I believe I congratulated Recon on his awesome level 20ness back when me and MPA were talkin' bout our level 16ness (well, me on my alt, of course, he on his main)... but I guess it took two or three days to stick, eh? Congrats on finally getting it for good, man. By the time I'm up to level 20 come January 1st, 2006.... I'll probably have been hitting it and getting knocked back to 19 for the final 3 or 4 days of 2005. Such is the way of things in teh NG exp system.
At 7/25/05 01:08 AM, iscruLz wrote:
Well I was just seeing if you would catch me. but I was one of the orginal guesser so it balances out.
Eh, you weren't the only one to do it, either. One other person decided to double-vote with an alt. You silly bastards. #;-}>
Cool i would be 37th I am almost at 30,000 pionts
Then ya just gotta get a second stat up to 10k, eh? Did you notice you got a mention on last week's update, BTW? In the 1x10k section (i.e. the "halfway or more there" mentions #;-}>).
4,444 Saves you may think well thats good but it has more on my 4,444 blam and post. I posted in this thread. IT shows that protects are hard to come by.
4444 saves is better than 99.5% of NG has. Maybe even 99.9%, come to think of it...
At 7/26/05 12:43 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:
BLAMS: 8818
Posts: 4918
Yay for 20000 total points! :D
Already up past 5100 posts just a few days later, eh?
You're going to be doublelisted and make the pentalist due to blams and posts, aintcha. #;-}> Good job so far!
At 7/26/05 07:45 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
11,000 b/p i only missed it by 37 this time.
That's an improvement at least! #;-}>
At 7/27/05 09:23 PM, jonthomson wrote:
Alright. I've got myself back on gfox's pentalist thing, but apart from that I've slowed down in the whole stat whoring thing, I lack the time and much of the inclination.
Hey, that pentalist thing is what COUNTS, man. Or so poxpower and altr and Yoink and some others who call it their fave list of those I've ever run.... think. #;-}>
At 7/30/05 03:50 PM, -absentminded- wrote:
Congrats to: gfoxclock: Level 16, regained eh? Didn't deposit with this account for a while?
I think I've only missed around 5 or 6 deposits in the entire 2 year life of that account, actually.
I was referring to the fact that THIS account used to be level 16, and it's been nearly a year since it has. I've missed being level 16, so at least now my alt gets to be it for a few months.
And then in a year or so, my ALT alt will probably hit 16, so... the fun never stops! (actually, it stops after my alt alt hits 17, I guess. ;_;)
and now, just a little note about something I noticed but was too busy to comment on when I was posting as gfoxclock in here on pages 1205 and 1207:
At 7/29/05 03:33 AM, Septemb3r wrote:
At 7/28/05 02:24 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
new subject! Toocool100:
hey would have has much as gfox around there I guess.
Well, it's possible he might, but I wouldn't be so sure. Also, either Marcus or Bonus said they thought Toocool would be around #1 or #2, and I just don't think that hanging with MPA or ramagi, even if he WERE blamming all the time along with saving... would be realistic. See, IMO... Just blamming or just saving... is such a very different process than b/ping like most people do.
When you're only focussing on one stat, things are simple, though points come slower overall: you either get the point you want, or you don't (whether you vote incorrectly or just don't vote at all because it's sooooo bad (if you're going for protects) or soooooo good (if you're going for blams) and you have no chance of getting the point whether you vote or not, see?).
When you're trying for maximal blams and saves (which I rarely am, BTW, because I'm trying to keep my blam-to-save ratio under 1.5 in preparation for my 36k/24k retirement), you have new problems:
You could get the blam.
You could vote to blam but it's saved.
You could get the save.
You could vote to save but it's blammed.
You could get mixed up/distracted IRL and vote incorrectly on either type of point.
You could be too late (already in graveyard or protected) two different ways.
etc. etc. etc.
So while Toocool could have gotten a lot of blams along the way had he not been a saveaholic and a blamophobe... I really doubt he'd have around 24,000 saves with 36,000+ blams (you'll notice I just mentioned my retirement stats... but it's a coincidence as I'm heading for 24,000 saves and Toocool's just gotten to that range... and with 36k blams he'd have around 60,000 which would put him not too far behind MPA about now). It's just not in his nature, anyway, to blam a ton of shit, so the whole thing's a moot point.
Now, if someone ELSE got their hands on Toocool's account... that's another story. :::nods:::