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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 21:48:16

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 44th Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to....Toocool100: Level 47

Listening to: Michael jackson; they don't care about us.

Congrats to:
Kaytee: Level 25, 30,000 Total Stats
michelinman: 1,000 BP
dx5231: Sgt. First Class
Kaytee: Level 25, 30,000 Total Stats
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20
bifgis: Level 33
Toocool100: Level 47
Hacsev:Brig. General and 9.00 Total VP
Fro: 8,888 posts

Thanks to:

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-29 23:51:22

Whoo! It's been long overdue, but I finally got me my sgt major medal!

32% voting power now lulz

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 00:24:55

:Thanks for voting, sushi13! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
:With that vote, you now have 4,900 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 22.

Yay I hit level 22, now I'm stuck with my least favorite level icon for a while. It seems like I had that crowbar for an eternity, this is gonna feel like 10 eternities.
Btw thanks idiot-buster for the Achievement of the Day for my 8 year anniversary!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 00:27:19

Also an anti-achievement:
Fucked up the quote in my last post.
I'm on a roll!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 01:32:52

Level 25 finally. That seemed like it took forever.

Also more importantly, I think, I got a shiny new DEITY whistle huzzah.

And a heart felt congrats to all level uppers today.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 02:16:02

List #88

Today is my birthday and I'm congratulating:

ushi13: 8 years on NG
Haggard: 35k B/P
michelinman: Sergeant
dx5231: Sgt. First Class
Kaytee: Level 25 & 30,000 Total Stats
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20
bifgis: Level 33
Toocool100: Level 47
Hacsev:Brig. General and 9.00 Total VP
Fro: 8,888 posts

Thanks to:

Sir-Nuts, for creating my birthday thread :P

Listening to:

Michael Jackson - Billie Jeans

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 03:48:49

Coop wonders if there will be any Ashes Cricket to watch today, while congratulating:
Kaytee: Level 25; 30,000 Total Points
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20
bifgis: Level 33
Toocool100: Level 47
Haggard: 12,000 Blams
Hacsev: Brigadier General; 9.00 Total Voting Power
Fro: 8,888 Posts
squadus2: Sergeant Major
Sanjay: Level 41
sushi13: Level 22
SevasTra: Level 25

At 7/29/09 04:53 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/29/09 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: That's quite an achievement - I've only managed about 300-400 of the little buggers.
Bombers hate water. Little Hint for you. ;)

I'll be sure to try that when I get back to the game - Watchmen was quite distracting last night :P

At 7/29/09 07:36 AM, reverend wrote: Yeah Coop, I should say I'm old'er' but I like complaining just a little bit. Quarter of a century down and all of the age limits restrictions are gone now. (18 to smoke, 21 to drink, 25 to rent a car unrestricted in all 50 states.) Of course I know it isn't about how old you are, but how old you feel. And I still feel young.

Good man! Mind you, I got the feeling that passing the legal limit for something tended to make it less enjoyable - mostly when it came to drinking, as I never smoke and I only drove in a field before getting my provisional licence

At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/29/09 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course not, he's fucking Coop!
I don't see what me fucking myself has to do with depositing :P
It has everything to do with depositing, you know it to be true.

Well, I wouldn't say everything, but it certainly makes it more exciting :P

At 7/29/09 06:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/20/09 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Still, you might pass gfox to enter the top 200. How swell will that be?!
That would be pretty cool. If gfox is ranked #199 when he's at #200, it's a done deal since gfox'll be dead in the water by then. Bahamut sure seems to think that he won't be getting to #200 until 4 months later than that, based on his "9 months" prediction for moving up from #250 to #200.... but... that means gfox is gonna tumble fast and hard from his perch when he stops depositing. I don't expect him to stay at... :::checks::: #172... but I don't expect him to be out of the top 200 by a couple months from now, either, which apparently he expects to happen. O_O

I'm watching it with eager anticipation, that's for sure.

At 7/21/09 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote: Just hope this doesn't happen ;)
I'm pretty sure Auz's newspost review of the concert didn't mention Edge's effects pedals all failing to work and him playing Jingle Bells in response, so... WHEW.

So you enjoyed that video then?

At 7/25/09 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Piece of Mind's great, too. But there's only 3 tracks on it that are in my fave Iron Maiden tunes, whereas literally 7 out of 8 tracks on Powerslaves are most of my Iron Maiden favetuneslist! EGAD, MAN, EGAD!!!!

I'll agree with you on that subject, though. A BIT TOO OTT, however. Sheesh. Punks these days.

For those who still haven't understood my plight - I could have gotten a copy of Powerslave for £20 from HMV. HOWEVER, I could have purchased Number of the Beast; Fear of the Dark; No Prayer for the Dying and Seventh Son all on the promo offer of 2 for £10

4 albums for the price of 1 I can't see the logic with that (The second part is that since I already had TNOTB, FOTD and NPFTD, I chose Killers to go along with Seventh Son.

At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop would rather stay at home today and watch the Watchmen, while congratulating:
Listening to:
Bob Dylan - The Times Are A-Changin'
A bit of songchoice inspiration from the Watchmen as well, apparently. #;-}>

No, I was actually watching the movie while writing the list

"Rorschach's journal, October 12th 1985. Tonight, a Comedian died in New York."

At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, gfoxclock wrote: POWERSLAVE NAO.
Looks like I touched a nerve here. Look, I'll get to purchasing it at some point. Right now, I've got 7 Maiden Albums and have 'borrowed' an 8th off my brother.
I just can't believe it wasn't one of your first ones, that's all.


I only have Number of the Beast from that list. I'll get Iron Maiden sometime.

TNOTB + Powerslave + Piece of Mind = a perfectly acceptable minicollection for me. I just can't believe your patience for Powerslave. POWERSLAVE DEMANDS QUICK ACTION!

Hypocrite! You haven't got that album yet - haven't you ever heard of saving the best for last?!

At 7/28/09 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: 1000 gnomes = dead.
What the...

Overlord 2

At 7/30/09 02:16 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Listening to:

Michael Jackson - Billie Jeans

Ah, the tight denim was always what made him reach the higher notes :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 05:35:50

At 7/30/09 05:08 AM, Kevin wrote:
Also I got a name change from KevnSevn to just Kevin.

Great, now I'll get you confused with a gerbil from the 1980s :(

In other news, 5,000 Medal Points

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 06:34:08

Rev is loving the rain in summer and would like to congratulate:
14hourlunchbreak - Level 20
bifgis - Level 33
Toocool100 - Level 47
Hacsev - Brig. General and 9.00 Total VP!
Fro - 8,888 Posts
squadus2 - Sgt. Major
Sanjay - Level 41!
sushi13 - Level 22
SevasTra - Level 25 and Deity Whistle!
Coop83 - 5,000 Medal Points!

Listening to:
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

since everyone else is listen to MJ this morning. ;)


At 7/29/09 08:21 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: reverend - Happy 25th Birthday

Thanks buddy! :)

At 7/29/09 09:52 AM, Auz wrote: reverend: Happy Belated Birthday! - Sorry, I know you mentioned it to me somewhere a few pages ago, but I forget these sort of things easily :(

It's cool and thank you! :)

At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: You should have nominated me for Best Poster, dammit! XD

I should have but I think someone did. So I'll just vote for you, if you have enough nods.

At 7/30/09 02:16 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Today is my birthday ...

Happy 17th Birthday!

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 07:43:30

Congratulations to: -

14hourlunchbreak - Level 20
bifgis - Level 33
Toocool100 - Level 47
Haggard - 12,000 Blams
Hacsev: - Brigadier General and 9.00 Total Voting Power
Fro - 8,888 Posts
squadus2 - Sergeant Major
Sanjay - Level 41
sushi13 - Level 22
SevasTra - Level 25 and Deity Whistle
Kevin - 3,333 Posts
ThePigeonMaster - Happy 17th Birthday!
Coop83 - 5,000 Medal Points

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 08:05:55

16,000 Experience Points

Also, I might be going on another short holiday next monday. Just for a few days. Is anyone interested in doing a few deposits for me while I´m away?

Also, gfox replies coming up.

Achievement of the Day
Toocool100: Level 47. Congrats! :)

Congrats to:
bifgis: Level 33
Haggard: 12,000 Blams
Hacsev: 9.00 VP, Brigadier General
Fro: 8,888 Posts
squadus2: Sgt Major General
Sanjay: Level 41
sushi13: Level 22
SevasTra: Level 25
ThePigeonMaster: Happy Birthday
Kevin: 3,333 Posts

Listening to:
U2 - Ultraviolet

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 08:26:18


Listening to:

Radiohead - The Bends

At 7/29/09 06:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/26/09 07:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: We did up until Wylo got it hmself. Me and gfox were talking about this last night and thought maybe Auz was interested as well. I'm not too sure myself, but whether he is or not, I still have another person in mind to gfit TF2 to.
In doing my catchup in here, I noticed that the conversation with Auz was him being curious about Steam in general, and me explaining Steam, as you can see from our posts back and forth.

Oh yeah, I see them now. :)

Eh, give it some time. My friends list started small but grew to a decent 16 people. May not be a lot but it's nice and managable. However, I don't mind having more friends on Steam as long as they're not just random adds.
Every single Steam friend I have who I didn't know from ADGBC or NG is a person I either found very skillful as an enemy, very helpful as a teammate, or very funny in text/voice comms.

Yeah, you have LOADS of friends. I couldn't imagine myself getting that many within a year. What I have right now is good enough, but I'm always welcome to add more people who I think are great or I know elsewhere, so Newgrounds and real life for this case. :)

The problem is namechangerers make me forget who they are if they change names a lot.

Yes, that can be a struggle. I see people with different names and I'm like "Who?"

At least Steam has a "previous nicknames" feature.

It's a savior.

At 7/29/09 06:39 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I take it you can't handle the epicness in Battle Hymn.
If by "epicness" you mean ridiculous lyrics and bad songwriting then yes. :P

It's not bad songwriting at all, it's epic all across! >:(

Do you like seeing them half-naked? :P
Sort of, because that means they are not completly naked. :P

But wouldn't you like it even more if they WERE? :P

At 7/30/09 12:21 AM, Sanjay wrote: filler

Congrats, not long until I get it. :)

At 7/30/09 02:16 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Today is my birthday and I'm congratulating:

I hope you're having a great day!

At 7/30/09 06:34 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: You should have nominated me for Best Poster, dammit! XD
I should have but I think someone did. So I'll just vote for you, if you have enough nods.

To get in the finals for Best Poster, it's 50-50 right now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 08:47:52

At 7/29/09 12:57 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/19/09 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/17/09 10:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, Electrical Storm was a very different sort of single from U2. Instead of being associated with any one album like MOST singles are/were... wasn't it released on one of the decade-BestOfs double-discs?
Yeah it was released on the best of ´90-2000. Like The Sweetest Thing was on the ´80-´90.
Ah, but there's a difference between those two, at least for me. I'd never heard OR heard of Electrical Storm until 90-00 best of started being talked about.... but I already owned Sweetest Thing for years and years before the 80-90 best of came out, because it's a b-side on one of the Joshua Tree singles. Can't remember which one, as I have 2 or 3 from that album.

Really? I didn´t know that. I thought Bono wrote it for his wife after he had some relationship problems with her. I believe he forgot her birthday or the day they were married or something. Hence why you see banners with "I'm really sorry' in the video of the song.

Will do next time, like I said :) Although I might just look them up on Youtube. Youtube being my main "music player" at the moment whenever I´m on my PC.
I hear ya, man. I use itunes, too, but for music I don't own or for music I do own but haven't ripped from CD to my harddrive yet, youtube is the quickest way to hear it. I probably use youtube at least as much as a music player as I use it as a video viewer.

I pretty much use youtube only for musicplaying. What I really like about it is that you can easily find almost any song and won´t have to go through the trouble of dowloading. Lots of bootlegs from live shows too and other rare material. The only downside is that the quality isn´t always so superb though =/

War is an excellent album, start to finish. A couple songs on there I sometimes skip, but it's definitely in the top 5 U2 albums to listen to from start to finish.
Top 5 you say? Well then I´m curious if it´s gonna beat Achtung Baby, The Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, Boy or Zooropa (my top 5) :p
Well, like I said... "albums to listen to from start to finish," I'm not sure if that's really exactly the same thing as "best albums." For instance, TUF has some great songs on it, and it's one of my fave U2 albums, but it's not in my top 5 to listen to from start to finish, because it has a real dragging portion between the first 4 songs and then Indian Summer Sky/Bad near the end.

Anyway.... I'd definitely rather listen to War all the way through than Rattle and Hum. That'd be the one of your five I'd swap with War.

October's good to listen to all the way through, though a lot of the songs are very similar-sounding, way moreso than on any other U2 album, IMO... it's not really their fault, seeing as how the lyrics briefcase was lost/stolen and they had to redo so much musical composing at the last minute... and I really like a lot of the tracks on it, like Fire and October (that one stands out from the rest, for one), and With a Shout, along with of course Gloria... but yeah, not good enough to make it into a top 5 listenable list.

I'd agree with you about Zooropa needing to be in the list, and I don't think any album since then comes close, though maybe ATYCLB is closest. For me, I guess I'd have to go:

start-to-finish listenability:

1 Achtung Baby
2 Joshua Tree
3 War
4 Boy
5 Zooropa
6 Unforgettable Fire
and then POP, October, etc. Can't really rank 'em at that point.

but you'll note the above list differs from my "fave album" list, in order at least:

1 Joshua Tree
2 Achtung Baby
3 Unforgettable Fire
4 War
5 Zooropa
6 Boy

Oh wait, yeah there´s deffinatly a difference there.

Although I don´t think my top 5 would change much then. Zooropa might be out in my case and perhaps ATYCLB and HTDAAB would score higher than they do on my favourites list (they´re somewhere at the bottom there). If you would include the two "best of" CD's then I think those two would make the top 5 start-to-finish. Rattle and Hum might also be out since I believe there is also a streak of songs there which I like less (from after Hawkmoon 269 up until Pride).

So start-to-finist list:
1 Achtung Baby
2 Best of 80-90
3 Joshua Tree
4 Best of 90-00
5 Boy
6 Zooropa
7 Rattle and Hum
10 The rest.

Something like that. Can´t place War, October and The Unforgettable Fire anywhere yet.

Ah well. They can't live forever. At some point their music is either gonna disappoint you or they're gonna stop releasing it. One way or the other, it has to end.
That´s true I guess. Perhaps my expectations of them have just become a bit too high over the years.
That's a good thing, though, since it means they produced enough good schtuff to get our hopes up. #;-}>

Again that´s true :p

Aha, I figured it was something like that. Sounds like a really handy program if you ask me. And how much do you pay for a game on average? Are they much cheaper than in the stores?
New games will often cost just as much as they do in stores, $50 is the average US new game price for PC games in store OR on Steam. But Steam has a lot of $20-$40 range games. Don't shop at stores often enough to know how well they discount on not-quite-super-new-or-super-big games, but my impression is that Steam goes a bit lower.

But the main way Steam wins is this: Steam does a weekend sale almost every week, and occasionally a week-long sale, and every year at the end of the year, a big holiday/winter sale on almost everything on the site.

The sales can be on individual games, a whole game series, a pack of multiple games/series, or even EVERY game from a specific company.

I'd say at least 60 of the 82 games I own on Steam were via sales, and I saved anywhere between 25% to 75% off those 60 games due to the sales.

The packs that go on sale, BTW, are already a good value to get on Steam, as they already have a sale-like discount built in. When an already good-value pack goes on sale, it's almost as good as getting a game for free. #;-}>

Aha. Well I guess they are always cheaper since you´re not paying for CD cases, instruction booklets, shelf rental and all sorts of other stuff anymore. And those sales sure sound interesting, 75% off a game is really a lot 0.o Or do you only get old, not-so-popular-anymore games for that?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 11:32:03

At 7/30/09 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Great, now I'll get you confused with a gerbil from the 1980s :(

kevin loved his wheel... one day... it broke... kevin grew bored... and died :(...

in other news... i have final reached the hardest milestone todate... after forcing myself to let utter rubbish into the portal... i now have 2,000 Saves!

i know you have more then me... i was just saying :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 15:32:27

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 45th Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to....Sanjay: Level 41

Listening to: Michael jackson; Black or white.

Congrats to:
squadus2: Sergeant Major
Sanjay: Level 41
sushi13: Level 22
SevasTra: Level 25
Coop83: 5,000 medal points
ThePigeonMaster: Happy Birthday
Kevin: 3,333 Posts
LegolaSS: 2,000 saves

Thanks to:

At 7/30/09 06:34 AM, reverend wrote: Listening to:
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

That is one of my favorite #1 hits from MJ.

since everyone else is listen to MJ this morning. ;)

It's the thing to do since he died, i never really went out of my way to listen to him; but now i see why everyone liked his music so much.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 15:36:04

level up to 13!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 17:27:25

12,000 Medal Points!

Congrats to:

Kaytee: Level 25; 30,000 Total Stats
14hourlunchbreak: Level 20
bifgis: Level 33
Toocool100: Level 47
Haggard: 12,000 Blams
Fro: 8,888 Posts
squadus2: Sgt. Major
Sanjay: Level 41
sushi13: Level 22
SevasTra: Level 25; Deity Whistle
ThePigeonMaster: 17 Years IRL
Kevin: 3,333 Posts
Coop83: 5,000 Medal Points
: 16,000 Experience
LegolaSS: 2,000 Saves
piggy123: Level 13

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-30 20:44:19

At 7/30/09 05:08 AM, Kevin wrote: Also I got a name change from KevnSevn to just Kevin.

Ehh... I thought KevnSevn was cooler. Oh well.

400 posts.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 03:39:44

Coop looks over work on the most epic chapter of his Blammer story so far, while congratulating:
Kevin: 3,333 Posts
Auz: 16,000 Experience
LegolaSS: 2,000 Saves
piggy123: Level 13
Hacsev: 12,000 Medal Points

Thank you to:

At 7/30/09 04:53 AM, Odyssic wrote: WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING!

How about we all get together and have a few drinks. What about somewhere like London... Oh right.

At 7/30/09 06:34 AM, reverend wrote: Listening to:
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
since everyone else is listen to MJ this morning. ;)

I wasn't listening to MJ yesterday morning :P

At 7/30/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!

*drums a la Europe*

Duh duh duh, duh duh, duh duh, Dum!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 05:54:28

Listening to:

Alestorm - Black Sails at Midnight

At 7/30/09 04:53 AM, Odyssic wrote: WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING!

Should we do something?

At 7/31/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/30/09 04:53 AM, Odyssic wrote: WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING!
How about we all get together and have a few drinks. What about somewhere like London... Oh right.

Coop, it's a Linkara reference.

At 7/30/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!
*drums a la Europe*

Duh duh duh, duh duh, duh duh, Dum!

Seriously, though. *looks at post count and EXP* Woooooow.

At 7/31/09 05:17 AM, Aci6 wrote: Level 28 + Aura Change

As long as you're not posting often in the Metal Hell, all will be OK since we have two level 28 evil users already. :P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 07:40:58

Sure is quiet today =/

Also, no need to volunteer for depositing my experience anymore. I already got someone.

Achievement of the Day
Aci6: Level 28. Congrats! =)

Congrats to:
piggy123: Level 13
LegoLaSS: 2,000 Saves

Thanks to:

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 07:52:28

Midyear BBS Awards voting thread is up now, should stay that way until Sunday evening. As for me, I have a certain concert to attend to :P

Congratulations to: -

Auz - 16,000 Experience
LegolaSS - 2,000 Saves
piggy123 - Level 13
Hacsev - 12,000 Medal Points
Aci6 - Level 28

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 07:53:09

11000 medal points

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 07:59:21

Listening to:
Eläkeläiset - Kahvipakettihumppa
Lacuna Coil - Stars
Die Fantastischen Vier - Jetzt Geht's Ab (Radio Edit)

Thanks to:

Congrats to:
Hacsev: Brigadier General, 9.00 Total Voting Power
Fro: 8,888 Posts
squadus2: Sergeant Major
Sanjay: Level 41
sushi13: Level 22
SevasTra: Level 25
ThePigeonMaster: Happy birthday - again. :P
Kevin: 3,333 Posts - KevnSevn was a better name. :P
Coop83: 5,000 Medal Points
Auz: 16,000 Experience
LegolaSS: 2,000 Saves
piggy123: Level 13
Aci6: Level 28

At 7/30/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: Radiohead - The Bends

You should listen to Kid A.

At 7/29/09 06:39 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: I take it you can't handle the epicness in Battle Hymn.
If by "epicness" you mean ridiculous lyrics and bad songwriting then yes. :P
It's not bad songwriting at all, it's epic all across! >:(

Hm.... no! :P

Do you like seeing them half-naked? :P
Sort of, because that means they are not completly naked. :P
But wouldn't you like it even more if they WERE? :P

Don't confuse my desires with your own. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 09:57:31

I recently passed 20,000 saves.

It's an alright achievement, but I'm a little upset that the person I left my account to yesterday thought it would be ok just to vote on 2 submissions and not the 5 so I of course missed a day of depositing. Great.. the thing I left them there for wasn't done at all.

Other news I was scouted recently by SupraAddict so check out some of my art if you'd like to.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 10:37:17

Congrats to:
Auz - 16k Exp!
LegolaSS - 2,000 Saves
piggy123 - Level 12 - Even though you said 13 :P
Hacsev - 12k Medal Points
Aci6 - Level 28
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 11k Medal Points
Fro - 20,000 Saves


At 7/31/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: I wasn't listening to MJ yesterday morning :P

I'm sure you had a song stuck in your head; humming along. :P

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 13:49:09

I reached level 21.
That's something.

I also found a job.
Going from unemployed to employed.
Does that count?

I invented the "Informative" genre. Its better than having to call your flash "Educational." Who the hell wants to be educated on Newgrounds?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 15:12:16

Signed up today and I'm averaging a 100 posts a day. I'm gonna see how long i can keep it up. I'm impressed with it though already. So 100 posts today. FTW of course.

NEW USERS. There is a thread where you can hang out with other new users and get to know some people and some more about the BBS. Feel free to post. The Noob Club And Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 17:44:19

After my 3-4 week absence, I've finally returned. Not sure if anyone cares lol. Well anyways, it seems a lot has changed here. I understand that Corky52 is now Fro, KevnSevn is now Kevin, and TECh2o is now Achromatic, correct? What else did I miss?

Now that I'm back, I gotta make my BIG catchup!!

Congrats to:
Lotus - Level 27, 9.00 Voting Power
King Exodus - Bronze Whistle; Pvt. First Class
Fagamut - Level 31, 10,000 Experience
Odyssic - 16,000 B/P; 12,000 Saves
Bahamut7 - #777 in Experience
jmaloulin7 - Level 17; 1,500 BBS Posts; 2 Years on NG; Private; 2,500 B/P; 3,000 Experience Points
tigerkitty - Level 38
LegolaSS - #777 in B/P
SevasTra - 6,000 Experience; 14,000 B/P, Captain, Total Voting Power of 9
DumbassDude - Deity Whistle, Praporshchik
Auz - 49,000 B/P
EmoDragon - Level 31, 10,000 Experience
SCTE3 - #321 in B/P; 3,333 Blams; 33,333 Total Stats; 555 Flash Reviews; 200 Flash Review Responses; Level 26; 15,000+ B/P; 3,000 Medal Points; 7,000 Experience; 555 Audio Reviews
Zwe - Level 28
KevnSevn - Level 20; 5,000 Saves
Rhete - 11,111 Experience Points
AndrewGlisson13 - Bronze Whistle
sumidiotdude - 10,000 Flash Reviews; 5,000 Experience Points
Fezz - Level 26
JonnyTheWinnar - 2,000 Medal Points; Police Officer; 3,000 Medal Points, Level 10
FroNickProductions - Level 14; 2,000 Experience
aquaticmole - Level 27; 1,337 Blams
InnerChild548 - Level 21
KrevZabijak - 10,000 Medal Points, Deity Whistle
Greenfrost6 - Level 15; 2,000 BBS Posts
Auz - #55 in B/P; 4,000+ BBS Posts; 10,000 Medal Points; 70,000 Total Stats
dooseyboy - Level 18
tally1989 - Level 24; 6,000 Experience Points
Mrputter - 9,000+ Blam Points; 14,000 Experience Points
Shaun - Level 40; 17,000 Experience Points
Imacow - Level 25
SpiffyMasta - Level 17; 1,337 BBS Posts
NeonFlame126 - 666 Blams
LynchedJohNNY - Level 23, Corporal
Fezz - Level 26
reverend - Level 31; 10,005 Experience
FurryFox - 30,000 Saves; 1,000 Blams
Joeyag - 2,500 Saves, 888 Blams
Makeshift - 2,000 BBS Posts; 3,000 Medal Points
Statwhore - Level 18
RKthrilla - Level 23
TECh2o - 5,555 Experience; Private
AniMetal - Level 28; Happy 18th Birthday!
Kaytee 21,000 B/P; 6,000 Blams
Frank-the-Hedgehog - Commander
darknessdweller - 14,000 B/P, Captain, 3,333 Blams
Lost-Wisdom - Level 29; 8,000 BBS Posts
veloniel - Level 10
Hybrid-Of-Souls - Level 31; 10,000 Experience
EchoRun - Level 18
Corky52 - 9,000+ Blams; 9,000 Medal Points; 10,000 Medal Points; 777 Audio Reviews
Pokemonpoeguygcn - Captain; Base Voting Power of 6.00; 10,000+ Medal Points
Ray80 - Sergeant
BrianEtrius - 666 Blams; Level 17
Lizzardis - 1,000 Blams, 3,000 Experience; Sergeant; Deity Whistle
Hacsev - 18,000+ B/P; 12,345 Saves; Level 21; 9,000 Medal Points; 8.88 Total Voting Power
milinko59 - 7,777 BBS Posts; 13,000 Experience Points
Bahamut - 13.00 Voting Power
BillysProgrammer - Level 14
Molotov - 7,500 Flash Reviews
Bryan - 1,337 Saves
Ajax-Cubed - Level 25
squadus2 - 7,000 Experience Points
SlashFirestorm - Level 34
wegra2007 - 2,000 Reviews; Level 29
LampFace - Police Lieutenant, 4,000+ BBS Posts
Neenja-SkLz - 1,000 B/P
Ronald-McDonald-LoL - 3,000 BBS Posts
Wylo - Level 50
jonthomson - 23,000 Experience Points
simon - Level 31, 10,000 Experience
juansolous - Level 25
DrHood - 15,000 Experience
ThePretenders - Level 22
Coop83 - 59,000 B/P; Top 15 in Saves; 4,000 Medal Points
Xiivi - Level 41
Perceptor - Level 25
BluesirTheFox - 4,000 Saves
GodsBitch - Level 20
Haggard - 34,000 B/P
dx5231 - 2,000 Blams; 3,000 Experience Points; 10,000 Medal Points
Phil - 6,000 Experience Points
gfoxcook - Happy 32nd Birthday!
WilhelmTheVampire - Top 1,000 in B/P; 10,000 Total Stats
BobbaQ - 6,000 Experience
iscrulz - 22,000 Experience Points, 5,000 Medal Points, 13,000+ BBS Posts; 33,300 Saves
AfroBahamut - Level 29
Spoopy Level 14
Soapbubble - Top 2,000 in B/P; Pvt. First Class, 4,000 Medal Points
Viridis - 4,000 Experience Points; Level 20

(running out of characters, more coming up)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-31 17:46:01

idiot-buster - 5,555 BBS Posts
PenisFromHell - 1,000 Experience Points; Level 11
MICHhimself - 5,000 Experience Points
Aci6 - 13,000 B/P; 10,000 Saves
dx5231- Master Sergeant; 5,000 Saves; 1 Year on NG; 2,222 Blams
NEVR - 4 Years on NG
TECh2o - 777 Days on NG
AndrewGlisson - 1,337 B/P; Police Lieutenant
MelodiousOrpheous - Level 27
Ytrnej - Level 21; Total Voting Power of 7.00, 4,000 Medal Points
badseed1 - Level 19
Soapbubble - 8,000 Total Stats, 5 Years on NG
MegaGold - 4,000 Medal Points
Fion - 11,000 B/P, Praporshchik
milinko959 - Top 600 in Experience; 1,000 Medal Points; 4,000 Medal Points; 5,000 Medal Points; 6,000 Medal Points
Odyssic - 2,000 Medal Points; Level 32
SCTE3 - 600 Flash Reviews, Major; 12,000 Saves; Top 300 in B/P; 16,000 B/P
Coop83 - 15,000 BBS Posts; 38,000 Saves; 1,337 Flash Reviews; 19,000 Experience; 60,000 B/P; 350 Audio Review Responses
FroNickProductions - Silver Whistle; Level 15
Sevkat - Level 20
DumbassDude - Level 24; 9,000 Saves; 12,000 B/P; 6,000 Experience
ThePretenders - 5,000 Experience; 3,333 BBS Posts
Metal-Therapy - Deity Whistle; 10,000 Total Stats
Phil - 2 Years on NG
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 4,000 Blams; 15,000 B/P; 11,000 Saves; Level 19; Major; 1 Year on NG
LegolaSS - 777 BBS Posts; Master Sergeant
RKthrilla - Police Lieutenant
rahfa - Level 22
Molotov - 1,000 Flash Review Responses
hausoft - 1,000 BBS Posts
Lizzardis - Top 1,000 in B/P
R-T-B - Level 17
Ryan - Level 37
Joeyag - Level 22
Sispri - 25,000 Saves
Emlfuryoflion - 22,000 Saves
FBIpolux - Top 400 in Experience; 15,000 Experience
RohantheBarbarian - Level 21, Top 300 in B/P; Happy 19 Birthday!
HecticCircleCrap - 2,000 BBS Posts; Level 11
LordKooler - Level 37
Greenfrost6 - 1,000+ Medal Points
Kaytee - Lt. General
Fro - 11,000 Medal Points, 8,000 Experience Points, 555 Audio Review Responses; 29,000 B/P
aldlv - 2 Years on NG; 10,000 Blams; 29,000 B/P; 19,000 Saves
BrianEtrius - Pvt. First Class
Simple - Level 33
aSquared94 - Police Sergeant; Level 13
Mrputter - 33,000+ B/P; 24,000 Saves
Bahamut - Happy 19th Birthday!; Top 25 in Experience
Auz - Happy 20th Birthday!; 18,000 Blams
Sanjay - Top 250 in Experience
Gagsy - 28,000 Saves, Top 80 in B/P
gfoxcook - Level 48
ngfan14 - 10,000 Total Stats; Sergeant
Overtired - Level 49
Officer - 5,000 Experience Points
wreckages - Level 31, 10,000 Experience
BahamutClock - Top 900 in Experience, 11,000 Experience
SpiffyMasta - 3,000 Experience Points
Makeshift - 2,222 BBS Posts
titchman12 Level 14
Statwhore - Level 18
RageVI - Level 47; Total Voting Power of 14.00
GUTHRIE - Level 41
X-Gary-Gigax-X - Level 24
JonnyTheWinnar - 4,000 Medal Points; 1,000 Experience Points
tally1989 - 9,000 Medal Points; 1,000 BBS Posts
TacoFreak - Level 30
EchoRun - Voting Power of 6.00
harriet - Level 17
VinnyXY - Level 21
SupraAddict - 4,000 BBS Posts
phantomlassuk - Level 31; 10,000 Experience Points
DarkSoldier - Level 30
jmalouin7 - 2,000 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog - 20,000 Saves
EternitySpent - Level 40, Top 300 in Experience
wismty - Level 14, Total Voting Power of 14.00
Toohot100 - Top 500 in Experience
Lizzardis - Level 18
Hacsev - 10,000 Medal Points; 13,000 Saves; 19,000 B/P
WilhelmTheVampire - Staff Sergeant; Level 21
Lagamuffin - Level 20
Metal-Therapy - 20,000 Saves
Sir-Nuts - Level 28, Brigadier General, Total Voting of 10.00
Insanimation - 100 Total Reviews
KevnSevn - Top 900 in B/P
KrevZabijak - Level 13
TehSlapHappy - Silver Whistle
Faggard - Level 23
CalvinGodly - Bronze Whistle
iscrulz - 27,000 Blams
AnzRage - Level 42
Malachy - 20,000 BBS Posts
Fro - Level 28
naronic - Level 12

(out of characters, next)