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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 02:38:51

List #87

TPM is back while congratulating:

SCTE3: Top 300 in B/P & 16,000 B/P
Coop83: 1,337 Flash Reviews & 19,000 Exp
wreckages: 10,000 Experience; Level 21
HecticCircleCrap: Level 11 & 2,000 Posts
BahamutClock: Top 900 in Exp & 11,000 Exp
Auz: 18,000 Blams
SpiffyMasta: 3,000 Exp
Makeshift: 2,222 Posts
titchman12: Level 14
Statwhore: Level 18
RageVI: Level 47
FBIpolux: 15,000 Exp
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Level 19 & Major
GUTHRIE: Level 41
JonnyTheWinnar: 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989: 9,000 Medal Points
TacoFreak: Level 30
EchoRun: 6.00 Base VP
harriet: Level 17
PenisFromHell: Level 11
VinnyXY: Level 21
dx5231: 1 Year on NG
SupraAddict: 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk: Level 31
DumbassDude: 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej: 7.00 Total VP & 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989: 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 30
RageVI: 14 Total VP

Listening to:

Michael Jackson - Beat it


At 7/15/09 11:49 PM, TacoFreak wrote: Because I'm a lazy cunt I'm just gonna say congratulations to everyone.

You must be a mexican like me :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 03:31:05

A little milestone, 2,000 Saves.

If you are reading this, it means I have posted. Whether or not I am still posting, this has left its mark, for many years to come.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 04:12:18

Coop gets back into the swing of things, while congratulating:
EchoRun: 6.00 Base Voting Power
harriet: Level 17
PenisFromHell: Level 11
VinnyXY: Level 21
dx5231: 1st NG Berfday
SupraAddict: 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk: Level 31
DumbassDude: 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej: 7.00 Total Voting Power; 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989: 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 30
RageVI: 14.00 Total Voting Power
jmalouin: 2,000 Saves

Thanks to:
Hacsev (x2)
ThePigeonMaster (x2)

At 7/15/09 07:05 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/15/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'll have to look at that when I get there - sadly 1 hour isn't enough to kill the spider queen and climb those freaking walls >:(
Thats when my greens started to die, so don't use more then one green going up the wall.

Because I never had time to complete all of the facets of the post-spider queen Level, I never got up as far as the Auto-Save. Fortunately, when I did, I'd only lost about 6 greens >:(

I was quite frustrated, by the time I got to the top.

I'm tempted to save up enough cash for "The Exicutioner" now :)

At 7/16/09 12:06 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Level 30! Highest level on Newgrounds... before July 17th, 2007 >:(

A whole 2 years since the redesign tomorrow. What a joy and how the time has flown by.

At 7/16/09 12:12 AM, RageVI wrote: This will be the last voting power-related milestone in a long, long time. See you guys in 101 days!

I don't know. 9.00 Base Voting power should be within your grasp in about a year, shouldn't it? CaptainBob is less than 3,000 ahead of you, so that's your next VP goal, since he's got 9.01 base, so you'll be there in less than 300 days!

At 7/16/09 01:22 AM, Overtired wrote:
At 7/14/09 03:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: Looks like I just pulled an Overtired
I really hope this verbification of my name continues.

Well, we all know that 'Pulling a gfox' would be climbing to the very top for Blams, Saves and as a result B/P all at the same time.* Either that, or your name could sound quite rude when verbalised in this way :P

*I will need to check this out...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 06:01:49

Achievement of the Day
RageVI: 14.00 Voting Power. Very nice, I don´t see achievements like this often here :) Congrats!

Congrats to:
GUTHRIE: Level 41
SCTE3: 16,000 BP
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Major
TacoFreak: Level 30
EchoRun: 6.00 Voting Power
harriet: Level 17
PenisFromHell: Level 11
VinnyXY: Level 21
dx5231: 1 Year on NG
SupraAddict: 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk: Level 31
DumbassDude: 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej: 7.00 Voting Power
tally1989: 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 30
jmalouin7: 2,000 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 20,000 Saves

Thanks to:

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 06:06:09

Rev is going to try and keep cool today and would like to congratulate
EchoRun - 6.00 VP
harriet - Level 17
PenisFromHell - Level 11
VinnyXY - Level 21
dx5231 - 1 year on NG
SupraAddict - 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk - Level 31
DumbassDude - 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej - Total 7.00 VP
tally1989 - 1,000 Posts
DarkSolder - Level 30
RageVI - Total 14.00 VP!
jmalouin7 - 2,000 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog - 20k Saves!

Listening to:
The Dirty Glass - Dropkick Murphys


At 7/15/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: TacoFreak: Level 60 - Not strictly true, but what the hey ;)
At 7/15/09 05:16 PM, Haggard wrote: TacoFreak: Level 60


At 7/16/09 02:38 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: TPM is back while congratulating:

Well, hello. :)

At 7/16/09 12:06 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Level 30! Highest level on Newgrounds... before July 17th, 2007 >:(

Damn inflation. :P I can't believe that it's been already two years. It doesn't seem that long ago but I guess when you add all the things that has happen since then (medals, art portal, etc); I guess it really has been a while.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 07:49:54

Congratulations to: -

harriet - Level 17
PenisFromHell - Level 11
VinnyX - Level 21
dx5231 - 1 Year on NG
SupraAddict - 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk - Level 31
DumbassDude - 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej - 7.00 Total Voting Power and 4,000 Medal Points
tally1989 - 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier - Level 30
RageVI - 14.00 Total Voting Power
jmalouin - 2,000 Saves

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 07:55:49

With that vote, you now have 10,000 experience points. You need 670 more to get to Level 32. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 16 hours, 4 minutes, and 44 seconds.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 09:27:55

24,000 saves! Hooray...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 09:34:06

Level 40 wooo, couldn't have came sooner that level 39 chainsaw thing looked pretty homo.

Also, I just noticed that I broke the top 300:
Exp. Rank #: 295

Congrats to everyone on this page also, I'd do a more formal list if I wasn't so tired... maybe later.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 12:38:25

Listening to:

Gamma Ray - No World Order

Thanks to:


At 7/15/09 07:48 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/15/09 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote: Doesn't sound very convenient for you to having to eat in the game to survive.
Especially in the game's more rural areas where there's a bit more driving to do to get places.

Yeah. :( Was this eating thing really necessary? This is the kind of realism that video games should tend to avoid.

At 7/15/09 05:16 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/15/09 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote: After too many crashes on Firefox, I'm now using Opera with the exception of watching Blip.tv videos and depositing alts. I have to do them on Firefox as Opera seems to disable full screen view for Blip.tv videos and passwords aren't exactly saved the way I want them to be in this browser. Another complaint I have is how the blocking system is done in this browser. Firefox's AdBlock was much easier to use. Besides those issues, Opera is really good to me SO FAR. :)
Well, if you need any help with Opera, let me know. :)

Sure thing.

Also, I like the filter.ini MUCH better than Firefoxes AdBlock.

OK, I need to know a bit more about this filter.ini, especially if it could help me with my ad blocking.

Also, right click -> block content isn't that difficult either if you don't want to mess around in the .ini file.

True, but I liked the convenience AdBlock had by right clicking on the image and adding the URL filter.

At 7/16/09 09:34 AM, EternitySpent wrote: Level 40 wooo, couldn't have came sooner that level 39 chainsaw thing looked pretty homo.

Nothing wrong with the chainsaw.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 14:31:46

Level 47.

The golden gauntlet... what a kickass level, I've always orgasmed over this level since I joined up back in '02 (back then level 25)and now I finally have it harharhar!

Although I have to admit the old school version was way better than this one.

Also 14.00 VP!

Have a nice day, all.

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 14:38:14

This alt has finally reached the top 500 EXP.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 15:54:32

Congrats to:
DumbassDude: 9,000 Saves
Yrtnej: 7.00 Total Voting Power
tally1989: 1,000 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 30
RageVI: 14.00 Total Voting Power
jmalouin7: 2,000 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 20,000 Saves
phantomlassuk: 10,000 Experience
Mrputter: 24,000 Saves
EternitySpent: Level 40, Top 300 in Experience
wismty: Level 47, 14.00 Total Voting Power
Toohot100: Top 500 in Experience
Lizzardis: Level 18

At 7/16/09 06:06 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/15/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: TacoFreak: Level 60 - Not strictly true, but what the hey ;)
At 7/15/09 05:16 PM, Haggard wrote: TacoFreak: Level 60

WTF? Must have been really tired when I wrote this...

At 7/16/09 12:38 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/15/09 05:16 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/15/09 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote: After too many crashes on Firefox, I'm now using Opera with the exception of watching Blip.tv videos and depositing alts. I have to do them on Firefox as Opera seems to disable full screen view for Blip.tv videos and passwords aren't exactly saved the way I want them to be in this browser. Another complaint I have is how the blocking system is done in this browser. Firefox's AdBlock was much easier to use. Besides those issues, Opera is really good to me SO FAR. :)
Also, I like the filter.ini MUCH better than Firefoxes AdBlock.
OK, I need to know a bit more about this filter.ini, especially if it could help me with my ad blocking.

Sure, if you add an URL to the exclusion list, Opera won't load it. You can also use asterisks, so if you add "*.ads.*" to the exclusion list Opera won't load ANY URL that contains ".ads." , so you have to be a bit careful what you add there. But it's also possible to add the URLs of stupid layer ads to the filter.ini, so they won't bother you anymore.

Also, right click -> block content isn't that difficult either if you don't want to mess around in the .ini file.
True, but I liked the convenience AdBlock had by right clicking on the image and adding the URL filter.

Then maybe the program I linked you to is the right thing for you?

At 7/16/09 03:11 PM, HecticCircleCrap wrote: Top 30,000 in experience. Although you might think it's insignificant, there are a million people here. Seriously, that's pretty recordable.

Actually, it took you only 115 days to get there, so it's not noteworthy. There may be a million registered accounts here but that doesn't mean they are all active in depositing experience.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 16:53:17

aww balls. I'm not freeman yet.

brb ninjas surrounding house

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 17:13:16

At 7/16/09 03:11 PM, HecticCircleCrap wrote: Top 30,000 in experience. Although you might think it's insignificant, there are a million people here. Seriously, that's pretty recordable.

And lots of these people stop depositing before level 11, or create accounts and never use them.

Now, my achievement:
2,222 saves. A nice number.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 17:14:51

At 7/16/09 05:13 PM, dx5231 wrote: Now, my achievement:
2,222 saves. A nice number.

SAVES? I mean BLAMS. Stupid me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 17:54:05

After playing Trick-or-Treat Adventure! for quite some time I finally have 10,000 Medal Points.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 18:56:30

Staff Sergeant and 6,000 B/P. Rather late thanks to someone but great to finally be one nonetheless.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-16 20:09:27

Just got 4000 medal points...getting a bit harder now!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 00:07:10

Oh hello there beautiful. :3

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 03:44:41

20,000 Saves. This also marks my first 20K stat. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 04:36:16


New yearly newsposts going up in all three of my accounts within the hour! Get 'em while they're hot and fresh!

At 7/16/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, we all know that 'Pulling a gfox' would be climbing to the very top for Blams, Saves and as a result B/P all at the same time.* Either that, or your name could sound quite rude when verbalised in this way :P

I thought pulling a gfox meant posting 4 straight nearly 8k-long posts in a Wi/Ht? list topic or LUL after disappearing for 2-4 weeks? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 06:14:11

Indeed, happy 2nd redesign anniversary! Feels like it was years ago.

Achievement of the Day
wistmy: Level 47, 14.00 VP. Both are pretty impressive if you ask me. Congrats! :)

Congrats to:
phantomlassuk: 10,000 Experience
MrPutter: 24,000 Saves
EternitySpent: Level 40
Toohot100: Top 500 Experience
Lizzardis: Level 18
dx5231: 2,222 Blams
Hacsev: 10,000 Medal Points
WilhelmTheVampire: Staff Sergeant
Lagamuffin: Level 20
Metal-Therapy: 20,000 Saves

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 06:31:48

Happy 2nd Redesign Anniversary!

Rev is ready to see old friends and family today and would like to congratulate:
phantomlassuk - 10k Exp
Mrputter - 24k Saves!
EternitySpent - Level 40
wismty - Level 47
Toohot100 - Top 500 in Exp
Lizzardis - Level 18
Hacsev - 10,000 Medal Points!
WilhelmTheVampire - Staff Sergeant
milinko959 - 4,000 Medal Points
Lagamuffin - Level 20
Metal-Therapy - 20k Saves!

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 08:12:08

The next Wi/Ht? topic to be made will be the most hated of all time, as currently we are at 36,999, so next is 37,000.

Congratulations to: -

phantomlassuk - 10,000 Experience
Mrputter - 24,000 Saves
EternitySpent - Level 40
wismty - Level 47
Toohot100 - Top 500 in Experience
Lizzardis - Level 18
Hacsev - 10,000 Medal Points
WilhelmTheVampire - Staff Sergeant
milinko959 - 4,000 Medal Points
Lagamuffin - Level 20
Metal-Therapy - 20,000 Saves

At 7/16/09 12:38 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/15/09 07:48 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/15/09 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote: Doesn't sound very convenient for you to having to eat in the game to survive.
Especially in the game's more rural areas where there's a bit more driving to do to get places.
Yeah. :( Was this eating thing really necessary? This is the kind of realism that video games should tend to avoid.

Indeed, there is such a thing as being too realistic, at least in my view.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 08:20:43

1 year on Newgrounds

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 08:24:12

preparing to make the hosue look presentable again, Coop congratulates:
phnatomlassuk: 10,000 Experience
Mrputter: 24,000 Saves
EternitySpent: Level 40; Top 300 Experienced
wismty: Level 47
Toohot100: Top 500 Expeirienced
Lizzardis: Level 18
dx5231: 2,222 Blams
Hacsev: 10,000 Medal Points
WilhelmTheVampire: Staff Sergeant; 6,000 B/P
milinko959: 4,000 Medal Points
Lagamuffin: Level 20
Metal-Therapy: 20,000 Saves
pokemonpoeguygcn: 1st NG Berfday

At 7/16/09 07:05 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/16/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Because I never had time to complete all of the facets of the post-spider queen Level, I never got up as far as the Auto-Save. Fortunately, when I did, I'd only lost about 6 greens >:(
I went the full greens for some reason, so all of them pretty much died. Thats when I thought it would be a good idea to go just 1 green.

Yeah, a good tactic that one ;)

I didn't play Overlord 2 yesterday, because the Secret of Monkey Island remake came out so I was playing that.

I won't be playing it on Monday or Tuesday (perhaps even Wednesday as well), as the laptop is going in for some maintenance - the screen keeps cutting out the backlight on me, so it sounds like a loose connection. Fortunately, I'm still under warranty.

I wonder if I can still take out an option to extend it?

At 7/16/09 09:34 AM, EternitySpent wrote: Level 40 wooo, couldn't have came sooner that level 39 chainsaw thing looked pretty homo.

Says the guy wearing a 'fab' aura?

At 7/17/09 04:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/16/09 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, we all know that 'Pulling a gfox' would be climbing to the very top for Blams, Saves and as a result B/P all at the same time.* Either that, or your name could sound quite rude when verbalised in this way :P
I thought pulling a gfox meant posting 4 straight nearly 8k-long posts in a Wi/Ht? list topic or LUL after disappearing for 2-4 weeks? #;-}>

You know, I'd actually forgotten about that. Why don't you show us what you mean ;)

At 7/17/09 08:12 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: The next Wi/Ht? topic to be made will be the most hated of all time, as currently we are at 36,999, so next is 37,000.

Hated by certain parties - I'm sure that 37,001 will come along quite soon afterwards.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 08:47:15

Happy 2nd Redesign anniversary!

Listening to:

Running Wild - Branded and Exiled

Thanks to:


At 7/16/09 03:54 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/16/09 12:38 PM, Bahamut wrote: True, but I liked the convenience AdBlock had by right clicking on the image and adding the URL filter.
Then maybe the program I linked you to is the right thing for you?

Shit, I pulled a gfox by overlooking the link in quotes. Ah well, I've got it now. :)

At 7/17/09 08:12 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: The next Wi/Ht? topic to be made will be the most hated of all time, as currently we are at 36,999, so next is 37,000.

Better keep an eye on this 37,000th topic then.

At 7/16/09 12:38 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah. :( Was this eating thing really necessary? This is the kind of realism that video games should tend to avoid.
Indeed, there is such a thing as being too realistic, at least in my view.

Yep, especially the game GRID which I decided to try before getting it. I couldn't enjoy the game at all due to the extreme level of realism. One hard hit on the sides and my car was completely wrecked. I'll go back to Gran Turismo on the PS1 where the level of realism is far more reasonable.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 10:06:27

12,000 B/P

At 7/17/09 07:11 AM, Odyssic wrote: Its raining, heavy rain.

It's been raining since 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, followed by thunder and gale force winds. It's crazy. Couldn't help but laugh when my mate phoned up before asking me if I wanted to come out.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-07-17 11:35:46

At 7/17/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/17/09 08:12 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: The next Wi/Ht? topic to be made will be the most hated of all time, as currently we are at 36,999, so next is 37,000.
Hated by certain parties - I'm sure that 37,001 will come along quite soon afterwards.

Well, to be honest it's a certain party :P

37,001 did indeed come along quickly, fortunately I grabbed a screenshot of the moment before it passed (see below).

At 7/17/09 08:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/17/09 08:12 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: The next Wi/Ht? topic to be made will be the most hated of all time, as currently we are at 36,999, so next is 37,000.
Better keep an eye on this 37,000th topic then.

Here it is, sadly 'twas rather anti-climactic, although that was to be expected.

At 7/16/09 12:38 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah. :( Was this eating thing really necessary? This is the kind of realism that video games should tend to avoid.
Indeed, there is such a thing as being too realistic, at least in my view.
Yep, especially the game GRID which I decided to try before getting it. I couldn't enjoy the game at all due to the extreme level of realism. One hard hit on the sides and my car was completely wrecked. I'll go back to Gran Turismo on the PS1 where the level of realism is far more reasonable.

It's a pity when some games are more simulations than proper games; funny you mentioned Gran Turismo because I bought #4 on PS2 and didn't get very far, I know that the handling physics are realistic but having played the likes of the Burnout games it was impossible for me to adjust to the more realistic driving style, sans 150MPH powerslides :(

And as promised...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge