At 3/23/08 01:11 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
Apparently I got 33k without noticing.
Go me I guess.
Congrats, but... make sure you come back when you get the far more impressive 33,333 postcount rockin' yer profile and every post, okay? #;-}>
At 3/23/08 07:18 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 3/23/08 07:12 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote:
But in far more important statistical news, Pimp just hit Level 53!
I don't know why everybody is suddenly keeping track of what Pimp is up to - it's not like he does anything else on NG but deposit. I'd be more impressed if he actually spent a decent amount of time on NG each day, and did some other things to make him a more interesting user.
I've been keeping track of what Pimp is up to (and I used to keep track of what humantarget/Shrapnel were up to) since 2003, dude. This is nothing new for me.
I can't speak about everyone else, but it's old hat to me.
When fixit was #1 in b/p, we paid attention to him, too, even though he NEVER posted on the BBS. At least Pimp posts SOMEtimes.
At 3/23/08 08:24 PM, NEVR wrote:
Bottom line - I don't care about Pimp's achievements unless he posts them in here.
Beh. Well, that's your prerogative.
At 3/24/08 12:59 AM, Timmy wrote:
Perhaps he uses an alt to post and hang around Newgrounds, since whenever he posts as 'Pimp' he is swamped by users and people who just want to post about how much they love/hate him. If I were in his shoes, I'd probably just enjoy being another common user on the BBS - able to blend in and post without being the center of attention constantly.
That would definitely be what I'd do if I were Pimp, so... I think that's actually a safe bet that he posts at least occasionally with an alt to avoid the whole Pimp treatment, sure.
Speaking of Pimp's recent post that NEVR poo-pooed
"For the record, this is at least the third time I've reached the coveted "final secret."
"You have 30,016 Experience Points! You gain experience points by voting on five submissions per day. Experience points increase your voting power and also allow you to unlock Secret Items! You are -30,016 points away from getting your next secret!""
First off, I didn't know he'd done it three times. I knew he'd done it twice, though. Secondly.... -30,016?!?!? HOLY SHIT, PIMP, DELETE ALL YOUR EXP NOW TO UNLOCK THE FINAL SECRET! #;-}>
At 3/23/08 07:24 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I wouldn't know anything about that. #;-}>
I think you've confused religious with fanatical :P
I just meant that America is too fractious to be considered a religious country on the whole. We're one-third religious-as-hell, one-third secular-and-agnostic, and one-third.... apathetic. #;-}>
It's easy being Green.
God damn hippie, but yeah bet you drive a 4x4, cause you're american, woo stereotyping :P
Nah, I drive a 2-door sporty coupe type car, sadly. Should I go buy a Hummer to live up to your image of us? #;-}>
I noticed! Thanks for taking me up on my invite. #;-}>
I'll try and post there as often as I can, nearly got 15k saves, wish I could swap 5000 of those points to another stat though :P
I'd only ever trade my saves for exp. That is the only stat I'd trade some of 'em for. EVER.
Mmmmm... Reese's PB Eggs....
At 3/24/08 02:14 PM, NEVR wrote:
Time on NG: 2 year(s), 8 month(s) and 25 day(s) (=1,000 days).
Awesomeness! Congrats on the 1k, dude, and for the math lesson in translating what 1000 days consists of. 8 months and 25 days, eh? Nifty. #;-}>
Indeed, I have now had a Newgrounds account for 1,000 days. I felt this was a little bit more special than most of the achievements I post in here (mostly B/P and EXP ones), so I thought I'd make my post a bit different, and talk about some of my time at NG.
Nah, it's not more special than really cool exp achievements, like say 10,000. Although 10,000 exp and 1000 NG days can kinda go together if you let it. #;-}>
For my first 6 months at NG, I didn't even post on the BBS. Some of you may know that I used to make audio (to varying degrees of success), so the Audio Forum was where I began my posting days. I moved on to the Wi/Ht? after I stopped making Audio, and at first expected it to be much more hostile than the humble little Audio Forums, but was pleasantly surprised after lurking a bit, and discovering that the Wi/Ht? regulars were (and still are) some of the best people on the BBS.
Glad we surprised you in a positive way. #;-}>
Bahamut - You've always seemed modest to me, despite your many great achievements on NG.
Bahamut... MODEST? (gasp)
Coop83 - The stallion of the LUL. You've been here for such a long time, and so consistently.
LOL! Stallion... sorry, that just made me think of Coop on the cover of a romance novel. #;-}>
NintendoMadness - You're a credit to '07 users everywhere!
Aye, that he is.
gfoxcook - What can I say about gfox that everybody doesn't already know? I'm glad that I've been around to see you making a comeback to the BBS, and what a comeback it has been. Your presence on the BBS is indispensable, and I hope you do stick around for a long time to come.
Well, glad I made a comeback, then. Thanks for the kind words. #;-}>
At 3/24/08 02:45 PM, 1337 wrote:
12345 b/p
SWEET, man. What a great number of b/p from such a great number of a user. #;-}>
At 3/25/08 12:57 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
It took me a little over 5 years but I just noticed I've made it to the top 100 EXP ya bitches. Testament to how much of a loser I am.
What does that make the rest of us losers in the top 100 who were here ahead of ya, eh?! WELL? WELL???? GO ON.
Here's a little something different. But not really if you've already seen this kind of thing in General. Don't congratulate me. Instead, if you really must acknowledge my achievement in some way, call me some kind of degrading name or insult. Anyone who doesn't should be shunned from this place as a non-reader. And anyone who tries to tell those participating in this little 'experiment' that they shouldn't be attacking someone for no reason will be known as filthy ass munchers.
General blows, first of all.
But aside from that.... uh.... I'll do my best.
Top 100, eh? Well, FINALLY, you hoser. What took you so long, you jackass? Way to finally wake up and join TEH EXP PARTEH!!!! Get lost, sucker!
Good enough?
Oh, and thanks for dropping by teh LULZ. It was good to see you around, even if only for a coupla posts wherein you tried to get us to abuse you, you sick masochistic freak! #;-}>