At 9/5/04 10:52 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote:
And this time for my 3,000th post!
<3 Newgrounds
Grats on the milestone OsAmARaMa - hopefully we'll be seeing more of you around this mighty fine thread...
At 9/5/04 11:03 PM, j00bie wrote:
and I should make my 1337 post.
60 posts in about 2 days? wow... That even Topps bonusstage (barely =D)
Shouldn't be a problem - I cheat though by being in a club which is always good for a few posts. I post a fair bit in General too, which doesn't require much/any brain power...
Grats to MPA on EGLG - All you Americans have it lucky, cos you don't have to stay up til stupid o'clock to get your B/Ps. Most of them seem to come in EST evening time, which means I find myself staying up til 3/4 am to get them. Lucky I always was a night owl, and I'm on holiday for the next month, eh?
At 9/6/04 12:01 AM, j00bie wrote:
My final day as last deposit streak!
Congrats - extreme dedication...
At 9/6/04 12:04 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
HT will still probably still be level 30 though...
It's too bad that someone like him controls the highest level account. He doesn't do much of anything with it other than deposit his experience points every night. What a waste.
None of the really high level people do anything. Even Shrapnel hardly comes around any more :( The highest level contributors are pretty much the Lv 23s - Bob, _altr_ and Yoink...
At 9/6/04 12:20 AM, BonusStage wrote:
Also i just realized i just got to 7.00 VP on the dot, and a happy person is me :D
Congrats on the round number - always nice, and 7 is almost certainly going to be the next round number I get as well (in aaaaaaaages though :( )
At 9/6/04 01:19 AM, Hycran wrote:
W00t level up
Apparently not any more :( oh well tomorrow you will get it :D
That's it. I'm going to my aunt's wedding today, so I won't be around until later... Seeing as most of you are still tucked up in bed though, you won't notice this till later anyway :(