At 5/6/05 04:14 AM, gfoxclock wrote:
OY! I was heading to bed, but I decided to read at least the LAST page of this topic that I had posted on (1102, prior to posting in 1109 tonight)... and then I stumbled upon an old face (er... name) from the past!
Holy crap. I just found out you're back from your tour of duty over a MONTH AFTER THE FACT. Sheesh. I guess the only topic you post in on Wi/Ht? nowadays is level up! I think you used to post in some of my list topics, though... ah, the good old days. It's been a long while since you bid us a temporary (though lengthy) farewell back in September of 2003.
:-) Thanks gfox. Indeed it has been a while. I "ranked up" real life to MSG back in Oct '03, then12 months in the "Zone" before getting back to the real world (and to NG.)
I don't post much (as my laughably low post count will attest) due the competing interests of everyday life. I am making the adjustment back to civilian life, am active in my local fraternal and civic organizations, am playing catch up with bills from my business, have a brand new Harley I ride whenever the weather is nice, and have a girlfriend who seems to think I ought to spend at leat some of my time servicing her rather considerable sexual needs. The rest of the time, I browse the forums and enjoy getting to "know" some of the regular personalities here. LUL remains my favorite thread.
This thread has endured and evolved just fine for quite some time. Don't you think the pendulum will swing the other way on its own and this spammy trend will self correct without (semi) divine intervention?
Endured and evolved, to some. To others? Suffered and devolved. The only reason any of this came up is because RC made a new lounge thread in response to how... um... filled with unimportant stat-only spam this topic had become. If you hadn't notice, the topic grew by 100s and 100s of pages while you were in Iraq. A lot of people, such as myself, and other old regulars in this thread, basically bailed out because it became too quick, too pointless, and not interesting enough to hold our attention. The recent debate has only been in the interest of resurrecting some of the old magic of this thread. To many of us, the thread has gone downhill, not uphill (as your "evolved" term suggests).
I am not disputing the existance of a problem with LUL, I only questioned the proprosed "solutions" which to me, at least, weren't likely to make matters better. My use of the term "evolve" wasn't meant to suggest an improvement, only a change.
I simply suggested that the problem might very well self-correct without the need for drastic or dranconian measures.
But that's just an opinion of some, and thus debate and discussion were welcome and that was the whole point of things. If nothing changed in the thread, then fine. But a lot of people feel alienated by how this thread has changed, and I'm one of them. It's all fine and well for the people who're great with the thread to suggest that nothing's wrong with it, but that's just in regards to THEM, not to everyone.
Debate and dsicourse are healthy, and often needed; but you are NEVER going to please everyone.
I'm nobody (certainly not an all-powerful, thread-locking, ban stick wielding mod) but this is my 2 cents worth.
Worth what you paid for it, I guess.
Have fun kids. that is what this is supposed to be, isn't it?
Of course, but it's human nature to make everything more difficult than it has to be. You're a soldier, you got to experience that quite a lot, I'm sure. Anyway, welcome back to the States.
Indeed. I have also seen how often "solutions" end up making matters worse.
Thanks again for the welcome. It's good to be back, back home, and back at NG.
And as to this "kids" stuff, I hope you know there are two fellow forty-somethings in this topic along with you (bila and Recon). #;-}>
Hey, I still consider myself a kid at heart (which is why I love NG.)
You aren't suggesting that bila and Recon and I are geezers, are you? ;-)
Thanks again, gfox, you're one of the few who even remembered I'd been gone. :-)
I always enjoy you're posts, btw. Very thorough and thoughtful.