Give around a month and I'll be having leaf badges.
Give around a month and I'll be having leaf badges.
Congrats to the Flash forum for 66,000 topics.
I got to the next B/P level (more than 4000 blams and saves!)
And that gets me to be ranked #598.
I need to double my whole blams/saves to get a gold rank though =(
Congrats to everyone Im to lazy to make a list though =/
4 more days until next EXP level!
I have just 1 minute ago lved up to 10th lv.
The world is butiful!
happy 10th level
TheAdster wrote
I've levelled up, so HAH!
Hah, congrats...
dewclawedstorm wrote
6.66 vote pwer yay..
Satan welcomes you heh, congrats...
Sentinel_specter wrote
I am totally level 15!
Then Totaly congrats hehe...
EKRegulus wrote
42 000+ blam/protect points
42k is massive, congrats...
InsOmniaC777 wrote
Rated 200 out of a lot of b/per's.
200 is notbad though, so congrats...
SadicSchoolgirl wrote
First Account Anniversary!
Happy birthday on your 1st year...
Afro_Stud wrote
Top 500 Blam/Protectors
800 Posts
3,333 Blams
1337 Saves
Nice work, lots of stuff there, keep it going...
At 10/25/05 04:52 PM, harryjarry wrote:I got to the next B/P level (more than 4000 blams and saves!)
And that gets me to be ranked #598.
... Better keep an eye on you, thanks to Resident Evil 4 and a social life Its been difficult to even rack in 10 B/P a day, NG is slowly slipping away.
or is it?
Congrats to:
Sentinel_specter - level 15
EKRegulus - 42,00 B/P
ramagi - 12345 posts!
InsOmniaC777 - ranked #200 b/p
SadicSchoolgirl - 1 year anniversary
Afro_Stud - 3333 blams, 1337 saves
FBIpolux - 6666 posts
christala - 2000 exp
Tom_s00 - 5000 posts, 5000 EXP
The_Phantom16 - 500 posts, 1111 saves
Evark - level 15
Bahamut7 - 444 reviews
Wylo - 1111 posts --- Awesome Voting Power update also.
BareNakedMike - Rank up! Elite Guard Praporshcik
shatterspike1 - level 10!
600 posts * sarcastic hurray * , dont congratulate me on that.
At 10/25/05 02:14 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Neato, dudette. Oh wait, you're male? I stand by my statement.
You're entitled to your opinion. Or is it a fact?
At 10/25/05 06:13 PM, dewclawedstorm wrote: 1000 posts screen shot plz?
Here ya go.
Alright - new rule
From now on, people will wait for me to post lists. One per two pages at the least. This three page stuff is just too hard on me, so I had to make a list...
Also, to Pure_LionHeart, great quote today. That one will be stuck in my head for awhile... XD
Congrats to:
jonthompson – 9.99 vp
Pure_LionHeart – 15,000 b/p points, 11,000 Blams
Stuff4u2kno – 6+ vp, Elite Guard Corporal
zzazzman – 3,000 blams
ramagi – 12345 posts
Glaiel_Gamer – level 11
Tom_s00 – 5,000 posts, 5,000 experience
FBIpolux – 9.000 PPD, 6,666 posts
The_Phantom16 – 500 posts, 1,111 Saves
Frostbreath – 3,000 posts
TheAdster – Level 9
dewclawedstorm – 1,000 posts, 6.66 VP
Sentinel_specter – level 15
EKRegulus – 42,000 + blam/protection points
InsOmniaC777 – Top 200 b/p
SadicSchoolgirl – One year anniversary
Afro_Stud – Top 500 b/p, 800 posts, 3,333 Blams, 1337 saves
AuricTrinity – Level 4
Politics Forum – 10,000 topics
christala – 2,000 experience, 666 b/p points
Britkid – 1,800 posts
Bahamut7 - #90 b/p rank, Elite Guard Colonel
Evark – level 15
Wylo – 1,111 posts
Flash Forum – 66,000 topics
BareNakedMike - Elite Guard Praporshchik
shatterspike1 – level 10
I'm sure I missed many people, but meh, what can I do? Sorry and congrats to the people I forgot.
Anyhow, I'm coming up on the elusive 12 PPD... so close...
I got dethroned back to Rank #45. Damn you crazy whores!
Thank you -CANAS- for the screen as i totaly forgot....
1-2-3-4-5 Posts
Thanks to
Auz get used to it
P.S. the rest of you suck j/k
Congratz to
At 10/25/05 05:32 PM, Britkid wrote:At 10/25/05 05:29 PM, shatterspike1 wrote: I have just 1 minute ago lved up to 10th lv.Well done, you'll have to change your sig now.
The world is butiful!
happy 10th level
Just did. is it on wrong?
Thanks to:
Wow, big-piggy thankslist. ^_^
Taking a break from congratslisting for a tiny little bit. Forgot to mention yesterday that I got Speedy1234 to 2K experience.
I can't believed I missed so much action that I didn't record in the annals of the Level Up! Lounge.
Oh well.
I'll be back soon.
"In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers." -- Issa
dude... im like a really low level... GO ME!
consogratre to
InsOmniaC777: EG Prap. and second lieutenant, top 200 b/pers
StarF68 2 year acct birthday
Rhabdophobia 300 reviews
nick_dastardly: Baseballbat
FBIpolux 6,666 post, 9.000ppd again.
Denvish 10k posts triple listed
Bahamut7 4k exp 7820 exp to go. and top 1500 exp o I made top 250. 4,444 saves yeah ,400 reviews and hot content review displayed, 444reviews, golden eagle
-Moco- posts 1234 b/p rank 5-0 lieutant
Fragment 1k exp
Tom_s00: Silverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr leaf. 4k saves, 5k posts, 5k exp 3days ago
randomwolf1: Corporal, 6.00+vp pwned nomnader
The_Phantom16: 1,000+saves, eg staff sergeant, 500 posts
Wylo 12k saves, 1,111 saves
Lidov 400 reviews, 1k saves
Sanjay equal b/p and lvl rank for a while.
KDOG 4k saves, 19kb/ps
Xiivi: lvl 14
ramagi: sword (the fanboys went crazy I suppose), 12345 posts 41976 to go.
DonDoli: Elite Guard Brigadier General, 600postzeds, 6k saves damn your catching up to me in saves.
Wizardman silver whistle
Ventar: lvl ten and silver bar.
XwaynecoltX 3x12k stats 12,000 posts I mean 12,345
Nomader: eg corpal and 6+vp.
Frostbreath top 2,000 exp user, 3,000 posts
Britkid silver whistle yeah I got an alt to silver and wasn’t even trying
M-A-R-C-U-S 23,000 b/ps 16k blams
Rhabdophobia 100 review responses.
Chumbawamba: silver eagle nice gif.
EKRegulus 31k blams what a crappy screenshot, 42k b/p
zazzman: staff sergeant hmm close to lvl 10 too, 3k blams
Glaiel_Gamer: Site affiliate and level 11.
Pure_lionHeart 4k saves, ½ way to egsc, 11k blams
VegetarianCannibal: EGPFC
Madknt 4k posts
_Guardian_ 2k posts
randomwolf1 1k saves
Fucking_Idiot 30k total point damn your catching up, top 90 b/per
Jonthomson 10.00 vp.
Stuff4u2kno: Eg Corporal
TheAdster: lvl nine
Dewclawedstorm 6.66 vp, 1,000 posts
Sentinel_specter: lvl 15 what you like 14 better.
SadicSchoolgirl one year account. Much better than my inactive 500exp no b/p … Now 10/31/04-10/31/05 I will check my stats.
Afrostud top 500 b/per, 3,333 blams, 1337 saves 800th post
Politics forum 10k topics
Christala 2k exp, 666 b/p
Evark: Chains nice. Plus your 2year account b-day 4 days ago
Harryjarry: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
BareNakedMike: Eg Praporshchik
Shatterspike1: lvl 10
Zimzap 2k protects
Vince50 2k posts
Speedy1234 2k exp
You get thanks
I lost my quotes from page 1317-1320 I guess it was replying to alkador so I guess yeah I hate school and stuff.
At 10/21/05 01:00 PM, DonDoli wrote:
So I was all like, hey what's that, and BANG seven pages passed. Oh well.
So yeah I know 8 or yeah 9 pages have passed since I posted in here. I say well I will post once a day or two days but I dont have the motivation to.
At 10/17/05 06:33 PM, iscRulz wrote:I guess, and alot of wannabe mature users use light. I'm still not changing.At 10/17/05 12:48 PM, DonDoli wrote:end of Feburary to be precise.looked theAt 9/7/05 01:57 PM, DonDoli wrote: At 9/2/05 05:06 PM, iscRulz wrote: At 9/2/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: At 9/1/05 02:07 PM, Septemb3r wrote:DonDoli: bronze fist I can almost taste it too.
Yeah, the last couple of days are the worst.
Are you going to keep you light aura once you hit it?
Its bad for me so close and I see the pts getting higher.
Yeah, you think you're about to get it but it takes so long :(
Are you going to keep your light aura once you hit it? :P
Nope I have predetermine what aura 17 will be. I had it until 4:45am Ng time
Good choice, if I may say so myself.
well I havent had dark aura since lvl 14 0_o
I have always had dark aura, except for the time when you had to manually change your aura to see which
best. Oh, the pain!
I know, it was great when you couldn't change your aura on your own, and I'm proud that I had the dark aura back
huh pain from having to change to aura. manually meaning based on voting.
simply because I think it looks the best.Well, I have an aura that resembles my voting, I think of myself as dark so I have bigger reason to have dark than
Proud of voting 0 most of the time. I dont remeber mine netural I guess
febuary to be netural.
Thats what some people base their aura on their mood. I am not the dark aura more netural I will have to wait until
Nah, the whole mood thingy isn't for me, I don't like changing auras. I go for what looks best and hopefully how I vote.I dont think dark is the best because to many wanna be badass noobs thinks its the best. I would stay light if I didnt have my plan set.Yeah, wismty is one, but I'll still stick to dark anyway. I simply think that's the best looking aura.So you're saying that you're going to have netural at level 18? That's rare. I can't think of anyone with that, level 18looks best with light even though I don't like it. I think I'll stick with dark.
I dont mind how the color looks its just have the new lvl icon than 99% of Ng is what I care about.I am going to change it
to netrual at 18. wismty is lvl 18 netural I could look through the top exp user list but nah.
I guess so but there more dark noobs. It good your sticking with the same aura I dont like people that change it every 3 days based on their mood.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 10/21/05 01:01 PM, DonDoli wrote:At 10/17/05 06:33 PM, iscRulz wrote:I had milestones alright, I even took screenies of some of them before I got too lazy to post. Let's see, 5555 saves, 18k b/p, 19k b/p, 12345 blams, 13000 blams are some I can think of at the moment.At 10/17/05 12:44 PM, DonDoli wrote: I haven't posted here for 33 pages, and that makes me feel suicidal :'(its been that long. ah wondered why you didnt post here I thought you didnt have a milestone or achievement but I guess not.
Well I got those achievement I think I posted 5,555 and 19k b/p and others I am not sure. I have 7000 saves and 14,000 blams and 21,000 b/p only 500 away from two star general so 21k isn’t much of an achievement compared to 20k or 22k.
Not as good as I thought, still alright.sure thing. it been 14 days your doing well.At 10/3/05 07:18 PM, iscRulz wrote: Conrgat to:Thanks.
DonDoli: Colonel
Well I guess it took 22 days to reach egbg if you got colonel on 10/03/05.
Not really, 0.01 at the moment, that's odd.yeah its nice getting passed 10vp. But then once you get the one star the difference should be higher..02 vp difference.Indeed, more than I thought, but you've boosted away again. Oh brother..
I guess it,s going to be .01-.02 maybe .026 which rounds up. When we have the same rank.
I know, it sucks, have to find a way around it :Dindeed cool. Damn now the stupid % is to high so either type more like this or remove : 'sAt 10/3/05 07:32 PM, iscRulz wrote:Haha <3part 2 of 2 of multi-quotes special iscrulz and DonDoli month old quote chain.
Yeah! I guess I have to remove some quotes but keep the posted At parts for history. Just have to see.
I know what you mean, I try to enter the list as soon as possible but man has rank gaining been slow lately. So far I haven't passed someone real in 2 weeks, except SevenStar of course. Not that it's not cool to be number 77 or anything, but I passed two people in 2000 points, and that's not too much. Maybe the gaps will get smaller later, I sure hope so anyway. But then again, if I would get 6k b/p I still wouldn't get passed more than 22 people.If I am competing against myself I am doing great…Well, it didn't take too long, and if you're competing against yourself you have a very nice pace ;) We'll both get into the top 50, sooner or later.At 9/29/05 05:05 PM, DonDoli wrote:make itAt 9/26/05 06:12 PM, iscRulz wrote:At 9/25/05 04:28 PM, DonDoli wrote:At 9/23/05 08:55 PM, iscRulz wrote:At 9/20/05 04:36 PM, DonDoli wrote:At 9/14/05 03:24 AM, iscRulz wrote:I doubt I will, if you'd ask me the same thing in the summer, I'd make it. With my fastest pace I'd be able toAt 9/12/05 09:56 AM, DonDoli wrote: At 9/10/05 04:19 AM, iscRulz wrote: At 9/8/05 12:32 PM, DonDoli wrote:Are you challenging me? Consider yourself beaten, level-brother ;D
Yeah lets see if you can do it.
19 days, was it? That's possible, I think.
I dont know if you can make it.
Yeah its bad. I am doing alot better this week it should be 7-8 day before the rankk up I have to calucate it later ho manyWell, that's not so good, I guess since my last rank up I've had about 80-90 per day, not happy with that though.Its too hard for me too I may not make it in 40 days. got 19 days to get 800 pts hence 43 per day.No, 19 days is too hard at the moment, but something like 25 shouldn't be too hard.
in 11 days.
Oh ok I am not going to reach the next rank in 19 days either I hope its before 40 days though.
days it took.
Rank gain is indeed slow its taking 15 days to get one rank I should have one in a week from figmentum or whoevers inactive that’s ahead of him. But you lost a rank from newgrundling passing you that b-p maniac hes going to pass me very soon Boo. 6,000 b/p I should pass the same amount but I care more about getting eg general than getting near the top 50.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 10/21/05 01:02 PM, DonDoli wrote:At 10/17/05 06:52 PM, iscRulz wrote:Yeah, maybe even April-Mars or something. Oh well, we'll get it when we get it.At 10/17/05 12:48 PM, DonDoli wrote:(cut)At 9/7/05 01:57 PM, DonDoli wrote: At 9/2/05 05:06 PM, iscRulz wrote: At 9/2/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: At 9/1/05 02:07 PM, Septemb3r wrote:DonDoli: bronze fist I can almost taste it too.
I think it will be sooner if I keep up the 60 b/p per day.Yeah I try not to think how long in saves I do in exp all the time. I get there when I get there I hope before summer/May.That seems very possible.
um I guess so. wait.
Now that would be a nice list to see, not that it should be that much different than the b/p list. And yes, I'm very soon at 6k, and that's alot faster than I thought.Lol yes we're getting those saves at a fine pace. I wonder if 7k is enough for top 50 saviours. I could find out but too much work for the computerYou will get to 6k before I get to 7k maybe by hundreds. That is well you get 6,000 saves I will be at 6,800 saves I hope not.I don't know. it seems the saves have been coming faster for both of us than I thought. I have passed you, but still faster than I though. We're both winners ;P
I still have awhile to to make it too 7k 250 saves should be in 10 days I reach 7k saves yes.
10+ vp! Hello, top 100 vp :D
Hey congrats on top 100 vp but boo to you for making me lose one rank.
At 10/21/05 04:04 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Thanks to Don's massive three posts, I'm going to make another congrats list for today.
Yes thanks to our two-month span quote chain and our long congrats list. and others
At 10/26/05 01:48 AM, deduced wrote: dude... im like a really low level... GO ME!
Nice first post woot go you. just keep depositing and in a year you will be lvl 12 or 13. or if this is an alt then ignore that.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 10/26/05 12:57 AM, _Guardian_ wrote: Goodluck with that. I am going to try and get in the top 100 reviews soon :-)
I'm going to try and aim for top 100 reviewers as well. I may as well since I'm making quite a lot of reviews recently.
Congrats to:
Tom_s00 - 5000 EXP
Evark - Level 15
Wylo - 1111 posts
harryjarry - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
BareNakedMike - Elite Guard Praporshchik
shatterspike1 - Level 10
dewclawedstorm - 1000 posts
zimzap - 2000 saves
XwaynecoltX - 12345 posts
Vince50 - 2000 posts
MPA - 20000 saves
Thanks to:
Pure_LionHeart. w000000000000000000t!
ramagi. Well.....that was a lazy way to congrat people. :P
iscRulz. LMAO, you congratted me for all the things I did there. Oh, 7820 EXP to go? Level 17?
Wait, that isn't it people.
1000 EXP
That means this alt of mine is getting quite close to level 10, plus getting my alt to 1000 EXP is cool.
Yay! 3k posts!
Getting quite close to 4k experience too :D
At 10/26/05 02:11 AM, iscRulz wrote: You get thanks
Even though I like Denvish, why have you linked to his profile using my alias? O_o
First off the Thanks list
christala wrote
today's deposit landed me with 2,000 experience.
and i also got 666 B/P points.
666 sigh, hehe j/k congrats....
Britkid wrote
1800 posts last night.
Nice work, more in general me thinks...
Tom_s00 wrote
5000 EXP
Another 5000 haha congrats....
Evark wrote
Level up.
Awsome, congrats....
Wylo wrote
1111 Posts.
one-vile congrats...
BareNakedMike wrote
oh my god... I got Elite Guard Praporshchik :o I didnt
even see it comming.
EGP Congrats friend, its looking great...
dewclawedstorm wrote
1000 posts screen shot plz?
Nice work, that was fast, congrats...
Maus levelled down and now she looks like Freakapotimus.
At 10/26/05 06:01 AM, Lidov wrote: Maus levelled down and now she looks like Freakapotimus.
Ha thats true, does she even deposit exp?? maybe not as much as before...
At 10/26/05 01:48 AM, deduced wrote: dude... im like a really low level... GO ME!
Just can't beat a first post
At 10/26/05 04:42 AM, MPA wrote: 20,000 saves
This one took a bit.
I'm sure it did! Thats a huge amount!
Well done!
At 10/26/05 04:55 AM, Fucking_Idiot wrote: 1000 EXP
That means this alt of mine is getting quite close to level 10, plus getting my alt to 1000 EXP is cool.
Ha! My main is beating your alt!
Congrats though =D
At 10/26/05 05:25 AM, Yoow wrote: Yay! 3k posts!
Getting quite close to 4k experience too :D
Nice! I'm not even halfway to 1k!
Good luck on your 4k exp too =)
Thanks to everyone too!