Hey everyone, loving the new design but it's quite strange
And the clarify i've got 8.50+ Base VP I'm very confused
Sorry if I miss you out, it's cause of the new level system :D
Powerage - 6000 exp
schneelocke - #500 exp
Incognitus - 2500 saves
All-American-Badass - 555 saves & 1st NG B-Day
jonthomson - 16000 exp
This is where it gets ridiculous :P
XwaynecoltX - level 40
alrd - level 20
pepeatumi - level 27
schneelocke - level 31
Odyssic - level 20
NickScott - level 18
Jamie - level 13
Paradox - level 15
LordKooler - level 26
Tommy - level 32
alrd - level 20
Casualty - level 28
Haha, knive sucks ballz :)
Coop83 - level 33, 10.00 Base VP & 15.00 VP
Haggard - level 26
All-American-Badass - level 17
Auz - level 28
Powerage - level 24
DrHood - level 29
wesdood - level 26
More fun tomorrow no doubt :D
Thanks to:
Haggard - well you're not as sad as me then :D
Listening to:
Tool - In general, their whole back catalogue
At 7/15/07 02:17 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
It's been slowing down recently. :(
Still better than mine :D
You mean that ostrich that has had its debut in many Donkey Kong games?
No, just my pet ostrich silly :P
At 7/15/07 10:10 AM, NEVR wrote:
Blimey, how did they take it?
Haha, well I may have to do some work now, but I'm 18 so if I fuck up my life it's my own fault :D