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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-27 21:13:22

keep improving! good luck

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-27 21:20:51

Does posting more than 100 posts in a day count?

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-27 21:26:11

I just reached the coveted 10,008 saves mark!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-27 22:31:56

Hey sluts.

Eight years old today.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 00:31:51

Level 10!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 00:50:31

I'm at a point where there is a group of ugly levels....
level 45, 46, and 47 are probably the best looking levels around....
but I have no choice... I have to keep moving forward. I have to obtain the bow and arrow and golden ninja stars someday to eventually obtain the golden chainsaw... golden spartan helmet... etc.
level 55 is starting to look quite appealing to me. I hope to reach that by the time pimp reaches level 60... that's if pimp never quits depositing.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 04:36:16

Coop gets ready for the last day of office work this week, while congratulating:
mranarchy: 3,000 Posts
ZombiePhil: Level 14
Bobogoobo: Level 14
Overtired: 10,000 Saves
Mendou: 10,000 Saves
Zerok: 8th NG Berfday
FBIpolux: Level 33
ThisisPowerage: Level 10

At 3/27/08 09:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: OMGs, folks. 10101 posts.... 25102 saves.

I've just accumulated more than 100 posts and 100 saves in LESS THAN A WEEK. I'm on a freakin' streak!
Well, the Experience list update certainly helped, with an extra special 8 posts in about 34 minutes :P
Pfft. 8 posts amidst 101 posts is but a drop in the bucket!

It's a decent percentage, even though it's less than 10%, it's still producing a nice amount of one day's allotment.

Keep it up, you're still slower than me!
WHATEV. I'm working from more total stats than you, so all of my RELATIVE speed is only slowing you down on eventually passing me on the pentalist. HAH! #;-}>

Hell, it's a long term goal - I've got to concentrate on passing Dream-of-Duke for B/P first :P

Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
What's with your Ferrari hate, anyway? #;-}>

I've never liked their eliteism, where they ahve the biggest budget and therefore the biggest drivers. Michael Schumacher would not have won his 7 world titles without their help. Fernando Alonso has proven that he's just going backwards in an uncompetative car and he's a double world champion, who beat Schumacher on his own terms.

Yeah, I got no speakers for my Zen, either.
I've got my headphones, but the problem is that if I worked with them on, I couldn't hear my dad getting pissed off with the flooring. Made it difficult to dodge the flying tools when he got angry.
"Hey... so why've you got that dent in the side of your head?"

"Oh, thanks to my iPod."

Not quite that bad, but it's certainly a little difficult to work around :P

At 3/27/08 11:36 AM, NEVR wrote:
Coop83 - The stallion of the LUL. You've been here for such a long time, and so consistently.
LOL! Stallion... sorry, that just made me think of Coop on the cover of a romance novel. #;-}>
Ha! Now I'm thinking of it. That would be a great book.

*Strikes heroic pose*

At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: Coop83. SHUT UP YOU BIKERIDER, THEY'RE SWORDS!! >:X

I sense a theme occuring for my birthday flash :P

At 3/27/08 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: I can't help that you're being ignorant :P
*eye twitches*


Aerosmith for the win!
They happen to have a Guitar Hero game dedicated to themselves. However, I look forward to the day when Helloween get their own Guitar Hero game, which sadly, will never happen. :( First, the GH series needs to have at least one song of theirs.

Do they indeed? I need to get my hands on that one, I'm happy to play their tunes.

Was he, like in Weebl's latest flash, about to take off?

Prune? *Offers bag*

At 3/27/08 01:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:35 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:26 AM, Faggard wrote: Congrats to:
Not bad for a third post, it's like you've been doing this for years :P
Yeah, he's a really awesome user, isn't he?

I was being facetious - I never give queers the benefit of the doubt :P

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Toyotas? Or Ferraris?
Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
They're horse's? Holy shit! I thought they were goats.

No, it's always been the silhouette of a prancing horse on a yellow shield

I've never been in to cars, but my Dad watches F1 so I get the jist of things. Something about Mr. Ham and shoes? That's what I hear when I pass the TV.

That's in the past. Raikkonen and Hamilton ore the sport's future :P

At 3/27/08 09:20 PM, Sk8erGirl14 wrote: Does posting more than 100 posts in a day count?

No! Fuck off fake stat whore!

At 3/28/08 12:50 AM, YoinK wrote: I'm at a point where there is a group of ugly levels....
level 45, 46, and 47 are probably the best looking levels around....
but I have no choice...

You have quite a lot to put up with for that big goal, don't you :P

I have to keep moving forward. I have to obtain the bow and arrow and golden ninja stars someday to eventually obtain the golden chainsaw... golden spartan helmet... etc.
level 55 is starting to look quite appealing to me. I hope to reach that by the time pimp reaches level 60... that's if pimp never quits depositing.

Enjoy it, there are bumps on the road to satisfaction!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 04:47:45

... And I completely forgot:

7.77 Base Voting Power

This one's for you, Bahamut!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 08:39:13

Level 14 yay!! (yeah I know you don't care??)

I love hunting for Blam points!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 09:22:15

Thanks for voting, BIGmamaKATIE! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 2,000 experience points. You need 180 more to get to Level 15. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 14 hours, 43 minutes, and 6 seconds.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 09:43:47

So I've gotta go to a gig today, it's a matter of life and/or death :P

Overtired - 10000 Saves
Mendou - 10000 Saves
Zerok - 8 Years on NG
FBIpolux - level 33
ThisIsPowerage - level 10
Coop83 - 7.77 Base VP
juansolous - level 14
BIGmamaKATIE - 2000 exp


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 10:49:05

16,000 B/P! >:(

Congrats to:
Bobogoobo: Level 14
Overtired: 10,000 Saves
Mendou: 10,000 Saves
Zerok: 8 Years on NG - Yo bitch!
FBIpolux: Level 33
ThisIsPowerage: Level 10
Coop83: 7.77 Voting Power
juansolous: Level 14 - Of course we care!
BIGmamaKATIE: 2,000 Experience

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:26 AM, Faggard wrote:
I demand reason for posting with alt!


At 3/26/08 04:28 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:26 AM, Faggard wrote:
I hate it when that happens... I should check the account BEFORE I post...
Another victory for fags!

Another victory for stupidity!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 11:40:26

Listening to:

Slayer - Reign in Blood
Metallica - ...And Justice for All

Congrats to:

Bobogoobo - Level 14
Overtired - 10000 (and 8) saves
Mendou - 10000 saves, Doublelisted.
Zerok - 8 year old account. Twice as old as my account, damn!
FBIpolux - Level 33. Meh, I'm closer to the chainsaw. :)
ThisIsPowerage - Level 10
Coop83 - 7.77 base VP. :'D
juansolous - Level 14
BIGmamaKATIE - 2000 EXP

Thanks to:

Haggard. Fuck you.

At 3/27/08 01:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: So what about Wizard's Crown? :P
I was finished with the list during Trial by the Archon. Besides, Winamp plays my MP3's randomly, so the next song wasn't Wizard's Crown anyway ^^

Then the song is pretty much pointless without Wizard's Crown being played right after. :(

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: gfox posted loads so it delayed my convo and list again. GFOX!

Did he steal your bike?

One side green one side gold?

Green + Gold = ?

Hoho, well we most certainly do. GameFAQS pulled a joke and said this website has been taken over by Google. But at the bottom it lol, we're joking :D

I wonder what they'll do this year.

I havn't had Cadbury Flakes for so long they've changed the recipe! >:(

They have? I didn't notice. Perhaps I just haven't eaten enough of them to notice.

Can I eat the haters?
The beard can do that. Yuo mouth is tiny and pathetic to nobble on the nibbles.

I have no beard. :(

*prepares for lynch*
Rainbows and lollipops? D:

Sunshine, lollipops and...

Tony? You go funeral and ask where the free buffet.


Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.
L7C brock mah speekrz! nao i cannoooot undrztnd uy ore mey

They did?!

I prefer women.
I prefer a mix.

You prefer trannies? o__O

All those pricks deserve 30 day bans.
Sounded like Graham saying that "All those pricks get a 30 ban!"

I heard from Wade that he's going to make Graham a BBS mod.

And here you go, Coop. :)
I want one! And not the same one you lazy dragon!

*sigh* Fine.


Until the end of March. I also wonder when NintendoMadness will return.
Hello. I've been a bit retarded on the post pace. I'm busy with this site I got modded on. Get some experince on modding ready for here! loo rool. I mean lol.

So that's why your aura is gold. :O

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:28 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:26 AM, Faggard wrote:
I hate it when that happens... I should check the account BEFORE I post...
Another victory for fags!

Fucking fags.

At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Perhaps something like the Disney water parks? :p
Never heard of 'em. :p


Welcome back. <3
You're the first. :3

Good. :)

Correction: The mod aura with gold level icons look pretty awesome. :)
I'm gonna' say this once and once only. No. Others will back me up?


And so is madkunt. :p
That username descrided him perfectley dunno' why he got rid of it.

Because he's a madkunt. :p

Google Bahamut. ;)
Done. You are fourth Bahamut. You tried to kill mario in an RPG game his.

Did I kill that fat Italian plumber?

I had a fight with my alt while you were gone.
Cool. Link to alt, pl0x.


Bahamut with a Hitler moustache? :o
My Bahamut-flash sense is tingling.

Wait until after my 100th flash.

I didn't give him one. :(


Is that a joke?
Ummm.... no?

Damn ITV. *gets out rifle*

I better have it soon!
Here it is. NAEM ET NAO!


I'll dig him.


At 3/27/08 08:52 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: I demand to become the god of that crew once I reach that number, or even better, permanently stop at 77777. :o
I'm sure there would be no objections, at all :P

I hope you're right.

I've been watching a lot of Father Ted, of course.

You're not getting my digibox! >:(

OMG! I look forward to it!
I wouldn't, unless we improve immensely in a few months

I don't care, I'm still looking forward to it.

At 3/27/08 09:13 PM, mitosblog wrote: keep improving! good luck

What can I improve on? O.o

At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: Coop83. SHUT UP YOU BIKERIDER, THEY'RE SWORDS!! >:X
I sense a theme occuring for my birthday flash :P

Nah, too late. Your birthday flashes are already done.

*eye twitches*


Do they indeed? I need to get my hands on that one, I'm happy to play their tunes.

Aerosmith - They will on the next GH game.
Helloween - No. :'(

Here you go NintendoMadness.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 13:34:32

So I don't know if you guys know the ins and outs of applying to do a law degree, but I have to do a test called LNAT, which is like a preliminary testing of one's perception, argumentative, and deduction skills. There's also an essay in which you have to argue a case with some given points.

Basically I need to book myself in to do this test ASAP, because a fair few Universities require it if you apply to study law.

On a listmaking note, I'm so tired today, so I've only congratulated from the current page (with the exception of YoinK - I felt I had to include his achievement).

NEVR Congratulates:

YoinK Level 48
Coop83: 7.77 Base VP
juansolous: Level 14
BIGmamaKATIE: 2,000 EXP
Haggard: 16,000 B/P
RKThrilla: Level 14

And everyone else since my last list who deserves congrats. (Total cop-out lol).

NEVR Thanks:

Bahamut (x2)
Shanus (x2)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 15:06:02

At 3/28/08 01:34 PM, NEVR wrote: So I don't know if you guys know the ins and outs of applying to do a law degree, but I have to do a test called LNAT, which is like a preliminary testing of one's perception, argumentative, and deduction skills. There's also an essay in which you have to argue a case with some given points.

Basically I need to book myself in to do this test ASAP, because a fair few Universities require it if you apply to study law.

Is the LNAT the English equivalent to the American LSAT? 5 hour long test with different logic games, essays and logic deductions?

Because if so, haha...I feel bad for you - I took the LSATs this past fall and they are really tough - took me forever to study for em. I was so happy when I got the score back and decided that I didn't need to take them again.

Still waiting on the Law Schools to respond, so I guess I'm in the same boat as you - just a little farther along in the process.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 16:48:22

COngrats to the:::

Bahamut: Level 35 Dual weilding Sais SwEeT.!@###!#!!##
Shanus 15K saves
Darkl89: level 32
Timmy 17K b/p
Flared24 5K saves and 1k posts
Yoink: Level 48
Some-Stupid-Idiot 6.66 VP
Overtired 10K saves ( Hey Smart-ass just say 10k mark 10,008 is not a mark)
Mendou 10,000 saves
Zerok Eight YOA
FBIpolux: Level 33 ( I miss the chainsaw Level 54 here I come.)
Coop83 7.77 Base Voting Power
BIGmamaKATIE 2K Exp. Pts.
Haggard 16k B/P ):

Level up to 14:

Grrr GFOX and his posts made me delay this LUL reply post I was too tired to finish when I started at 7:00 AM

At 3/26/08 09:37 AM, whatty wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote: Congrats to:
whatty 1k posts...
Thanks or the congrats.

Your welcome young lass.

1111 posts!

hmm that was quicker than quick quick or was it. CONGRATSULATIONS.

At 3/26/08 09:39 AM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote: Well maybe Vista will work. lalalaLA
I'd rather shoot off my own foot than install Vista >:(

I wish I was a big enough nerd to use not windows or Mac OS

It will do okay until that happens but if the ng regulars and mods stay maybe it wount be has bad as the general.
Ah we'll just have to wait it out, I'll fight it's corner till there's no going back though

Well keep the good fight going. I am a vgf reg or at least I think I am but I am gooing to spam for the lose because april fools is 3 days away.

Oh yes not every business is closed on Easter, I don't work on Sundays so I didnt have it off either.
I got up around 6AM 3 days in a row, never good :O

I did too and its really bad for me because I usually fall asleep at 6AM. ok why does the text always squeeze together when I reply to your posts.

At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote: Yo fuck you cunt, all gta radio is teh pwnages
GTA is gay.

I am going to shoot you in the face in you disrespect Grand Theft Auto agian.

Haha rofl I am so slow.
Same for the rest of you.

Well I am getting better I havent responsed to lost chances pm in 4 months.

I wouldnt think it was a hater L7C isnt big enough to piss the masses of or anyone that visits the bbs. It has to be a mole.
They could be soon enough.

I am going to jump on the bandwagon and write unabusive hateful reviews.

Best day on NG, no arguements.
That's if NG does something interesting this year.

They wont maybe change the banner and make everyone red agian hahahah. I hope its you have to pay $29 month to be a member etc.

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.

I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.

I truly believe I am correct good day to you.

I truly believe your statement is false good sir.

I truly believe your statement is false good sir.

I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.
I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.
I truly believe you cannot comprehend my simple statement and you are still wrong.
I truly believe you cannot comprehend my simple statement and you are still wrong.

I truly believe you are ultimately correct and anything I say is false

Well, I'm winning the argument.
As of now you are. But not for long.
Still winning. You might as well give up now. XP

I am winning right now and you can't trump my statement.

All those pricks deserve 30 day bans.
hahey lol they uh that's harsh.
Not really.

So you think so how would you like it if you got a 30 day ban for gta 4 sucks in the gta topics.

It would be CoopamutOdyshandoMadNEVHaggaRd expect it could only go to the g.
Awesome name!

Hello new alt or someone should take it.

At 3/27/08 09:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Listening to>
Flash Fm GTA-VCS
SWEET! Good choice, man. Good choice.

Its a very good choice indeed my gentle man.

Once you get bored of that.... it's V-ROCK TIME, am I right?

Perhaps you're right but its VCPR timez

I prefer Boys

shocked are you well you better not read why. I like boys because they *censored for your protection*

wtf I am thinking to I must of been loopy.
Heh! I just assumed it was your usual jackassery that you told me I should always assume. #;-}>

Yep I can't play the it was a foolish mistake card now.

You shoulda given credit on the 9999 posts to my alt alt alt alt, then (999999th)! #;-}>
I know I am sorry. Why not just say your 3rd alt or 4th alt.
alt alt alt and alt alt alt alt are WAY more fun to say!

I wholeheartdely disagree with that.

At least I didn't type out alternate alternate alternate alternate account. OH SHIT, I JUST DID! OMG.

type out or paste it 3 or 4 times. Oh no WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.

It was so quick I didn't even know I ran it until I glanced in the mirror and saw some laying or lying idk
in the streets I looked and it was John McCain.
Oh my.

It was actually some old fuck that looks like McCain.

I would run here over but I don't want the government killing every person I know and make it a conspiracy/cover up.
I thought you were a big Clinton supporter. Why would you run over her, then? O_o

A big Clinton hater but if the masses vote for A I vote for B. I would run her over under any cirumstances.

Ba-dum-dum... CHING!
Ra oh Foll.


Wow okay I am not arguing poltics with you, or as a matter of fact nobody. I just vote for the indepents and nothing else.
That's what I usually do, too. Nothing wrong with voting independent, my good man. I'm a registered independent voter.

Not my forté I could care less about politics than a blade of grass. I only vote independent if the Democratics have the lead in polls

Ok not everyone but if everyone in took part they would have choosen LT.
Why are you saying that if everyone in LUL voted... LT would beat Disney? That totally runs counter to your Disney-support, doesn't it? O_o

I am saying that most users would choose LT because Disney is an evil corporation and white people hate that. It has to run counter I suppose but I still support bleahh

Live on Livin' lively.
Next... on Lifetime. TV for Life.

A show about a woman struggling in a mans worlds. This touching heartwarming tale of a middle aged female starting to go back in the dating world finds out men are pigs and want fresh young snatch, So she cryies and buys cats to cope, until Johnny Jeffery comes and swoons her.

Well most but not all are calling them by the current name maybe they forgot or don't know. Sure EGSC > Supreme Commander and so further.
No one's gonna know that SC = Supreme Commander.

Well they willl have to learn it.

SC means StarCraft, anyway.

Right but acronyms are not designate to one phrase. as you know.

So we still needs teh EGSC acronym. FGJ.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 16:52:33

At 3/27/08 09:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Uh 13.13 first all then yes 13.37
There ya go. 13.21 is also pretty cool along the way.

Too far away to think of right now though.

They are turned of by it because most likely they don't have 1 x 1k so they won't partake in the pentaparties.
So THAT's why no one wants to post in my pentalist thread. ;_;

Thats my theory. that and the multi-post-mega quotes posts in the thread scare or turn them away.

At 3/27/08 09:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote: g: level 37 and 1k blams
Heh. Thank ya.

Jeh. Ya welcome.

At 3/23/08 10:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Listening to>
Flash Fm GTA-VCS
Yo fuck you cunt, all gta radio is teh pwnages
Not ALL GTA radio is.... but by far the VAST majority of it is teh pwnages, which is more than you can say for any major American city's actual radio situation.

I hate the jazz and ethic music. I just hope the new GTAs IV, V and VI are rip with new old famous and not commonly heard of music. You can start fapping to GTA V because its going to be the next gen GTA Vice City, Do you own a PS3 or 360.

It would be CoopamutOdyshandoMadNEVHaggaRd expect it could only go to the g.

anyone else that should be in the name.

Jebus, I remember that pic. Not that it was for the end of me updating the VP list or anything else about it, actually.... but I remember making that hilariously-bad Excel-spreadsheet-showing-through mouth on that smiley. Hilarity. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, there. #;-}>

The only reason why I posted it well lets see if I have anyone memorylaned pics saved.

Is not. But even if iscrulz and I were to accept that it was... you'd never get us to say the music/radio stations in GTA are gay.

Accept I would only accept it if I was tortured beyond human pain threshold. radio station are not gay.

I'm pretty sure Tom Fulp has already shot his AFD load this time around. But who knows, maybe they'll also change the CSS overlay on 4/01 to fuck with people's heads. That would rock.

it would fuck with my head.

At 3/26/08 07:02 PM, NEVR wrote: This isn't an achievement as such (well, 3,333 posts is, but I don't normally acknowledge my own posting achievements) - I just thought it was cool and

wanted to share it with you guys :)

3,333 posts is not 3.33 ppd. I think someone or us decided it wasn't stat worthy to post BBSppd acheievements because it may promote spamming.

At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: I just noticed something about the next level. so whoever will be depositing for me while I'm away will be levelling up my account. :o

I will be your back up depositer.

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: I dont know if the UK celebrates it but its All Fools Day hey your fly is open.
Hoho, well we most certainly do. GameFAQS pulled a joke and said this website has been taken over by Google. But at the bottom it lol, we're joking :D

Well lol then I am pretty sure ytmnd and 4chans etc will have better pranks.

Wait then maybe I wont make the parody alt, just change the name of another alt.
I don't think Wade would change the names of alts... unless it's totally humouress.

Then I would have to ask some mod to get the name changed for me they can suck wade's cock much easier and quicker.

At 3/23/08 10:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.
L7C brock mah speekrz! nao i cannoooot undrztnd uy ore mey

The L7C crew is sooo f*#$ing retardid i am going 2 get meh blam rifle out und shoot dem all.

I prefer the Virtual Boy.
I prefer Boys
I prefer women.
I prefer a mix.

I prefer a mix of white german boys and amputee shemales.

All those pricks deserve 30 day bans.
Sounded like Graham saying that "All those pricks get a 30 ban!"

Those pricks should get 30 day bans for not loving teh Goatse </Graham>

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/25/08 07:29 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: f=?
fucking five free fantastic freak follow-ups.
Seriously though. What did you mean?

Remember when J00bie was active here and on RG. Adding extra words or text to the end of you sentences to imply sarcasm or humor is what it stands


At 3/28/08 12:50 AM, YoinK wrote: I'm at a point where there is a group of ugly levels....

Oh ho ho you are wrong level 49 bow and arrow is cool and the golden gauntlet and ninjer stars

level 45, 46, and 47 are probably the best looking levels around...

46 is the best looking 45 and 47 are okay

but I have no choice... I have to keep moving forward. I have to obtain the bow and arrow and golden ninja stars someday to eventually obtain the

golden chainsaw... golden spartan helmet... etc.

All good the golden chainsaw is the best out of them. I don't think you will reach level 58.

level 55 is starting to look quite appealing to me. I hope to reach that by the time pimp reaches level 60... that's if pimp never quits depositing.

Level 56 is better. Only 42 points away the scaling will be easy but still hard for really high levels. I am looking forward to level 49

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 17:27:26

Congrats to:
killslasher: 1337 Posts
aldlv: 7.77 Voting Power
Emlfuryoflion: 20,000 Total Points
viceman: 2,000 Experience
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 24
gfoxcook: 10101 Posts
DarkSoldier: Level 22
Joshiwa: Top 200 in B/P
Psycho-Simple: Level 26
EternitySpent: 4 Years on NG
RedCoin: Level 23
BananaBreadMuffin: 33,000 Posts
whatty: 1,000 Posts
BIGmamaKATIE: 5,555 Saves
NEVR: 17,000 B/P
Peregrinus: 3,000 Saves
Coop83: 16,000 Blams
sirtom93: 100 Reviews
SoulMaster71: 1,337 Posts
Pinoyguy75: 1,000 Blams
pigeonmaster88: Level 10
Joshiwa: 11,000 Saves
Josh: #71 Ranked in Experience
Bahamut: Level 35- Wow the first time I met you, you were 34 and I've gotten too used to it lol.
Powerage: Ranked #1,000 in EXP
Magical-Mark: Level 12
NEVR: 1,000 Days on NG
Cruz-Azul19: Level 19
1337: 12,345 B/P
KIRBYLINK: 1,000 Saves
emochild: Level 19
Emlfuryoflion: 12,000 Saves
FIGMENTUM:Top 100 In EXP w00t
zimzap: 7,000 Experience
Bertn: Level 22
Josh: #70 in Experience
FBIpolux: 9,999 and 10,000 Posts
hamz10: Police Officer
jonthomson: #86 in Experience
Chris-Warburton: Level 12
1337: 6,666 Saves
Kart-Man: Level 20
Mori-Chax: 1,000 Posts
BlueHippo: 9,000 Saves
gibleto: 1st NG Berfday
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 6,000 Posts
Not-Stuff4u2kno: Level 20
gfoxclock: 1,000 Blams
gfox: Level 37Yamor: Level 19
Shanus: 15,00 Saves
darkl89: Level 32
Timmy: 16,000 B/P
NEVR: 3,333 Posts
Flared24: 5,000 Saves; 1,000 Posts
YoinK: Level 48
Some-Stupid-Idiot: 6.66 Voting Power
Jozzalanco: Level 14
mranarchy: 3000 Posts
ZombiePhil: level 14
Bobogoobo: level 14
Spoopy: 5.00 Base VP
Overtired: 10,000 Saves
Mendou: 10,000 Saves
Zerok: 8 Years on NG
FBIpolux: level 33
ThisIsPowerage: level 10
Coop83: 7.77 Base VP
juansolous: level 14
BIGmamaKATIE: 2000 exp
Haggard: 16K B/P
RKThrilla: Level 14

Thanks to:

At 3/24/08 02:14 PM, NEVR wrote: Also, a mention to some of the other guys who have contributed greatly to the LUL in particular -
Odyssic, Auz, iscrulz, thegreatmorph, PureLionHeart, ReconRebel, absent (now retired), yoshi77777,
and everyone else who has made lists or posted good achievements.


Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.

hey gaiz wuts a l7c?

I demand to become the god of that crew once I reach that number, or even better, permanently
stop at 77777.

Will you stop there? :U


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 17:56:08

First post as LEVEL 13 :O

They used to call me souled...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 18:50:11

Just made level 29 like...two days ago! Yes!

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 19:03:47

one of my flashes was submitted with over 3.0

please dont flag me!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 19:40:41

At 3/27/08 09:23 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Eggsactly.
Happy Easter!
Happy Eggster!!!

You don't have to make them that bad. -_-

If only one of us were BBS mods.


At 3/27/08 09:37 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 08:24 PM, NEVR wrote: Bottom line - I don't care about Pimp's achievements unless he posts them in here.
Beh. Well, that's your prerogative.

I no man of big words! oog

At 3/27/08 09:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/25/08 07:29 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/16/08 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: gfox's final pentalist = FUCKING AWESOME!
Yeah! I found the other updates quite confusing. :S
None of my pentalist updates confused you except the last one? Explain that one to me, please. O_o

Well, when I last read the old last update I was still a newbie to all the keys and different colours and things that means things that I didn't know. So, I suppose I'd understand now.

At 3/20/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/8/08 09:14 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 10,000 Posts
gfoxcook - 25,000 Saves
Thanks, Madman!
Madman. I ain't mad. *foams at mouth a chew on a video* The sausages are blue!
That's just my affectionate nickname for you, you blighter!


That's another one I've made for ya. ENJOY!


At 3/20/08 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/7/08 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Is it gfoxdragon/gfoxbahamut?
*inserts into HTML* Nope.
MADE YOU WASTE YOUR TIME, HA-HA. :::points at you:::


Bahamut and gfox together as one will work.
Bahamut and I deny these allegations.

Order in court, pl0x.

At 3/25/08 07:31 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
I don't care THAT deeply for either franchise, to be honest, so it was a bit... bonkers to continue for me, personally.
Bonkers is in book of cheese.
..... wha?

Bonkers is in 'my' book of cheese.

You should definitely do that. Because now that you've said that name, if you don't... someone else will. #;-}>
I'm there before anyone else! I might give it a Bahamut makeover. Not the user Bahamut Bahamut... FF Bahamut. I need cool things.

A Bahamut history line is needed to be made by someone not lazy!

Dude, LEGO is from Denmark. Come on, now. I'm an American and I know this. Then again, I'm one of the rare Americans to have visited 30+ nations, but STILL, man. You Europeans are supposed to be so worldly and shit, that's the stereotype. FAIL. #;-}>
I know it originated from Denmark. I just didn't know whether some buisness guy got permission in another country to build one.
Heh. Denmark is teh LEGO-PROUD, why would they (or the company) want the first LEGOland anywhere else than... Copenhagen, Denmark?

Loadsa cash? Dunno' really, it was just a thoiught.... mostly because I didn't do my research. >.<

Huh? You mean from 2000-2002... or you mean in 2005-2007?
2005-2007. I forgot about you're other 2 years absence
Again, 05-07 wasn't really a full absence, then. That's why you confused me with that term.

gfoxamut! There we go.
Yes equal letters it's a fair alt.
Good point, but I wasn't even trying for equal letters. Just "best sounding/looking" alt name.

No it wasn't. First of all, she was expected to win Ohio big. Always.
I'll try add to this subject. I was doing a drama thingy lesson. And we had to do a chat show and this group did a peice with Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. And the chat show people things were just being totally biased with Barack. It took the piss out of the whole situation but I can't remember details. :'(
LOL! Awesome. If you meant biased TOWARDS Barack, which I think you did. But anywho...

Yes... I'm still concuring in my brian about words.

At 3/27/08 09:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/23/08 10:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Gay!
Yo fuck you cunt, all gta radio is teh pwnages
GTA is gay.
Is not. But even if iscrulz and I were to accept that it was... you'd never get us to say the music/radio stations in GTA are gay.

Meet the Spartans did a pretty hilarious original sketch on GTA.

At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/26/08 07:34 PM, darknessdweller wrote: Is anyone else here lvl 9?
One of my alts is level 9. :)

I missed that post of his. A ghost post. There are no level 9's here because they are poked out with a stick.... well they're level 9's are anyway.

At 3/27/08 09:23 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The fact that I just hit 25k saves quite recently, and I'd already passed 25100 is all I was mentioning. I said 25102 because that's what my profile happened to show at that moment. Like it shows 25159 right now... no, wait... 25163... sweet.
Oh, I see now. Yay, keep going with those saves!

No, for my fucking fans.
Stars engage in self-aggrandisement for their fans, too, damnit!

That means leaving us all alone. D':

Happy Easter!
Happy Eggster!!!
Eggstar Hero. o__O



Would you be re-modded right away if I said "gfox should become a moderator for reviews and BBS again" in Japanese?

No. Because they can't understand Japanese.


No. No one takes online petion, seriously.

At 3/27/08 01:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:35 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/26/08 04:26 AM, Faggard wrote: Congrats to:
Not bad for a third post, it's like you've been doing this for years :P
Yeah, he's a really awesome user, isn't he?

Yeah, considiring his username.

At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/27/08 11:36 AM, NEVR wrote:
Coop83 - The stallion of the LUL. You've been here for such a long time, and so consistently.
LOL! Stallion... sorry, that just made me think of Coop on the cover of a romance novel. #;-}>
Ha! Now I'm thinking of it. That would be a great book.
*Strikes heroic pose*

*director runs up to Coop and sprays on fake tan to a nicer effect to the black and white mode* :0

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Toyotas? Or Ferraris?
Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
They're horse's? Holy shit! I thought they were goats.
No, it's always been the silhouette of a prancing horse on a yellow shield


I've never been in to cars, but my Dad watches F1 so I get the jist of things. Something about Mr. Ham and shoes? That's what I hear when I pass the TV.
That's in the past. Raikkonen and Hamilton ore the sport's future :P

I've seen Hamilton on Top Gear... he's cool. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 19:42:37

At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: gfox posted loads so it delayed my convo and list again. GFOX!
Did he steal your bike?

I don't have a motorbike.... HE STOLE MY TRICYLE WITH STABLISERS!

One side green one side gold?
Green + Gold = ?

Happiness? As for colour. No idea.

I havn't had Cadbury Flakes for so long they've changed the recipe! >:(
They have? I didn't notice. Perhaps I just haven't eaten enough of them to notice.

Well maybe my taste in things has changed.

Can I eat the haters?
The beard can do that. Yuo mouth is tiny and pathetic to nobble on the nibbles.
I have no beard. :(

Artsy Bahamut's beard!

*prepares for lynch*
Rainbows and lollipops? D:
Sunshine, lollipops and...

Treetops? Never been able to catch that line.

Tony? You go funeral and ask where the free buffet.


Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.
L7C brock mah speekrz! nao i cannoooot undrztnd uy ore mey
They did?!

Yeah, there was a flash (now blamed thank god) and it had this horrible over powered droning noise with a cool 1-UP mushroom. They ruined Mario on the interwab.

I prefer women.
I prefer a mix.
You prefer trannies? o__O

A mix of smoothie, you silly slopper!

All those pricks deserve 30 day bans.
Sounded like Graham saying that "All those pricks get a 30 ban!"
I heard from Wade that he's going to make Graham a BBS mod.


And here you go, Coop. :)
I want one! And not the same one you lazy dragon!
*sigh* Fine.



Until the end of March. I also wonder when NintendoMadness will return.
Hello. I've been a bit retarded on the post pace. I'm busy with this site I got modded on. Get some experince on modding ready for here! loo rool. I mean lol.
So that's why your aura is gold. :O

Whut? *checks aura* HEY!

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Perhaps something like the Disney water parks? :p
Never heard of 'em. :p

No. Seriously, havn't heard of them.

Correction: The mod aura with gold level icons look pretty awesome. :)
I'm gonna' say this once and once only. No. Others will back me up?

Gold+Gold=Gold overload. Gold overlaod=noobs over reacting. noobs over reacting=General flame. General flame=normal day.

Google Bahamut. ;)
Done. You are fourth Bahamut. You tried to kill mario in an RPG game his.
Did I kill that fat Italian plumber?

Didn't check.... No you didn't because Mario is immortal and smashes any gaming franchise including his own to floor!

I didn't give him one. :(


Is that a joke?
Ummm.... no?
Damn ITV. *gets out rifle*

Make sure you get the Emmerdale part aswell! *chucks Bahamut Mega Flare power up*

I better have it soon!
Here it is. NAEM ET NAO!


I'll dig him.


At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: *eye twitches*

I put an invisble field around them which make shit invisible. THat si why.

Here you go NintendoMadness.

Thanks. ^^.... the Bhamut part is the same! :p

At 3/28/08 04:48 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/26/08 09:39 AM, Shanus wrote:
Ok, why does the text always squeeze together when I reply to your posts?

That happens to me aswell. I think it's the way Shanus quotes? Or the buttons he presses? Differrent internet browser?

At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Best day on NG, no arguements.
That's if NG does something interesting this year.
They wont maybe change the banner and make everyone red agian hahahah. I hope its you have to pay $29 month to be a member etc.

That would be really funny. Just keep an eye out.

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.

I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.

I truly believe I am correct good day to you.

I truly believe your statement is false good sir.

I truly believe your statement is false good sir.

I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.

I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.
I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.
I truly believe you cannot comprehend my simple statement and you are still wrong.
I truly believe you cannot comprehend my simple statement and you are still wrong.
I truly believe you are ultimately correct and anything I say is false

So Disney is the worst? Nice, thanks for finishing off the convosation.

At 3/28/08 04:52 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/27/08 09:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
It would be CoopamutOdyshandoMadNEVHaggaRd expect it could only go to the g.
anyone else that should be in the name.

gfox and you. CoopamutOdyshandoMadNEVHaggaRdcook

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 10:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
I prefer the Virtual Boy.
I prefer Boys
I prefer women.
I prefer a mix.
I prefer a mix of white german boys and amputee shemales.


At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/25/08 07:29 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: f=?
fucking five free fantastic freak follow-ups.
Seriously though. What did you mean?
Remember when J00bie was active here and on RG. Adding extra words or text to the end of you sentences to imply sarcasm or humor is what it stands


At 3/28/08 12:50 AM, YoinK wrote:
All good the golden chainsaw is the best out of them. I don't think you will reach level 58.

I hate the Golden chainsaw. There's one colour. OH! How imagiantive.

Finished with the convo. Gave it in sessions because some parts of large posts bewildered me. :/
I really can't be bothered to do list.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-28 22:56:23

1337th Post that I'm wasting lul.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 00:17:16

Level 19!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 00:42:12

I am now a Praporshchik! Time for the new fancy badges!

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 06:44:05

Coop watches the Avalanche win again, while congratulating:
juansolous: Level 14
BIGmamaKATIE: 2,000 Experience
Haggard: 16,000 B/P
RKThrilla: Level 14
souled: Level 13
TheRadicalOne: Level 27
yoshi77777: 1,337 Posts
Egarewop: Level 19
zimzap: Praporshchik

Thank yous to:
yoshi77777 (x2)

Listening to:
Nickelback - Rockstar
System of a Down - Jet Pilot
Alice Cooper - I'm Your Gun

At 3/28/08 09:43 AM, Shanus wrote: So I've gotta go to a gig today, it's a matter of life and/or death :P

You're going to a gig at gunpoint?

At 3/28/08 04:16 PM, FBIpolux wrote:
At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: FBIpolux - Level 33. Meh, I'm closer to the chainsaw. :)
Whatever! You're still a 2004 n00b :P

At least he's not pretending to be French :P

At 3/28/08 06:50 PM, TheRadicalOne wrote: Just made level 29 like...two days ago! Yes!

And you just failed Maths

At 3/28/08 07:40 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/27/08 11:36 AM, NEVR wrote:
Coop83 - The stallion of the LUL. You've been here for such a long time, and so consistently.
LOL! Stallion... sorry, that just made me think of Coop on the cover of a romance novel. #;-}>
Ha! Now I'm thinking of it. That would be a great book.
*Strikes heroic pose*
*director runs up to Coop and sprays on fake tan to a nicer effect to the black and white mode* :0

What the crap? I don't need fake tan! My abs are shapely enough as they are - none of this Meet the Spartans shit!

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Toyotas? Or Ferraris?
Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
They're horse's? Holy shit! I thought they were goats.
No, it's always been the silhouette of a prancing horse on a yellow shield

You learn something every day.

I've never been in to cars, but my Dad watches F1 so I get the jist of things. Something about Mr. Ham and shoes? That's what I hear when I pass the TV.
That's in the past. Raikkonen and Hamilton ore the sport's future :P
I've seen Hamilton on Top Gear... he's cool. ;)

The way he was 0.04 seconds behind the Lap Record when on an oily, wet race track made me consider just how awesome he is.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 07:19:24

Rank #: 300


4000 posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 07:33:32

i am getting fans on NG


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 07:47:25

At 3/29/08 07:33 AM, viceman wrote: i am getting fans on NG


Im not suprized with all these hentai fans on here..