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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 14:00:06

Congrats to:
3tard - Leel 10.
Akatsuki321 - EG Private.
Coop83 - 11,000 exp.
Emlfuryoflion - Top 2,000 b/pers.
Idiot-Finder - EG Lieutenant General, and 11+ VP.
iscrulz - 21,000 saves.
life - Level 18.
NEVR - 3,000 blams.
Nijsee - Level 19.
Officer - Level 10.
Oglaphinahorfinhof - 3,000 exp.
Sterockicy - 3,000 exp.
Tommy - Level 17.
WhenShitHitsTheFan - Level 7.

At 5/6/07 06:11 AM, Coop83 wrote: Remember, age and experience tend to go hand in hand.

It makes sense.

I always preferred Garlic Bread - helps to keep the Vampires away (or did they make that up, since Garlic is good for your heart and circulation)

It's true. But it's always the opposite with vampires. Like how sunlight is good for us, but vampires can't stand the sight of it.

I was banned by JoS (cunt) for posting stats in the EG Barracks. In my opinion, he should stick to what he's good at - Flash forum. I was posting stats with regular conversation and then he deleted the posts of mine, so I couldn't argue my case.

I was banned by RedCircle for telling him to get a life in the World of Warcraft club. I said it in jest, he couldn't take a joke, so he pulled the stick out of his arse and stuck it up mine.

It sounds like the mods have more of a personal vendetta against you, if anything.

At 5/6/07 06:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: First of all, I am not picky very often. Second, I have some things to concentrate on that are more important than a stupid sig.

I see. By the way, I'm loving your sig. :P

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 14:51:51

You know, level 12 looks really nice...

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

Steam ID

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 15:07:41

200 Audio Reviews and counting. :)

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 15:59:42

3000 posts. :-D

Sure took a long time...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 16:57:11

2,000 Saves. Hooray!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 17:49:51

5,000 B/P points, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 18:05:00

At 5/6/07 01:08 AM, PureLionHeart wrote: 8,830 Experience Points
(Needed an excuse to post in here, sorry.)

Kinda poor excuse but anyway.

You hear about RG Pure? It is no more.

Congrats to:
NEVR: 5000 B/P
Haggard: 2000 Saves
SlashFirestorm: 3000 Posts - nice one mate
Seamonky: 200 Audio Reviews
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 12
Idiot-Finder: 11.00 Voting Power and EG Lieutenant colonel
Akatsuki321: EG Private
Nijsse: Level 19
NEVR: 3000 Blams
Tommy: Level 17
Coop83: 11000 Experience
Sterockicy: 3000 Experience
Emlfuryoflion: top 2000 for b/p
3tard: Level 10
iscrulz: 21000 Saves
Officer: Level 10
life: Level 18
Oglaphinahorfinhof: 3000 Experience
Cereal: 7777 Saves
AtomicTerrorist: 22222 B/P
Coop83: 25000 B/P - bring on the party, you bring the beer?
fuzz: 4000 Posts
Crag: 3000 Experience

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-06 18:49:45

At 5/6/07 10:52 AM, Shanus wrote: I've been up since 6:30 after working till midnight, I want to die.
But it's a bank holiday so I'm heading to a house party tonight. :D
no crappy achievement today :(

Haha! Me 2 You 5! Im catching you!

Sterockicy - 3000 exp
and no that's not good enough, leave

*Cough*2482 more b/p points than you*Cough*


Is that a penis, carrot, pizza, love heart or a mouses head?

PenguinLink (x2)
iscrulz (x3)
Casualty (x5) - Woah thanks

Ahem, I would like to be thanked!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 00:08:39

Finally Level 12!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 00:24:33

In terms of looks, Lvl 9 is better.

just an opinion piss off

Lvl 10 is way better still but hey, what the fuck(wtf).

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 02:28:35

At 5/6/07 04:45 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 5/5/07 07:48 AM, iscrulz wrote: has Double R told you he hasnt been banned once.
Hmm, OK. "Double R"? You mean ReconRebel?

Caught but never convicted. Should've been nailed a couple of times but nothing happened. Just lucky I guess. Heh, each time I spoke with iscrulz at Retrogade he was usually banned on Newgrounds. Poor guy must have one of the highest ban counts here.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 03:30:49

At 5/5/07 02:33 AM, five wrote:
At 5/5/07 02:22 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 5/5/5 was nifty.

There's a shitload of 5s above this line... wowza.

At 5/5/07 03:04 AM, schneelocke wrote: Mmm, OK. I guess I've been too thick to figure that out, but I'll try to remember it now. :P

Hooray! Good luck with that. #;-}>

But believe it or not, some OCD folks like myself find spending free time on pointless things quite... enjoyable. So just cause you wouldn't enjoy yourself doing that doesn't mean no one would, yanno. #;-}>
Oh, I can relate to that - but it still has to be fun for YOU, right?


Yeah.. unfortunately. :P

Heh. For you, but not for me! #;-}> Nah, for us all. In a way. But come now, no lists isn't the end of the world. And since I wasn't the only one making lists (and since Wylo's doing one of the two I was making now, and has been for a damned long while now, 1+ year), it's not that big a deal at all, really!

*noddles* Well, I sure hope you'll feel like doing another update some day. :) I'm getting closer and closer to triple-listedness...

Just be pulling for me to hit 10,000 posts, then. Pray I don't give up on posting on the NG BBS now that I'm back onboard and trying to be more regular. #;-}>

Per account, yes. :) How many do you have, BTW?

5 total, I only deposit for 3, other 2 were created as a joke/number-thingie. Ask around. #;-}>

I've just always loved the way 6 looks, sounds, "feels," etc.

Now you've got it! #;-}>

*noddles* I don't usually feel that way about numbers, but it's similar for me when it comes to words. In fact, I've got a list of words I like and don't like somewhere; the former's much longer than the latter, of course (which only contains a handful of entries), but still. ^^

There ya go. Words, numbers. They're all so lovely. Or not. #;-}>

At 5/5/07 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: WHY HELLO THERE, LITTLE GIRL!
Hey, I'm not that little anymore! And my bite is worse than my bark, although that's probably due to the fact that I don't bark at all. ^.^

I so crazy.

She didn't kill me.

If I killed you, I couldn't toy with you anymore and take cruel delight in your squirming. :)

Pffft. Squirming? I ain't no earthworm. ;_;

Nor am I a wounded mouse in your catclaws.

I'm a gfox. Wolves like foxes, right? We're like cousins and shit.

At 5/5/07 05:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/5/07 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/1/07 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: True, we can still talk about them - what were we saying, I completely forgot mid-rant.
yay, I'm not the only one!
Trust me, it happens more than most people give credit for - let's hear it for bullshit!


Then get an alt to experience them!
That's gonna be tough when my nearest alt, Dr. Nick... I mean, gfoxclock... is stuck around 2100 b/p... that's kinda far from 30k.
Well, gfoxclock isn't going to aquire more B/P while you're posting on here, there's plenty of UJ flash in the portal, so get to work :P

Truuuuuuuuuuue... but posting's more fun than b/ping for me now. ;_;

My only alt, C0GMA has about 100 B/P, so think how I feel :P


Now, I had heard about the DVD movie, yes. But that doesn't excite me anywhere near as much as more seasons, for what should be obvious reasons.
Woohoo, I'm rich *low* you too, but it's hard to get excited about that.
rich low? O_o
It means his voice goes low, silly :P

Oh... but... um... what does being more excited about multiple TV eps of Futurama... than about a single Futurama DVD movie... have to do with any of us being rich? O_o

W00, nudity *drops shorts and runs around, giggling*



Well, until Nudar debuts, who’s your favorite minor character on the show?

COHEN: Hypnotoad. By the way, we are looking into producing a full 22-minute episode of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad for the DVD release. I am serious."
Well, that could help me get to sleep... or rob a bank.


Hahahahahahaha. Awesome.

He wants toys created for Hypnotoad and Slurms McKenzie, and I am in total agreement with that man. Hooray for the X-Man!
I would pay good money for a plush Hypnotoad!

Damn straight. My gf would want 5. And I would happily supply them. Then we'd get it on on top of them in the bed.

Oh wait, no we wouldn't. My gf is always so against "Corrupting the plushies," as she puts it.

I know, but why couldn't they have made EG Lieutenant General 50% instead of 48, then giving 5% bonuses for General and Supreme Commander. Logic.

Well, 2% a bunch, then a jump to 4%, then 5%, then 5%.... I guess they didn't like that curve as much.

I'm not aware there is one.

Whew. Then I didn't misunderstand. That's the main thing.

Just keep in mind, some Americans don't know there's a Jersey in between England and France and a York in England or an Orleans in France.... but I do. Hence my sensitivity to these matters.


It's Mayday bank holiday on Monday, so we get an extra day off work :) I'll be spending this day being highly productive in bumming around and hitting the portal (maybe even the gym as well)

Ahhh, Mayday.

See, gfox, the revenge is on ice ;)

Fun fun fun for everyone!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 03:32:12

At 5/5/07 07:48 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/1/07 02:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Congrats, sir. Enjoy all teh pointseses?
Thanks Sir I wish and hope for 37k Saves and finally retire but it looks like 26k is where I will stop.


pointse-spread kirks pee hole wide


Well okay I havent played Vice City or VCS in quite some time to listen to 80s music but if it what you think, more power to you.

IT'S WHAT I KNOW, MAN. This ain't just opinion. It's rockhard, rocksolid music FACT.

The Infernus has been a kick ass car for VC, SA, and VCS. Cheetah ever since III its been the same likeness to it. Turmiso and Hotknife for SA makes me cum each time I roll with them. The programmers did good it wouldnt relate to any business. thats maybe why

Well, I can't wait to try those two for SA, then.

Every single vehicle has a real life counterpart in GTA, though, no matter how hard or easy it is to see from how it looks or from the name. I always know from the looks, personally. The name is seldom close.

BTW, I do have VCPD Cheetahs in all three of my garages. It's the only way to ride in style for teh vigilante music (till I get me teh attack chopper, of course).
Oh yes I prefer the FBI Washington though. The Cops from the cheetahs mirror Miami Vice police. The Vilaginte mission on the Ahpache(Hunter) is very fun and too simple to get level 12. I became a billion from it on VC, for VCS I didnt try for it.

The FBI Washington is probably tougher and more durable, eh?

But I like the Cheetah's speed. It's hard to control at top speed, though. Infernus = better handling, so I wish there was a VCPD Infernus, personally.

I concurr some uniques are too hard.

Damn straight. And sometimes I try a jump like 30 times in the PCJ only to find out it's EASIER in like a damned Stinger or something. That happened to me last week, I finally got a jump with a Stinger just trying it for the hell of it... I'd been wasting my time with the PCJ.

But the jumps from buildings where you can only get there with tiny ramps = the worst, cause they you ONLY have the few motorcycles to choose from, unless there's some trick to getting a car up there, as there is sometimes.

If I answered I would say this: It sounds stupid and makes you seem like a funnor dude, a little yes predictiable and little more mysterious.


Well then.

At 5/4/07 09:57 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Hello, everybody!

</Doctor Nick>
Hi Doctor Glick.

That's not my name! Don't wear it out. #;-}>

At 5/5/07 03:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/4/07 09:57 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Hello, everybody!

</Doctor Nick>


At 5/5/07 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Depeche Mode
To be honest, I never knew who they are and I don't even remember hearing that name before. :(

You've heard their music, you just don't know it's by them. Trust me on this one.

I know someone that loves The Simpsons, but hates Futurama. And I'd like the LUL to be renamed to "Futurama > The Simpsons". XD But perhaps we shouldn't talk about the renaming threads too much, otherwise I'll be wanting your 10k thread to be renamed to "Bahamut is the greatest! #;-}>" and other crazy stuff.

That person is lame.

The Nudar character will be interesting to see what happens with it. Also, my favourite minor character isn't Hypnotoad (but the second favourite minor character). The first goes to Roberto, because his stabbing obsession makes me lol.

Stabby stabby.

At 5/5/07 04:04 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 5/4/07 09:57 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Hello, everybody!

</Doctor Nick>


At 5/5/07 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hooray for the X-Man!
For a minute there, I thought you were talking about me.

Heh. Nah, just David X. Cohen from the Futurama producingness.

Which reminds me, I get to watch Spiderman 3 tomorrow. And my berfday is in two days. :D

I watched it with my gf at 12:30AM on Saturday night.

I ain't a big comic book fan, but I like some comic book movies (Hellboy comes to mind). 1 and 2 were better than 3, but 3 was fun for what it was.

Anywho... have a great week, everyone.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 05:26:10

Making the most of his day off, Coop cooks himself a suasage Sandwich. Congratulations to:
Tommy: Level 17
NEVR: 3,000 Blams; 2,000 Protects; 5,000 B/P; EG Sergeant 1st Class
Akatsuki321: EG Private
IdiotFinder: EG Lieutenant Colonel; 11.00+ VP
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 12
Seamonkey: 200 Reviews (audio)
SlashFirestorm: 3,000 Posts
Haggard: 2,000 Saves
bifgis: Level 12

Thanks to:
Odyssic (x2)
Haggard (x2)
Shanus (x2)
Solidone (x2)

At 5/6/07 07:33 AM, schneelocke wrote: Hmm... that sounds like the NG BBS needs a meta-moderation system (kinda like Slashdot's). :P

Well, I get on quite well with RedCircle now, as when we do meet, we know where the battle lines are drawn. With JoS, I still think he's a cunt and if he was on fire, I'd probably roll around laughing at him. Maybe he was an arrogant prick before he became a mod, but he is certainly one now.

At 5/6/07 07:41 AM, Odyssic wrote: Coop83: 25,000 B/P, 11,000 Experience
Yeah, party!

Party was had, fun ensued, there was a breakage and then I went home

At 5/6/07 10:52 AM, Shanus wrote:
At 5/5/07 05:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: Preparing to spend lots more money on his car, Coop congratulates:
Ow, what you doing to it?

Failed the MOT - new exhaust, new front tyres and possibly some work to be done on Wednesday when it goes back in.

At 5/6/07 02:00 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 5/6/07 06:11 AM, Coop83 wrote: I always preferred Garlic Bread - helps to keep the Vampires away (or did they make that up, since Garlic is good for your heart and circulation)
It's true. But it's always the opposite with vampires. Like how sunlight is good for us, but vampires can't stand the sight of it.

Well, they are sneaky creatures, sometimes they give us impressions that they don't like stuff, when they actually do. So many preventative measures and only enough space in your bag to carry about 50% of them. You might not even have something that can kill a vampire on you when they attack, did you ever consider this?

It sounds like the mods have more of a personal vendetta against you, if anything.

No, if they had a personal vendetta, I'd have been banned a lot more. I've only been banned 3 times in the past 3 years, which isn't really that much.

At 5/6/07 06:05 PM, Solidone wrote: Coop83: 25000 B/P - bring on the party, you bring the beer?

No, I spent all my money on my car (see above) and it's someone else's house too :P

At 5/7/07 03:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh... but... um... what does being more excited about multiple TV eps of Futurama... than about a single Futurama DVD movie... have to do with any of us being rich? O_o

Well, for example, I'm being paid to bum around the house today. It's a national holiday. Don't whinge, we get less national holidays than any other civilised country. Even Belgium gets more.

He wants toys created for Hypnotoad and Slurms McKenzie, and I am in total agreement with that man. Hooray for the X-Man!
I would pay good money for a plush Hypnotoad!
Damn straight. My gf would want 5. And I would happily supply them. Then we'd get it on on top of them in the bed.

Interesting theory there. *Coop asks his girlfriend about sweet lurve on top of 5 plush hypnotoads, returns shortly with black eye.* Thanks for that, Greg.

Oh wait, no we wouldn't. My gf is always so against "Corrupting the plushies," as she puts it.

Damn impulses.

Just keep in mind, some Americans don't know there's a Jersey in between England and France and a York in England or an Orleans in France.... but I do. Hence my sensitivity to these matters.

It's a refreshing perspective to hear, trust me. I always get pissed off when I talk to Americans (in particular) and I say I'm from England. "Oh, I've got some relatives up that way - in Providence" That or the funny looks I get when I say Jersey really is a beautiful place.


Spelling aptitude tests?

It's Mayday bank holiday on Monday, so we get an extra day off work :) I'll be spending this day being highly productive in bumming around and hitting the portal (maybe even the gym as well)
Ahhh, Mayday.

Lots of men dressed in white, with bells attached to their ankles and waists beating each other over the head with sticks. What fun!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 06:43:56

At 5/7/07 05:53 AM, BonusStage wrote: LIFE + 1

Whoaaa man. Now we can fuck some ho's and puff some cigars in style.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:08:29

Ty Solidone & Odyssic for congratulating me and spelling my name correct.

Today I reached 13000 experience points. =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:08:49

Listening to:
George Throughgood - Bad to the bone
Pantera - Rise

Congrats to:
Nijsse: Level 19 - +1 Postcount ftw!
Akatsuki321: EG Private
Idiot-Finder: EG Lieutenant Colonel, 11+ Voting Power
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 12
Seamonky: 200 Audio Reviews
SlashFirestorm: 3,000 Posts
NEVR: 5,000 B/P, EG Sergeant First Class
bifgis: Level 12
BonusStage: 18 Years IRL

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:11:37

Woha, totally forgot the "Thanks"-List. So here it is, a very special "Thank you" to:


And I noticed, that I didn't see Nijsse's second post:
Congrats to: 13,000 EXP!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:15:54

At 5/7/07 03:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heh. For you, but not for me! #;-}> Nah, for us all. In a way. But come now, no lists isn't the end of the world. And since I wasn't the only one making lists (and since Wylo's doing one of the two I was making now, and has been for a damned long while now, 1+ year), it's not that big a deal at all, really!

Well, OK. But I still think it's a pity.

Just be pulling for me to hit 10,000 posts, then. Pray I don't give up on posting on the NG BBS now that I'm back onboard and trying to be more regular. #;-}>

I don't pray, but I'll keep my claws crossed for you. :)

Now you've got it! #;-}>


I'm a gfox. Wolves like foxes, right? We're like cousins and shit.

Yeah, I do like foxes... they're tasty. ;)

At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I get on quite well with RedCircle now, as when we do meet, we know where the battle lines are drawn. With JoS, I still think he's a cunt and if he was on fire, I'd probably roll around laughing at him. Maybe he was an arrogant prick before he became a mod, but he is certainly one now.

That's just what I mean. Is there any kind of oversight over moderators' behaviour other than "Tom/Wade/... will look into it if they receive too many angry PMs about the same moderator"? If not, there should be; the admins have better things to do, and the moderators shouldn't be allowed to be cunts just because the admins can't control them all the time.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:16:17

Yay, I'm now a Wi/Ht Member! :D

Listening to:

Machine Head - 'Now I Lay Thee Down' and 'Slanderous'

Congrats to:

NEVR - 3000 blams, 2000 saves, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Nijsse - 13000 EXP, Level 19. lol
Akatsuki321 - Elite Guard Private
Idiot-Finder - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel, 11.00VP
Hybrid-Of-Souls - Level 12
Seamonky - 200 audio reviews
SlashFirestorm - 3000 posts
Haggard - 2000 saves
bifgis - Level 12
BonusStage - Happy 18th birthday

At 5/6/07 02:00 PM, Imposter-X-Naut wrote: I see. By the way, I'm loving your sig. :P

Thank you! :D

At 5/7/07 03:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You've heard their music, you just don't know it's by them. Trust me on this one.

I will trust you, I must've heard something by them before. It was like that with Led Zeppelin when I thought I havn't heard a single song of theirs, but when I listened to Stairway to Heaven, I instantly knew I heard it before.

That person is lame.

Yeah, and his name on Newgrounds is DreamTheater (aka, PureMettle and Crackman). XP

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:33:39

Congrats To:::
3tard: Level 10
Emlfuryoflion Top 2k for b/p
Tommy: Level 17
Sterockicy 3,000 EXP
NEVR 3K Blams, E.g. Sergeant First Class
Nijsse: Level 19 ( tommorow, LMAO POST COUNT +1)
Akatsuki321: E.g. private
Idiot-Finder: E.g. Lt. Colonel, 11.00+ VP
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 12
Seamonky 200 musical reviews
SlashFirestorm 3,ooo Posts (yes 3 years is.)
Haggard 2k SAVES
bifgis: Level 12
BonusStage rank 18 IRL

Thanks to:
Casualty did you notice I ultizlied your patented LUL list maker, last time not this post

At 5/6/07 04:45 AM, schneelocke wrote: Hmm, OK. "Double R"? You mean ReconRebel?

Right thats him I think Xkiwz called him that. But yes try getting banned.

At 5/6/07 06:11 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, bolded. That either means I've done something very good or very bad... I'm guessing good this time :D

Um yes this time the former. I usually dont bold and stuff but with several notable milecheivements it fit the description well.

At 5/6/07 06:53 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/6/07 04:20 AM, iscrulz wrote: Officer: Level 10 - Level 9 sucks too many users have it

I am glad you see it my way

Nope its fine how its is because it was made with love.

and a touch of the laziness. Matt G would be proud of your F>S sig.

Maybe you and afro ran him away.
Most likely yeah, because me and him were pissing Graham off too much. Well, we probably wouldn't have pissed him off so much if he didn't talk about Goatse all the fucking time.

Yes he was just asking to be ridiculed with teh Goatse obession.

At 5/6/07 10:52 AM, Shanus wrote:
At 5/5/07 07:48 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/2/07 03:43 PM, Shanus wrote: Just randomly
Which was a bit out of the blue, a weak achievement, but an achievement none the less
nah for total stats n0,000 points is an acheivement and other stuff consecutive or the same not n,000ths
So NGLog lied to me, for shame Casualty, for shame

Some suggestions you could suggest in the Casualty's NgLog suggestion thread. Or for LUL level up posts just wait until you hit a 10k mark.

At 5/6/07 01:20 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: VP is now 11.03

11.02 last time I checked.

At 5/7/07 12:24 AM, Officer wrote: In terms of looks, Lvl 9 is better.
just an opinion piss off

A poor ignorant opinion piss off I shallent.

At 5/7/07 02:28 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Heh, each time I spoke with iscrulz at Retrogade he was usually banned on Newgrounds. Poor guy must have one of the highest ban counts here.

I should of kept track but the damn mods deleted my sig for my ban count on more than one occasion.

At 5/7/07 03:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 37blehehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Yes I will get that many when ng shuts down.

pointse-spread kirks pee hole wide

Speechless I hope from intrigue.

Well okay I havent played Vice City or VCS in quite some time to listen to 80s music but if it what you think, more power to you.
IT'S WHAT I KNOW, MAN. This ain't just opinion. It's rockhard, rocksolid music FACT.

A fact huh still sounds like personal opininions to me, rock and rock it maybe but still just a hypothesis, not law.

Well, I can't wait to try those two for SA, then.

Good, but be aware of the Alpha it seems like a fast car but it sucks. The best car would be Bullet.

Every single vehicle has a real life counterpart in GTA, though, no matter how hard or easy it is to see from how it looks or from the name. I always know from the looks, personally. The name is seldom close.

Right I admit I have a hard time telling the names apart. I think inferus=lambo cheetah=ferrai comet=porcshe banshee=viper Bullet=Ford GT. Correct if wrong.

Oh yes I prefer the FBI Washington though. The Cops from the cheetahs mirror Miami Vice police. The Vilaginte mission on the Ahpache(Hunter) is very fun and too simple to get level 12. I became a billion from it on VC, for VCS I didnt try for it.
The FBI Washington is probably tougher and more durable, eh?

Uh yes there might be cars stat list to compare I like it becuase its harder to steal. You have cheetah only 2 fags with uzi compared to 3 fbi cars with 12 feds with smg's. The GTA 3 car(Kurma=Neon) was cool too. for SA its stupid SUVs

But I like the Cheetah's speed. It's hard to control at top speed, though. Infernus = better handling, so I wish there was a VCPD Infernus, personally.

That would be cool. Handling is a better a aspect than speed.

Damn straight. And sometimes I try a jump like 30 times in the PCJ only to find out it's EASIER in like a damned Stinger or something. That happened to me last week, I finally got a jump with a Stinger just trying it for the hell of it... I'd been wasting my time with the PCJ.

Ha thats sucks the suckers. Some place need a pcj though I cant one on the top 2nd island ( north of the mall.)

But the jumps from buildings where you can only get there with tiny ramps = the worst, cause they you ONLY have the few motorcycles to choose from, unless there's some trick to getting a car up there, as there is sometimes.

Thats right. cheat code would help but it wouldnt help you morally.


Well then.

Well ah kay then

Hi Doctor Glick.
That's not my name! Don't wear it out. #;-}>

Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick Doctor Glick

Yeah yeah I tried fusing gfoxclock with Dr. Nick and FA-aled. Glick is too close to Jimminy Glick. I hope the gfox smilie represented you knowing that.

At 5/7/07 06:43 AM, life wrote: Whoaaa man. Now we can fuck some ho's and puff some cigars in style.

Yeah and get tried as ADULTS now oooha

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 07:38:57

iv got 11 000 blams!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 08:46:36

Waking up after a night out is the worst part, but all is good. Good night all in all

Special Congrats to the new WI/Ht? members:
#29 Casualty
#30 Coop83
#31 Bahamut
#32 absent

Nijsse - level 19 & 13000 exp
Akatsuki321 - Elite Guard Private & 1000 B/P
Idiot-Finder - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel & 11.00+ VP
Hybrid-Of-Souls - level 12
Seamonky - 200 Audio Reviews
SlashFirestorm - 3000 posts
Haggard - 2000 saves
NEVR - 5000 B/P & Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
bifgis - level 12
BonusStage - 18th B-Day IRL
AtomicTerrorist - 11000 Blams

Listening to:
Sinead O'Connor [Live] from last night on the radio, I'm so terribly Irish.
And my dad put a Van Morrison record on, so I guess I'm listening to that too

At 5/6/07 06:49 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 5/6/07 10:52 AM, Shanus wrote: I've been up since 6:30 after working till midnight, I want to die.
But it's a bank holiday so I'm heading to a house party tonight. :D
no crappy achievement today :(
Haha! Me 2 You 5! Im catching you!

But yet I'm still better ;)

Sterockicy - 3000 exp
and no that's not good enough, leave
*Cough*2482 more b/p points than you*Cough*

Haha, I love how you got the exact amount of B/P points between us, well my exp is higher mwahahahahaa

Is that a penis, carrot, pizza, love heart or a mouses head?

It's a penis carrot pizza love heart mouse head

PenguinLink (x2)
iscrulz (x3)
Casualty (x5) - Woah thanks
Ahem, I would like to be thanked!

Fine, Thank You Sterockicy, happy now??

At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Failed the MOT - new exhaust, new front tyres and possibly some work to be done on Wednesday when it goes back in.

Ah, is you're car in that bad shape or were they just really stringent for no reason?

At 5/7/07 07:33 AM, iscrulz wrote: Some suggestions you could suggest in the Casualty's NgLog suggestion thread. Or for LUL level up posts just wait until you hit a 10k mark.

I just might do that, like now

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 09:02:04

Congrats to:
AtomicTerrorist - 11,000 blams.
bifgis - Level 12.
BonusStage - 18th real berfday.
Haggard - 2,000 saves.
Hybrid-Of-Souls - Level 12.
NEVR - EG Sergeant First Class.
Nijsee - 13,000 exp.
Seamonky - 200 audio reviews.
SlashFirestorm - 3,000 posts.

At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: You might not even have something that can kill a vampire on you when they attack, did you ever consider this?

Well, not really. Mainly because I got my sources from playing games, like Castlevania and whatnot.

No, if they had a personal vendetta, I'd have been banned a lot more. I've only been banned 3 times in the past 3 years, which isn't really that much.

They're just waiting for you to slip up again, that's all. >_>

At 5/7/07 05:53 AM, BonusStage wrote: LIFE + 1

Way to keep me out of the spotlight, man. :c

Also, life + 1.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 10:22:36

Im lvl 30

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 11:11:54

Well well, what a coincidence! I reached 7,777 Saves on the 7th day of the month of the 7th year!




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 11:28:57

Yo im just saying hi lol
im lvl 3 as im typing thus and i liked the idea of a topic with this subject lol

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 11:54:41

At 5/7/07 11:11 AM, Casualty wrote: Well well, what a coincidence! I reached 7,777 Saves on the 7th day of the month of the 7th year!

oh no! how coincidental that i reached 11 000 saves 11 days after my birthday and quote you, who posted at 11:11~!!!! :O

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 13:40:41

At 5/7/07 12:26 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: And also, Casualty and AtomicTerrorist on your numeric accomplishments / coincidences :)

Why, congratulations on your awesome achievement as well! Also, nice song for the contest, but it wasn't enough to beat me :P




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-07 15:08:04

At 5/7/07 04:40 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 14

OOPS! Looks like someone made a small error in the list...
As my family always says, 'You've got man-eyes!'

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

Steam ID

BBS Signature