This marks another step towards achieving EGSC status...the 2% voting power boost is also pretty cool too. In case you didn't get it, I just reached the Elite Guard Major General Ranking!
Take care of yourself.

This marks another step towards achieving EGSC status...the 2% voting power boost is also pretty cool too. In case you didn't get it, I just reached the Elite Guard Major General Ranking!
Take care of yourself.
Congrades from:
Bahamut: 16,000 saves
Dream-of-Duke had 11,111 saves
Shanus: eg staff Sergeant
verycoolguy 2k exp
Cereal: eg sergeant major
Pieriku 15k b/p
Molotov 30K saveS
Hemlok 22,000 b/ps and 600 flash reviews
Guardian 6k exps : no the site wont change
Stuff4u2kno 1,234 posts
ArtDanVal Elite guard major general.
I finally made it to 12 total votes
Thank you notes delivered to:
Coop83 (ah 21 days shame you would be on the 10kers list and dont drink the ecksmas booze and operate a scooter)
At 1/4/07 05:23 PM, Mr-Destruction wrote: Congrats to me on leveling down for not visiting NG for 8 months!
and thanks to bomb and pimp.
WOO!! Lv16 here I come again!
good luck you may never make it
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
With the end of a rather nasty cold, Coop offers congratulations to:
Cereal: 7,000 B/P; EG Sergeant Major
Pieriku: 15,000 B/P
regexp: 2,000 Experience
ReconRebel: 28,000 Saves
Molotov: 30,000 Saves (Had to up the bar a little, didn't you?)
Hemlok: 22,000 B/P; 600 reviews (Flash)
Guardian: 6,000 Experience
Stuff4u2kno: 1,234 Posts
ArtVanDal: EG Major General (So close to 8.00 VP)
Iscrulz: 12.00 VP
At 1/4/07 03:31 PM, schneelocke wrote: Cool. Seems like you have a very good chance of getting quadlisted in the not *too* distant future. :)
Yeah, that's the goal, since pentalist is a little too distant for me :P
At 1/4/07 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote:At 1/1/07 02:22 AM, Stuff4u2kno wrote: Nice fireworks pic xDI've got a million of 'em. Well actually I have eight but who's counting? :-P
You are... I think
At 1/5/07 02:50 AM, Iscrulz wrote: Coop83 (ah 21 days shame you would be on the 10kers list and dont drink the ecksmas booze and operate a scooter)
Nah, I'll drink the booze and collapse in a happy heap on my girlfriend('s sofa)
What a good looking mirror.
At 1/4/07 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I've seen you snag the points fast and furious before wolfie. Maybe your fever finally broke. :-) You may not be on the prowl right now but Punisher definitely is. He reminds me of the robot fixit a little.
*noddles* Yeah, Punisher has been bugging me, too - it wasn't *that* long ago that I passed him, but now he passed *me* again, and he's actually gaining points on me, too. *grumbles*
I know what you mean. I consider myself lucky to be online during prime time. Even more so during my work week. Not many jobs will afford you this luxury. :-P
*noddles* True... :/
:Hope it turns out okay wolfie!
Thank you! ^^ I'll give it a try some time. :)
At 1/5/07 04:08 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, that's the goal, since pentalist is a little too distant for me :P
Yeah, getting pentalisted is pretty much impossible, unless you're an extremely dedicated reviewer. But quadlisted is also great; I doubt I'll reach anything beyond triplelisted myself. :)
Congrats to:
regexp - 2000 EXP
ReconRebel - 28000 saves
Molotov - 30000 saves
Hemlok - 22000 B/P, 600 flash reviews. You're almost in the top 100 reviewers now.
Guardian - 6000 EXP
Stuff4u2kno - 1234 posts
ArtDanVal - Elite Guard Major General
Lazyfeet - Elite Guard Private
Thanks to:
I know it might not seem like an achievement to some but to me it is.
I got 1,000 PMs earlier today.
Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club
Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09
Steam ID: BlackFlameNG
At 1/5/07 05:21 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 1/5/07 04:08 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, that's the goal, since pentalist is a little too distant for me :PYeah, getting pentalisted is pretty much impossible, unless you're an extremely dedicated reviewer. But quadlisted is also great; I doubt I'll reach anything beyond triplelisted myself. :)
Dependant upon how long you stay around NG, You might get 10k posts as well. It's not impossible ;)
At 1/5/07 07:40 AM, Black-Flame wrote: I know it might not seem like an achievement to some but to me it is.
I got 1,000 PMs earlier today.
Well, some people would certainly say it's not an achievement. Personally, I'd say the top left of your screenshot said it all - Log Out
Missed it but I'm now in the top 800 for exp
"What is a joke exactly?"
Congrats to:
Snowy-Beast: 7,500 B/P
Dream-Of-Duke: 11,111 Saves
Shanus: EG Staff Sergeant
verycoolguy: 2,000 Experience
Iscrulz: 13,000 Experience/12,00 VP
Pieriku: 15,000 B/P - Keep going now!
Mr-Destruction: LVL down - Nice.
regexp: 2,000 Experience
Reconrebel: 28,000 Saves
Molotov: 30,000 Saves
Hemlok: 22,000 B/P
Guardian: 6,000 Experience
Stuff4u2kno: 1,234 Posts
Hemlok: 600 Flash Reviews
ArtVanDal: EG Major General
Lazyfeet: EG Private
Black-Flame: 1,000 PMs
hektur: LVL 10
AndersonCouncil: Top 800 Experience
Quite a lot of achievements lately! As for me, I still need ONE spot and I'll be in the Exp. Top 1000. Faster faster faster deposit! =P
At 1/5/07 04:10 PM, Kammuri wrote: Hi
I Want a: higher level!
but: HOW?
You might want to take a look at the FAQ
To get experience points you have to vote on 5 submissions in a day, once you've done that you will be allowed to deposit your experience points and you will recieve 10 points for doing so.
Once you've signed up and created a profile, there are no other ways to get experience points, which means you can only get 10 points a day.
Once you get so many experience points you will go up a level, look at this to see all the levels and how many points you currently need to reach each level.
Also use this to see how long it will take you to reach a certain level. It works by assuming that the current level 30 user and you deposit each day.
For more information on Experience Points, read this.
Also look at the picture below to clearly see how to get experience points:
At 1/5/07 08:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Dependant upon how long you stay around NG, You might get 10k posts as well. It's not impossible ;)
No, not impossible... but very unlikely. :) I typically seem to make about one post per day these days, so it'd take me another 24 years or so at this pace. By that time, I'd be level 26 and well on my way to 27, too. ;) (Well, assuming the old levels would still be around then... which they just might be if the new systems keeps on getting postponed.)
So, yes, it's possible, but not really likely.
Well, some people would certainly say it's not an achievement. Personally, I'd say the top left of your screenshot said it all - Log Out
It's not an achievement at all, and "I got X PMs" posts are frowned upon in here.
Post number 100 :) .
Plus, I am in the Top 1.500 for XP since 12/28/06.
At 1/5/07 04:02 PM, LevelOneAccount wrote: Elite Guard Brigadier General
heh, finally. good ol' leafy-lolli-goodness :)
At 1/5/07 05:29 PM, schneelocke wrote: It's not an achievement at all, and "I got X PMs" posts are frowned upon in here.
Really? o_o Thats a suprise. Sorry.
Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club
Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09
Steam ID: BlackFlameNG
Can you dig it? Caaaaan you DIG it?!?!?
16,000 experience points!!
That double-bladed battle axe is just around the corner. *big grin*
Can you dig it? Caaaaan you DIG it?!?!?
Exp. Points: 2,800 / 2,805
That Those brass knuckles are just around the corner.
At 1/6/07 12:40 AM, Cereal wrote: Can you dig it? Caaaaan you DIG it?!?!?
That's Cyrus from the 1979 film The Warriors.
Exp. Points: 2,800 / 2,805
I don't think that qualifies as a milestone Cereal. You must be lonely.
That Those brass knuckles are just around the corner.
Smile when you say that punk. <3
At 1/6/07 01:21 AM, Cereal wrote: I think I got lost on the way to myspace.
now what the hell were you thinking
At 1/6/07 01:22 AM, Cereal wrote:At 1/6/07 01:21 AM, Cereal wrote: I think I got lost on the way to what the hell were you thinking
fuck you asshole
At 1/5/07 01:04 AM, Hemlok wrote: 22,000 B/P points.
Congratulations. As for me, I just hit level 13.
I'm really happy to have gotten it before the site redesign. Anyways, I digress.
Congrats to all others. (feeling lazy)
Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000
Congrats to:
AndersonCouncil - Top 800 expers.
ArtVanDal - EG Major General.
Guardian - 6,000 exp.
Haggard - 100 posts, and top 1,500 expers.
hektur - Level 10.
Hemlok - 22,000 b/p, and 600 flash reviews.
Iscrulz - 12 VP.
Lazyfeet - EG Private.
LevelOneAccount - EG Brigadier General.
Minion777 - 32,000 b/p.
Molotov - 30,000 saves.
ReconRebel - 28,000 saves, and 16,000 exp.
regexp - 2,000 exp.
Stuff4u2kno - 1,234 posts.
Ugh, I hate times when I go days without hitting milestones. Now that I'm actually getting close to getting 15,000 saves, I have to wait, because the portal is moving slow.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
500 reviews. :D If you think that it was all I achieved today, think again. There will be another piece of good news coming soon. ;)
Oh yah! Elite Gaurd Sergeant! 3,000 B/P points!
Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club
Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09
Steam ID: BlackFlameNG
I just reached EGG seconds ago, let the final march towards EGSC begin! :D:D:D