X-Naut: 45,000 Blams
jonthompson: 12,000 Experience
schneelocke: 13,000 Saves
Lidov: 7,777 Blams
Starberry: Elite Guard 1st Lieutenant
GUTHRIE: 9,000 Experience
EvanStone: 666 Blams
gfoxclock: EG Private
J0GMA: 20,000 Blams
At 6/9/06 01:18 AM, CrazedChaos wrote:
Congrats to:
schneelocke - 13,000 saves.
Gonna be a long time before I reach that. Gonna be a long time to even reach 10,000 saves. Especially since the Portal doesn't have as many save-worthy flashes. >:(
Well, you've got close to double my save count. I'm really trying to concentrate on the next close milestone and gradually build up to massive markers like 10,000 Saves etc