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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 19:15:17

At 8/30/04 07:11 PM, BonusStage wrote:
Hehe i'll bother you when i can :D
And you deposited for yourself, bung hole :D

Lol its hard being at newgrounds and not deposit :D
Finally i dont have to wake up at 7 am to deposit at 12:00:03 as you all can just do it easily at that time... but im going to sleep now pretty early and waking up pretty early sooo :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 21:11:29

At 8/30/04 06:22 PM, BonusStage wrote: Imagine that rush, i mean hundreds upon 100's of b/s points, and with my luck it'd happened during school hours :(

Hey man, at least you've got the whole time zone thing working out for you. There's been a huge rush of points for me in the last hour or so and if i want to see it again tomorrow, i'll have to stay up till 2am again. I sleep through all the action it seems.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 22:32:12

Well, people have managed to piss me off enough that I deleted my movies!!!!

I'll resubmit them when theyre updated, and better then ever! But until then...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 23:23:54

i can't believe it.. i thought i would only get about 20 b/p points today.. but after voting from 8am to now which is 11:23pm eastern time zone.. there's been a lot to vote on. This must be what i've been missing during those times when i was closing at mcdonalds. shit.. i'm just 50 b/p points away from a rank up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 23:29:15

At 8/30/04 11:23 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:

:above post.

Youve been voting since 8am to 11:30pm, and thought you'd only get 20 points?
Must be a typo of somesort, or you dont live in the EST (though that is the time you wrote it currently is).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-30 23:43:01

At 8/30/04 11:29 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/30/04 11:23 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: above post.
Youve been voting since 8am to 11:30pm, and thought you'd only get 20 points?
Must be a typo of somesort, or you dont live in the EST (though that is the time you wrote it currently is).

yea... it's a typo.. i've been voting since 8PM. sorry for the typo.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 00:21:38



Nothing too interesting here,,, but what the hey!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 00:55:38

At 8/30/04 06:22 PM, BonusStage wrote:
Imagine that rush, i mean hundreds upon 100's of b/s points, and with my luck it'd happened during school hours :(

There was a brief whiff when they first upped the minimum to 200 ... everything under 200 went back under judgement. It was caught quickly, and James subsequently wrote a program that created a /templist.php listing only flash under 200 votes. When it started up we needed to cast 1.4 million votes to get everything above 200.

To up it to 300, everything we voted up to 200, plus everything that has passed since we finished that is still under 300, PLUS everything we ignored last time out because it was between 200 and 300 would all need to receive manual votes. It took us ~5 months last time and that was with numerous people casting 1k+ extra votes a day, every day. Bumping the minimum to 300 would require well over 3m votes to accomplish and take at least 9 months.

It is not worth it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 00:57:49

At 8/30/04 11:43 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 8/30/04 11:29 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/30/04 11:23 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: above post.
Youve been voting since 8am to 11:30pm, and thought you'd only get 20 points?
Must be a typo of somesort, or you dont live in the EST (though that is the time you wrote it currently is).
yea... it's a typo.. i've been voting since 8PM. sorry for the typo.

7:30 to 9 is typically very good ... we had ~25 submissions today in that time frame. 9-10:30 usually makes up for it though, with a serious lull.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 03:56:44

~20k of gfoxy goodness COMING YOUR WAY. LOOKOUT!

Congrats to all who've done anything noteworthy yet was neglected in all of my various quotings and replyings down here:

At 8/23/04 11:10 AM, D0GMA wrote: So he doesn't change it by posting about it:


Heh. Thanks. But I'd just posted about hitting 6666 WITH my 6666th posts a few posts up from your congrats of me and screenshotting, and was done for the night. There was no way I was going to change it by posting about it when I already posted about it IN the 6666th post. That's my way, after all. #;-}>

Hit a cool postcount (1234, 1337, 2345, 3456, 4321, 5000, 6543, 6666, etc. etc. etc.), stay there for 3 days, yadda yadda. I have probably 150 postcount screenshots of my own nifty postmarks. Every single 100th post + other cool ones like some of the above.

At 8/23/04 02:59 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Gfox, hydro355 allows me, please write here the response you want and you'll get it :D =)

Well, I guess you got tired of waiting. The response I got, from you or him or whatever, was fine. O_o

At 8/23/04 04:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: It's the ever increasing point spread that will nail you Bila. I remember when it was somewhere around 400 experience to gain a level and it's what now, 700?

More like almost 800.

At 8/23/04 05:35 PM, BonusStage wrote: heh i saw that just now ^_^, congrats gfox, it is like the devil sign times 10.009 repeating :o (check the math IF YOU DARE)

Orrrr... more simply, it's the number of the beast + 6000, as I said in my 6666th post. O_o

At 8/23/04 10:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I didn't even think of that as I was passing by 36506, but I obviously DID hit that number. Just didn't let a top 50 list update with that number, or take a screenie. I may have gotten one of 36500, however, let me check...
/me waits continuously for hours, then looks down

ha ha.

nope. One at 36400, though, due to the blam and save amounts being approximately -00 ending at the same time and thus my fudged screenshot resulted. #;-}>
woah so you are saying both were even at least to the hundred's place?

I said they were APPROXIMATELY even. I haven't actually hit a perfect xx00 xx00 mark since 6000 blams and 6000 saves gave me 12000 total b/p. Since then, I don't bother to hold off on blams (or protects) just to get a legit screenie. Ever since the popularity rank was taken out and stickercount was added, I've always edited the html and put in a VP rank instead, so... I just fudge the blams and saves to be nifty, too. :::shrugs:::

It's like... if you can't take a photo out the window of your speeding car very well, but you can easily fudge a similar pic to the one you wanted to get on your computer... what diff does it make if it looks perfect? The ends justify the means.

That said, I never fudge "ahead" of where I am in total b/p. I might add 30 to my protects, but I'll take 30 from my blams in return. Etc. etc.

I hit 36000, BTW, at more or less 21000/15000, and that was nifty and good. 6000 apart at the time. I'm now around 8000 apart. At least the gap has stopped widenly as fast as it was back when I was aiming for EGSC. O_o
So you nearly did it twice, you lucky dog you ;P

Again, that was APPROXIMATE. I did say more or less, yanno. O_o

Good news is that I'm still around 8000 apart. The protects have been rolling in for me lately. Or maybe I'm just missing more blams than usual. :::shrugs:::

Heh. I'm not sure you want to hear mine as well, then. I just read over a page, open in a new window any posts I want to quote, select all, copy, paste it into notepad, and repeat until I'm done with the page. Sometimes I do several pages. Then reply to all the quoted stuff, split into less than 6.5k chunks and post 'em.
and somethings you do that and make a page become longer than some spam pages ;P

again... ha ha. #;-}>

At 8/23/04 08:07 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/22/04 01:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Ive been looking for this post since oage 614 just so i could quote you on it...
Congrats! Though It won't be the same without your Nunchaku, it just looks so... different.

No kidding.

I see you also have 6666 posts, coincedince or not, it sure is fun to look at!

When I stop at a specific postcount for 2-3-4+ days at a time, it is NEVER a coincidence or a casual thing, trust me.

At 8/23/04 11:13 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: In other news, today is the only day that having an 8 on the end of my experience is a good thing.

I missed ya at 8888 exp, eh? Ah well, look at it this way... someday you'll also be glad about it when you hit 88888. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 03:58:36

At 8/24/04 09:22 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I don't know, maybe a "Flash with under 300 votes" list? It might not be 300, but I can see the advantages of such a list. It allows flash that disappeared into obscurity a chance to be seen again, the really bad movies might have abusive reviews so whistle points could be gained and even if the movies get enough votes, at least there'll be a link in the topic so others can find it.

That's totally insane, man. The templist was basically the same thing. When tons of movies were between 100 and 200 votes and we had the templist to find them for... oh, about 4 months... a lot of obscure movies got SOME recognition and viewing (not that we viewed them all, but a lot of us found old ones... myself and jonthomson reviewed some old movies we found through the templist, for example).

Almost all of the movies under 300 votes now are the same movies we rose up from 100-200 to 200+ votes, I'd guarantee that. Why? Because ever since January of this year, movies tend to get more than 300 votes once they're off the most recent list. It's a rare new movie indeed that doesn't get at least 250 votes by the time it's a week old, let's say. But there's still plenty of OLD movies at 220 votes or something, and those are the ones I'm saying already got boosted from 120 to 220. Boosting them from 220 to 320 isn't going to give them anything they didn't already get the last time we boosted votes. O_o

Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to search for something tomorrow since other than Yahoo, g-mail and Hotmail (and @newgrounds.com), I haven't heard of any other webmails.

@NG is just a forwarding thing, it's not webmail.

I intensely dislike webmail; I've always had, and always used, a POP/SMTP account with a mail client on my OWN computer. So I can't really recommend any specifically (though I have a gmail from an old friend, and it's okay, but I don't use it much), but I'm sure there's others out there. Why don't you just use the POP account that comes with your ISP, anyway? Don't tell me you don't GET one with it. O_o

I think netscape.net used to be a webmail option. My sister used to have one of those, might still have it in fact.

At 8/24/04 09:46 AM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/24/04 09:36 AM, TheRotArm wrote: gfox looks weird as a level 17... s'pose you get used to someone having a certain level. I thought I looked weird as a level 10 'til i got used to it.
yea... It wont be the same without gfox's nunchaku...
and Im still feelin funny as a level 12 after posting as a level 11 so much :O

No kidding. I think I'm finally starting to get accustomed to seeing level 17 in my profile, mostly because I see it there every single day when I'm monitoring my b/p and all, but...

I haven't gotten used to it on the BBS yet, in part because I've only done a lot of posting on it on 3 or 4 days since I hit level 17, most likely. We'll see how I feel by Labor Day, I guess. I predicted it'd be September before I was fully used to 17.

At 8/24/04 01:03 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/24/04 10:03 AM, j00bie wrote: I think someone on my buddy list is co-authoring me on utter crap.
I warned you about that.

Yeah, no kidding. O_o

At 8/24/04 11:52 AM, j00bie wrote: WTF!!! WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING TO BE ME!
That's the trouble with alts ... you always slip up and post with them at the wrong time at least once.

/me makes note of j00bie's alt.

ROTFL! That was just plain hilarious. Both joobie's post AND your response. They work really well together, as well!

At 8/24/04 05:53 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 8/24/04 12:07 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: ouch! must you keep reminding me that I'm a senile old fart?
LOL, you kids in your early 40s are mean!
Are you kidding me?? You're about the only person on this site I get to tease about his age. Like it or not you're a year older than me and that ain't ever changing... old man.

And since when is 41 NOT the "early 40s," anyway? O_o



I think that double bladed battle axe you're about to acquire would hurt me a lot more ;-)

... this old man fight is starting to disappoint. ;_;

Haha! I've had G-Spot send me around twenty of those buddy requests (I just got another one about a week ago).

ROTFL! What a wonderful choice of words... O_o

At 8/24/04 07:21 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Just remembered, i know its nothing special but i got 3k exp points today woot.

Congrats, man. But it's kinda sad that in the week since the above post, you've only deposited 3 times. ;_;

At 8/24/04 08:23 PM, RedCircle wrote:
At 8/24/04 08:05 PM, j00bie wrote: heh, I just noticed, that Recon levels up in about 3 days...
at least his icon change wont need as much re-adjustment compared to gfox's.
good, then I can stop confusing the two...damn bronze glove

No kidding. But be forewarned... in early 2005, Recon and I will both be at level 18 for longer than we were both at level 17. The overlap/time sharing the same level will only increase and increase and increase with each new level we both get to, as the gaps widen. IOW, one day, many of us are doomed to be at the same level as each other (well, one day we could ALL be level 29, and that would just get really boring... but I'm speaking of a time long before that, thank the maker #;-}>).

At 8/26/04 12:44 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 8/26/04 12:19 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Damn, I can't wait ot be level 14. I think everyone knows it is my favorite level icon.

I try hard to forget every day. Every day.

It's called a mental disorder Mike. You have my deepest sympathy and I hope you have a speedy recovery ;-)

"Mental disorder" is putting it lightly, man. Lightly!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 04:00:20

Sooo... Recon was deposited for Bloodthorne for quite some time, eh? Well, thanks for missing a few deposits over the past few months, Recon... I really appreciated being able to pass that damned account. #;-}>

Now to bribe Crono/Joe/whoever else to miss some deposits for Miikro so I can stop being tied with him EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY.

At 8/26/04 03:42 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Thanks, but the problem is that I'm not 100% sure if HT might take it away. According to gfox's daily req exp increase list:
level 12 2-1-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-2-1-2
when the cycle ends, there's a 2 and when it starts again, there's another 2.

Um... nope, for level 12, there are NEVER two days in a row with a +2 increase. You're misinterpreting my file. Just because the day I stopped pulling data from all those profiles happened to be a "2" day for that level doesn't mean the next day is the 2 at the start. In fact, it's CERTAINLY another 1 day. The only question for level 12 is whether or not the next TWO days will both be 1s or instead a 1 and a 2. The patterns in my file are not meant to be a "solid 20 day long" thing. The patterns for each level are different. Some follow a 3 day cycle, others follow a 4 or 5 day cycle. And ALL have a day where they violate it, as well. It's due to the way rounding can really fuck you over with HT's exp - 400 / 21, and then that amount X however many levels over 9 you're aiming for + 400 to get the actual exp to the next level.

At 8/26/04 06:34 PM, j00bie wrote: I think somebody just keeps voting 0 on my movies...
everyday, the score lowers by 0.03, and the amount of views isnt increasing at all!
I thought this would happen, so I took precaution to check the numbers before I'm sure..
and I'm sure of this...

Too bad I cant track down the bugger..

More than one person, probably. I noticed you complained about that in your response to my review as well...

look, man, what would do about it if you COULD track down who's voting what on your movie, eh?

Anyway, thanks for the two responses, though "K" on the more positive review I left you on the quiz was kinda... short. #;-}>

At 8/27/04 12:02 AM, MPA wrote: Valiant effort carmel, but I beat you by one second. I came in second only to Crono. I remember when Joe used to get it right on 12.00.00 often.

I can't believe you guys have been conducting "who can deposit first" contests. Those work a lot better in a chat room than in a BBS topic (Crono and Joe always paste their deposit info in the #blamclub IRC channel, for instance). And yeah, I noticed that either Crono or Joe was almost always the first or near the first to deposit each day back when I actually deposited shortly after midnight NG time. I almost always deposit after 1 AM NG time now, though.

At 8/27/04 01:44 AM, BahamutReborn wrote: Horrah, Finally achieved Level 16 (Nunchaku!). Although I liked the paperclips, time would come that I would have changed. The time traveled quite quick this time around.

Paperclips?!?! Hey now, don't diss 15, 15 is nice, too. You'll be longing for a level as good as 15 when you're in 17land. ;_;

Anyway, congrats on hitting 16, though. I iz teh jealous.

At 8/27/04 02:14 AM, BWS wrote:
At 8/27/04 01:56 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Mike
I got your pipe fuckface.

ROTFL! Classic.

At 8/27/04 11:48 AM, TheRotArm wrote:
At 8/27/04 09:54 AM, j00bie wrote:
The same glove that j00bie, Shpouiten, SCD, BVBG, IKRU and RedCircle have. Far too many level 12s.
There's too many light level 10s too! It's so annoying! I changed my aura because neutral 10 looks pants, and now everyone is doing the same... grah.

There's nothing wrong with neutral + level 10/12, damnit.

At 8/28/04 01:04 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: At 8/28/04 12:43 AM, Ni**er_Pie wrote:
At 8/27/04 11:52 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ** Level Up!! **
How about you polish the dull side of my black shlong considering you're one of those.
Too scared to try me with your regular account tough guy? Come on kid, grow some nuts and take a shot. You're so clever I bet you could sit on a carton of ice cream and tell what flavor it is.

** Note ** To the others in this forum, I have strong feeling that Ni**er_Pie is a mod using an alternate account. He was able to get around the BBS word restriction.

A) why would a mod jeopardise not only his modding status but also ALL of his NG accounts' existence by doing something so stupid?

B) mods can't get around disallowed word restrictions on their MOD accounts, so why would an ALT account of a mod be able to?

The reason you couldn't reply to him without censoring that word is because when you quoted him, it ended up IN THE TEXT OF THE POST, but apparently the same restriction isn't in place on what word(s) an actual username can contain.

At 8/28/04 04:12 AM, FlGMENT wrote:
At 8/28/04 03:42 AM, MPA wrote: When/where did he say that?
Didn't find it. I read through his first page of posts and very briefly his second before I got bored of it. Maybe this guy just wanted to 'scare' us.

At 8/27/04 05:50 PM, Awinnerisme87 wrote: According to theRedfunk, you should all be banned.
(previous page)

He didn't mean that Funk specifically said he wanted to ban everyone in level up!, he was referring to the apparent (to him) contradiction between 70+ people being banned for posting in that "posts per day" stat topic on General and the people posting about similar things in this topic not being banned.

Methinks a certain alt account needs a lesson in the differences between topic creation and adding to a topic and how each has its own set of rules... among other lessons.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 04:01:11

At 8/28/04 09:06 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 8/28/04 08:53 AM, Shpouiten wrote:
At 8/27/04 11:52 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: They say every cloud has a silver lining, and if you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
Congratulations for your level up !

Haha.. the next time I'll be saying this to you will be in 7-8 months !
800 points a level (roughly what it is at the moment IIRC) = 80 days. Plus one for each of those days due to HT, gives a further 8-9 days. Call it three months.

It took me four months to get from 16 to 17. There's no way in hell Recon can go from 18 to 19 in 3 months.

Call it 4-6 months, probably.

At 8/28/04 02:14 PM, jonthomson wrote: Oh, you're talking about Recon? I thought they were talking about someone else entirely... congrats to Recon on the level up anyway, forgot to mention that earlier.

LOL! Oh, nevermind. You know, Recon's "level up!" announcement (in all its twisting wordage) was in the quoted text of your own post about 3 months up there. O_o

At 8/29/04 11:20 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Horray, i am level 16 now.

ANOTHER ONE TO TORMENT ME!!! YOU AND BAHAMUT!!! YOU CAN JUST GO TO HELL... and while you're there, you'll be enjoying your nunchaku. I KNOW IT. ;_;

Ah well. Congrats. #;-}>

At 8/29/04 12:47 PM, Syme wrote: i want to thankmy mom and dadfor all their support my director and costars for their wonderfulwork and every creator of TEH BEST MOVIEEEE EVAR!!! without who none of this wouldbe possible

Congrats on EGBrigGen, Syme. And on finally passing 100 posts.

At 8/29/04 04:49 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 8/29/04 01:29 PM, D0GMA wrote: Based on the paces at last update, the next 26 (and days until they make) generals will take just over 8 months and would be:
Nice list D0GMA. How long did it take you? No offense but you kinda remind me of Data from Star Trek - The Next Generation. You're androgynous stance leads me to believe you may in fact be an android.

Ha ha ha ha ha! (Get Fuzzy style pained/halting-laughter)

At 8/29/04 05:47 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/29/04 04:38 PM, Kam-Ron wrote: What's everyones goal to get done on newgrounds by the end of this year?
Make gfox worry that I'll pass him in blams. Make Recon and Bila worry that I'll pass them in saves.

The first part of that goal of yours is impossible. I've never worried, and never will, about people passing me in blams.

Only in overall b/p and saves alone.

At 8/30/04 01:05 AM, Crono- wrote: i've completed all the goals i wanted this year.

Get the Final Rank
Have a Voting power over 10.00
Have over 20,000 Blams
Have over 10,000 saves
Get in the Top 200 in EXP
Having over 1,000 posts
Reach level 16

Heh. Check check check check check check check for me, too.

But wait, weren't you already over 10.00 before January 1st? O_o

Anywho, my only real goal for the rest of this year is to get on jon's reviewlisting. I'm quite close to it.

At 8/30/04 01:11 PM, j00bie wrote: Kill ~X~ and delete all his reviews (maybe not kill him... but at least wound him or somethin =D)

k... kowaii desu ne. O_O

At 8/30/04 10:32 PM, j00bie wrote: Well, people have managed to piss me off enough that I deleted my movies!!!!

I'll resubmit them when theyre updated, and better then ever! But until then...

But... but my responses from you! (sob)

That's kinda silly, man. You should just update them in the current slots. Admit it, you just don't want the low scores in case you submit a third movie and have a F+ batting average, EH!? EH!??!!? THAT'S THE TRUTH AND YOU KNOW IT. Biiiatch.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 04:04:41

At 8/30/04 10:32 PM, j00bie wrote: I'll resubmit them when theyre updated, and better then ever!

Oh great. Now another 2 portal ID's will be wasted with your garbage. How about submitting something creative? A funny movie or entertaining game would be nice.

At 8/31/04 12:55 AM, D0GMA wrote: It is not worth it.

I'm sure when the 100 votes requirement was set they thought 200 votes wouldn't be appropriate either. As the user base increased and movies flew through the judgement phase they realised the requirement should be raised. Are you saying there is no possibility of this happening again? I understand that going through all the old movies and raising their votes would take yonks and there is no urgent need for it at the moment, but who knows what the future holds?

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 07:35:51

3 Days ago i was 56, now im already 60. In that pace i'll be 100 when i'll get back >:(
Well umm BonusStage, im gonna deposit at mornings those days while im in canada, but you need to deposit while im in USA ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 07:46:31

At 8/31/04 07:42 AM, Dave_mac_dave wrote: It's be shocking if you missed a deposit. I mean, you could be enjoying yourself, but no, you'd rather concern yourself over 10 points.

Well im just depositing, b/ping a bit in the mornings and some evenings, but other than those times im vacationing^_^

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 09:28:34

Shitfuck. I dunno how many pages ive missed, so im gonna say congratulations to everyone who deserve it, in either levelling up, gain BP, Posts XP, Vp or anything else.

I currently have the mother of all hangovers a 3 day binge on booze and *ahem* other things. I have one of the most embarrassing stories ever to tell you guys, but i think i will save it for later....Lets just say it involves me, partying, nakedness, urine, fighting and being a bitch :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 09:53:12

At 8/31/04 09:28 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: I currently have the mother of all hangovers a 3 day binge on booze and *ahem* other things.

HEYYYYYY, Give this guy some Advil....quick!

I have one of the most embarrassing stories ever to tell you guys, but i think i will save it for later....Lets just say it involves me, partying, nakedness, urine, fighting and being a bitch :)

Heh, sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear it :)

Those stories always end up with the guy sleeping for three hours behind a 7-11 or something. I just hope it wasn't you that was nekkid.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 09:57:01

At 8/31/04 09:53 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Heh, sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear it :)

Will post it in general after work.

Those stories always end up with the guy sleeping for three hours behind a 7-11 or something. I just hope it wasn't you that was nekkid.

Or climbing out of taxi windows, and yes i was nekkid drunk and shall we say urine stained.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 10:03:35

At 8/31/04 09:57 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Will post it in general after work.

Shweet :D

Or climbing out of taxi windows, and yes i was nekkid drunk and shall we say urine stained.

Even better yet, last month, I don't know who made him do it, but my friend ended up getting naked, going to the third story balcony, and jumping onto the tree outside of the window, and climbed all the way down.

True story.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:15:03

At 8/31/04 09:28 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Shitfuck.


I currently have the mother of all hangovers a 3 day binge on booze and *ahem* other things.

Heh. I'm still on my binge SCD. Once I'm done depositing for everyone and their relatives I'll be grabbing a taxi to the nearest cold beer and wine store. My head is spinning and I love it. Can't say I'll feel the same way tomorrow.

I have one of the most embarrassing stories ever to tell you guys, but i think i will save it for later....Lets just say it involves me, partying, nakedness, urine, fighting and being a bitch :)

Cool. My night was interesting too. If I hook up with my 2 buddies again today things could get scary. It all started early last night while we were cruising around Burnaby and John noticed some gas station had significantly dropped it's price. We'd been drinking of course...

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:15:56

But WHO is this 'Joe' that I speak of...
only I (and cool_penguin_0) know the answer!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:24:18

At 8/31/04 02:18 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote:
At 8/31/04 02:15 PM, j00bie wrote: BUN BUN BUNNNNNN
Haha! Yeah, just for the record guys I was joking. I think j00bie knows, although I'm not too sure.

I never said who it was... you just gave yourself away!
hahaha! FEWEL!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:27:21

Score! Rank up! Private 1st class now...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:31:31

At 8/31/04 02:26 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Gave myself away to what? It wasn't even me who did it the first place, I thought I'd give an explanation just in case.

K, I BELIEVE YOU ::shifty eyes::

At 8/31/04 02:27 PM, --delteated-- wrote: Score! Rank up! Private 1st class now...


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:39:33

I would still rather know who Recon's alt is.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:44:20

At 8/31/04 02:31 PM, j00bie wrote:

Yeah yeah, just because you're 27 and a half ranks above me or whatever, doesn't mean I'm not happy :p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 14:57:45

Good job delteated! (better than j00b's OHHHHHH comment)

Oh, and blam this trash. I don't know how it is at 1.98, but its crap.

It's called "mr. the paperboy"

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 15:03:52

At 8/31/04 02:57 PM, RedCircle wrote: Good job delteated! (better than j00b's OHHHHHH comment)

Oh, and blam this trash. I don't know how it is at 1.98, but its crap.

It's called "mr. the paperboy"

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It's not at 1.98 anymore!! >:-D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-31 15:09:04

At 8/31/04 03:03 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: It's not at 1.98 anymore!! >:-D

Very reassuring, indeed. Thanks for calming me down.