Listening to:
Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia
Radiohead - No Surprises
Congrats to:
TacoFreak: Level 60
EchoRun: 6.00 Voting Power
harriet: Level 17
PenisFromHell: Level 11
VinnyXY: Level 21
dx5231: 1 Year on NG
SupraAddict: 4,000 Posts
phantomlassuk: Level 31
At 7/15/09 03:47 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/13/09 11:59 AM, Haggard wrote:
Wow, seems as if some posts where deleted while I was making this list. . . . since it didn't exist anymore I was redirected back to 2,433... which caused some confusion. ^^
What had happen is that Josh had his account deleted so it erased the posts he posted. I guess he is moving on from NG.
Actually what happened was that a spam post got deleted (someone saying: "I'm gonna level up tomorrow!"). My post then appeared on page 2,434, but fell back to the previous page because of Josh's deletion.
At 7/15/09 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote:
After too many crashes on Firefox, I'm now using Opera with the exception of watching videos and depositing alts. I have to do them on Firefox as Opera seems to disable full screen view for videos and passwords aren't exactly saved the way I want them to be in this browser. Another complaint I have is how the blocking system is done in this browser. Firefox's AdBlock was much easier to use. Besides those issues, Opera is really good to me SO FAR. :)
Well, if you need any help with Opera, let me know. :)
Also, I like the filter.ini MUCH better than Firefoxes AdBlock. Not that I'm that experienced with AdBlock, but at least you don't have to rely on some prick who suddendly decides to not update his plugin anymore or who suddendly decides he want's to make much money off it.
Also, right click -> block content isn't that difficult either if you don't want to mess around in the .ini file.
AND if you don't like right click -> block content either, you could always try this.