the future, and I don't think that's right. hmph.

Anyway, I'm sure I'm not even the 2nd closest to it after Afro and his lvl1acct, seeing as how gfoxclock only has 2540 or so b/p.

At 7/19/09 10:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Top 250 in EXP


Top 300 - 21/1/09
Top 250 - 19/7/09

Pretty much 6 months between #251 - 300. I'm guessing it'll take 9 months to reach the top 200, so I predict I'll enter the Top 200 next April. Let's see if I'm right or wrong when the time comes.

If it takes you 9 months to reach the top 200, that means gfox will lose... say 50 rank spots between now and then. I find that hard to believe.

As I said in an above post, gfox's exp retirement number is a number you'll reach in January 2010. I won't guess as to whether you'll hit the top 200 before or after you pass him, but I will say it won't be 4 months after you pass him. That's insane. O_O

At 7/19/09 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/17/09 10:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote: B) have a network of informants that would notify them via PM or e-mail or IM if such a topic ever occurs.
That seems like the most likely option then.

Probably, yeah.

Well, Electrical Storm was a very different sort of single from U2. Instead of being associated with any one album like MOST singles are/were... wasn't it released on one of the decade-BestOfs double-discs?
Yeah it was released on the best of ´90-2000. Like The Sweetest Thing was on the ´80-´90.

Ah, but there's a difference between those two, at least for me. I'd never heard OR heard of Electrical Storm until 90-00 best of started being talked about.... but I already owned Sweetest Thing for years and years before the 80-90 best of came out, because it's a b-side on one of the Joshua Tree singles. Can't remember which one, as I have 2 or 3 from that album.

Hehe yeah the huge cover art is indeed awesome. Although the October cover art wasn´t much special I think, except that it was nice to see the band in their very young years on the picture.


Will do next time, like I said :) Although I might just look them up on Youtube. Youtube being my main "music player" at the moment whenever I´m on my PC.

I hear ya, man. I use itunes, too, but for music I don't own or for music I do own but haven't ripped from CD to my harddrive yet, youtube is the quickest way to hear it. I probably use youtube at least as much as a music player as I use it as a video viewer.

War is an excellent album, start to finish. A couple songs on there I sometimes skip, but it's definitely in the top 5 U2 albums to listen to from start to finish.
Top 5 you say? Well then I´m curious if it´s gonna beat Achtung Baby, The Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, Boy or Zooropa (my top 5) :p

Well, like I said... "albums to listen to from start to finish," I'm not sure if that's really exactly the same thing as "best albums." For instance, TUF has some great songs on it, and it's one of my fave U2 albums, but it's not in my top 5 to listen to from start to finish, because it has a real dragging portion between the first 4 songs and then Indian Summer Sky/Bad near the end.

Anyway.... I'd definitely rather listen to War all the way through than Rattle and Hum. That'd be the one of your five I'd swap with War.

October's good to listen to all the way through, though a lot of the songs are very similar-sounding, way moreso than on any other U2 album, IMO... it's not really their fault, seeing as how the lyrics briefcase was lost/stolen and they had to redo so much musical composing at the last minute... and I really like a lot of the tracks on it, like Fire and October (that one stands out from the rest, for one), and With a Shout, along with of course Gloria... but yeah, not good enough to make it into a top 5 listenable list.

I'd agree with you about Zooropa needing to be in the list, and I don't think any album since then comes close, though maybe ATYCLB is closest. For me, I guess I'd have to go:

start-to-finish listenability:

1 Achtung Baby
2 Joshua Tree
3 War
4 Boy
5 Zooropa
6 Unforgettable Fire
and then POP, October, etc. Can't really rank 'em at that point.

but you'll note the above list differs from my "fave album" list, in order at least:

1 Joshua Tree
2 Achtung Baby
3 Unforgettable Fire
4 War
5 Zooropa
6 Boy

Ah well. They can't live forever. At some point their music is either gonna disappoint you or they're gonna stop releasing it. One way or the other, it has to end.
That´s true I guess. Perhaps my expectations of them have just become a bit too high over the years.

That's a good thing, though, since it means they produced enough good schtuff to get our hopes up. #;-}>

Aha, I figured it was something like that. Sounds like a really handy program if you ask me. And how much do you pay for a game on average? Are they much cheaper than in the stores?

New games will often cost just as much as they do in stores, $50 is the average US new game price for PC games in store OR on Steam. But Steam has a lot of $20-$40 range games. Don't shop at stores often enough to know how well they discount on not-quite-super-new-or-super-big games, but my impression is that Steam goes a bit lower.

But the main way Steam wins is this: Steam does a weekend sale almost every week, and occasionally a week-long sale, and every year at the end of the year, a big holiday/winter sale on almost everything on the site.

The sales can be on individual games, a whole game series, a pack of multiple games/series, or even EVERY game from a specific company.

I'd say at least 60 of the 82 games I own on Steam were via sales, and I saved anywhere between 25% to 75% off those 60 games due to the sales.

The packs that go on sale, BTW, are already a good value to get on Steam, as they already have a sale-like discount built in. When an already good-value pack goes on sale, it's almost as good as getting a game for free. #;-}>

Alright. So it´s also like a big community a bit similar to Newgrounds?

Yes. There is a forum, too, but it's not directly in Steam, it's in its own website, and you have a different login on the forum than you do for gaming.

But yeah, there's messaging each other similar to NG PM only realtime IM.... there's profile comments, like NG.... there's profiles, of course... and there's a forum.... and there's games to play like NG's flash games, only... yeah. "Real" games. Heh. #;-}> And hell, even movies to watch (demos and promos for games, of course)!

So yeah, it really is a lot like NG if you think about it, only less advertising (you'll only get ads when you sign on in the first place, or if you visit the store), and tons more money-sucking than NG despite that. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 01:25:48

At 7/19/09 03:13 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/9/09 03:56 AM, Coop83 wrote: Haha! Nah, that's just too easy :P
You son of a bitch I am coming to the London meet to kick your motherfucking ass if you pass me.

Wheeeee! Pics plz!

At 7/12/09 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: REBARU APPU.
What speaky de english

Level up!

48 tiems.
Eh the trident or whatever you call it looks like shit the bow and arrow is where its at.

Well, it won't be too long into 2010 before I have it, so just relax and wait, baby.

At 7/12/09 11:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote: TILL THEN...

Enjoy my new sig text AND new sig pic, courtesy of the mod-account-haxxors!
Wait the mod-account h4><><0rs got you a sig. I still think you should add the current badges like me. I need to re-do my sig fuck. Well I will see what I got.

The mod-account haxxors took away my sig, and my old sig wouldn't upload properly, so I had to make a new one. Which I think I already explained to Coop after his silly reply that was quite similar to yours. WHY MUST I DEJA VU!?!?

Seriously, you and Coop need to stop acting like each other, it's getting creepy. #;-}>

At 7/13/09 09:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: My other friend who doesn't like GTA4 claims the game is boring and doesn't have the same feel as GTA3, VC and SA.

A bit OTT, but your heart's in the right place for once. #;-}>

At 7/17/09 10:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/09 07:54 PM, iscrulz wrote: In a very tragic turn of events TV pop culure icon Billy Mays was found dead. Shocking news to use all Vince won't be able to fill in his shoes or anyone else for that matter. God must be pissed.
The SCOUT SHALL LIVE ON and other TF2 references

Vince Offer, ultimate scout, livin' on, despite his prostitute-bit lip... he'll have to pick up the slack now that Heavy Billy Mays is down. ;_;

Life's respawn timer really sucks.

Unless Billy Mays was instantly reincarnated as a turtle, or something. In which case.... wheee... auto-class-selection on an insta-respawn server. O_O

That was some good clean fun. I guess she left or it was Coop that whole time.

You'd like that, wouldn't you (if that had been Coop on schnee's account, I mean, instead of schnee herself).

Zombies was one thing. EMO zombies, OTOH... man....
They IMO like shitty melodramtic music and try cutting themselves instead of groaning and eating flesh.

I wanna play a Left4Dead level where the zombies are emo zombies. Sounds like easy headshots.

Well wait they are then it must been interleague now or division like that. The Tigers if they keep there streak up will make the playoffs after that they won't. Astros last time I checked 2 weeks are 4 games behind. The chances of them both in the world series any year is always low

Chances of the Astros being in the World Series in 2005 weren't very high, either. Anything can happen in October!

At 7/19/09 03:26 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/17/09 10:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote: No, because I never vote less than 2 in Opera, and thus even if something I vote 2 on gets blammed, I don't get a blam. I never slip and vote 1 or 0 by mistake, dude.
It has happened to me and the flash ending up being blammed it I didn't want any saves, I think it was the latter. I screw up my blam and save mini-retirements because of slip ups. I don't have Opera so I can't do that method.

um, okay. But a blam vote either results in no point or a blam point, and a save vote either results in no point or a save. That error on NG years ago where you'd get a save for being the 100th vote on a movie, even if you hit blam... that error is GONE, thankfully. And vice versa.

The days are passing and Bahamut hasn't gotten FO3 lets dis dragons and spell Dream Theather with -re and switch to FAB.
Only he HAS gotten it. For STEAM. Mwahahahaha.
Well uh he is still getting a PS3 and I will make him get agian for all the trophies.

You do realise that the "trophies" are in the Steam versions of Fallout 3 and GTA4, don't you?

You have to make a Games4WindowsLive account or whatever, but once you do that, you get achievements in both games.

The only game I have that should have achievements but doesn't is Bioshock (not sure why it doesn't use the same G4WL system, but ah well). Bioshock's such a good game, it's not that big a deal. I kinda want to find out what you have to do for the achievements in it, though, and then think of whether I've done them all once I've finished the game (which will be soon, I'm finally on the last level, nearly 14 months of owning it and playing it WAY TOO SLOW #;-}>).

iscrulz likes being his own sloppy seconds!
I love getting screwed up the ass even if it by a werewolf wannabe with a wolf penis strap-on. I will sloppy seconds and so on.

And don't you know it!

What, there's only 3 Americans in LUL nowadays? Preposterous.
Yeah its all these britfags and I think other Europeans. The rest are in southern Amerikkkan any Aussies I don't know probably.

Dude, of course I know there's a lot of Europeans and Brits on Wi/Ht?, but surely there are more Americans than you, me, and whoever else you mentioned. What about 36holla? Corky? idiotbuster? etc. There's plenty others. I just don't happen to know the country of origin of EVERY regular around here, so... I couldn't recall offhand, but I knew you were undercounting. And now I've proved it. #;-}>

Ahhh, so my pentalist stats are the original stats to you, eh? What a compliment.
Yeah I guess I am not going to get anal about it and only count the stuff from 99.

Yes, that would be a bit overly anal. #;-}>

Well I don't remember why you didn't include flash reviews or just plain reviews in your 1 by 10K list but when I joined there was review stats so its orginal and Yep the penta list topic has B/P or B-P so I guess I should have noticed it.

It was because the list was created because I noticed we had one user with 10,000 exp and 10,000 posts (Shrapnel), one user with 10,000 exp and 10,000 b/p (NemesisM66), and one user with 10,000 b/p and 10,000 posts (biteme), and NO others. Those were the three, IIRC. No one had 10,000 reviews back then, so there was no chance for that to be the impetus for the list.

Anyway, XwaynecoltX is the reason reviews were added to the list at some point.

But yes, if we're talking about NG itself, of course.... blams came after exp, saves came after blams, etc.
or did blams come after saves. The old B/P system maybe just blams were given out I can't recall, I want to know if I got 1 blam back in my first 4 months or the UJ system of everyone that voted got te point when I joined. Whats the old url to profiles so I can check its all java blah open(profile x) when I try finding old links.

No, blams were around for awhile before saves came about. I don't know how old blams are, but I do know that saves started in October 2002. I started posting on the bbs in January 2003, and there was much talk about saves, as they were the relatively-new stat at the time.

Blams originally were only for the blamming vote itself, not all the 0s and 1s up to that point.

At 7/19/09 10:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Obviously. If only iscrulz made his catch-up then as well.
Okay I will make some. I almost missed gfox's replies but decided to check all the pages.

Almost missed them? Heh. How could you? LOOK AT THEM. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 03:37:14

Coop wonders how long his new chapter will be upon completion, while congratulating:
reverend: 5,000 Saves; 25th Birthday. You're not old and neither am I!
sushi13: 8th NG Berfday
michelinman: 1,000 B/P
dx5231: Sergeant 1st Class

At 7/28/09 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: 1000 gnomes = dead.

That's quite an achievement - I've only managed about 300-400 of the little buggers.

At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/27/09 06:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: You will once again when Coop reaches level 43. The only solution to this is bribing either of them to stop depositing. :P
It's unlikely that I'll convince Coop to stop depositing, he'll ask for a really high price.
Of course not, he's fucking Coop!

I don't see what me fucking myself has to do with depositing :P

At 7/28/09 06:57 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I'm hosting this year's Midyear BBS Awards, so go and vote if you want to.

How long will the nominations run for?

At 7/28/09 02:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: It's unlikely that I'll convince Coop to stop depositing, he'll ask for a really high price.
Of course not, he's fucking Coop!
The human form of a statwhore!

*poses* Well, I do try ;)

At 7/28/09 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/18/09 05:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop tries to remain calm in the face of other people shirking, while congratulating:
SHIRKING? What sort of shirking do we be talkin' about here, eh?

People around me thinking that because I'm sitting behind a desk doing paperwork, that they are doing more work than me. As a result of this, they feel that they can go on sites like Faceache while I'm still working.

Speaking of which, I'm now over 10,000 B/P ahead of Dream-of-Duke. Who'd have thought it?

Who? You and me, of course.

Of course - we're the only ones that think about such "trivialities", aren't we?

I think I'd like to catch you for B/P before 70k. I wonder how long iscrulz can draw out his own fate?

At 7/29/09 12:57 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/19/09 05:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to take his last hacks at Overlord 2 for a few days, while congratulating:
Why the hiatus? Wait, 'cause of playing Monkey Island instead?

No, because the laptop was going in for a repair - the LCD cable had developed a fault, causing the backlight to terminate unexpectedly from time to time. It was getting quite annoying.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 07:17:14

Level 25 and yesterday, I reache 30k total stats. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 07:36:02

Rev is thinking 'hair of the dog time'; congrats to:
sushi13 - 8 years on NG
Haggard - 35k B/P!
michelinman - Sergeant
dx5231 - Sgt. First Class
Kaytee - Level 25 and 30k Total Stats

Thanks to:


At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: I am an inspiration to my friends after all.

Also, 2009 Midyear awards are up and holy shit, I'm still considered underrated by some of you? I thought the recognition in this forum and last year's awards where I got in the finals for Never Logs Off and Best Poster was enough.

Nope not enough. We are trying to get you win all the good categories. :)

Happy 25th! :)
At 7/28/09 08:32 AM, Haggard wrote: reverend: 25 Years IRL - Happy birthday!
At 7/28/09 02:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: reverend - Happy 25th birthday!
At 7/28/09 08:18 PM, Hacsev wrote: reverend: 25 Years IRL
At 7/28/09 10:33 PM, idiot-buster wrote: reverend - Happy 25th birthday!
At 7/29/09 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: reverend: 25th Birthday. You're not old and neither am I!
At 7/29/09 04:53 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
reverend: 25th Birthday

Thanks guys! I had a pretty good birthday, I must say. I have a feeling the celebration isn't over yet. Ha!

Yeah Coop, I should say I'm old'er' but I like complaining just a little bit. Quarter of a century down and all of the age limits restrictions are gone now. (18 to smoke, 21 to drink, 25 to rent a car unrestricted in all 50 states.) Of course I know it isn't about how old you are, but how old you feel. And I still feel young.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 08:21:14

Congratulations to: -

reverend - Happy 25th Birthday
sushi13 - 8 years on NG
Haggard - 35,000 B/P
michelinman - Sergeant
dx5231 - Sergeant First Class
Kaytee - Level 25 and 30,000 Total Stats

At 7/28/09 02:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:57 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I'm hosting this year's Midyear BBS Awards, so go and vote if you want to.
Will do.

Awesome :)

At 7/27/09 03:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: He isn't in inducted comma anymore and he's responding to commands. Still, I think this F1 season has ended for him.
Almost definitely, frankly if he's ready for next season psychologically it will be impressive.
That's another thing to be concerned about. I think he'll race the next season, but... it's unlikely that he'll race the same way he did last year/this year. He'll have to work on that during the end-year break.

Yeah, he might never fully recover from it as a driver, hopefully it'll work out ok for him.

OK then... ¬.¬
<.< I seem to have averted suspicion for now, all is well.

Although my head hurts :P
Heh, sorry. =P
No problem ;P
Also, I won't call the M.I.B. Lets keep it... a secret. <.<



Yes, lets.

At 7/28/09 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/18/09 07:54 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: *opens LUL tab*
*sees simultaneous gfoxcook/Sir-Nuts catchups*
*head explodes*
BOOM. Headshot.

Fortunately as Sir-Nuts pointed out I can regenerate it :P

Pity about the rest of the year though, I can envisage it being a year full of #;-{>
Yep. I'll throw a little party for the lack of a Leap Day, and I'll still celebrate my birthday on June 30th, and then of course I'll throw a huge party for the coming of 38 on New Year's Eve (also my half-birthday)... and then 2038 will be here and it'll all be like a bad, bad dream that I never have to live through again! #;-}>

And then you could write a nightmarish sci-fi horror book based on said "dream" entitled "Eternal 2037" or something like that.

At least this topic itself will (hopefully) never get to page 37000. Though it probably will get to 3700, and then I'll have to suffer through 100 pages. Or else just disappear for 100 straight pages (sounds better).
100 pages of no catchups? Well if you did disappear I could only imagine the size of the catchup you'd have to do to compensate for your absence :O
Or I could just never read any of the 100 pages.

If anyone wants to say shit about me without me reading it, those 100 pages just might be the ones in which to do it. #;-}>

We wouldn't do that, now would we guys? Guys?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 08:28:52

Listening to:

Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Radiohead - The Bends

Thanks to:


At 7/28/09 08:32 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Screw you, listen to Battle Hymn.
I did. Well, at least I tried, but I had to turn it off after about 3 minutes. Oh. My. God. This is so ridiculous... >_>

I take it you can't handle the epicness in Battle Hymn.

Needs some epic power/classic metal.
HammerFall (Glory to the brave), Rhapsody - and I still call them "Rhapsody" not "Rhapsody of Fire" - (Dawn of Victory)

HammerFall, yes. Rhapsody, yes and I agree, the old name is better.

Also, I didn't want to post this picture, but the constant talking about Manowar is forcing me... :P

Do you like seeing them half-naked? :P

At 7/28/09 02:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Also, 2009 Midyear awards are up and holy shit, I'm still considered underrated by some of you? I thought the recognition in this forum and last year's awards where I got in the finals for Never Logs Off and Best Poster was enough.
Heh, I still have to vote there, thanks for the reminder. And yeah, I'm going to vote for you as "Most Underrated". I mean, only we recognise your work around here, but not the rest of the BBS. I think you deserve it.

Man, it amazes me how I'm getting so much for this category. Oh well, at least I've got some nominations for Best Poster as well. :)

Of course not, he's fucking Coop!
The human form of a statwhore!

I thought there were many human statwhores.

Sure thing. :D
At what time you're usually on Steam?

Most of the time.



So I get 5 points for each headbang? I thought it was just the one time I get the points.
Well, you said earlier that headbanging was cumulative!

I thought it was you who said that.

Yeah, we need something for 66,660 EXP. Satan icon?
A flaming trident?

Another good suggestion. :)

At 7/28/09 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: SURPRISE LUL CATCHUP PREEMPTIVE STRIKE HO!


Here's hoping they bring over Monkey Island 2 and Grim Fandango as well

PLEASE YES! I really need those games on Steam, most especially Grim Fandango.

At 7/29/09 12:37 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/18/09 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: Because of the mighty sword.
The mighty sword demands attention, respect, love, and fear all at once. I MUST HAVE IT. If I have it, I MUST KEEP IT.

I'm glad I'll have it around Halloween. :)

At 7/18/09 03:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Wii? Claiming his life? Good thing the Wii will never do that to me. As a matter of fact, no game will ever 'claim' my life as I always play them for a reasonable amount of time. Sure, I might play a bit more than usual or a bit less, but it's nothing where I'm on it all the fucking time like my sister who has actually spent over thousands of hours on World of Warcraft in total.
Oh come now. By "life," I clearly meant "free time." Most people tend to use those terms synonymously, yanno. #;-}>

Either way, the Wii failed to get me addicted and I'm fucking proud of that.

Can't wait until I wield the sword on 30th October. MARK YOUR CALENDERS THEN as the sword is the best icon for my name.
Nice Halloween present to yourself, dude!

Early treat FTW!

Hey, it's still possible. It's just no-one has ever tried to get two EGSC accounts before. The closest for an alt EGSC is Afro_Stud's LevelOneAccount, unless I'm forgetting someone...
Did he create that account himself, BTW?

Yes he did.

Here's the thing, Pyramid Head is an actual character, while a fucking Tetris block ISN'T! It's reasons like this why GameFAQs is one of the lowest forms of shitty communities on the internet along with YouTube and Facebook. As long as the characters are legitimate, I have no arguments over who's in the final. Seriously, it could be the blandest character you could possibly find and it'd be still more legitimate than a shaped block.
Well, a shaped block is a pretty bland character. #;-}>

Is it a character, though? Nope. A bland character would be more Henry Townshend from Silent Hill 4, not L-Block.

I dunno who we were even talking about anymore, so... ehhhhhh. :::shrugs:::

No, iscrulz is cool. Bonus is not.

At 7/18/09 03:43 PM, Bahamut wrote: No, the golden one is made of goddamn butter!
Yeah, and butter is goddamned boring to look at, isn't it? One colour, nothing special about the shape. Boring in appearance!

It's nothing to do with the colour, it's just how it looks like butter.

Wait what? I thought you loved the skullcrusher. Sure, the bandage on it looks a bit weird but besides that, it's badass.
I like 41 and 46 okay, they're just not the ultimate 1337ness that is 42 through 45, that's all.

I still think 41 is awesome, despite its weird bandage and I can't wait to get it this Saturday! :D

That's what I've done and it hasn't done what I want exactly for saving my alt's passwords. Meh, I'll just use Firefox to deposit my alts, I'll be fine with that.
That's what I do. It's a lot easier to switch between multiple accounts in firefox than opera, yes, which is why gfoxcook = opera, and firefox = the others.

Yeah, that works. Still, it would be nice if there were less reasons to keep Firefox as I'm sick of that constant crashing piece of shit.

Well, the food system doesn't sound like the brightest idea they came up with at the time.
And thus it was gone in the next game! Easy as that. #;-}>

Interest in GTA4 has increased.

THANK GOD! I always hate falling in the water in those games. Infact, many people seem to be rather traumatized with water in video games. I don't bicker too much on water-based levels/games as much as a lot of gamers do. Maybe since I love the Ecco and Tomb Raider games, I don't wish to complain about water in video games too much.
Yep. Water's teh goodness.

I'm glad I'm not alone on this one.

At 7/29/09 12:57 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/19/09 10:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Top 300 - 21/1/09
Top 250 - 19/7/09

Pretty much 6 months between #251 - 300. I'm guessing it'll take 9 months to reach the top 200, so I predict I'll enter the Top 200 next April. Let's see if I'm right or wrong when the time comes.
If it takes you 9 months to reach the top 200, that means gfox will lose... say 50 rank spots between now and then. I find that hard to believe.

It seems a lot but there's a bunch of active depositers together and they'll all make gfox crash down.

At 7/29/09 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course not, he's fucking Coop!
I don't see what me fucking myself has to do with depositing :P

It has everything to do with depositing, you know it to be true.

At 7/29/09 07:36 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Also, 2009 Midyear awards are up and holy shit, I'm still considered underrated by some of you? I thought the recognition in this forum and last year's awards where I got in the finals for Never Logs Off and Best Poster was enough.
Nope not enough. We are trying to get you win all the good categories. :)

You should have nominated me for Best Poster, dammit! XD

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 08:40:44

Finally, Level 20.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 09:52:24

Sorry gfox, but replies will have to wait again.

Achievement of the Day
Kaytee: Level 25, 30,000 Total Stats. Congrats :)

Congrats to:
michelinman: 1,000 BP
dx5231: Sgt. First Class
Kaytee: Level 25, 30,000 Total Stats
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20


reverend: Happy Belated Birthday! - Sorry, I know you mentioned it to me somewhere a few pages ago, but I forget these sort of things easily :(

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 12:27:00

Lllllevel up!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 15:09:05

im level 47 now :)

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 16:22:11

EXP Rank Top 6000

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 18:20:04

Well, I kinda didn't meant to stop catching up when I did last night, but I fell asleep earlier than planned. SLEEP DEPRIVATION WIN!

So... one last post for the rest of the catch-up, except for the SirNuts catchup, which is really its own beast. We should just take it to Steam IM. #;-}>

And then there's a few replies to my catchup already... oy vey...

At 7/20/09 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Still, you might pass gfox to enter the top 200. How swell will that be?!

That would be pretty cool. If gfox is ranked #199 when he's at #200, it's a done deal since gfox'll be dead in the water by then. Bahamut sure seems to think that he won't be getting to #200 until 4 months later than that, based on his "9 months" prediction for moving up from #250 to #200.... but... that means gfox is gonna tumble fast and hard from his perch when he stops depositing. I don't expect him to stay at... :::checks::: #172... but I don't expect him to be out of the top 200 by a couple months from now, either, which apparently he expects to happen. O_O

At 7/21/09 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/20/09 05:27 AM, Auz wrote: I´m pretty excited for tonight. Gonna go to the U2 concert in the Amsterdam ArenA. And I am just so lucky to have Snow Patrol in the pre-program again (Snow Patrol also being one of my favourite bands). So it´s gonna be an awesome and exciting day for me :)
Just hope this doesn't happen ;)

I'm pretty sure Auz's newspost review of the concert didn't mention Edge's effects pedals all failing to work and him playing Jingle Bells in response, so... WHEW.

At 7/24/09 10:39 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement's of the month!
Since i have been gone for so long and have 17 pages to catch up on i will be doing a top 5 achievement's of the month list!\
1) RageVI: 14 Total VP
2) Overtired: Level 49
3) gfoxcook: Level 48
4) life: 13.37 VP
5) Coop83: 60,000 B/P

Interesting list there. :::polishes his bronze medal, while looking longingly at the silver one Overtired stolinated:::

Congrats to:
gfoxcook: Level 48

Thanks. That was one insane congrats list, BTW...

Disclaimer: If your name is on the list more than once ::::that means if your achievement the same one is on here twice then it's not my fault:::: you should be happy for that. If I missed you then you did not seem important enough for the list ::::or I just made a mistake:::: no hard feelings.

My alt seemed important enough for the list. Wheee.

At 7/26/09 07:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/09 12:49 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Oh, and that ''other person'' you meant... Wylo?
We did up until Wylo got it hmself. Me and gfox were talking about this last night and thought maybe Auz was interested as well. I'm not too sure myself, but whether he is or not, I still have another person in mind to gfit TF2 to.

In doing my catchup in here, I noticed that the conversation with Auz was him being curious about Steam in general, and me explaining Steam, as you can see from our posts back and forth.

I musta somehow confused that convo with the ones with SirNuts about TF2 specifically, thereby ascribing some desire for TF2 itself to Auz, when he doesn't even have Steam (yet?), so... heh. Nevermind. o_o

Eh, give it some time. My friends list started small but grew to a decent 16 people. May not be a lot but it's nice and managable. However, I don't mind having more friends on Steam as long as they're not just random adds.

Every single Steam friend I have who I didn't know from ADGBC or NG is a person I either found very skillful as an enemy, very helpful as a teammate, or very funny in text/voice comms.

I wouldn't call those random adds, but in so adding them, I not have a rich panoply of games to join pretty much anytime I start up TF2 if I wish to play with people I've played with before.

The problem is namechangerers make me forget who they are if they change names a lot. At least Steam has a "previous nicknames" feature. Old NG prior to the username lockdown would have benefited GREATLY from such a feature. #;-}>

At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, gfoxclock wrote: My only regret is that I didn't get to be #100 right on the dot. Like that bastard gfoxcook. :::seethes with jellyousness:::

Eat it, punk.

At 7/25/09 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: I think that Seventh Son is an awesome album. Though I haven't gotten to Killers yet, I don't think I'm going to appreciate it as much as some of the others I have, due to the lack of Dickinson vocals. I think the next two on my want list is Powerslave and Piece of Mind. They should sate my appetite for now ;)

Piece of Mind's great, too. But there's only 3 tracks on it that are in my fave Iron Maiden tunes, whereas literally 7 out of 8 tracks on Powerslaves are most of my Iron Maiden favetuneslist! EGAD, MAN, EGAD!!!!


I'll agree with you on that subject, though. A BIT TOO OTT, however. Sheesh. Punks these days.

At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop would rather stay at home today and watch the Watchmen, while congratulating:


Listening to:
Bob Dylan - The Times Are A-Changin'

A bit of songchoice inspiration from the Watchmen as well, apparently. #;-}>

At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, gfoxclock wrote: POWERSLAVE NAO.
Looks like I touched a nerve here. Look, I'll get to purchasing it at some point. Right now, I've got 7 Maiden Albums and have 'borrowed' an 8th off my brother.

I just can't believe it wasn't one of your first ones, that's all.

Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast
Somewhere in Time
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
No Prayer for the Dying
Fear of the Dark
Edward the Great 'borrowed'

I only have Number of the Beast from that list. I'll get Iron Maiden sometime.

TNOTB + Powerslave + Piece of Mind = a perfectly acceptable minicollection for me. I just can't believe your patience for Powerslave. POWERSLAVE DEMANDS QUICK ACTION!

From the collection I've got, I'm reasonably happy. The more well known tracks that aren't on the actual albums I own are in EtG - Flight of Icarus, The Trooper, 2 Minutes to Midnight, for example.

And prolly Aces High as well, but what about the Rime of the Ancient Mariner? And the Duellists? And Losfer Words (Big 'Orra)!

Great stuff.

At 7/28/09 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: 1000 gnomes = dead.

What the...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 18:39:13

12,000 Blams! >:(

I'll reach 888 audio reviews in the very near future (if only I would find the time to do the last 7 reviews), but then my achievement streak ends for some time, I guess.

Listening to:
Dead Kennedys - Shrink
Monster Magnet - Black Mastermind
Nirvana - Plateau (unplugged)

Thanks to:
Auz (2x)
Sir-Nuts (3x)
Hacsev (2x)

Congrats to:
michelinman: Police Sergeant
dx5231: Sergeant First Class
Kaytee: Level 25, 30,000 Total Stats
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20
bifgis: Level 33
Toocool100: Level 47

At 7/28/09 02:04 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/27/09 04:41 PM, Haggard wrote: If Sir-Nuts wants to check out epic albums he should buy Death's "Human" or "Individual Thought Patterns" or some stuff from Bolt Thrower.
More stuff to check out! :P

Of course! Also, no half naked hairy men on the covers on those albums. :P

At 7/26/09 12:49 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Have you guys seen what happened to Felipe Massa? I feel bad about him...
I have seen it, but I don't care. I don't even know him and there's so much other far worse stuff happening in the world. :/
I know, but he's pretty popular around here, so there's the whole "extra-worrying" about his health and if he'll come back or not.

I don't want to imagine what the press would be like if the same thing had happened to Schumacher.

Sorry, I'll never spam again.

IUFYW4UVTY9346509XC4265CX-423¨#@&$¨(& fIOVTg&@%CBUYV24BY
A spammer AND a lyer... :/
ALL LIES! You have no proof that what I typed above was spam. It's... a secret language, yeah.

Ah, I guess I have to decipher it then... *runs various codes*
Okay, done. What have we here?
"Haggard, you suck donkey ass!"

There is a VHS with 4 HOURS? I need to find that!
There are rumours that there's a version that runs for 10 HOURS! But I think that would bee too much. ^^
Hahaha, 10 hours is an exaggeration. But it would be epic, nonetheless.


"We've got, you know, armadillos in our trousers."
That movie is full of great lines!

Yes. "He suffocated on vomit. But it wasn't his own vomit, so his death was rather strange."

At 7/28/09 08:32 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, I didn't want to post this picture, but the constant talking about Manowar is forcing me... :P
Ugh... that's... awkward. o_o

That's Manowar. :P

At 7/29/09 12:37 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/18/09 04:59 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/17/09 08:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Shit, I pulled a gfox by overlooking the link in quotes. Ah well, I've got it now. :)
Lol, I guess I should write "YES THIS IS A LINK" everytime I link to a page then. ^^
Simple solution for everyone:

just. paste. the. link. Don't turn it into a text-link, leave it as a URL. Simple enough, even grandpa can do it! Then everyone can see it's a link and follow it, whether they're reading in a browser or notepad!

URLs look ugly in posts. So better hide them behind text!

At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/09 08:32 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Screw you, listen to Battle Hymn.
I did. Well, at least I tried, but I had to turn it off after about 3 minutes. Oh. My. God. This is so ridiculous... >_>
I take it you can't handle the epicness in Battle Hymn.

If by "epicness" you mean ridiculous lyrics and bad songwriting then yes. :P

Also, I didn't want to post this picture, but the constant talking about Manowar is forcing me... :P
Do you like seeing them half-naked? :P

Sort of, because that means they are not completly naked. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 18:42:28

Not so long ago, this convo was 3 posts from SirNuts to me and 3 posts from me back to SirNuts... he got it down to only 2 posts back to me, and I have gotten it down to just 1 post back to him! A MIRACLE!

At 7/23/09 12:54 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: What is this, catch-up after my catch-up? o_O

Yep. It was a coincidence, though. I wasn't waiting for you to catchup to do mine or anything, it just happened to be there right on the page above my own. #;-}>

This left me a bit of curiosity regarding each character's nationality. So I searched for it and found this, which seemed pretty trustworthy.
Now: do you play more with the engineer just because he's from Texas? =P

No, it's just a bonus that he's a Texan. Besides, if that was the reason I played engineer most, wouldn't I always have played engie most?

When I first got TF2 13 months ago, I played Heavy and Scout most (Russian and American--Boston, specifically).... then I started to play Pyro most (who knows where he's from... some say Italian... I think he needs to either be hispanic or asian, personally, as TF2 is missing some real diversity #;-}>). And then I started to play Demo most (Scottish).

Engie was my 5th class to hit #1 playtime on my account, so... I didn't rush straight to him when I started playing. It took half a year or so for engie hours to pass all my other hours.

Honestly, when I saw the final roundin Baha's character battle, I had to search to know what the hell was a Pyramid Head. It seems he's a pretty popular obscure character that I'd never heard of.

Yep. You've gotta be a big SilentHill/ResidentEvil-type gamer to have met him. I haven't, but I found out about him on the web a few years ago.

Ah well. They can't live forever. At some point their music is either gonna disappoint you or they're gonna stop releasing it. One way or the other, it has to end.
Tell that to the Rolling Stones. =P

Even they will not go on forever. Unless they're all vampires. WE SHALL SEE.

Indeed, but that's because you wrote a SHIT TON of things quoting my posts. Heh.

Yep. So we gotta fix that. Anything not that important to say needs to not get said. I've already clipped out 3 or 4 things of yours I coulda replied to but felt I shouldn't. You probably shouldn't reply to this in return. That will further decrease the INSANE SIZE of this conversation that started out as a simple single post from each of us and was up to 3 posts or so at its height. #;-}>

At least this topic itself will (hopefully) never get to page 37000. Though it probably will get to 3700, and then I'll have to suffer through 100 pages. Or else just disappear for 100 straight pages (sounds better).
But then you'll have to catch-up those 100 pages... right?

Like I told Rohan, I think it was, maybe I'll just ignore all 100 pages. #;-}>

I'm getting the hang of it, but I still find myself erasing the damned line. One thing that I did in this previous catch-up that i found quite useful was copying the whole post to notepad and checking if the lines were there or not. A little ''archaic'', yeah, but useful nonetheless. :)

Nothing archaic about that. I'm typing this line in notepad right now, dude. It's the only way to multiquote. You can't fit more than 8000 characters in a NG BBS response window, after all. Almost every time I multi-quote, even if it only ends up being 2 posts, instead of 4 or (hah!) 8.... I start out with so much quoted material it can't all fit in a single post. I edit it down as I go, while adding my own replies, of course, and... then cut it into <8k chunks in notepad, and paste back into posting windows.

Congrats, especially on BrigGen (my fave rank icon on OLD pre-redesign NG!) and 10+ VP!
Thanks! We know that Brigadier General is your favourite pre-redesign badge, I mean, it's your profile pic. =P

Well, before the redesign, my profile pic was of all 4 general rank badges AND the supreme commander badge. It was an animated profile pic, but then the redesign came along and made animated sigs and profile pics a thing of the past, so I had to pick a single frame of my pic to use, and of course I picked my fave. #;-}>

But before then, people would actually have had to ask me or see me saying it to know.

Well, I have a 1MB internet connection, which is pretty good, I suppose. The major internet backbone area should be São Paulo (everything is there, but WE are the capital, wth...), which is about 1100km (~700 miles) from here. I believe that most servers were held there as well.

Well, you're further inland, right? In the US, most of our backbones are along the coasts, so it doesn't surprise me much that it's the same in Brazil. Population on coastlines means it's the first place to build a pipeline/backbone, then you branch it off to the inland areas.

I went to a store the other day and saw that a PS3 game was about 50/60 dollars. That's why there's so much piracy in here. Another reason why I ask my uncle to buy games sometimes, since he lives in Washington. :)

Games here are 50/60 dollars, too, but I take it you're not talking about the same dollar as I am. #;-}>

Would your uncle buy you a nice boxed copy of the Orange Box? If so, you could probably get it even sooner than from Bahamut or me.

Are you serious? But that's just... insane! I... don't know what to say! Are you seriously going to do that or you're just mocking me?

Of course we're serious. Didn't we say that like 2 months ago? You thought we were joking or something? Why bother signing up to Steam and putting "please to buy me TF2?" in your profile there, then? Heh. #;-}>

Yeah, you can easily make 36 posts with gfox, just to show everyone the sword. =P

That's a grand idea.

If things starts getting too serious, LOOK AT THE HEAVY'S FACE.

That should be TF2's motto!

I think everyone would trade a 36 for a 99, in this case.
I'll take 136 instead of either of 'em. #;-}>
I'd rather 360. =P

Meh, this one could go on FOREVER.

Indeed. I'll take 36,000,000, and you can have 36,000,000 too and we'll call it a day. How about that? #;-}>

Nice guess, then. I actually got that album this year as a birthday gift from my brother. It was the only album from Foo Fighters that we didn't have, so now we have the whole discography (excluding special versions & etc...) :)

Really? How many albums do they have, anyway? That one was their first one, I assume. It's the only one I have.

Hahahaha, yeah. You ramble on for about 8 posts every time you catch-up. Even if it's a one-week catch-up. 8)

No... 8 posts is not quite the normal #. Usually it's 4-6 posts. #;-}>

This will be the 6th (and last) post of this week's catchup. I MADE IT! Whew. Just barely, though.

At 7/23/09 12:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe. Don't give up. ;_;
Well, you kinda encouraged me now. =)

Well, that's good.

Actually... I think he wouldn't care that much now. After the computer crashed with him a couple of times and he took a new part in his job (with special parking spot! =P), he decided to buy a laptop for his activities. So he ditched the old computer (which we use) and uses the laptop, most of the times (whic we use as lol. Actually, I'm typing from it now =P). He controls it more, of course.

Ah, cool.

He still asked me the other day what was I playing on the other computer and if it was online or not. But I'll try to talk things over with him. I know that steam is safe. =)

That sillyhead....

Shall we call Guiness and record this as ''Longest catch-up on NG''?

I think we should!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 19:02:01

Brig. General and 9.00 Total VP!

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 20:32:19

I have just reached 8,888 posts with this post here.

In other news I have completed Beneath the Sheets 2. It didn't turn out so well, but it will still be submitted because some of the people like Coop and Haggard who have seen the first one might enjoy some of the inside jokes, but it still didn't turn out well.

FroNick Productions has also created another film which is over 7 minutes and comes in at 11 MB. Even though it's longer than any other movie that I have it still has a lower file then the 19 MB Pretenders and Resident Hall Evil movies that I have. And even though it has a lower filesize it's still a better quality because of the new HD camera that we use now.

It also seems that aldlv is having a slow week, but he's right on my ass to pass me. Keep it up bud you have my full support in reaching Supreme Commander next. I hope I'm there behind you some time shortly after.