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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 07:53:29

At 3/29/08 07:47 AM, 1337 wrote:
At 3/29/08 07:33 AM, viceman wrote: i am getting fans on NG

Im not suprized with all these hentai fans on here..

i allready made better flash but they like this like nothing else

sex sells ya know

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 07:53:33

Okay, due to MULTIPLE people complaining and grumbling about my last catch-up (all 5 posts of it) causing them to spend extra time doing their own catch-ups... I'm going to be a super hard-ass nazi about replying only to the cream of the crop. If your huge post gets trimmed to just one part I reply to, please don't take offense. I'm trying to reply at least a little/in part to everyone who replied to me... and anything else I found interesting on this page and the last page (at least it's just a 1-2 page catch-up!), but also to cut the fat. So here we go, a grand multi-quote, super-condensed.... experiment.

At 3/27/08 11:36 AM, NEVR wrote: Ah, but for you it's something of a different matter, being that you're so much closer to them EXP-wise, and might actually have a shot at taking them down one day.

I had my shot. It was in 2000. #;-}>

For myself and most other users, however, Pimp and all the other top 50 EXP users are so far away that it's barely worth keeping track of what they're doing. It's more than likely that none of us will ever get close to them, which is especially true of the newer users.

None of us will be president or prime minister of our nations, but that doesn't mean we don't take an interest in the leaders of countries. I think it's only natural to take heed of what's going on with the exp and b/p and VP leaders, even if we can never hope to take them down.

At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: I just noticed something about the next level. According to NG Log, I will reach level 36 on 11th June. However, I'll be going on holiday on 8th June, so whoever will be depositing for me while I'm away will be levelling up my account. :o

THAT SUCKS. You and your summer holidays/vacations. You crazy boy.

gfoxcook. AND YOU, GFAGCOCKS!!

MWAHAHAHA. What a great "thank you" section. Such anger from such a KIND dragon!

At 3/27/08 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: Aerosmith for the win!
They happen to have a Guitar Hero game dedicated to themselves. However, I look forward to the day when Helloween get their own Guitar Hero game, which sadly, will never happen. :( First, the GH series needs to have at least one song of theirs.

Why did Coop say Aerosmith was FTW, anyway? I musta missed something.

Oh, I see now. Yay, keep going with those saves!

25222+! I wish I could log my shit on NG log today, but alas... no.


YOUR FANS BLOW. Except for me.

Of course it was inevitable, but Wade or the BBS mods should have simply said "No console war threads." and that would have been it.

Nah, every other topic would turn into one, instead. Are the mods going to use the destroy option on everything, and do 30 day bans on OPs + 3 day bans on all the poor innocents, even the ones not involved in any console-vs-console discussion? It's a part of video gaming today, and it has been for some time, really. You can't have a forum about soft drinks without Coke vs. Pepsi shit starting. It's just the way it is.

You disappoint me, gfox.

I always try.


Would you be re-modded right away if I said "gfox should become a moderator for reviews and BBS again" in Japanese?


I still stand by that green coloured text. I've been a yellow coloured-text user forever and I'm sick of it. I want dark blue.

Well, yes, if I'd NEVER had a different colour name, perhaps I'd crave that. But I had that for years, and I don't miss it THAT much. It is just, sadly, one of the few things I miss about being a mod, along with the ability to delete my own posts if I screw up.... and of course, the 4x/30min limit not applying.


SCREW YOU! </cartman>

Yes, it would put all the non-mod main accounts to shame.

I think it would put all the other mod's non-mod ALT accounts to shame, actually. #;-}>

Because if I'm away from home, I simply don't log my stats on NG Log.

And you're most often away from home on Saturday, eh?

At 3/27/08 12:23 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, I said swords, so fuck you. :p


No, FUCK YOU for saying I call them "sais."
Or two sai, or whatever. THEY'RE SWORDS TO ME AND LOOK LIKE 'EM!

Two sai. Exactly right.

No, you'll be the one getting owned on a flash of mine sometime. :D


You should take a look at the wiki pages for the music in GTA, you'll find out you like quite a few of the songs. Some of them are in your "listening to" sections from time to time, in fact. HMPH.
I'm aware of that.

So then you don't think the music selection/radio channels in GTA games are gay... just everything else about GTA games, right? That's all I want you to admit.

Perhaps the demodding of bigbadron and the new staff Rob are their April Fool jokes.

The Ross/Rob thing is exactly what I was referring to Tom Fulp "shooting his AFD load" on, yes.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who got a deja vu from that.

It was super-obvious congrat-list-theft. Because both posts had like one or two lines of text at the top... and then the SAME TYPO at the bottom of the congrats list. I wouldn't have noticed had it not been for the congrats of my two alt accounts being exactly the same, and more importantly the typo (because the former is obviously possible... a coincidence, yes... but it happens that two people congrat you the exact same way... but the exact same typo on the exact same congrats? Hell no, that's UNpossible).

But yeah, stealing congrats lists are not cool, it's just retarded. However, it's not as bad as a group of kids spamming this place, but I can still remember some retards stealing my congrats lists ages ago. I even had to warn one of them via PM for persisting.

If everyone steals each other's lists and posts them all over the place, it basically would be spamming.

At 3/27/08 01:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/27/08 09:23 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heh. Thanks. The nicest number I'll hit till 11,111 posts, I think.
Yeah. It's so binary. ^^

Well, that, yes... but 10101 is prettier than 10010, 10011, 10110, 10111, 11001, 11010, and 11110.

I didn't list 10001 and 11000 and 11011 up there, because I think those two go along with 10101 as being the only other super-nifty numbers between 10000 and 11111.

The worst about that habit is, when I don't understand the content of something, I have to read the introduction anyways and then I have to read the parts I didn't understand at first a second time...

That serves ya right. #;-}>

But then, we are a BIG stat whores, aren't we? ^^

The biggest. And the best.

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: gfox posted loads so it delayed my convo and list again. GFOX!


Squatters of toilets. :0

No.... account-squatters. You silly bastard. #;-}>

I havn't seen anyone post loads of random letters filling up a post in my entire NG life so I dunno' about stuff like that. I think they should do something.

It's not like the size of BBS posts is a problem, anyway. If anything's a problem, it's the quantity. And compared to the flash portal, it's a drop in the bucket, anyway.

99% of BBS users will never hit the character limit.

One side green one side gold?

Left and right sides of the level icon have a different aura? Hm... that would be kinda cool. I think the split should be diagonal, though. Or different for each weapon, depending on where the center of the weapon is. Yeah... that would be bad-ass... the swordblade splits the auras apart, say.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 08:00:48

i passed 500 blams today, and ill be corporal in the next five days....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 08:00:51

At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
They're horse's? Holy shit! I thought they were goats. I've never been in to cars, but my Dad watches F1 so I get the jist of things. Something about Mr. Ham and shoes? That's what I hear when I pass the TV.

ROTFL! Goats? Yeah, I don't think many car-makers slap goats on their logos. #;-}>

I dont know if the UK celebrates it but its All Fools Day hey your fly is open.
Hoho, well we most certainly do. GameFAQS pulled a joke and said this website has been taken over by Google. But at the bottom it lol, we're joking :D

GameFAQs is a British site?

I havn't had Cadbury Flakes for so long they've changed the recipe! >:(

WTF are flakes? Flakes of chocolate? Mmmmmm...

At 3/24/08 09:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: BananaBreadMuffin - 33000 posts. Please let us know when you get 33333 posts. :D
Yeah. The quintuple arse post acheivment.

ROTFL!! .. AKA... pentass!

At 3/27/08 10:31 PM, Zerok wrote: Eight years old today.

Congrats, and welcome aboard teh NG Octoparty.

At 3/28/08 12:50 AM, YoinK wrote: I'm at a point where there is a group of ugly levels....
level 45, 46, and 47 are probably the best looking levels around....

Well, 48 and the next few are nowhere near as good as 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46.... I dunno about 47 being so great, it's nowhere near as good as the level 25 golden gauntlet on the old NG, IMO... but anyway, I hear ya. Still, most NG users would kill to have those level icons, so try to appreciate them nonetheless. #;-}>

but I have no choice... I have to keep moving forward. I have to obtain the bow and arrow and golden ninja stars someday to eventually obtain the golden chainsaw... golden spartan helmet... etc.

And the level 51 and 55 swords, more importantly than those. O_o

level 55 is starting to look quite appealing to me. I hope to reach that by the time pimp reaches level 60... that's if pimp never quits depositing.

STARTING to? Dude. As I recently re-posted my list of fave icons yesterday... can't remember which topic.... anyway, probably top 2000 exp....... level 55 has long been my primary goal post-redesign. Level 42 and level 55 = the coolest swords EVAR. Even cooler than level 24 on the old NG, yes, which I wanted quite a lot.

At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's a decent percentage, even though it's less than 10%, it's still producing a nice amount of one day's allotment.

Most days on most weeks 7 or 8 posts would be a lot, yep. But it seems like any day I go to the VG forum, I post 20 posts there super-easy, so... I'd say VG forum's been padding my postcount way more than those 7 solitary update posts did. #;-}>

Hell, it's a long term goal - I've got to concentrate on passing Dream-of-Duke for B/P first :P

Yep. Priorities....

I've never liked their eliteism, where they ahve the biggest budget and therefore the biggest drivers. Michael Schumacher would not have won his 7 world titles without their help. Fernando Alonso has proven that he's just going backwards in an uncompetative car and he's a double world champion, who beat Schumacher on his own terms.

So it's based just on the racing team's attitude/hiring/money? Cool. I'm just a fan of consumer Ferraris, so you peaked my interest. #;-}>

*Strikes heroic pose*

Hahahaha. STALLION.

Do they indeed? I need to get my hands on that one, I'm happy to play their tunes.

You're gonna like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, eh? Coming out this year, it's sorta the "expansion pack" to GH3. It's gonna have around 24 Aerosmith songs, and 16 songs from bands that inspired them or they inspired or opened for them on tour or something... some sort of connection like that. Such as the Kinks, White Stripes, Joan Jett, etc.

No, it's always been the silhouette of a prancing horse on a yellow shield

Indeed... Silly Nintendo with his Ferrari-shield ignorance. #;-}>

At 3/28/08 12:50 AM, YoinK wrote: level 55 is starting to look quite appealing to me. I hope to reach that by the time pimp reaches level 60... that's if pimp never quits depositing.
Enjoy it, there are bumps on the road to satisfaction!

Dude, that's all I ever try to say to you when you talk about getting to #1 in b/p, yet you poo-poo me. #;-}>

I love that Yoink's with me on assuming that Pimp's level 60ness will totally kick-in some sort of scaling that will make it hard to get to level 55. I totally agree.

I only hope I get to hit level 55 someday, if not within the next 5 years.

At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: gfox posted loads so it delayed my convo and list again. GFOX!
Did he steal your bike?


At 3/28/08 01:34 PM, NEVR wrote: So I don't know if you guys know the ins and outs of applying to do a law degree, but I have to do a test called LNAT, which is like a preliminary testing of one's perception, argumentative, and deduction skills. There's also an essay in which you have to argue a case with some given points.

LSAT-similar, I presume?

At 3/28/08 03:06 PM, Timmy wrote: Is the LNAT the English equivalent to the American LSAT? 5 hour long test with different logic games, essays and logic deductions?

I see I'm not the only one to figure that. #;-}>

At 3/28/08 04:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: Grrr GFOX and his posts made me delay this LUL reply post I was too tired to finish when I started at 7:00 AM


At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: GTA is gay.
I am going to shoot you in the face in you disrespect Grand Theft Auto agian.


shocked are you well you better not read why. I like boys because they *censored for your protection*


A big Clinton hater but if the masses vote for A I vote for B. I would run her over under any cirumstances.

So what do you do when it's basically 51% to 49%, as it is now?


Holy shit....

Wow okay I am not arguing poltics with you, or as a matter of fact nobody. I just vote for the indepents and nothing else.
That's what I usually do, too. Nothing wrong with voting independent, my good man. I'm a registered independent voter.
Not my forté I could care less about politics than a blade of grass. I only vote independent if the Democratics have the lead in polls

So I take it that where you live, the Democrats are always leading the polls, so that's why you vote "independent and nothing else"? (your words, dude) I would hope you'd have some actual... ideological or policy reason to vote for independents as well, but oh well.

I am saying that most users would choose LT because Disney is an evil corporation and white people hate that. It has to run counter I suppose but I still support bleahh

Warner Bros is not exactly Mother Theresa, either.

At 3/28/08 04:52 PM, iscrulz wrote: Thats my theory. that and the multi-post-mega quotes posts in the thread scare or turn them away.


I hate the jazz and ethic music. I just hope the new GTAs IV, V and VI are rip with new old famous and not commonly heard of music. You can start fapping to GTA V because its going to be the next gen GTA Vice City, Do you own a PS3 or 360.

I hope V's gonna be VC part 3... that would be awesome. No, I do not, but I will be buying a PS3 for FF13 when I have to, and because I'll want it for some other titles, like GTA IV and MGS4 and Katamari Damacy, assuming that stays on Playstation.

Remember when J00bie was active here and on RG. Adding extra words or text to the end of you sentences to imply sarcasm or humor is what it stands

I doubt NintendoMadness knows teh joobie.



gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 08:03:46

At 3/27/08 08:52 PM, Shanus wrote: Love Ireland though, you're either Christian or people think you're evil. So funny being a non organized religion :D

Yeah, but you guys have that whole Protestant/Catholic thing going on, as well. You can be Christian and STILL have plenty of people in your own city think you're evil, so.... Again, fractiousness... it dogs humanity to our doom.

Haha, you're car actually sounds nice :P But yes, clog up the atmosphere like the rest of your country, just for funnsies :D

Eh, my car does that well enough. It's only 20-22 mpg. Better than a Hummer's 10 mpg, but with gas prices 3x as much as they were a few years ago.... I wish I had a 40-50 mpg hybrid or something.

I need Supreme Commander before exp is all I care about :P

But of course. Once you hit it, you will care way more about exp, just you wait.

Mmmmm... Reese's PB Eggs....
Damn American "candy" pwning European stuff >:(

Can't you get Reese's PB Cups over there? If you can't, it's really sad that there's McDonald's everywhere in the world, but not Reese's....

Hmmm, but who would log my stats I'm just a lowly noob :P

Again, no one needs to log your stats, they log their OWN stats, and a random user of NG Log gets chosen to be UOTD by the site itself. As long as you've logged your stats even just ONCE, you're eligible.

At 3/28/08 05:27 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 10101 Posts
gfoxclock: 1,000 Blams
gfox: Level 37


At 3/28/08 07:40 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/27/08 09:23 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/23/08 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/22/08 11:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Eggsactly.
Happy Easter!
Happy Eggster!!!
You don't have to make them that bad. -_-

MY PUNS AREN'T BAD. They're golden!

Well, when I last read the old last update I was still a newbie to all the keys and different colours and things that means things that I didn't know. So, I suppose I'd understand now.

Ohhh.... I guess I think of the final update as way more complex than the prior updates, so... it confused me why the OTHERS would confuse you while this one didn't. #;-}> Glad you "get" the pentalist now. Have you gone back to any old updates to reabsorb them?

Bonkers is in 'my' book of cheese.

:::head explodes:::

Meet the Spartans did a pretty hilarious original sketch on GTA.

Do tell, I'm not aware of it.

At 3/28/08 07:42 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I don't have a motorbike.... HE STOLE MY TRICYLE WITH STABLISERS!


At 3/29/08 06:44 AM, Coop83 wrote: Nickelback - Rockstar


System of a Down - Jet Pilot


Alice Cooper - I'm Your Gun


(the full spectrum of music reactions!)

At 3/28/08 06:50 PM, TheRadicalOne wrote: Just made level 29 like...two days ago! Yes!
And you just failed Maths

LOL! MTE when I saw his post....


Anywho... there ya go. 2.5 posts instead of 5 posts. WORSHIP MY EDITORIAL SKILLZ! Goodnight.... good morning.... and good Saturday to you all.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 08:50:50

I am now a level 16 :) seemed to take for ages to get from 15 to 16.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 09:59:56

I'm level 19 now! Yay!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 10:17:55

Bahamut's LUL Posts - PART ONE

NG Log is down.

OH NO!!!!

Listening to:

The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath

Congrats to:

RKThrilla - Level 14
souled - Level 13
TheRadicalOne - Level 27
yoshi77777 - 1337 posts
TheNossinator - Police Lieutenant
Egarewop - Level 19
zimzap - Praporshchik
1337 - Top 300 in B/P, Lieutenant, 4000 posts

Thanks to:


At 3/28/08 04:16 PM, FBIpolux wrote:
At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: FBIpolux - Level 33. Meh, I'm closer to the chainsaw. :)
Whatever! You're still a 2004 n00b :P


At 3/28/08 04:48 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/26/08 08:31 AM, iscrulz wrote: Yo fuck you cunt, all gta radio is teh pwnages
GTA is gay.
I am going to shoot you in the face in you disrespect Grand Theft Auto agian.



Same for the rest of you.
Well I am getting better I havent responsed to lost chances pm in 4 months.

Of course. Where the fuck did you go?

Also, I still need you to vote. ;)

They could be soon enough.
I am going to jump on the bandwagon and write unabusive hateful reviews.

Good, I'll support those reviews.

That's if NG does something interesting this year.
They wont maybe change the banner and make everyone red agian hahahah. I hope its you have to pay $29 month to be a member etc.

Hahahahahaha! That would be a good one.

I truly believe you are ultimately correct and anything I say is false

Thank you for agreeing with me! I finally won the fight and Disney officially sucks ass.

Still winning. You might as well give up now. XP
I am winning right now and you can't trump my statement.

You gave up, yay.

Not really.
So you think so how would you like it if you got a 30 day ban for gta 4 sucks in the gta topics.

I wouldn't get a 30 day ban for that at all, anyway. I could just talk trash about GTA IV on my news posts.

Awesome name!
Hello new alt or someone should take it.

It's too long, so it's fine.

I prefer Boys
shocked are you well you better not read why. I like boys because they *censored for your protection*

*gasp* You're a pedo? :O:O:O:O:O

I am saying that most users would choose LT because Disney is an evil corporation and white people hate that. It has to run counter I suppose but I still support bleahh

Disney supports gay porn and drugs.

At 3/28/08 04:52 PM, iscrulz wrote: I will be your back up depositer.

Nah, I've already got someone in mind.

The L7C crew is sooo f*#$ing retardid i am going 2 get meh blam rifle out und shoot dem all.

I wish you luck.

I prefer the Virtual Boy.
I prefer Boys
I prefer women.
I prefer a mix.
I prefer a mix of white german boys and amputee shemales.

I prefer to kill you all.

Sounded like Graham saying that "All those pricks get a 30 ban!"
Those pricks should get 30 day bans for not loving teh Goatse </Graham>

LOL! Great one!

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Seriously though. What did you mean?
Remember when J00bie was active here and on RG. Adding extra words or text to the end of you sentences to imply sarcasm or humor is what it stands

Umm, he wasn't around when j00bie was still here.

At 3/28/08 05:27 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Congrats to:
Bahamut: Level 35- Wow the first time I met you, you were 34 and I've gotten too used to it lol.

Actually, the first time you met me was when I was level 33. And I guess you got too used to the shurikens and so did I, but now I have the two sais (THERE, I CALLED THEM SAIS)! Heh, you should hear Dream-of-Duke's thoughts on when I was a level 10 on the old layout.

Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.
hey gaiz wuts a l7c?

You know what, I have no fucking idea.

I demand to become the god of that crew once I reach that number, or even better, permanently
stop at 77777.
Will you stop there? :U

Perhaps. :)

At 3/28/08 07:03 PM, viceman wrote: one of my flashes was submitted with over 3.0

please dont flag me!

Your flash has 10 favourites (possibly more now) already?! You know what, I find that appalling (NOTE: This goes out to NG in general and not just you). You can make a flash with some hentai pictures and you'll get tons of views, reviews and favs in a short amount of time. I take more time on my flashes and don't get as much recognition.

Fuck you Newgrounds.

At 3/28/08 07:40 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: A Bahamut history line is needed to be made by someone not lazy!

Oh, thanks a lot. :(

Meet the Spartans did a pretty hilarious

This may not be the General forum, but I still suggest you get your flame shield out.

I missed that post of his. A ghost post. There are no level 9's here because they are poked out with a stick.... well they're level 9's are anyway.

Better than level 1s - 8s, however.

That means leaving us all alone. D':

...Yes, that's right.

Eggstar Hero. o__O

Wow, that almost looked like the N word. :O

Would you be re-modded right away if I said "gfox should become a moderator for reviews and BBS again" in Japanese?
No. Because they can't understand Japanese.

gfox has been to Japan once.

No. No one takes online petion, seriously.


At 3/28/08 07:42 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: Did he steal your bike?
I don't have a motorbike.... HE STOLE MY TRICYLE WITH STABLISERS!

That's bikeriders for ya. Always stealing people's other bikes, whether it be tricycles, bicycles or motorbikes.

Green + Gold = ?
Happiness? As for colour. No idea.

Greenish Gold, it would be.

Well maybe my taste in things has changed.

I think that's what's happened.

I have no beard. :(
Artsy Bahamut's beard!

So I DO have a beard. :)

Sunshine, lollipops and...
Treetops? Never been able to catch that line.

Me neither, lol. The people from the Sunshine Crew can sing that song off by heart.


You're in for it now, Tony!

They did?!
Yeah, there was a flash (now blamed thank god) and it had this horrible over powered droning noise with a cool 1-UP mushroom. They ruined Mario on the interwab.

Oh, I didn't catch that one. O.o

I heard from Wade that he's going to make Graham a BBS mod.

It's true.


No complaints?

So that's why your aura is gold. :O
Whut? *checks aura* HEY!

Yeah, congrats on becoming a mod, NintendoMadness! How about a screenshot to celebrate?

At 3/27/08 08:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
No. Seriously, havn't heard of them.

I still love the joke.

Gold+Gold=Gold overload.

Which can make you rich.

Did I kill that fat Italian plumber?
Didn't check.... No you didn't because Mario is immortal and smashes any gaming franchise including his own to floor!

*kills Mario again*

Damn ITV. *gets out rifle*
Make sure you get the Emmerdale part aswell! *chucks Bahamut Mega Flare power up*

And let's not forget Boronation Shit!

Here it is. NAEM ET NAO!

You'll see a picture of him soon enough.

Here you go NintendoMadness.
Thanks. ^^.... the Bhamut part is the same! :p

Yes, but it's not a duplicate.

At 3/29/08 06:44 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/28/08 04:16 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Whatever! You're still a 2004 n00b :P
At least he's not pretending to be French :P


At 3/29/08 07:33 AM, viceman wrote: i am getting fans on NG


Yeah, thanks for letting us know how many pathetic users go to Newgrounds.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 10:18:59

Bahamut's LUL Posts - PART TWO

At 3/29/08 07:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay, due to MULTIPLE people complaining and grumbling about my last catch-up


At 3/27/08 12:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: I just noticed something about the next level. According to NG Log, I will reach level 36 on 11th June. However, I'll be going on holiday on 8th June, so whoever will be depositing for me while I'm away will be levelling up my account. :o
THAT SUCKS. You and your summer holidays/vacations. You crazy boy.

Well, there's nothing I can do about that holiday now. Besides, without my sister, I know the holiday is going to be really dull with just me and my parents. If this holiday really sucks, I won't bother going with just my parents again.

MWAHAHAHA. What a great "thank you" section. Such anger from such a KIND dragon!

I finally gave in. They're sais.

Oh, I see now. Yay, keep going with those saves!
25222+! I wish I could log my shit on NG log today, but alas... no.

Haha, yes, that does suck balls.

YOUR FANS BLOW. Except for me.

If you really are a fan, then prove it. :p

You disappoint me, gfox.
I always try.


Would you be re-modded right away if I said "gfox should become a moderator for reviews and BBS again" in Japanese?

Internet Explorer? Fuck that.

SCREW YOU! </cartman>

No, screw YOU!!

Yes, it would put all the non-mod main accounts to shame.
I think it would put all the other mod's non-mod ALT accounts to shame, actually. #;-}>

Yes, that too, even though they already do, lol.

Because if I'm away from home, I simply don't log my stats on NG Log.
And you're most often away from home on Saturday, eh?

Because of London, yeah.

No, you'll be the one getting owned on a flash of mine sometime. :D

Yes I would, actually.

But yeah, stealing congrats lists are not cool, it's just retarded. However, it's not as bad as a group of kids spamming this place, but I can still remember some retards stealing my congrats lists ages ago. I even had to warn one of them via PM for persisting.
If everyone steals each other's lists and posts them all over the place, it basically would be spamming.

MTE. It could also lead to the locking of the LUL and that's the last thing we want here.

At 3/29/08 08:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: Did he steal your bike?

YOU DID STEAL HIS BIKE! How fucking dare you.

At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: GTA is gay.
I am going to shoot you in the face in you disrespect Grand Theft Auto agian.


And here's Plantamut.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 10:34:13

Listening to:
Agathodaimon - Burden of time
Hypocrisy - Carved up
Blutjungs - Mädchen
Opeth - Blackwater Park

Congrats to:
RKThrilla: Level 14
souled: Level 13
TheRadicalOne: Level 27
yoshi77777: 1337 Posts
TheNossinator: Police Lieutenant
Egarewop: Level 19
zimzap: Praporshchik
1337: #300 in B/P, Lieutenant, 4,000 Posts
darknessdweller: Level 10
sirtom93: Level 16
IrishChrisman: Level 19

Thanks to:

At 3/28/08 11:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Metallica - ...And Justice for All


Thanks to:

Haggard. Fuck you.


At 3/27/08 01:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: So what about Wizard's Crown? :P
I was finished with the list during Trial by the Archon. Besides, Winamp plays my MP3's randomly, so the next song wasn't Wizard's Crown anyway ^^
Then the song is pretty much pointless without Wizard's Crown being played right after. :(

lol wut? Since when is a nice guitar riff pointless?

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 11:36:21

What a stupid idea for a topic. You guys must be very bored.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 11:43:00

At 3/29/08 11:36 AM, Psi43 wrote: What a stupid idea for a topic. You guys must be very bored.

You have no idea..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 12:02:03

Since Casualty's been away, I've been depositing his EXP for him and today, I got his account to 11000 EXP!! Hopefully this makes Casualty happy when he gets back for not just getting that much EXP, but also the fact that I've been depositing his EXP daily since he asked me.

And something else: I just had a look at the original "Bahamut" user on Newgrounds, who has been renamed to Bahamut2 due to my request for the name. OK, so I've got the name now and it shouldn't really matter now, but what I noticed about this original Bahamut (whether one under the same name was deleted years ago or not, I dunno) is that he signed up 4 days after I did! :O That made me think that I could have took the name Bahamut when I signed up, but didn't simply because I didn't name myself as Bahamut everywhere I went. I actually didn't start naming myself Bahamut everywhere until a few days after I signed up to NG.

But as I said, it shouldn't be too much of a big deal now since I was able to get the name Bahamut eventually, but still, I would have expected that Bahamut to have signed up back in 2000/1 and not 2004.

And here's the screenshot of Casualty getting 11k EXP!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 14:15:30

Now i am a scout!

Gratz to everyone!

What are you looking at?

Just looking? NOT a good reason!

flopiebaby killed *your name* with a headshot!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 17:56:25

Made b/p top 100.

Please subscribe

"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 18:29:31

I've now just written Flash Review # 888

I guess I should ahve asked for subtitles in that review :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 19:27:37

At 3/29/08 07:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So here we go, a grand multi-quote, super-condensed.... experiment.

*Gasp* :(

At 3/27/08 11:36 AM, NEVR wrote: Ah, but for you it's something of a different matter, being that you're so much closer to them EXP-wise, and might actually have a shot at taking them down one day.
I had my shot. It was in 2000. #;-}>

Perhaps one day you'll get another one...? Who knows.

None of us will be president or prime minister of our nations, but that doesn't mean we don't take an interest in the leaders of countries. I think it's only natural to take heed of what's going on with the exp and b/p and VP leaders, even if we can never hope to take them down.

A good analogy, and a valid point, but just like some people aren't interested in the leader of their own country, I'm not really interested in Pimp. I'm sure, were he to post more often, to the extent that I could get a feel for the type of guy he is, that maybe I'd be more interested in what's going on at the top.

I suppose there was a time, like when I first signed up, that I was more interested in the top EXP users (or perhaps 'intrigued' is a better word), but back then humantarget52 was at the top. As it is, I'm not really that bothered these days. Maybe I phrased it a little strongly before, but if somebody I knew better (you, for example) was in the #1 spot for EXP, I'd definitely be more interested. With Pimp, not so much.
ured text. I've been a yellow coloured-text user forever and I'm sick of it. I want dark blue.

99% of BBS users will never hit the character limit.

I have on 4 or 5 occasions, when I've posted 2-part congrats lists.

At 3/29/08 08:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/28/08 01:34 PM, NEVR wrote: So I don't know if you guys know the ins and outs of applying to do a law degree, but I have to do a test called LNAT, which is like a preliminary testing of one's perception, argumentative, and deduction skills. There's also an essay in which you have to argue a case with some given points.
LSAT-similar, I presume?

At 3/28/08 03:06 PM, Timmy wrote: Is the LNAT the English equivalent to the American LSAT? 5 hour long test with different logic games, essays and logic deductions?
I see I'm not the only one to figure that. #;-}>

Yeah, I suppose it's the British equivalent to the LSATs, but not as lengthy. I think the test itself is 2 hours, rather than 5, but apparently it's pretty difficult.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-29 23:52:38

At 3/27/08 09:37 AM, gfoxcook wrote: What does that make the rest of us losers in the top 100 who were here ahead of ya, eh?! WELL? WELL???? GO ON.

Well, it didn't take you 5 years of almost-constant depositing to get there, did it? But still, if you want me to think you're a loser that bad, then sure. You're a loser. Good job buddy.

General blows, first of all.

Hahaha. While I wouldn't say this place is as bad as present-day General I do consider it to be as bad as General was some time ago.

Top 100, eh? Well, FINALLY, you hoser. What took you so long, you jackass? Way to finally wake up and join TEH EXP PARTEH!!!! Get lost, sucker!

A welcome and a dismissal in the same paragraph. Stylish.

Good enough?

lolye ,#

Oh, and thanks for dropping by teh LULZ. It was good to see you around, even if only for a coupla posts wherein you tried to get us to abuse you, you sick masochistic freak! #;-}>

Two days on (3 days? However many days) and there's still people failing. Maybe teh LULZ is less of a utopia than you thought. However, in other more nostalgic news:

Shake dat ass for me, shake dat ass for me.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 00:27:32




Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 01:02:01


Congrats to:
souled: Level 13
TheRadicalOne: Level 27
TheNossinator: Police Lieutenant
Egarewop: Level 19
zimzap: Praporshchik
1337: Rank #300 in B/P, Lieutenant, 4,000 Posts
darknessdweller: Level 10
sirtom93: Level 16
IrishChrisman: Level 19
Casualty: 11,000 Experience
Idiot-Finder: Top 100 B/Pers
Coop83: 888 Flash Reviews

Thanks to:

The L7C crew is sooo f*#$ing retardid i am going 2 get meh blam rifle out und shoot dem all.

Good luck against the demonic personication of LUCKY

Actually, the first time you met me was when I was level 33. And I guess you got too used to the
shurikens and so did I, but now I have the two sais (THERE, I CALLED THEM SAIS)! Heh, you should
hear Dream-of-Duke's thoughts on when I was a level 10 on the old layout.

I was gonna call them katanas.

Your flash has 10 favourites (possibly more now) already?! You know what, I find that appalling
(NOTE: This goes out to NG in general and not just you). You can make a flash with some hentai
pictures and you'll get tons of views, reviews and favs in a short amount of time. I take more time
on my flashes and don't get as much recognition.
Fuck you Newgrounds.

I know seriously you hentai obsessed nerds. Ya know I ought to try it just for the lulz.

And here's Plantamut.


At 3/29/08 11:36 AM, Psi43 wrote: What a stupid idea for a topic. You guys must be very bored.

You don't know the half of it.

I suppose there was a time, like when I first signed up, that I was more interested in the top EXP
users (or perhaps 'intrigued' is a better word), but back then humantarget52 was at the top.

Speaking of which, does anyone know why ReverendYates' account was deleted?

99% of BBS users will never hit the character limit.

I never and without spam, nearly impossible, except for lists.

Good night, LUL(Z).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 01:28:19

Woe to you, O earth and sea,
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows that time is short.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast,
For it is a human number.
Its number is six-hundred and sixty-six...

6.66 base VP! Huzzah!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 01:30:12

At 3/30/08 01:28 AM, NEVR wrote: Woe to you, O earth and sea,
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows that time is short.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast,
For it is a human number.
Its number is six-hundred and sixty-six...

6.66 base VP! Huzzah!

Jeez NEVR get offline it's 6:30 in the morning anyway.

5555 Blams & 200 Audio Reviews to report in :P
Now it's off to work :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 01:35:31

At 3/30/08 01:30 AM, Shanus wrote: Jeez NEVR get offline it's 6:30 in the morning anyway.

You're one to talk :P I just woke up actually - I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back yesterday, because it really hurts, and makes it impossible to get comfortable, hence waking up every hour or so since I went to sleep. :(

5555 Blams & 200 Audio Reviews to report in :P
Now it's off to work :D

Congrats! List coming later on today, which you shall be formally congratulated on :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 02:08:33

gfox should be a moderator again, he knows how to run shit!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 05:09:10

Coop ploughts relentlessly through Requested Audio Reviews, while congratulating:
1337: Top 300 B/Per; Lieutenant
darknessdweller: Level 10
sirtom93: Level 16 - Try the gaps between the levels up here :P
IrishChrisman: Level 19
Casualty: 11,000 Experience
Idiot-Finder: Top 100 B/Per
yoshi77777: 2,000 Experience
NEVR: 6.66 Base Voting Power
Shanus: 200 Reviews (Flash); 5,555 Blams

Thank yous to:

At 3/29/08 07:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/27/08 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: Aerosmith for the win!
They happen to have a Guitar Hero game dedicated to themselves. However, I look forward to the day when Helloween get their own Guitar Hero game, which sadly, will never happen. :( First, the GH series needs to have at least one song of theirs.
Why did Coop say Aerosmith was FTW, anyway? I musta missed something.

Guitar Hero may be coming up with a Special edition version for Aerosmith. I'll be impressed.

At 3/29/08 08:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/27/08 08:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand
They're horse's? Holy shit! I thought they were goats. I've never been in to cars, but my Dad watches F1 so I get the jist of things. Something about Mr. Ham and shoes? That's what I hear when I pass the TV.
ROTFL! Goats? Yeah, I don't think many car-makers slap goats on their logos. #;-}>

There's got to be some sort of car manufacturer in Russia that does that, surely.

At 3/28/08 04:36 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's a decent percentage, even though it's less than 10%, it's still producing a nice amount of one day's allotment.
Most days on most weeks 7 or 8 posts would be a lot, yep. But it seems like any day I go to the VG forum, I post 20 posts there super-easy, so... I'd say VG forum's been padding my postcount way more than those 7 solitary update posts did. #;-}>

True, but like has been mentioned, I've not exactly been whoring myself around the VG Forum enough to notice :P

Hell, it's a long term goal - I've got to concentrate on passing Dream-of-Duke for B/P first :P
Yep. Priorities....

The current priority is passing him for Saves, then B/P

I've never liked their eliteism, where they ahve the biggest budget and therefore the biggest drivers. Michael Schumacher would not have won his 7 world titles without their help. Fernando Alonso has proven that he's just going backwards in an uncompetative car and he's a double world champion, who beat Schumacher on his own terms.
So it's based just on the racing team's attitude/hiring/money? Cool. I'm just a fan of consumer Ferraris, so you peaked my interest. #;-}>

I like to set the record straight over those type of things.

*Strikes heroic pose*
Hahahaha. STALLION.

I can't quite prance like aforementioned Ferrari Horse, because it would look stupid.

Do they indeed? I need to get my hands on that one, I'm happy to play their tunes.
You're gonna like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, eh? Coming out this year, it's sorta the "expansion pack" to GH3. It's gonna have around 24 Aerosmith songs, and 16 songs from bands that inspired them or they inspired or opened for them on tour or something... some sort of connection like that. Such as

the Kinks, White Stripes, Joan Jett, etc.

And you asked me why I said "Aerosmith FTW!"?

No, it's always been the silhouette of a prancing horse on a yellow shield
Indeed... Silly Nintendo with his Ferrari-shield ignorance. #;-}>

We shall lend our mighty knowledge to the masses!

At 3/29/08 10:17 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/29/08 06:44 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/28/08 04:16 PM, FBIpolux wrote:
Whatever! You're still a 2004 n00b :P
At least he's not pretending to be French :P

I was sticking up for you, you faux-French faggot!

At 3/29/08 11:36 AM, Psi43 wrote: What a stupid idea for a topic. You guys must be very bored.

Nowhere near as bored as you must have been to point out that we m,ust be bored.

At 3/30/08 02:08 AM, YoinK wrote: gfox should be a moderator again, he knows how to run shit!

Hear Hear! I like the addition of the Light Aura, YoinK. Looks much better than Dark does for that avatar :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 07:06:18

At 3/29/08 12:02 PM, Bahamut wrote: But as I said, it shouldn't be too much of a big deal now since I was able to get the name Bahamut eventually, but still, I would have expected that Bahamut to have signed up back in 2000/1 and not 2004.

D: That means i could have taken that name before you :P

Also i got level 23 and 3,600 posts if that's anything...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 07:13:16

Level 31!

It's a very nice level icon, me thinks. I'm looking forward for the next level, though. Morning Stars >>>>> Butcher Cleavers.

Listening to:
Slime - Nazis raus
Dead Kennedys - Halloween

Congrats to:
Bahamut... I mean Casualty: 11,000 Experience
Idiot-Finder: Top 100 in B/P
Coop83: 888 Reviews
yoshi77777: 2,000 Experience
NEVR: 6.66 Voting Power
Shanus: 5,555 Blams, 200 Audio Reviews

I'll be back tomorrow with a much better achievement than Level 31

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 07:34:14

800 posts =D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 08:01:12

7,000 experiance.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-30 10:49:54

With that vote, you now have 22,480 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 46. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 13 hours, 15 minutes, and 41 seconds.

Level 46 ... I'm not sure how I feel about this skull axe.