Congrats to everyone who's done teh cool things, but especially:
ReconRebel, for attaining one of the best Neutral icons EVAR (after 16 and 24, at least): TEH LEVEL 20 HAMMAH!
MPA, for joinin' teh gfoxclock in level 16 land. We're in heaven now, man, but it's a temporary heaven, alas. ;_;
At 7/29/05 12:31 AM, lilane wrote:
i want your account so bad.
it's always been my dream to have level 16.
Then you should... um... deposit more! #;-}>
At 7/29/05 12:38 AM, MPA wrote:
'Twas a good deposit today.
As the same for a few others it seems.
My level up was the 28th, actually, I just posted about it late due to workbusinessallday. Yer still 10 back o' me, remember? ramagi keeps updating the top 400 exp list after you deposit but before gfoxclock does, though, so we often appear to be tied on it but actually aren't. JSYK, in case you thought you'd caught meh. #;-}>
At 7/29/05 01:01 AM, Brewtality wrote:
Congrats to : gfoxclock - lv. 16
:::tips cap::: why thank you!
At 7/29/05 01:58 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 7/29/05 12:28 AM, gfoxclock wrote:
Rant over 16
I love you gfox <3
Awwww. Teh luffs.
At 7/29/05 03:33 AM, Septemb3r wrote:
congrats to" gfoxclawck lvl 16 I wish i held on to my alt it would be around.lvl 13 I checked
:::shakes head sadly::: you gotsta hang on to teh dream and keep on keepin' on w/ teh deposits, izzy. It's the only way ta be!
MPA: lvl 16 welcome to the family
MPA and my alt are in the mafia? @_@
At 7/29/05 04:58 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
Congrats to: : gfoxclock - Level 16
Thankee kindly!
At 7/29/05 08:19 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
congrats: gfoxclock - level 16 on your alt. god damnit... your ALT account has like 800 more exp than mine >: (
that just isnt right dude...
Then deposit more, dagnabit! #:-}> Thanks anyway, though!
and im not sure if i entirely understand what you're saying about your 36/36 (1/1) blam/protect ratio in your alt...
For awhile, I only got 1 or 2 blams or saves with this account back in 2003 or 2004... at one time. I dunno, just felt like giving him a few leftovers when I was logged in with him to deposit, I guess. I also got gfox (my alt alt) 3 saves (and no blams!).
But when I realised I was nearing 36 blams and a little less than 36 saves, I decided to park him there. And so I did. He's been on 36/36 since mid-2004, I believe. Around a year ago.
But once I retire gfoxcook (from blamming and saving, remember, not from anything else! #;-}>), then I'm gonna start b/ping with THIS account again, and while he won't be at 36/36 anymore, he WILL still be at (or nearly at) a 1:1 ratio. Like 100/100 or 150/150, for example, when I hit rankups especially.
I will care more about ratio quality, IOW, than b/p quantity, with this account. Hell, I already do, as my 36/36 attests to.
At 7/29/05 12:12 PM, Frostbreath wrote:
NG stickers ordered to: gfoxclock - Level 16
Well that was mighty kind o' ya. Had you actually done it. #;-}> Thanks!
At 7/29/05 08:42 AM, Lidov wrote:
1,500 exp!!! Do you congratulate these things?
Nope. Must end with at least three zeros.
Unless it's 5555 exp, of course.
At 7/30/05 09:58 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 7/30/05 09:10 AM, Alkador wrote:
I just noticed something. I have a feeling we're going to drop in terms of the topic with the most number of pages soon. *glances over to politics*
We aint gonna give up that easily, are we?
If I suspect you guys are posting in here JUST to try to keep it ahead of the lounge in politics, I'm going to start deleting the pointless posts (at least on weekends) to nip that in the bud.
This is a topic for lounging in. Chat, talk, converse, congratulate people, thank them for their congrats, and by all means, continue to brag about major stat landmarks...
but no posting just for posting's sake, no posting to give a topic that doesn't give a shit an ego boost over another topic. That's the kind of shit that gets topics like this one LOCKED, okay? So if you don't want admin attention to shift to the lock button on this topic, give that kind of talk (or action) a rest, please? Even jokingly.
Thank you.