At 7/15/07 06:32 PM, Duh-Boss wrote:
At 7/15/07 04:55 PM, NEVR wrote:
Yes. As the level 30 user deposits each day, the requirements for each level will rise as follows:
How in the world did you figure that out?
He didn't. He used a modified version of a text file I made back in March of 2003. I found a profile of a user in each level between level 9 and level 30 back in February 2003, and then for around 20 days straight, I recorded the exp they needed to get to the next level each and every day for all those levels. Then I made that chart. And then jonthomson or Newgrundling or someone noticed there was a slight error and that I needed just ONE extra piece of data for each line of it (maybe I'd done only 19 days and needed 20 days' worth of data? Or was it I'd done 20 and needed 21? Can't remember). And they added that. And then it was complete and accurate.
At 6/25/07 09:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:
He wasn't just the voice of Troy, BTW. Lionel Hutz ring a bell? #;-}>
Fuck, he was also the voice actor for Lionel? :( It's bad that a few characters have been absent all this time because of that incident.
Damn straight. Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz. The great Phil Hartman. And he shoulda been Zapp Branigan as well. Alas, alas.
Of course. By 2010, I'm pretty sure I'd have left NG.
Leaving NG by 2010? WTF? Why, man? WHY? #;-}>
I would think quite a few people would find it confusing, saddening, and lame. And that's how Bahamut and I feel about a legendary user and a legendary name no longer being linked together, as they once were.
Yep, I 100% agree with that.
Glad I didn't put words into your mouth on that one, then, but yeah... I was pretty sure you felt the same way.
It's funny, because I actually once thought about making an alt that would take the name X-Naut just incase the real X-Naut ever wanted it again, but he no longer cares about it and I never bothered to make an alt with the name X-Naut, so we have that imposter now.
Awwww, MAN! Damnit... I wish you HAD done that. Dagnabit. ;_;
At 6/25/07 07:38 AM, schneelocke wrote:
Of course, if others - such as you or Bahamut7
See, I still occasionally get called Bahamut7 and I won't get all upset for being known as that like Molotov being upset after the real/fake X-Naut thing.
When a user goes by one name for 1-2 years straight... while they have the right to change names (well... now they'd have to change accounts to change names... but whatever floats your boat)... WE as the users who have grown to know (and perhaps love) the user by that username.... have the right to keep thinking of them and calling them by that original name.
And that is what so many of us do with people who change names.
I think I called Xiivi "Kiba" for at least a year after he changed names. I remember he didn't like it, but tough cookies. I wasn't trying to piss him off, that's just who he WAS to me. And still is. Whenever I see "Xiivi" on the forums, I THINK Kiba, believe it or not.
That's what happens. People don't decide to change the way they think of your name just because YOU do. That's the way it works. Or can work with some people, at least.
The folks who have no problem with such long-standing names being changed? Well, I think it's sad to let go of tradition so easily, but if you're that quickly adaptable to new names and you had no love for the old name? Sure, fine. Call the dude by the new name, it's no skin off my back. Just don't be upset at me along with that user when I keep using the old name. Because that's what I'm gonna do. Goddamnit. #;-}>
At 6/25/07 12:03 PM, Odyssic wrote:
Congrats to:
gfoxcook: Level 22
At 6/25/07 03:08 PM, X-Naut wrote:
Congrats to:
gfoxcook - Level 22.
Sabotage - 666 blams.
At 6/25/07 03:56 PM, Muffin wrote:
goodness, it appears i have reached an even seven-thousand experience points, and i didn't even realize it. how delectable, three thousand more until quad digits ^_^
Congrats to you, but that would be 3k (well... 2.8k now) till penta (or quint) digits, not quad. You've been in quad digits for quite some time. #;-}>
At 6/25/07 07:37 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 6/24/07 07:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
SEEM TO? Sheesh. They're only my fave classic rock outfit of all time, and since I love the Who, Pink Floyd, the Stones, and Cream quite a lot, that's saying quite a lot, IMO
I love you for that alone, you just named my favourite all time bands.
Ha hah. Well, they're our faves for a simple reason: they rock the hardest of all classic rock, and classic rock rocks the hardest of ALL GENRES, bitches! #;-}>
I love that song so much, I'll make a fool of myself :D
Have you seen the flash on NG that features a piece of crap running across a floor set to Immigrant Song in the background? Classic stuff. Wish I could remember the title, but it's by Lokken, I remember that. The dude who does those funny ST:TNG flashes and Goonies flashes.
At 6/26/07 12:04 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Level 13. :-D
Baseball bat rocks.
If I reach level 14 and there's no new layout, I will be...aggravated.
You hate level 14 too, eh? JOIN THE CLUB!
At 6/26/07 01:29 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
been there done that Slash but congrats on your bat. I am willing to bet that you do get the pipe before the layout comes I am even starting to think I will get to level 16 before it comes if that happens I will LoL.
Hell, if you get from level 14 to level 16 before the layout change comes, I would hope the first thing you'll do even before you LOL is to REJOICE!
Level 16 is teh bestest EVAR.
At 6/26/07 03:51 AM, C0GMA wrote:
*Coop stands up wearing a disguise*
Hello, my name's C0GMA and I'm an alt account
*Group choruses* Hello C0GMA
I'd just like to say that my addiction to stats has caused this alt to reach level 10.
Exp. Points:
1,810 / 2,985
Sign-up Date:
Dude... your alt could have nearly 4000 exp by now. You've credited your addiction to teh stats with getting your alt to level 10 when your alt should be to level 12 by now.... I guess you're not quite addicted enough. #;-}>
Now, of course, I say this with my own alts, gfoxclock and gfox, each missing only 90-100 exp each. I've done a great job with my alts. I can't say the same thing for gfoxcook, alas. That's my crime.... my deepest NG sin. ;_;
But... I DO know the way to run a dominant stat-whoring alt, boy howdy!
At 6/26/07 04:04 AM, schneelocke wrote:
Woohoo, 10000 XP! ^.^ *wags her tail* And I'm exactly 666 XP away from level 17 right now, too - how fitting. ;)
Coop, I fully expect a GREAT cake from you now! ^^
CONGRATS, schnee!
The 666 XTNL screenshot was nifty, yes... the greatest pic on all of page 1880 of this topic, in fact.
But the coolest thing about how you hit 10,000 exp is that you hit it while on level 16! #;-}>
At 6/26/07 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/25/07 03:08 PM, X-Naut wrote:
He's just looking for excuses to mock me. Probably because I'm still ahead of him in b/p.
It's not that. The reason why I mock you is because you suck. XP
No, it's the name, damnit. IT'S JUST THE NAME.
If you hadn't ever taken that name in the first place... OR... if you were to manage to get an admin to change your name now or at any point in the future from now... you would SOOOO save yourself a bunch of mocking. :::nods vigorously:::
At 6/26/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Ever heard of Tears for Fears? *Plays everybody wants to rule the world and drifts off in bliss*
.... grrrrr... BAHAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!
Head Over Heels?
My god. There is no way you haven't heard at least ONE of those songs. 80s classics.