At 7/8/05 08:02 AM, madknt wrote: if i deposit every day for a year i go up 2 levels.. so sad :(
I only would get 3 rank-ups in a year if i deposited every day, which i have done for about 3 weeks now. :-(
JaY11's sigs > your sig.

At 7/8/05 08:02 AM, madknt wrote: if i deposit every day for a year i go up 2 levels.. so sad :(
I only would get 3 rank-ups in a year if i deposited every day, which i have done for about 3 weeks now. :-(
JaY11's sigs > your sig.
At 7/8/05 11:12 AM, wtfClock wrote: Yeah, start again and you'll go up by 12! ;)
12 weeks? I started 3 weeks ago depositing every day, it only takes about 5 minutes at most. Not too long i guess, I could be a higher level and not like it : /
JaY11's sigs > your sig.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 7/8/05 11:19 AM, -Morph- wrote:At 7/8/05 11:12 AM, wtfClock wrote: Yeah, start again and you'll go up by 12! ;)12 weeks? I started 3 weeks ago depositing every day, it only takes about 5 minutes at most. Not too long i guess, I could be a higher level and not like it : /
Nono, If you start a new account you could move up by 12 levels in a year.
Kitten Cannon was mentioned at least twice and called "innovative" on G4 Tech TV this week by Tom Fulp. I'd say that is quite an accomplishment, seeing as I worked on it it feels great to have such publicity. I guess I can post about it here...It's exciting.
I'm hoping for a third run tonight. :D
At 7/8/05 01:40 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Kitten Cannon was mentioned at least twice and called "innovative" on G4 Tech TV this week by Tom Fulp. I'd say that is quite an accomplishment, seeing as I worked on it it feels great to have such publicity. I guess I can post about it here...It's exciting.
HAHA yeah, cognrats to Tom on all of his recent accomplishments ;P.
Also, well Salad Fingers and Prowlies and the One o' Clock Collabs were mentioned as well. Mario Physics too, all of them were shown, RaidenX was mentioned as well :). All of this publicity for NG is nice to see :D.
At 7/8/05 01:30 PM, wtfCIock wrote: Nono, If you start a new account you could move up by 12 levels in a year.
At 7/8/05 11:52 AM, DAVE wrote: 7000 shitty post. D:
Fuck yeah it is.
At 7/8/05 11:19 AM, -Morph- wrote: 12 weeks? I started 3 weeks ago depositing every day, it only takes about 5 minutes at most. Not too long i guess, I could be a higher level and not like it : /
Nah he meant level 12, you're not too far away from it after all :)
At 7/8/05 10:25 AM, PelvicThrusters wrote: 1600 exp
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 1,001 crappy entries.
That is good, the first 1000 is the sweetest ;)
And I got my first, second third and fourth movie through the portal :D
Horrah indeed, for getting that many through :)
At 7/7/05 07:00 PM, F00D wrote: So, I'm here for my 3000th post.
I'll be back in two days for level 11.
Well that's good, I say come here more, it pads the post count ;o
At 7/7/05 06:25 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: *skips* ;D
Skip to your loo my darling :)
I still have that old mortar of mine, I wonder if it still works.
I mortar ... like a land mine, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION EH?
Lewl. My alts are better. :D
Lewl, I have about 10 >_>
At 7/7/05 06:02 PM, MrT-Time wrote: HOLY SHIT ! Elite Guard Staff Sergeant finally ! I saw that it was faster than before, maybe because I stay longer to the Portal in order to protect/blam movies (heh, holidays rock !).
Anyway, I'm glad for reaching this new rank. I feel very satisfied...
Trust me, holidays are your best friends, the main would've never gotten EGSC so quickly without them, and most rank ups wouldn't occur for most people without them ;)
At 7/7/05 04:31 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: RANK UP
New badge and a 11.04 VP awsome...
Heh 11 vp, only requires what, level 16 or 17 eh? Oh that's not that far away for me hahahahahaha.
Anyways I find the 11VP a bigger accomplishment :P, but rank ups are always loads of fun :D
At 7/7/05 02:35 PM, Popsycle wrote: I just recently passed the 1,300 post mark. I'm aiming for 2,000 by the end of the Summer. Wish me luck!
Make sure not to go and post all of them (1400, 1500 and so on) here because that's frowned upon, just wait until 2000 :)
At 7/7/05 01:28 PM, Aapo_Joki wrote: Yay! Elite Guard Praporshchik. It sure took a hell of a long time to get. I've been quite unenthusiastic to vote ever since the stat lists were discontinued, but lately I've been getting some of my old pace back.
Go me!
HAHAHA gotta love that rank, it's just the one of those that you see and go, YET ANOTHER, because the name sticks in the mind ;)
At 7/7/05 12:22 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-BonusStage: 11,000 Posts. Omfgwtfspamwhore
I know, i got to 24.998 ppd recently and decided the main needs some time off on posting, you'll see this one, DemiousRising, and sketch0587 (main post with alts) posting here to divert the massive post count, and insanely close to 25 ppd :)
I like to think I have more than you.
We should combine accounts, it's like have ultra early sign up, ultra post whore powers, huge level, and we'd be like #2 in b/s rank :o.
'Gratz to:
DAVE - 7,000 shitty, posts.
PelvicThrusters - 1,000 blams, 4 movies through the portal. 1,600 exp aint worth congratulating, sorry
F00D - 3,000 posts.
And anyone i missed.
Congrats to:
-Aapo_Joki: EG Praporschik. Yay for gold badges!
~X~: EG Lieutenant General. Pass me and die :O
-MrT-Time: EG Staff Sergeant. Nice.
-F00D: 3,000 Posts. Nice.
-PelvicThrusters: 1,000 Blams. 1/10th of 1/3d of the way there.
-DAVE: 7,000 Posts. Go spam until 10k.
At 7/7/05 06:25 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: -4k till EGSC, you'll hit that before Septmeber, or August if you really push it.
Probably late August, because I seem to have less free time now than in the school season for some reason.
Why do I vision you as Cartman on a trike?
Because that's not really that far from the truth.
I wear blue and I have a pimp-ass go-kart :O
At 7/7/05 06:43 PM, Brewtality wrote: -Mazza- - 26k B/P
At 7/8/05 02:00 PM, BonusStageUnlocked wrote: We should combine accounts, it's like have ultra early sign up, ultra post whore powers, huge level, and we'd be like #2 in b/s rank :o.
Alright then....TRANSFORM!
*Transformers light effect thingies*
At 7/7/05 06:43 PM, Brewtality wrote: Sure is Lee-san : D
Hehe! :D
At 7/7/05 07:00 PM, F00D wrote: I'll be back in two days for level 11.
*Three days.
See you then.
At 7/8/05 11:52 AM, DAVE wrote: 7000 shitty post. D:
Your sig is awsome. :D
At 7/8/05 02:00 PM, BonusStageUnlocked wrote: I mortar ... like a land mine, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION EH?
rofl No, it's like a minature version of the large scale firework shows.
Lewl, I have about 10 >_>
I bet not one of them is a level 15. :o
At 7/8/05 04:04 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Probably late August, because I seem to have less free time now than in the school season for some reason.
Video games are adictive, unless you have a job.
Because that's not really that far from the truth.
I wear blue and I have a pimp-ass go-kart :O
:O! I... I don't have a go-kart, only a 4-wheeler which is in repair. : (
A milestone for right now, Elite Guard Capitain. Fuck. Yeah. Heh, and I regained a .01 VP lead over my friend, who I'm pretty sure won't be too happy when she finds out. :D
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
Congrats to:
Minion777: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Good job, keep it up :)
bila: 17000 saves. Holy fuck, that is awesome.
Thekillerbomb: level 5. Not for long :P
wismty: level 18. Congrats, personally I don't like level 17-18 that much, and that's a bummer considering that's where I'm going to be a long time.
M-A-R-C-U-S: level 15. Nice, that level is much better than that ugly bat =)
Qwoxyl: 24k blams and 34k points. That's huge! Big congrats.
Pure_LionHeart: 11k posts. Nice work, ya little spammer =D
darkdevil92: portal security. Keep it up.
Aapo_Joki: Elite Guard Praporshchik. Congrats on that, it's nice to be in the gold ranks. Makes your profile look so much better :)
Popsycle: 1300 posts. Good job, keep it up.
X: EG Lieutenant General. Big congrats! Soon it will be EGSC :)
MrT-Time: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Good work, I love your name =D
F00D: 3k posts. Wow. I remeber when you were new, because I thought you had such a n00bish name, F00D1 :P And you made a sig thread if I'm correct. And now you have 3k posts :o
PelvicThrusters: 1600 exp, 1k blams, 4 movies in the portal. That is more than most people can say, it's good to have movies in the portal. Good work.
DAVE: 7k posts. Great.
Sentinel_specter: Kitten Cannon publicity 2,5k posts. Kitten Cannon is huge, big congrats. That's more of an acomplishment than most can say. Great work.
Master_Inuyasha: Elite Guard Capitain, knowing a girl: That's a really nice rank, congrats. And you also know a girl. Wow.
Thanks to:
At 7/7/05 12:12 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:At 7/6/05 06:38 PM, DonDoli wrote: 6666 blamsGASP! That's, like, 6 more evil than 666! Congrats Lucifer!
Yup. Not much more to say I guess, since my aura already is dark...
Thanks, I'll be at 66,666 in no time =P
At 7/7/05 09:46 AM, BonusStage wrote:It's ok Don, just try to make sure you get 10,000 :P(
Don. Don. DOndondond I hate when people call me that. There's this ugly guy in my school that has that name. It's no good unless you say it fully, DonDoli! Get it into your head (:<
Yes indeed, and I also hope you rot in hell.I would, but that'd ruin all my fun :(
So you're saying this isn't hell? :O
6666 blamsThat's quite the accomplishment :)
Why thank you. I didn't expect that sort of kindness, sir.
At 7/7/05 12:22 PM, -Mazza- wrote:At 7/6/05 06:38 PM, DonDoli wrote: Maybe, but you ARE a mistake (:<IT WAS THE FAULT OF THE CONDOM COMPANY.
That's your answer to everything, asswipe.
Oh and thanks.
It's been ten, or maybe eleven days since my last rank up, and now it's time again. Feels good not beeing a commie called Paproshjishkjlrw anymore, and not beeing in the first gold rank anymore.
Elite Guard Second Lieutenant I hate that it says second. Feels so weak.
That brings me up to a voting power of 9+
And I didn't even miss the screenie this time:
At 7/8/05 06:30 PM, DonDoli wrote: MrT-Time: I love your name =D
OMG how nice. Yours sounds like a mobster to me :P.
Thanks to :
BonusStageUnlocked. Yeah, holidays are essential for growing up in NG.
Master_Inuyasha. I agree. This one is very ugly.
Congrats to :
DAVE : 7,000 posts.
Master_Inuyasha : Elite Guard Capitain. Wow nice shit.
DonDoli : Elite Guard Second Lieutenant. If you don't like to be second, gain b/p points faster for the next one ! ;)
Congrats to everyone i missed since I left. I wil ltry to keep up now that im around again. Did i miss anything exciting?
I just leveled up to Elite Gaurd Seargent First Class. Man that was a sweet voting power increase. Also I level up to level 12 in about three days. To bad I leave in two.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Post 400 and time for another random pic, enjoy.
Well this is a kick in the balls...I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.
At 7/9/05 12:19 AM, RoweNuts wrote: Well this is a kick in the balls...I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.
No worries RoweNuts. So you get to dream about level 16 for one more night until you secure the nunchaku for good. The backslide effect shouldn't knock you down to level 15 once you get there. I've got another 100 points to go myself (so close).
That lame Barney and Clifford submission just secured another milestone for me so without further adieu.....
War of the Portal - Part 4
21 - “To the Heart”
“What the hell do we do now?” asked Figmentum as he saw a battle that he could not fight.
“I don’t know,” said Myst slowly, still staring at the three Gods in shock; “there’s nothing we can do.”
Alkador’s head jolted as he changed suddenly, as if someone else had replaced his body.
“It’s me – Stamper. I cannot speak for long, so I will tell you what to do now: The Heart. Destroy the Heart. Destroy it now.” Alkador fainted as the others looked at him in confusion.
“What does he mean by that? And that was Stamper speaking English in Alky’s body?” wondered SCD.
“The Heart,” Tom stared into nothingness, “yes, Dobio told me about it once.”
“What is it?” ramagi asked inquisitively.
“I remember something about him saying that the stone on his neck came from the Heart of the Portal or something.”
“If we are to go to the heart,” Crono laughed, “then we are committing suicide. The place is infested with radiation!”
Wade jumped through the air as he leapt upwards, the ground crumbling before him, with his flail carefully wielded over his head. He roared as he threw it down at the King with all his might, only to blocked by the monster’s trident. Tom teleported behind the monster as he threw his fist as the King’s back. He gasped as a third hand outstretched from the back consisting of thousands of submissions, taking hold of the attack. James moved, flaring his nun chucks at the King’s head, only to be blocked by a spare left hand. The monolithic King laughed as he teleported behind them, throwing gigantic shards of ice. The battle raged on.
“If we are to destroy the heart,” Gfoxcook was deep in thought yet again; “then it will be an end to the Power, submissions and who knows what else!”
A past memory returned to the guard as he finished speaking. A memory from when he had learnt of the location Dobio’s stone at their first encounter.
"I understand perfectly…” The guard said. “But where did you acquire one? The only place could be – no, that’s impossible!”
Rooty gritted his teeth. “And what other choice do we have? Do we let these ‘Gods’ fight while we do nothing?”
“If Dobio was here,” SK sounded confident, “he would have wanted us to go the centre of this world and destroy this ‘Heart’.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“But if we are to go down,” squeaked XwaynecoltX, “how do we?”
“I shall take care of that.” Gfoxcook smiled. He glanced to everyone raising the stone Dobio once had around their neck. They would go to where that stone once came from. “No.”
The group suddenly felt lighter; a burden faded from their bodies.
He smirked as he spoke, “Let’s go.”
ReconRebel raised his hand to stop the guard; “Wait, where are y–“
The group gasped as Gfoxcook ran towards the hole, leaping off and falling away from their vision. They moved at the very edge as they watched him glide through the air. The group stood in awe as they watched the man floated over thin air before them. He smiled as they stepped back.
“Don’t worry; it’s simple!”
“Why didn’t you teach us how to fly before?” Grumbled Yoink.
The huge group jumped off with their new power of flight as the Gods and the King continued to clash, ignorant of the plans that lay before them. The group glided through the air, feeling their new born ability to fly, being able to dodge various gorges and gigantic holed canyons that lay within the earth. They smiled as wind rushed in their faces and Kiba lowered himself before all others, seeing the giant threads of the Portal move freely; the crimson light that shone into the world. He focused as he moved the threads, to create a giant opening for the others to fall through; to ensure they would not be infected like he had been. They passed through the opened hole and fell deeper down; where light was bright and thousands of shards of rocks existed; stone shelves and hundreds of caves surrounded them. If this to be their world, it would be a world made of red stone hidden amongst thousands of massive canyons and caves, a world too dangerous to live in.
Gfoxcook pointed towards a strange coloured light, a darkness containing a red aura that filled the area. The lights from the crimson sky above began to dim as they continued to descend. The group began to slow in velocity as flat ground appeared; from red clay stone to marble black, they each landed on the ground safely. Gfoxcook disengaged the power of flight for all as they walked into the large open area, with no life seeming to exist around them. The group stared at the huge throne before them, a gigantic rock of dark red nestled behind. Everyone smiled.
“This is it,” said the guard, “this is the Heart of the Portal! The pectus intestinus universum!”
Well, I'm back from holiday. :) I had a good time. Sorry I couldn't get here much. There were connection problems in the hotel. :| Well, I'm fine, but I got three mosquito bites and the one on the back is very nasty. :S I'm alright about it. I'm sure I'll be fine. Anyway, I guess I've got to see what's happened since a Daily Toon flash got a review crew pick. O_o And I'm aware I wasn't here when NG was ten years old. :( Sorry.
Welcome back, Bahamut. Had a nice time?
So, I had to format my C: Drive, cause Windows sucks. When I remembered that I lost my 2,800 songs, it really hit me.
Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Lots of love peeps.
At 7/9/05 06:27 AM, RedCircle wrote: So, I had to format my C: Drive, cause Windows sucks. When I remembered that I lost my 2,800 songs, it really hit me.
Open up your computer, unplug the HD and attach the IDE cable to someone else's computer, boot theirs up and it'll recognise the HD, copy the MP3's over to their HD and burn to CD's or DVD's. Simple really. The only way that doesn't work is if your HD is physically fucked, in which case a format wouldn't be useful anyway.
Jon, where have you been all my life? =)
Thanks man. I appreciate the gesture.
DonDoli, I'll change my name back soon. Somewhere before some special event for me.
Frostbreath, I am under 18, so I cannot get drunk. A tan, heh, I did get one.
Master_Inuyasha, I had someone to deposit EXP for me. >:)
RedCircle, Indeed I did. :D Especially with lots of eating and drinking. XD But I'm back on NG and it feels weird to post here. :S Blah, that's one thing I hate about holidays a lot. Having to get used to the routine and it feels so weird the day I come back. :S
Thanks to:
iscruLz. ROFL, I probably won't catch you up just yet.
And now for my biggest congrats list I've made.
Congrats to:
Qwoxyl - 22222 blams, 8888 saves,9000 saves and more stuff
YoinK_VineS - 3000 posts, 35000 b/p
ReconRebel - 50000 b/p, 34000 blams
XwaynecoltX - 10000 posts, 11111 reviews, Elite Guard Lieutenant General
Master_Inuyasha - 12000 B/P, Elite Guard Captain
SeeD419 - 3000 EXP
Glaiel_Gamer - Level 10, 5 portal submissions
wismty - Elite Guard Lieutenant General, level 18
EKRegulus - 25000 blams, 5000 EXP, 34000 b/p
zimzap - 1000 posts
-Gooch- - Level 13
-TITROTU- - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant, 10000 b/p, 1337 posts
Rock-Lee - Level 10
Tom_s00 - 10000 b/p, 5PPD
Frostbreath - Elite Guard Corporal
carmelhadinosaur - Weird stat thing O_o, 22222 b/p
DonDoli - 6000 blams, top 200 b/p, 9000 b/p, 6666 blams, Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
M-A-R-C-U-S - 18000 b/p, 12500 blams, 6000 EXP, Level 15
philonous - 1000 saves
Dizfunktion - Elite Guard Corporal
Sentinel_specter - 666th highest EXP, 2500 posts
BonusStage - 24000 blams, 33000 b/p, 11000 posts
Replay - Elite Guard Private First Class
DelboyDylan - Silver whistle, Elite Guard Private, 333 posts
byrd798 - Police Captain
AgainstMe - Level 11
Vince50 - 1337 posts
CountDooku - 1337 blams
Crono- - 10000 EXP
Brewtality - Elite Guard Private, Elite Guard Private First Class
-Osaka- - Top 800 EXP, 5000 EXP
-Mazza- - 10.00VP, Elite Guard General, 20000 blams
phileeguy - Level 13
HairydragonballZ - Happy birthday
vagrant_fluke - 1000 EXP
ramagi - 22000 saves, 44444 blams, 66666 b/p. EVIL!
Minion777 - 100 reviews, Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
Dire_Wolf9 - 666 blams, Police captain
The_Ass_Clown - Level 10
LookingTwiceKills - 1000 blams, Elite Guard Private
Rude_Buddha - 1000 blams
-IAMCanadian- - 6.66VP
MALforPresident - Level 14
iscruLz - 6000 posts
Chumbawamba - Elite Guard Master Sergeant
madknt - Elite Guard Private
IvanTuroc - 3000 EXP, 10000 b/p. Me get 3000 EXP soon!
wtfClock - 100 reviews
Wingman26 - Elite Guard Major
CPenguin - Level 11
Latinoralf - 3000 EXP
--ShotInTheHead-- - 2000 posts
-Dawkins- - 8000 posts
bila - 17000 saves
Aapo_Joki - Elite Guard Praporshchik
MrT-Time - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
F00D - 3000 posts
PelvicThrusters - 1000 blams
DAVE - 7000 posts
boloneyman - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Heh, another thing. I did stay up all night last night since the plane was taking off at 2:30AM GMT, so I've finally completed a goal that I've tried to accomplish for a long time. Staying up for more than 24 hours. However, I did had to go to sleep, but I only got one hour sleep, LOL.
At 7/8/05 07:32 PM, boloneyman wrote: I just leveled up to Elite Gaurd Seargent First Class.
Congrats. That is a nice one indeed.
At 7/9/05 12:19 AM, RoweNuts wrote: Well this is a kick in the balls...I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.
Congrats anyway.
At 7/9/05 01:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: That lame Barney and Clifford submission just secured another milestone for me so without further adieu.....
OMFG! Looks so sexy.
At 7/9/05 07:35 AM, BahamutKOD wrote: Heh, another thing. I did stay up all night last night since the plane was taking off at 2:30AM GMT, so I've finally completed a goal that I've tried to accomplish for a long time. Staying up for more than 24 hours. However, I did had to go to sleep, but I only got one hour sleep, LOL.
Man, that is an odd goal to have, which i have accomplished many times. Alos, i cant beleive you congrats EVERYONe you missed. I was away for a shorter time then you and I couldnt even find the time to do that. You are one dedicated user. : )
Welcome home Bahamut!
Congratz to:
Sentinel_specter - 2,500 posts
Master_Inuyasha - EG Captain
Dondoli - EG Second Lieutenant
boloneyman - EG Seargant First Class
DelboyDylan - 400 posts. Hmm.....
ReconRebel - 34,000 blams.
And thanks to Alkador for another fantastic episode.
At 7/8/05 07:20 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Did i miss anything exciting?
Nah, just NG celebrating ten year anniversary >:)
At 7/9/05 07:35 AM, BahamutKOD wrote: Frostbreath, I am under 18, so I cannot get drunk. A tan, heh, I did get one.
That never stopped me.....
Heh, another thing. I did stay up all night last night since the plane was taking off at 2:30AM GMT, so I've finally completed a goal that I've tried to accomplish for a long time. Staying up for more than 24 hours. However, I did had to go to sleep, but I only got one hour sleep, LOL.
Pff, my record is 36.....
At 7/9/05 07:35 AM, BahamutKOD wrote: Frostbreath, I am under 18, so I cannot get drunk. A tan, heh, I did get one.
Don't you mean 21 O_O
BonusStage - 24000 blams, 33000 b/p, 11000 posts
Heh you do care <3
At 7/9/05 06:27 AM, RedCircle wrote: So, I had to format my C: Drive, cause Windows sucks. When I remembered that I lost my 2,800 songs, it really hit me.
I know, it does doesn't it :)
Lots of love peeps.
fa sho playa.
You're a mopd.
At 7/9/05 06:10 AM, BahamutKOD wrote: Well, I'm back from holiday. :) I had a good time. Sorry I couldn't get here much. There were connection problems in the hotel. :| Well, I'm fine, but I got three mosquito bites and the one on the back is very nasty. :S I'm alright about it. I'm sure I'll be fine. Anyway, I guess I've got to see what's happened since a Daily Toon flash got a review crew pick. O_o And I'm aware I wasn't here when NG was ten years old. :( Sorry.
HAHA, well did you AT LEAST see Tom on Attack of the Show? I mean the Daily Toon happening was a big ol' controversy, but it was found to be a legit one :), and they indeed kept their award.
Also yes indeed July 6th was Ng's 10th year here :).
At 7/9/05 01:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: That lame Barney and Clifford submission just secured another milestone for me so without further adieu.....
34k in just blams. That there shows dedication, and you definitely have it Recon ;)
At 7/9/05 12:19 AM, RoweNuts wrote: Well this is a kick in the balls...I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.
Meaning of course tomorrow there's no way HT can kick your balls again at least right :P
At 7/8/05 10:07 PM, DelboyDylan wrote: Post 400 and time for another random pic, enjoy.
Or not.
At 7/8/05 07:32 PM, boloneyman wrote: I just leveled up to Elite Gaurd Seargent First Class. Man that was a sweet voting power increase. Also I level up to level 12 in about three days. To bad I leave in two.
Get someone to deposit for you silly, they'll be glad to announce it for you :P
At 7/8/05 07:20 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: IM BACK.
Congrats to everyone i missed since I left. I wil ltry to keep up now that im around again. Did i miss anything exciting?
Well, hopefully you didn't forget about Tom on Attack Of The Show, on G4TV, if you did then you hate Newgrounds, but that's alright ;)
At 7/8/05 07:00 PM, MrT-Time wrote: BonusStageUnlocked. Yeah, holidays are essential for growing up in NG.
School times are the times to deposit, post a bit, get a few b/s points, just do a little bit of everything, while holidays, and vacations are where everyone blasts off with points ... if they want to that it heh.
At 7/8/05 01:30 PM, wtfCIock wrote: Nono, If you start a new account you could move up by 12 levels in a year.
Ahhh I see where you're going now, but I'm definately not going to start another account because the one I have now is just dandy.
At 7/8/05 02:00 PM, BonusStageUnlocked wrote: Nah he meant level 12, you're not too far away from it after all :)
Yeah, thank god. I've been level 11 for over a year now and am getting pretty damn sick of it :-(
At 7/9/05 07:35 AM, BahamutKOD wrote: I had someone to deposit EXP for me. >:)
That's cheating! :-P
JaY11's sigs > your sig.
At 7/9/05 12:19 PM, -Gooch- wrote: Yup, I'm #27 to do it. . .
Congrats! Do you plan to quit B/Ping or continue?
On another note 7.00vp.
JaY11's sigs > your sig.
At 7/9/05 12:19 PM, -Gooch- wrote: Yup, I'm #27 to do it. . .
Major congrats dude!
Ya know, I don't think I'd continue if I hit that, personally. Earlier I would've, but now so many people have it...meh.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis