At 1/28/07 01:12 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
I think I understand what you are talking about. But you can't forget that The real early starters (the ones that started in 1999-2001) had ways of getting more EXP points. But afterwards since that was abused it was removed and the point scale was fixed to 10 points a day. So of course the gaps would grow real big since the amount of EXP that is needed to get to each level increases each day. But with this system it is like you said if you don't sign up early you are screwed.
For now it would be a band-aid as you say. As for the new Icons some of the ones shown are nice, but if people want new Icons why not just have the users vote on which Icon should be switch with the old ones instead of adding new levels with them.
Well, you'll have to talk to Tom about that. :) As for myself, I trust that the new levels will be nice and that the icons will look cool - and I'm looking forward to seeing some new weapons, some slicker designs, and some new auras. :)
As for your Idea of making the gaps smaller for the lower levels and making them larger as you get higher I have to say that Idea is a double edged sword. sure it would be good for the people who are at the lower levels get higher, but evenually when those users get to higher levels then the bitching and whinning will start up again since it would be even harder to get to certain levels after a certain point. But I don't think there would be as much complaining since by then most users would have gotten past or up to the level that they wanted to by then, but there would still be complaining and whinning.
Maybe, but you can't please everyone - and specifically, trying to please both those who think that level requirements should stay fixed (so higher levels are not, ultimately, more difficult to get to than lower ones) and those who think that high levels should be harder to get to is obviously impossible.
But I agree it probably wouldn't be much of a problem. Outside of the fact that *some* people are always going to complain, it's not as if there's that many users that are even so much as close to reaching higher levels, anyway; I'm #629 out of ~1.1 million myself, and I'm *still* only level 15 (or, rather, 6 out of the 21 that actually matter). The actual number of people who have the patience to deposit (most) every day for several years is probably not that large.
But on the other hand, I think the current system with its huge gaps starting after level 9 probably does scare away newer users who hit level 9, and I suppose that that's what Tom wants to fix by introducing new levels, too. I really wish he'd have the courage to actually use the opportunity to move away from the linearly-scaling level requirements, too, though - now would be the perfect opportunity.
But then, maybe he will and we just don't know yet.
I understand where you are coming from with this. The calculator can only go on what if you and pimp deposits at the same time. So there is room for error with this thing since there is no way of knowning if you or pimp will deposit at the same time. Even I have missed deposit days that pimp hasn't missed but not that many.
True, but I don't think it ultimately matters much. If I miss a deposit today, and pimp misses a deposit a month later, it's exactly the same in the long run as pimp missing a deposit today and me missing one a month later. In the long run, the only thing that matters is the amount of deposits we both miss.
At 1/28/07 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
It's been too long since we last danced, hasn't it?
*s* Yeah. Feel like doing some DDR? ^^