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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 13:03:00

Listening to:

Running Wild - Gates to Purgatory

Thanks to:


At 7/23/09 12:54 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: But I'd vote for a tetris block in spite of the Pyramid Head. I grew up playing that GameBoy tetris, so...

That's what an Object Battle is for. ;)

At 7/23/09 12:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Anyway, worry not, me and Bahamut are gonna get just TF2 for you and Wylo, we just need a sale to make it more affordable first. Half-price off happens all the time for it, so it'll be here before you know it. If you're never going to be able to play with us due to ping, that kinda blows, but... you can still have fun on local Brazilian servers, at least.
Are you serious? But that's just... insane! I... don't know what to say! Are you seriously going to do that or you're just mocking me?

We're not mocking you at all. We understand your problems and would be more than happy to help you out. There's another person we have in mind to get TF2 for him.

Yeah, I saw it. Actually, I'm logging there every now & then, just to see if I know anybody else that I should add. Having only you and Bahamut feels kinda... empty. =P

What about Wylo?

At 7/23/09 12:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/18/09 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: gfox catchups + Sir-Nuts catchups = PARTY TIME! Triple-Bahapost FTW!
Oh yeah!


I spent a shitload of time on the first two Gran Turismo games. I did borrow the third one time but it wasn't as great as its predecessors. :(
I played GTs 2, 3 and 4. I spent a lot of time in all of them, even though I never got to fully complete the game (in GT4, I think it had 98% of the game).

I must have played GT2 more than GT1, but I don't think I ever finished it 100%. The challenges in that game were crazy. I still wish to pick up GT1 first before the sequel as I want to go back to where it all started and remember how much I loved the PS1 era of Gran Turismo.

Ouch, that's a nasty ping and it's worse when most servers have a ping limit. L4D seems more lenient as my sister and her boyfriend have gone over 300 (even 1500 one time) and didn't get and kicks or such. The game must have played like shit, though. :(
Well, the servers I played didn't have a ping limit (I think). Usually I was the guy with the highest ping, around 200. And yeah, the game wasn't the best, but I did get some decent international servers. Not too many people were playing on those servers, though.

You will get some rather empty servers and it's better to play in a more active one, even if it means for the game to play slightly slower.

Even better achievements. I believe I have 105 points already.
Depends if the headbang is cumulative or not. =P

I believe it is.

I'm not sure if The Orange Box is meant to cost that much now. It's only £20 here now.
As I said to gfox, here's Brazil. Games are really expensive in here.

That sucks. :(

Now I need to catch-up in the Regulars list, Members list, B/P 51+... =/

One word: OUCH!

At 7/23/09 12:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Actually, if you check his activity over the last few months, you'll know he doesn't exceed 50/day as much as he used to. The one who is likely to win here is DrJam who appears to be more active then the top 3 B/P'ers.
Yeah, I've noticed that Afro's pace has dropped slightly. But he still has a great advantage over the others in the top 5.

I wouldn't say entirely, but he's still managing to keep it up. However, at his rate he's going to lose the top spot and to be honest, that would be rightfully so.

EXACTLY! That's another good thing as to why the new level system is awesome and the old one is bullshit. The worst thing about the old system was how long it took one user to reach level 29. Like hell I'll still be here in 80 or so years time trying to get that level.
Exactly. There's a higher variety of levels and it doesn't take that long to reach them. And the amount of experience necessary to reach them is fixed, so we can calculate exactly when we'll reach them. It's much better.

Assuming Pimp reaching level 60 won't be increasing the gaps. :P But yeah, the level is much more accessible now and the requirements for all the levels are fair besides 59. I mean, spending over 10 years of depositing for THAT?! DO NOT WANT!

As a matter of fact, I actually once considered stopping at one level because I refused to stay with that stupid staff for years. I was thinking of stopping at level 22 on the old system assuming it was still there. However, that plan has lost all meaning thanks to the redesign. :)
Really? I never thought of stopping at any level, mainly because I was only at level 9 (the damned level) when the redesign came. I had a favourite on, though. The chain (14, I think) was one of my original goals. I still think it's pretty neat.

The chain was level 15. I have to admit, I don't really like the redesign chain as much as the old one. The old one felt more in your face than the new one.

At 7/18/09 03:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Ouch, I understand his concern for viruses, but seriously? He's worried about you possibly getting any viruses from Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2 and such? That's going too far considering these are online games by Valve, one of the most trustworthy companies out there. Their Steam client clearly suggests that as they require credit card details in order to purchase anything from their store and have they done anything besides acquiring legitimate money from customers? Not at all. :)
I know. It's a pity that he's too concerned about it. He even changed our anti-virus program (Norton to McAfee) because "Norton wasn't protecting shit". Valve's protection is great, I already told him, but he still refuses to believe. He has yet to understand that not everything on the internet is THAT dangerous as he thinks.

Here's hoping he'll understand how trustworthy some places on the internet can truly be.

How bad are the lags exactly? I often get the game going to 15 - 25 FPS, even though my laptop is clearly capable of running it at 60 FPS. I believe either there's a Steam client issue or my internet simply needs upgrading. After all, I should be having 10MB and not a 2MB cable which is outdated.
The lag is what least bothers me. The fact that my dad bothers me and I have to play it hiding bothers me more. I think the game runs at 15 FPS as well, maybe slower.

For what you thought couldn't play well on your computer, that's not too bad. At least it's somewhat playable, but as for my laptop, having it run at 15 - 25 FPS most of the time is inexcusable!


Glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys their music. I still wonder why so many people hate them just as much as they hate My Chemical Romance and such. They're not THAT BAD, dammit!
I don't know much about Manowar, but I quite enjoyed what I've already heard from them. Especially this one, which is a real anthem. ;)

Check out Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal. Epic stuff. Disregard whatever Haggard will say about this.

The worst part about people calling Manowar gay is the fact that Manowar have written a song or two about raping women. HOW can that be gay?
That isn't gay, but it sure isn't nice either.

It's definitely not nice, but it certainly can't suggest any homosexuality.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 13:04:22

At 7/23/09 12:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/18/09 03:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Oh yes, I've had a lot of fun listening to VRock. As a matter of fact, VRock has made me want to get some of Twisted Sister's stuff, despite the 'glam metal' tag they often get. Quite frankly, I could care less about what kind of psuedo-metal genre they are when they make kickass tracks such as I Wanna Rock and We're Not Gonna Take It.
Indeed. Another thing that bothers me is how people love to label bands. Really, does it matter what genre the bads are? For me, there are two genres: good music and bad music. =P

I still like to give genres to music. It's good for me to know what kind of music I need more. Let's say I really like Radiohead and I'm looking into more music in the same or similar genre. I'd know the right music to look into would be Alternative/Indie Rock.

This helped me a lot on getting into more Power Metal after discovering DragonForce and Helloween. As a matter of fact, the third Power Metal band I discovered was Blind Guardian and I randomly stumbled across them out of all the Power Metal bands out there. O_O Afterwards, I heard loads more Power Metal after discovering Last.fm and their radio stations.

Infact, I was hunting down in the music shops for Stay Hungry today but sadly, I didn't see it anywhere. :( However, getting the two Mars Volta albums for £10 combined compensates that.
Another band that I have to discover more. I've only listened to a couple of Mars Volta's songs, and I quite liked them. Any recomendations you could give me?

Right now, the ones that stick out the most are Aberinkula and Wax Simulacra, both from The Bedlam in Goliath. I'm more fond with that album at the moment since it was the first album of theirs I heard after being told about it by BlueHippo.

Can't wait until I wield the sword on 30th October. MARK YOUR CALENDERS THEN as the sword is the best icon for my name.
I think a fireball would fit better. :P

There's no fireball/Mega Flare icon. :(

Hey, it's still possible. It's just no-one has ever tried to get two EGSC accounts before. The closest for an alt EGSC is Afro_Stud's LevelOneAccount, unless I'm forgetting someone...
And I imagine: how did Afro_Stud do that? Was he B/Ping with his main as well?

I believe he was. O_O

Hahaha, for once I win on the fab aura argument. Now if only I could win more arguments on the stupid pink icons.
Hey, this left me a doubt... what did you do when the whole site went pink?

I wasn't happy. Next time it happens, I protest.

At 7/23/09 01:03 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/23/09 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: Man, that's much worse than having random idiots dancing across an S&M club in Phantasmagoria 2. It's like they were deliberately making a terrible game.
Gamer Heroes reviewed it, too. Also, they put in the cheat code, so you can actually see Janes nipple and Johns hairy ass....

Not seen their review yet, but if that's true, holy shit!

At 7/23/09 06:55 PM, gfoxclock wrote: 2nd account to top 100, hell yeah!

My account is inferior. :'(

At 7/24/09 03:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Moonchild
Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams
Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness

In case you're wondering (Bahamut's benefit mostly), the albums are Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Obviously) and Killers

Indeed so. :)

At 7/23/09 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: Awesomeness. If you can resist Overlord 2, here's hoping my sister doesn't drag me to play yet more Left 4 Dead, even if we're now playing custom content.
Failed to resist, but I now have all 4 minions breeds available to me >:)

lol, it's alright. I failed to get on last night as well since I was distracted by other things. My time should ease up at the end of the week.

That'll be epic.
I'll be sure to play Faith No More while I do it then ;)

Not one of my favourite Faith No More tracks, but go right ahead if it ever happens. *sigh* If only Crackman was still around on Newgrounds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 14:34:55

Examn tomorrow... whoever thought it would be a great idea to let students write an examn on Saturday should rot in hell. >:(

Also: Top 90 in B/P!
Not really that big of an achievement, but I thought I mention it anyway. :P

Congrats to:
Hacsev: 6,000 Blams
AndrewGlisson13: Police Captain
gfoxclock: Top 100 in Experience
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 11,000 Experience
Metal-Therapy: Level 27
FurryDemon: Level 13
Bryan: 1 Year on NG
reverend: 20,000 Total Stats
dx5231: 7,777 B/P
Auz: 32,000 Saves

At 7/23/09 01:30 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: FECK! 5 posts wasn't part of my plan... I feel like I'm spamming in here, sorry guises...

Lol, spammer! :P

At 7/18/09 04:59 PM, Haggard wrote: Yay, the redising got 2 years old yesterday! It really feels a lot longer than only 2 years...
I still remember when it came out. I was there with my good old broken bottle. :)

I still remember when I had the awesomeblade. ;)

At 7/17/09 04:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/6/09 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote: Nigel: ".......... these go to 11!"
Classic line! :)
Glad at least one person read it. ^^
When I saw the name ''Nigel'', I thought ''Oh wow...''...

"What's that song called?" - "Oh, this is called 'Lick my love pump'"
Hahahaha, another great one! I really have to watch ''This is Spinal Tap'' again, it's been quite a while since the last time I watched it.

I still try to find the VHS with 4 hours of material.

At 7/24/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Check out Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal. Epic stuff. Disregard whatever Haggard will say about this.

I will just say LOL! :P

At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/23/09 01:03 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/23/09 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: Man, that's much worse than having random idiots dancing across an S&M club in Phantasmagoria 2. It's like they were deliberately making a terrible game.
Gamer Heroes reviewed it, too. Also, they put in the cheat code, so you can actually see Janes nipple and Johns hairy ass....
Not seen their review yet, but if that's true, holy shit!

Actually, they have a "Game Heroes" logo over the nipple...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 15:37:15

12,000 EXP for me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 16:55:44

500 BBS Posts.

Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 19:35:22

11,000 Medal Points!

Congrats to:

Dobio: Level 37
CalvinGodly: Level 11
Coop83: 800 Flash Review Responses
: 10,000 Blams; 10,000 Saves; 20,000 B/P
AndrewGlisson13: Police Captain
gfoxclock: Top 100 in Experience
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 11,000 Experience
Metal-Therapy: Level 27
FurryDemon: Level 13
Bryan: 1 Year on NG
reverend: 20,000 Total Stats
dx5231: 7,777 B/P
Auz: 32,000 Saves
: Top 90 in B/P
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience

Thanks to:


$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 21:55:09

With this post i now have 40,000 stats.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 22:39:39

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 39th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement's of the month!
Since i have been gone for so long and have 17 pages to catch up on i will be doing a top 5 achievement's of the month list!\
1) RageVI: 14 Total VP
2) Overtired: Level 49
3) gfoxcook: Level 48
4) life: 13.37 VP
5) Coop83: 60,000 B/P

Congrats to:
dx5231: 10,000 Medal Points
PenisFromHell: 1,000 Experience
Hacsev: 8.88 Total Voting Power
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 10,000 Medal Points
Viridis: Level 20
Shaun: 17,000 Experience
JonnyTheWinnar: Level 10
iscrulz: 33,000 Saves
Soapbubble: Private 1st Class, 4,000 Medal Points
jmalouin: 3,000 Experience
MICHhimself: 5,000 Experience
Odyssic: 12,000 Saves
tally1989: 6,000 Experience
Aci6: 13,000 B/P
NEVR: 4 Years on NG
TECh2o: 777 Days on NG
MelodiusOrpheus: Level 27
Yrtnej: Level 21
badseed1: Level 19
Soapbubble: 8,000 Total Stats
MegaGold: 4,000 Medal Points
Fion: 11,000 B/P, Praporshchik
milinko959: Rank 600 in Experience
SCTE3: Major
Coop83: 15,000 Posts
iscrulz: 60,000 B/P
FroNickProductions: Silver Whistle
Sevkat: Level 20
DumbassDude: Level 24
Auz: 20th Birthday
ThePretenders: 5,000 Experience
Metal-Therapy: Deity Whistle
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 4,000 Blams
rahfa: Level 22
Molotov: 1,000 Flash Review Responses
KrevZabijak: 7,000 Saves
hausoft: 1,000 Posts
Lizzardis: Top 1,000 B/Per
R-T-B: Level 17
Ryan: Level 37
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 15,000 B/P; 11,000 Saves
dx5231: 5,000 Saves
Joeyag: Level 22
SCTE3: 12,000 Saves
Sispri: 25,000 Saves
Emlfuryoflion: 22,000 Saves
FBIpolux: Rank 400 in Experience
Aci6: 10,000 Saves
RohantheBarbarian: Level 21, Rank 300 in B/P
Odyssic: Level 33
Metal-Therapy: 40,000 Total Points
Greenfrost6: 1,000 Medal Points
Kaytee: Lieutenant General
Fro: 11,000 Medal Points; 8,000 Experience; 555 Reviews (Audio)
aldlv: 2nd NG Berfday
BrianEtrius: Private 1st Class
Simple: Level 33
aSquared94: Police Sergeant
Mrputter: 33,000 BP
Coop83: 38,000 Saves
Bahamut: Happy 19th Birthday
Sanjay: Top 250 Experienced
Gagsy: 28,000 Saves
aSquared94: Level 13
gfoxcook: Level 48
ngfan14: 10,000 Total Points
Overtired: Level 49
Officer: 5,000 Experience
SCTE3: Rank 300 in B/P
Coop83: 1,337 Flash Review
wreckages: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
HecticCircleCrap: Level 11
BahamutClock: Top 900 Experienced; 11,000 Experience
Auz: 18,000 Blams
SpiffyMasta: 3,000 Experience
Makeshift: 2,222 Posts
titchman12: Level 14
Statwhore: Level 18
RageVI: Level 47
FBIpolux: 15,000 Experience
Coop83: 19,000 Experience
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Level 19, Major
GUTHRIE: Level 41
SCTE3: 16,000 B/P
X-Gary-Gigax-X: Level 24
JohnnyTheWinnar: 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989: 9,000 Medal Points
TacoFreak: Level 30
EchoRun: 6.00 VP
harriet: Level 17
PenisFromHell: Level 11
VinnyXY: Level 21
dx5231: 1 Year on NG
SupraAddict: 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk: Level 31
DumbassDude: 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej: 7.00 Total VP & 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989: 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 30
RageVI: 14 Total VP
jmalouin7: 2,000 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 20,000 Saves
phantomlassuk: 10,000 Experience
Mrputter: 24,000 Saves
EternitySpent: Level 40, Top 300 in Experience
wismty: Level 47, 14.00 Total Voting Power
Toohot100: Top 500 in Experience
Lizzardis: Level 18
dx5231: 2,222 Blams
Hacsev: 10,000 Medal Points
WilhelmTheVampire: Staff Sergeant
Lagamuffin: Level 20
Metal-Therapy: 20,000 Saves
DumbassDude: 12,000 B/P
aldlv: 10,000 Blams; 19,000 Saves; Doublelisted; 29,000 B/P.
JonnyTheWinnar: 1,000 Experience
Fro: 29,000 B/P
Sir-Nuts: Level 28; Brigadier General; 10.000 Total Voting Power
milinko959: 5,000 Medal Points
Hacsev: 13,000 Saves
Coop83: 60,000 B/P
KevnSevn: Top 900 in B/P
ngfan14: Sergeant
TehSlapHappy: Silver Whistle
Faggard: Level 23
Bahamut: Top 250 Experience
DumbassDude: 6,000 Experience
ThePretenders: 3,333 Posts
iscrulz: 27,000 Blams
AnzRage: Level 42
Hacsev: 19,000 B/P
Malachy: 20,000 Posts
milinko959: 6,000 Medal Points
WilhelmTheVampire: Level 21
FroNickProductions: Level 15
Fro: Level 28
Coop83: 350 Audio Review Responses
naronic: Level 12
veloniel: 1,000 Experience
Viridis: 3,000 Posts
HereticCircleCrap: 2,222 Posts
AndrewGlisson13: Level 9
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Top 300 BP, 16,000 BP
Soaked: Level 20
life: 13.37 VP
dx5231: 2,000 Posts
squadus2: 4,000 Posts
Joeyag: 5,000 Experience
Aci6: 8,000 Experience
KevnSevn: Staff Sergeant
Soapbubble: Level 20
reverend: 5,000 Medal Points
aldlv: Level 26
Mrputter: Top 100 in B/P
dx5231: Level 18
Auz: 50,000 B/P
1337: 13,000 Saves, Level 33
C0GMA: 8,000 Experience
Fro: 800 Audio Reviews
Dobio: Level 37
CalvinGodly: Level 11
Coop83: 800 Flash Review Responses
Sir-Nuts: 10,000 Blams; 10,000 Saves; Doublelisted; 20,000 B/P
Hacsev: 6,000 Blams
gfoxclock: Top 100 Experienced
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 11,000 Experience
Metal-Therapy: Level 27
FurryDemon: Level 13
Metal-Therapy: Level 27
FurryDemon: Level 13
Bryan: 1 Year on NG
reverend: 20,000 Total Stats
dx5231: 7,777 B/P
Auz: 32,000 Saves
Haggard: Top 90 in B/P
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience

Thanks to:
All LUL list makers

Disclaimer: If your name is on the list more than once ::::that means if your achievement the same one is on here twice then it's not my fault:::: you should be happy for that. If I missed you then you did not seem important enough for the list ::::or I just made a mistake:::: no hard feelings.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 22:49:47

Where have i been? Well the last week NYC, but before that well i really can't say. It's summer and i can't be strapped to the computer all day so as said before i will talk about what i did there. I'm going to make this brief as possible for your reading pleasure. :::now i see it is a wall of text:::

Day one: As i arrive the JFK airport is much larger than the one in my home town. Me and my mother have to take a hour long taxi ride to our hotel in Times Square :::the marriott marquis::: a nice 4 and 1/half star hotel. We lay around for a few minutes and then decided to walk around Times Square and the streets near it. I got a beef on a stick thing from a street vender, not bad for street fair. we walked around some more and then got a slice of pizza from a placr that i forget the name of. We went back for the concierge service and ate there. I can't remember what else happened.

Day 2-4: In Times square there is several chocolate stores and i went to the m&m one. I got a picture frame and looked around on the 3 floors....yes 3 floors! We made our way to the Guggenheim Museum of art to look around for a few hours and it took about 3 or so. We ate a small lunch and from there we went to our hotel to rest. At the Guggenheim i was a bit disappointed of the fact that all the hot girls were from Italy and france... not a bad thing no, but they did not speak a bit of english. So all i could say to the Italian girls was hello and you look hot, not to helpfull to say the least. After this point it becomes a bit of a mix up so thats why its days 2-4.

On one day we ate at a very nice italian restaurant where i had rack of lamb and some other things while my mother had some sort of pasta. Then on the next day i had a peter lugers steak a 2 pound one. It does live up to what everyone says...it's the best steak i've ever had. Though everything else was just okey, the sides wer'nt that good. then on the next day i went to another itlaian restaraunt were i had roast duck and tiramisu. Not a bad eating trip to say the least, it was very expensive though over 30$ each dish.

I went to the museum of natural history one day. It had 4 floors and we spent 2 1/2 hours in it, we could have stayed longer but they close early so we had to leave. The only bad thing about the place was the fact that there were so meny daycares there and each of them had 10-15 children that were from the ages of 6-10 running around. Now that pissed me off, they tripped over me several times there.

Funny parts that happened. Down in Times Square there was a chubby Asian about the age of 40 just walking around with a very small t-shirt that showed his large belly. Not the best part, he was picking at it and smelling his fingers after doing so, he just stood there and kept doing it for some time afer i got tired and left. Then they were selling Obama and Mccain condoms...there had to be 5 of these guys out there on the sreet corners selling them. A few other thing happeded that i will not post because you might get offened and i may be banned for saying so.

Finally i will tell you what i bought. I got a picture frame from the M&M store then i got jeans from levis not normal ones they are a light carmal color and are tattared. Then i got a pair of armani sunglasses. 2 skinny ties and a cool hat form H&M and then 2 cashmere sweaters one dark blue :::old man style, very modern::: and a tan knit one From Zara the only store outside of Europe.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 23:09:42

I just stumbled across this topic and thought I'd add my 2 cents.

This week will be really good for me. I just noticed I upgraded to a silver medal, in 5 days I will hit level 22 and the 28th will be the 8th anniversary of my sign up. Hooray for me!

I know my stats are pretty poor for someone who's been a member for 8 years but I went thru a long period when I didn't even have a computer at home so I never visited the site at all. Since leaving home and getting a PC I've been on here every day depositing, blamming/saving and spending a few minutes on the BBS. Damn I wish I'd been doing this since my sign up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-24 23:12:15

666 blams, 1337 saves.

The 1337 saves was actually a few days ago, but I don't care XD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 02:05:49

YAY I'm level 8 now, I decided to start leveling up again after accidentally leveling up to 7. I feel so much more badass now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 05:40:08

Coop prepares to try a new workout, while congratulating:
Bryan: 1st NG Berfday
dx5231: 7,777 B/P
Auz: 32,000 Saves
Haggard: Top 90 B/Per
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience
Hacsev: 11,000 Medal Points
sushi13: Silver Whistle
AndrewGlisson: 666 Blams; 1,337 Saves

Thank you to:
idiot-buster (x7)

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - The Prophecy
Iron Maiden - The Clairvoyant

At 7/24/09 08:05 AM, reverend wrote: Coop83 - 800 Flash Reviews!

Thanks, but I had 800 Flash reviews a long while ago ;)

The answer we were looking for was Flash Review Responses

At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/24/09 03:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: In case you're wondering (Bahamut's benefit mostly), the albums are Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Obviously) and Killers
Indeed so. :)

I think that Seventh Son is an awesome album. Though I haven't gotten to Killers yet, I don't think I'm going to appreciate it as much as some of the others I have, due to the lack of Dickinson vocals. I think the next two on my want list is Powerslave and Piece of Mind. They should sate my appetite for now ;)

At 7/24/09 10:39 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement's of the month!
Since i have been gone for so long and have 17 pages to catch up on i will be doing a top 5 achievement's of the month list!\

5) Coop83: 60,000 B/P

Haha! Coop's 60k B/P is far much more superior to iscrulz' 60k!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 06:44:28

Congratulations to: -

reverend: 20,000 Total Stats
dx5231: 7,777 B/P
Auz: 32,000 Saves
Haggard: Top 90 in B/P
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience
idiot-buster - 40,000 Total Stats
Hacsev - 11,000 Medal Points
sushi13 - Silver Whistle
AndrewGlisson - 666 Blams and 1337 Saves

Thank You to: -

idiot-buster (x2)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 08:10:50

Congrats to:
Auz - 32k Saves!
Haggard - Top 90 in Exp!
Bahamut7 - 12k Exp
Hacsev - 11k Medal Points!
idiot-buster - 40k Total Stats!
sushi13 - Silver Whistle
AndrewGlisson13 - 666 Blams and 1337 Saves

Thanks to:
idiot-buster x 2


At 7/25/09 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/24/09 08:05 AM, reverend wrote: Coop83 - 800 Flash Reviews!
Thanks, but I had 800 Flash reviews a long while ago ;)

The answer we were looking for was Flash Review Responses

Oops! I guess that would make more sense. Haha!

At 7/24/09 10:49 PM, idiot-buster wrote: . . . A few other thing happeded that i will not post because you might get offened and i may be banned for saying so.

Do tell. You can't leave us hanging like that. ;) Anyways, sound like you had a really good time. Someday I would love to visit New York, especially in the summer.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 08:42:12

At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/24/09 03:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: In case you're wondering (Bahamut's benefit mostly), the albums are Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Obviously) and Killers
Indeed so. :)
I think that Seventh Son is an awesome album. Though I haven't gotten to Killers yet, I don't think I'm going to appreciate it as much as some of the others I have, due to the lack of Dickinson vocals. I think the next two on my want list is Powerslave and Piece of Mind. They should sate my appetite for now ;)

Personally my favorite is Somewhere in Time, mainly because it has so many of my favorite songs on it (Caught Somewhere in Time, Sea of Madness, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner and Stranger in a Strange Land). I've never heard anybody else say SIT is their favorite Maiden album; most people seem to go for Seventh Son or Powerslave, which are probably my 2nd and 3rd favorites.
Oh man I was so excited when I heard about the Somewhere Back In Time tour. It was nice to hear a set comprised of their older songs after the first Maiden show I went to where they played A Matter of Life and Death all the way through with only a couple of old songs at the end.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 08:53:20

Achievement of the Day
idiot-buster: 40,000 Total Stats. Pretty sweet, congrats! :)

Congrats to:
reverend: 20,000 Total Stats
dx5231: 7,777 BP
Haggard: Top 90 BP
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience
AndrewGlisson13: 666 Blams, 1,337 Saves

Thanks to:
All who congratulated me.

Sorry for being lazy, it's just annoying to make lists on a laptop with touchpad and a different keyboard =/

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 10:31:17

Gathered 111 stats yesterday, bringing my to overall total up to just over 80,000 total!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 11:05:08

Just became a Master Sergeant.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 12:28:26

Thanks to:

Congrats to:
Bahamut7: 12,000 Experience
idiot-buster: 40,000 Total Stats
AndrewGlisson13: 666 Blams, 1,337 Saves
milinko959: 80,000 Total Stats
BluesirTheFox: Master Sergeant

At 7/24/09 11:09 PM, sushi13 wrote: I know my stats are pretty poor for someone who's been a member for 8 years but I went thru a long period when I didn't even have a computer at home so I never visited the site at all.

Welcome back, then. The story sounds pretty similar to mine, except for that I only had a hiatus of about 3 years.

Damn I wish I'd been doing this since my sign up.

We all do ;)

At 7/25/09 12:18 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Pimp Leveled up to level 57

As long as he doesn't post it here himself we don't care. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 13:09:48

Nothing special these days, but it took me a few years: 10k saves!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 15:21:35

Sorry for 2 posts in one day :o I should really plan this out a little better, but I just got 8000 posts!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 18:22:19

Listening to::
Never Enough by Epica
Wake Up Dreaming Black by Edguy
Navigator by Edguy

Thanks to:
Hacsev >
idiot-buster 3 times

At 7/21/09 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/21/09 04:38 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/20/09 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: That's better.
Okay now that I did it right can have have my present. Oh boy.
What present is that exactly?

The one you give me which is a Cherry Dr. Pepper and a free blowjob from an Asian male hooker.

If you just casted one vote and the others agreed with you, then yes.
I will make the others agree with me then.
Too bad you can't force other people's opinions.

I can coerce them too and if they don't have a favorite what I suggest to them will be their choice.

So what about the other friend who hated SA?
What a bunch of stupid fucks. Not liking SA or IV... *FaCePaLm*
Hahahaha, that's the iscrulz we all know and....love?

Damn right, I still can't comprehend how they don't like GTA: IV or SA. uhhhh... nothing.

Ugh, level 23 was the worst icon back then. Now it's no more. :D
It should have been redesigned as the the level 59 so You would be stuck with it. Muhahaha.
Who said level 60 was going to be for one user only? If the level gaps end up increasing, I'll just stick at level 57.

I assumed by tradition it would be but the scaling would be cut in half. If I was going to stop at a level it would be level 54, but if I want to make it in the Top 50 I can't afford to stop depositing. Well 382 days left to find out what will happen.

Why would I want it on the PS3 as well now that I have it on Steam?
The easy trophies that 'tis why.
Pffft, I don't want the damn trophies.

Then make sure you get Bioshock 2 for the PS3 then.

At 7/23/09 02:10 PM, Hacsev wrote: You passed 6000 Blams. Impressive!

That is impressive in this day in age.

At 7/23/09 06:55 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Yesterday: exp ranking #102
Today: exp ranking #99

It helps when mercy-killer, Tanukitsune and whitewolf360 are not depositing and are grouped together giving a nice +3 EXP rank.

3 in one day that is sure pretty swell for being like you know

Might be "fake" due to tiebreakers, but this alt has been at #102 with no up or down variations for like a month, so I'M FREAKIN' COUNTING IT. GET BEHIND ME, NON-DEPOSITORS.

Yeah damn it Humantarget, shrapnel, CaptianBob, Yume, RR, Altr, POA, bila ... users that I am going to pass too.

2nd account to top 100, hell yeah!

And in before Cooper yeah.

At 7/24/09 11:09 PM, sushi13 wrote: I just stumbled across this topic and thought I'd add my 2 cents.

Welcome to the statwhore haven.

Damn I wish I'd been doing this since my sign up.

I wish I did too then my stats would be freaking awesome tear not TOP 50 for me.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 18:59:23

Listening to:

Running Wild - Pile of Skulls

Thanks to:


At 7/24/09 02:34 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/24/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Check out Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal. Epic stuff. Disregard whatever Haggard will say about this.
I will just say LOL! :P

You can keep loling but Sir-Nuts should check those epic albums out nonetheless.

At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not seen their review yet, but if that's true, holy shit!
Actually, they have a "Game Heroes" logo over the nipple...

Yeah, I had a feeling censorship was still necessary as Blip.tv don't tolerate porn content. Still, I find it sad how there was codes to uncensor the nudity.

At 7/24/09 10:49 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Where have i been?

Ah, good to hear about your time IRL recently. :)

At 7/25/09 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote: Indeed so. :)
I think that Seventh Son is an awesome album.

Most certainly. Gotta love Infinite Dreams, The Prophecy and the title track. :)

Though I haven't gotten to Killers yet, I don't think I'm going to appreciate it as much as some of the others I have, due to the lack of Dickinson vocals.

With or without Bruce, I feel it's the weakest 80's Maiden album. A few too many fillers me thinks.

I think the next two on my want list is Powerslave and Piece of Mind. They should sate my appetite for now ;)

Indeed, they're two of the greatest heavy metal albums ever recorded.

At 7/25/09 08:42 AM, sushi13 wrote: Personally my favorite is Somewhere in Time, mainly because it has so many of my favorite songs on it (Caught Somewhere in Time, Sea of Madness, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner and Stranger in a Strange Land).

Hey, I'm glad to hear more fans of Somewhere in Time. The album truly has some underrated masterpieces, most especially Caught Somewhere in Time and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. Infact, those two tracks are probably on my top 10 Maiden tracks, which I've still yet to decide but will make around the time they release their 15th album.

I've never heard anybody else say SIT is their favorite Maiden album; most people seem to go for Seventh Son or Powerslave, which are probably my 2nd and 3rd favorites.

Don't forget The Number of the Beast. That album is often mentioned but to be honest, I think it's rightfully so. I could care less how many people call it overrated just like how I could care fuck all to anyone calling FFVII overrated.

Oh man I was so excited when I heard about the Somewhere Back In Time tour.

So was I. As soon as I heard it, I was eager to get tickets but I was told it was too difficult to get them. Turns out it was my family's plot to make it a surprise for my 18th birthday (well, a week too early but close enough) and wow, what a surprise present it was. The only thing that could have made the concert better was better supporting act with my other favourites such as Helloween and Blind Guardian and not Avenged Sevenfold, Within Temptation and Lauren Harris, although I'll let her off as she's Steve Harris' daughter.

Hell, Maiden were enough to make it one of the greatest times of my life. The music setlist, the fans, everything! It's no doubt that Iron Maiden are one of the most respected bands in terms of both on and off stage as well as having one of the strongest fanbases out there and they deserve every credit they get.

At 7/25/09 06:22 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/21/09 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: What present is that exactly?
The one you give me which is a Cherry Dr. Pepper and a free blowjob from an Asian male hooker.

Wow awesome. I just wish I had that Cherry Dr. Pepper.

Too bad you can't force other people's opinions.
I can coerce them too and if they don't have a favorite what I suggest to them will be their choice.

They'll most likely decide on coin tosses.

Who said level 60 was going to be for one user only? If the level gaps end up increasing, I'll just stick at level 57.
I assumed by tradition it would be but the scaling would be cut in half. If I was going to stop at a level it would be level 54, but if I want to make it in the Top 50 I can't afford to stop depositing. Well 382 days left to find out what will happen.

Yep, I'm sure everything will be fine, though.

Pffft, I don't want the damn trophies.
Then make sure you get Bioshock 2 for the PS3 then.

Nope, I'll get it for Steam.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 19:59:53

10,000 EXP + Level 31!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 21:20:33

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 40th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to.... Pimp: level 57

Additional information
Comments on everyones posts comming tommarow.

Congrats to:
AndrewGlisson13: 666 Blams, 1,337 Saves
milinko959: 80,000 Total Stats
BluesirTheFox: Master Sergeant
Nijsse: 10,000 saves
milinko959: 8000 posts
Helloween: 10,000 EXP + Level 31

Thanks to:

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-25 22:43:01

I just got Silver whistle status just 2 and a half weeks from having normal.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-26 00:49:58

Have you guys seen what happened to Felipe Massa? I feel bad about him...

Listening to:
Muse - Black Holes & Revelations; United States of Eurasia, their new single. :)

Congrats to:
Hacsev - 6,000 Blams + 11,000 Medal Points
gfoxclock - Top 100 in Exp.
TheBlackDahliaMurder - 11,000 Exp.
Metal-Therapy - Level 27 - I agree, it's the best level in the 20s
FurryDemon - Level 13
Bryan - 1 Year on NG
Auz - 32,000 Saves
Haggard - Top 90 in B/P
Bahamut7 - 12,000 Exp.
idiot-buster - 40,000 Total Stats
AndrewGlisson13 - 666 Blams + 1337 Saves
milinko959 - 80,000 Total Stats + 8000 Posts
BluesirTheFox - Master Sergeant
Nijsse - 10,000 Saves
EJRProductions - Level 17 - It's the only one worth mentioning. =P
FroNickProductions - Gold Whistle

Thanks to:
Coop83 (x4)
Odyssic (x3)
Auz (x4)
RohantheBarbarian (x4)
reverend (x4)
Hacsev (x3)
idiot-buster (x7!)

At 7/24/09 03:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: In case you're wondering (Bahamut's benefit mostly), the albums are Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Obviously) and Killers

Two nice albums that I have yet to buy. =P

At 7/23/09 12:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I was going to post this catch-up on this day, but I had some problems and ended up rolling for a few days. At least you won't crush me with your 3x higher B/P points.
You were afraid of my vengeful wrath and waited out the storm - admit it!

...Was it that obvious...? =O

But really, I should have posted that catch-up three or four days ago. But my uncle is around, so we had many ''events'' with him this week. It was pretty fun.

A couple of das ago, I listened to Muse's version of ''Can't Take My Eyes Of You'', and it's really good. I'm between that and Reel Big Fish's ''Take On Me'' and ''Boys Don't Cry''.
Never heard Boys don't cry - I'll look it up when I've gone through my Maiden :P

Hahaha, Ok then. It's a pretty short version, because it's a fast-paced version. It's less that 2 minutes long, I think.

It'd be the best publicity stunt ever, though. Faking your own death and, on your funeral, come back from the grave (literally). I still had hopes for his funeral, when everyone was watching.
I think it would have given a few fans heart attacks and he would not have been as popular as he once was in the immediate aftermath - though some of the fans would start worshipping him like a god, what with him coming back from the dead and all :P

Yeah, some would hate that stunt, but some would worship that forever. I'd find it really weird if it actually happened. I mean, he would have fooled everyone, left everyone sad, then come back and say ''Hey, what did you think about that? Now I can pay my bills with all the money my 'death'gave to me!''.

At 7/23/09 01:30 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/21/09 04:09 AM, life wrote: At 7/21/09 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Wow, it's weird when you post at the same time. O_o
I'll have to get the other mods with Swords to come and make a post chain ;)


At 7/24/09 06:08 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/23/09 01:30 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/21/09 11:10 AM, Auz wrote: U2 / Snow Patrol concert was pretty awesome yesterday. Will write a blog post on it later.
Read it & commented. Sorry if it sounded a bit like a rant. =(
Nah not at all :p Will reply to your comment later.

Ah, OK then. My post wasn't that related to your concert, but more to the fact that a U2 free concert would be a disaster.

At 7/24/09 07:13 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/23/09 12:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Well, I can only hope that you're like Jeebs from M.I.B. =P
You mean an alien who secretly deals arms? Of course not, that, er, that would be absurd!


I'll have to catch-up again, just to see your head exploding again and (hopefully) growing back. :P

At 7/24/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/23/09 12:54 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: But I'd vote for a tetris block in spite of the Pyramid Head. I grew up playing that GameBoy tetris, so...
That's what an Object Battle is for. ;)

There are object battles? o_O

At 7/23/09 12:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Are you serious? But that's just... insane! I... don't know what to say! Are you seriously going to do that or you're just mocking me?
We're not mocking you at all. We understand your problems and would be more than happy to help you out. There's another person we have in mind to get TF2 for him.


Thanks A LOT! I thought you guys were just mocking me... I can't believe you guys are actually going to do it!

Oh, and that ''other person'' you meant... Wylo?

Yeah, I saw it. Actually, I'm logging there every now & then, just to see if I know anybody else that I should add. Having only you and Bahamut feels kinda... empty. =P
What about Wylo?

I added him that same day! :)

Still need to find more known people, though. I'll have a look at the TF2 Crew in here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-26 00:51:09

At 7/23/09 12:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/18/09 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: gfox catchups + Sir-Nuts catchups = PARTY TIME! Triple-Bahapost FTW!
Oh yeah!


I played GTs 2, 3 and 4. I spent a lot of time in all of them, even though I never got to fully complete the game (in GT4, I think it had 98% of the game).
I must have played GT2 more than GT1, but I don't think I ever finished it 100%. The challenges in that game were crazy. I still wish to pick up GT1 first before the sequel as I want to go back to where it all started and remember how much I loved the PS1 era of Gran Turismo.

I never got to play GT1, I think. But I do remember that some races in GT2 were crazy, especially those with HP limitations. The rally races were ridiculous, though. And if you had the mega-overpowered "Escudo", you were done.

Well, the servers I played didn't have a ping limit (I think). Usually I was the guy with the highest ping, around 200. And yeah, the game wasn't the best, but I did get some decent international servers. Not too many people were playing on those servers, though.
You will get some rather empty servers and it's better to play in a more active one, even if it means for the game to play slightly slower.

Yeah, I'd rather play on servers with more people. I usually got servers with about 6 on each side and the game still ran nicely, so I'd say it's pretty good.

Depends if the headbang is cumulative or not. =P
I believe it is.


105 points... 110 points... 115... :P

As I said to gfox, here's Brazil. Games are really expensive in here.
That sucks. :(

Yeah... at least my uncle lives in the USA and brings cheaper games. :)

Now I need to catch-up in the Regulars list, Members list, B/P 51+... =/
One word: OUCH!

When I think about the B/P 51+... ugh...

Yeah, I've noticed that Afro's pace has dropped slightly. But he still has a great advantage over the others in the top 5.
I wouldn't say entirely, but he's still managing to keep it up. However, at his rate he's going to lose the top spot and to be honest, that would be rightfully so.

Well, I don't think he'll lose it at anytime soon. He's still 20,000 B/P ahead of the other "competitors" and only harryjarry is keeping a nice pace.

The lag is what least bothers me. The fact that my dad bothers me and I have to play it hiding bothers me more. I think the game runs at 15 FPS as well, maybe slower.
For what you thought couldn't play well on your computer, that's not too bad. At least it's somewhat playable, but as for my laptop, having it run at 15 - 25 FPS most of the time is inexcusable!

It still doesn't run like I can see in your videos. It only runs like that when I'm alone. But when someone enters the screen... LAG!

I don't know much about Manowar, but I quite enjoyed what I've already heard from them. Especially this one, which is a real anthem. ;)
Check out Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal. Epic stuff. Disregard whatever Haggard will say about this.

Might do, depending on my "music mood". I'm currently in an alternative rock mood. :P

That isn't gay, but it sure isn't nice either.
It's definitely not nice, but it certainly can't suggest any homosexuality.

True. =P

At 7/24/09 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/23/09 12:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Indeed. Another thing that bothers me is how people love to label bands. Really, does it matter what genre the bads are? For me, there are two genres: good music and bad music. =P
I still like to give genres to music. It's good for me to know what kind of music I need more. Let's say I really like Radiohead and I'm looking into more music in the same or similar genre. I'd know the right music to look into would be Alternative/Indie Rock.

That's a good point, but some people just cross that line really bad. I mean, I know some people who used to like My Chemical Romance, but after discovering that they were labelled as "emo", they simply stopped liking it. Out of nowhere. But hell, not everyone is like that.

This helped me a lot on getting into more Power Metal after discovering DragonForce and Helloween. As a matter of fact, the third Power Metal band I discovered was Blind Guardian and I randomly stumbled across them out of all the Power Metal bands out there. O_O Afterwards, I heard loads more Power Metal after discovering Last.fm and their radio stations.

Heh, I've known Helloween and Blind Guardian Since I was 5. Older brothers FTW! :)

I think a fireball would fit better. :P
There's no fireball/Mega Flare icon. :(

Too bad. A fireball would match a dragon perfectly. Even on Newgrounds.

And I imagine: how did Afro_Stud do that? Was he B/Ping with his main as well?
I believe he was. O_O

Whoa! So all those B/P points... could've been on his main? O_O

Hey, this left me a doubt... what did you do when the whole site went pink?
I wasn't happy. Next time it happens, I protest.

I hope it won't happen again. I wasn't very fond of it either.

At 7/24/09 02:34 PM, Haggard wrote: Examn tomorrow... whoever thought it would be a great idea to let students write an examn on Saturday should rot in hell. >:(

Hahahaha, agreed! I've had some exams on Saturdays, and it's a real pain. Especially when you don't know the subject. :P

At 7/23/09 01:30 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: FECK! 5 posts wasn't part of my plan... I feel like I'm spamming in here, sorry guises...
Lol, spammer! :P

Sorry, I'll never spam again.

IUFYW4UVTY9346509XC4265CX-423¨#@&$¨(& fIOVTg&@%CBUYV24BY

Hahahaha, another great one! I really have to watch ''This is Spinal Tap'' again, it's been quite a while since the last time I watched it.
I still try to find the VHS with 4 hours of material.

There is a VHS with 4 HOURS? I need to find that!


"We've got, you know, armadillos in our trousers."

At 7/24/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Check out Battle Hymns and Kings of Metal. Epic stuff. Disregard whatever Haggard will say about this.
I will just say LOL! :P

But I have to admit: Manowar is no match for Spinal Tap.

At 7/25/09 08:42 AM, sushi13 wrote: Oh man I was so excited when I heard about the Somewhere Back In Time tour. It was nice to hear a set comprised of their older songs after the first Maiden show I went to where they played A Matter of Life and Death all the way through with only a couple of old songs at the end.

Tell me about it! When I knew that Maiden would actually play where I live, I went nuts. Their concert was amazing, they have the most amazing performance ever. I get shrugs went I remember "Run To The Hills", for Christ's sake! Really, they have to come here again.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-26 03:54:42

level 43

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature