COnmgrats to:
pepeatumi 17k blams
Noinim: Level 11
MetalDart 4,000 exp D
Freelance-Magician D
Momo-the-Monkey: lvel 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Private First Class D
PureLionHeart D
MultiGemini 26k saves
HoboPorn: 7k posts, 7.00 VP and EG Sgt Major
jonthomson 13k posts D
SuperSexySkittles level 9 and still at 400 exp
Shadow-Angel: EG Lt. Col. G now D
FBIpolux D
Imacow G
Patrick-Star D
M-A-R-C-U-S 44k b/p D
Coop83 11,111 blams
PsychoYoshi: EG Sergeant D
BananaBreadMuffin 24,000 posts
madknt 11,000 posts
EvanStone 3,333 worthless and useless posts
Powerage D
LittleWashu 22,000 b/p and 5k posts [Quit saying not a really a big deal]
XwaynecoltX 21k blam [you could have easily edited the ss]
BonusStage 9 bajillion XP
MARCUSM 7k exp [I thought you where S-U-C-R-A-M]
BBQBeefburgerdragon: Level 10 [speaking of your alts show me LLL]
Helloween 13k saves [Damn your catching up.]
AllReligiousDrunk S
Donthurtme G
JerkClock: level 16
AnzRage D
Frenzy G
Inuyasha 14k blams 7,000 saves
HouseMasta S
Grotesk S
Double R D
Cereal D
Backseat-Mod 1,337 posts
TailsPrower D
SadSpoon: level 10
SpeedMetalSandwich: level 11 S
ElMaster G [Your in the EGB you should have all D's]
GoombaTroopa: level 13 and EG Sgt.
Peregrinus D
Truth D
Black-Flame D
Dream-of-Duke Top 1,000 exp userst #999
Rudel: police Sgt.
LittleWashualt: level 11
luigi-bot S
S = silver whistle
G = Golden whislte
D = Deity Whistle
Congrats to Five for reaching level 13 today, maybe not 50 more days.
At 10/10/06 02:17 AM, Tannerite wrote:
I'm too lazy to write Gold and Deity right now, so I'll just be writing G and D.
Great idea I (am) did/doing the same thing
At 10/9/06 05:57 PM, Iscaryrules wrote:
Tannerite G
D, not G.
D I should have not made that mistake, I knew D but I but G and if was Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P,A,S,F,H,J,K,L,Z,X,C,V,
B,N,M I would have seen the mistake.
At 10/10/06 06:13 AM, BonusStage wrote:
As for me, i'm just happy Xombie 8 is out.
Gonna watch it now :D
It ended to soon, plus I gave some whistle points to a few users by giving a zero.
At 10/10/06 06:03 PM, Coop83 wrote:
The last binary achievements I'll have in Blams for a very long time, methinks
It is, well saves and posts and reviews and exp are not over 11,111.
At 10/12/06 11:40 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
Dude, how cool is this?. I also got see the save-animation, so it was a lucky catch :P
Thats another flash with lots of views I saw that one UJ but didnt notice the views.
At 10/12/06 02:22 PM, SexOnStreet wrote:
Wow, guyz!
Congratz to all who got GOLD or DEITY whistle!
thanks, I am sure 200 people have them.
At 10/12/06 07:41 PM, Rudel wrote:
At 10/12/06 07:34 PM, homer8722 wrote:
1700 exp
Just silver whistle
Congrats to
homer8722: 1700 experience
Dont congratulate on 1,700 exp unless it is your alt.
At 10/13/06 12:03 AM, Quisty wrote:
Hello. What happened to the whistles? People can get the deity or whatever it's called now?
Is this your main account or alt Quisty. Someone should have linked Wades Whistle thread by now.