At 11/16/05 04:58 PM, harryjarry wrote:
This is my 666th post =X
This is not my 666th post =X. Congrats.
At 11/16/05 04:24 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
6,600 exp
Congrats. :D
16,000 posts.
Congrats spammer. :D
At 11/16/05 12:23 PM, Wylo wrote:
13k saves.
Wow, congrats on it.
At 11/16/05 08:11 AM, THaviaC wrote:
Woot 800 post. Now only 200 then i have 1000 posts.
W00tzors indeed. Although I don't see anything new about 800, I will congratulate you. Congrats
At 11/16/05 04:58 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Finaly i can enjoy my new level 20 :-)
O_o, this level 20 looks weird on you, it is going to take some time to get used to this....
Fine, I got used to this. Congrats!
Once again, I wasn't here for about 2 days, because of my yearly trip, so I am going to have to opst an incomplete congratulation list, because I am lazy. >:(
At 11/16/05 02:09 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
So, when you're just kidding around, you censor your swearings? It's nothing that a person can tell right away.
That is just because I am not like any regular person, I am from a group called "The swear cencurers", which is, of course, something I just made-up.
Oh, silly me, i meant to say something like ''Don't leave your insults there after reading the entire message''.
Oh, so now I have to pay for your mistakes!? Silly you!