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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 02:52:14

At 5/6/05 02:41 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Congrats on UotD to....P-Bot?!?

Ha ha ha. Awesomeness. That is totally sweet.

:::takes his own screenie to add to his uber-1337 UOTD screenshot collection:::

So anyway... damnit, even with this topic growing slower than it used to, it's still like 7 pages since I last caught up and posted. I'll get to it this weekend, most likely, when I have much more time. In the meantime...

congrats to everyone on the nifty achievements... but most of all:

WOOT WOOT! New EGSC! Good job, Qwoxers!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 03:12:11

I just ranked up on my blam/protection i'm not very excited till the next rank which looks totally different.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 04:14:47

OY! I was heading to bed, but I decided to read at least the LAST page of this topic that I had posted on (1102, prior to posting in 1109 tonight)... and then I stumbled upon an old face (er... name) from the past!

At 3/30/05 03:30 PM, atricaudatus wrote: Well, after being away for over a year I got back online a few weeks ago and have finally made EG PFC.

I'm still not in the same league as the heavy hitters that frequent this thread, of course.

Back from Iraq,
MSG Atri

Holy crap. I just found out you're back from your tour of duty over a MONTH AFTER THE FACT. Sheesh. I guess the only topic you post in on Wi/Ht? nowadays is level up! I think you used to post in some of my list topics, though... ah, the good old days. It's been a long while since you bid us a temporary (though lengthy) farewell back in September of 2003.

So anyway, I only found the above post of yours when I noticed your post on page 1102 before going to bed:

At 4/30/05 12:16 AM, atricaudatus wrote: What a drama.
Yanno, when I first discovered the NG BBS, this thread was the first one I became interested in, and although I rarely have anything worth posting, I lurk here often. I have always found the regulars here to be more mature and intelligent and helpful on the whole.
This furor over the future of the LUL has been surreal.

Perhaps so.


This thread has endured and evolved just fine for quite some time. Don't you think the pendulum will swing the other way on its own and this spammy trend will self correct without (semi) divine intervention?

Endured and evolved, to some. To others? Suffered and devolved. The only reason any of this came up is because RC made a new lounge thread in response to how... um... filled with unimportant stat-only spam this topic had become. If you hadn't notice, the topic grew by 100s and 100s of pages while you were in Iraq. A lot of people, such as myself, and other old regulars in this thread, basically bailed out because it became too quick, too pointless, and not interesting enough to hold our attention. The recent debate has only been in the interest of resurrecting some of the old magic of this thread. To many of us, the thread has gone downhill, not uphill (as your "evolved" term suggests).

But that's just an opinion of some, and thus debate and discussion were welcome and that was the whole point of things. If nothing changed in the thread, then fine. But a lot of people feel alienated by how this thread has changed, and I'm one of them. It's all fine and well for the people who're great with the thread to suggest that nothing's wrong with it, but that's just in regards to THEM, not to everyone.

I'm nobody (certainly not an all-powerful, thread-locking, ban stick wielding mod) but this is my 2 cents worth.
Worth what you paid for it, I guess.

Have fun kids. that is what this is supposed to be, isn't it?

Of course, but it's human nature to make everything more difficult than it has to be. You're a soldier, you got to experience that quite a lot, I'm sure. Anyway, welcome back to the States.

And as to this "kids" stuff, I hope you know there are two fellow forty-somethings in this topic along with you (bila and Recon). #;-}>

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 04:25:08

And one last thing to reiterate a point more succinctly... I'll finish catching up in here tomorrow or Sunday, but:

At 4/30/05 01:38 PM, schneelocke wrote: You missed my point. It's not about "you're wrong and I'm right" or "I want you to apologize now" or anything like that - it's about feeling the need to interfere with something that works fine, is fun for those who participate in it, and doesn't bother anyone. And, what's worse, the need to interfere with it just for the sake of interfering, as opposed to interfering because there actually is a good reason.

RC's point, I believe, and certainly my perspective... is that while you and many other people in this thread think that for 100s of pages, the thread was "working fine," and was "fun for those who participate in it," and "doesn't bother anyone"... that doesn't make it so for everyone.

The simple fact is that you never noticed it bothering anyone because anyone it bothered, such as myself, was hardly ever anywhere near it. I avoided this thread like the plague at times because it was such a mammoth pain to catch up on, and catching up on it wasn't fun anymore. And skipping the catch up and just diving in wasn't fun either. No one person or group of people was responsible for that, it's just the way the thread was changing.

For awhile, if you recall (but it may have happened so long ago that you don't, or weren't even reading the thread back then), I would complain about how fast the thread was growing, and try to get people to post less often or longer posts so as not to make it grow by 4 pages per day, but to no avail. I ended up giving up and coming around maybe once a month at most.

Plenty of people, I'm sure, were fine with that. Others may have wished I would stick around. One thing's for certain: I wasn't as happy with the new way this topic was going that made me feel like participating less because I enjoyed it less and less. I just wasn't constantly popping in to yell about it. So... yeah. There ya go. #;-}>

As to RC's proposed list of guidelines for the topic and all... I haven't read it fully, nor have I read most of page 103 nor any of 104-108, so I'll get to that this weekend, but... I haven't really formed an opinion on any of it and don't know what's been discussed in here since then (since page 109 isn't about that topic at all), so I'll get up to speed soon. I don't think that restrictive written rules is necessarily the way to go, more just "principles of reducing spam" or something. Short, sweet, easy to agree to and follow. That'd be the best sort of guidelines.

Goodnight... for real... at last.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 04:38:48

War of the Portal - Part 4
9 - “The Power of Unsealing”

The King of the Portal laughed for joy as he looked upon the world. Soon, he thought to himself. Omega would be cause of all oblivion and the submission’s rebirth as the supreme race of this world. He looked upwards to stare at the billions of crimson threads that protected the heart, the centre of the world. It was the source of all his power and his children’s life. He felt the power of various seals present upon the world; five recent powers that would be a hassle. Yet he probably could destroy all of them at once if he wished for it to be. D0GMA was dead and Dobio too. All he had to do was the find the final demigod and stop him before he gained full power. The memories thousands of years ago still radiated in his head as he felt nostalgic for a brief second.

The gods spoke in Ancient tongue staring upon the thousands of Guardians of the world.
“You have no need of us anymore. We shall depart and let you live with one another. Our meaning here is non existent if we are to stay; your meanings will be purposeful if we leave.”

Those lines had confused the King for a while, but in the end, it had made sense. The Gods did not want to intervene in the Ancient’s lives, so they departed the world. The true meaning of life it seemed was for humans to serve under the power of submissions and obey all that they wished. The Gods departed the world as they knew this fate was inevitable. But they created a human comfort by creating three demigods to take their place. The Gods were fools as well. At once, he spoke without thought.

Vocare vis viris eminus mei pectus,” He paused as he raised his two hands as if asking for a blessing from the churning pink skies above him. "Vis viris vocare effringo omnis iam,” Yes, the King was going to break all seals that had been placed on the portal. The stronger seals prevented the more powerful submissions escaping and it was time to begin Omega. What else would be a better time? "Effringo meus intestinus universum!"

The world shooks as the billions of threads vibrated in their positions, having a life of their own. The lands roared as the threads soared upwards, breaking the hundreds of underground earth and structure that wingless submissions roamed upon. The threads poured upwards like a supreme power, moving towards the hundreds of seals that had been carefully placed throughout the world in the thousands of years. The threads touched the blue transparent seals that increased in power, resisting the energy of the threads. They groaned as the threads pushed harder in every spot. Each seal could not stand the strength of a million threads packed towards breaking one seal.

The sound of earth giving way caused gfoxcook to gasp as he ran towards the front door. The world shook violently as he gasped to see what lay on the doorstep before him.
“Is h-he really dead?” Blinked RedCircle as his awed face stared at the dead blooded body.
“Indeed his is,” gfoxcook said as he pulled the sword out of Dobio’s chest, which dissolved from his hands. “Only Dobio could use this…” gfoxcook grabbed the portal gem from his neck as he quickly slipped it in his pocket. He grunted as he stared at the crumbling world around him. Stamper summoned a protection spell to keep the area around them intact.

“Wh-What is this?” Tom_s00 looked around as the ground seemed to shake like a massive earthquake.
“Did Dobio really set a trap as powerful as this for death?” MPA growled as he stared at ramagi. “They will die for what they’ve done to him!”

The seals snapped like fragile stone as the threads pressed further onwards to the crust of the earth. Their last strength caused the earth to slightly rise as they all fell; disintegrating from all the energy they had used to break the seals in the first place. And it was done; the portal was unsealed.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 04:41:09

At 5/6/05 04:25 AM, gfoxclock wrote: As to RC's proposed list of guidelines for the topic and all... I haven't read it fully, nor have I read most of page 103 nor any of 104-108, so I'll get to that this weekend, but... I haven't really formed an opinion on any of it and don't know what's been discussed in here since then (since page 109 isn't about that topic at all), so I'll get up to speed soon. I don't think that restrictive written rules is necessarily the way to go, more just "principles of reducing spam" or something. Short, sweet, easy to agree to and follow. That'd be the best sort of guidelines.

Agreed. ^^ Cutting down on the noise probably wouldn't hurt, either, but I'm reluctant to think that limiting what achievements you can and can't post about would really be a good idea. I mean... sure, there should be *some* limit. "I just got 18419 blams" simply isn't a noteworthy achievement (even though it's more than most people have), but it's difficult to say where the line should be drawn, and I personally lean towards erring on the safe side, so to speak. In other words, when there's doubt, then an achievement should be allowed - the rules should only forbid something when one can explain the reasoning behind it.

Ah well, we'll all manage to find a working solution that satisfies everyone. ^_^


Congrats to:

BonusStage - 21000 blams, 7500 saves, 8888 posts
Foxphere - Elite Guard General
carmelhadinosaur - 1000 reviews
Melsith - Level 10
P-Bot - BBS user of the day (oh my ^^)
MaxR - Elite Guard Colonel

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 04:55:53

Made it to the Elite guard ranks....

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 08:03:23

I finally made it to the next rank (Elite Guard Major). Yay. ^^

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 10:34:53

At 5/6/05 04:55 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Made it to the Elite guard ranks....

Congrats i see you have gotten the hang of screenshots now : p

At 5/6/05 08:03 AM, schneelocke wrote: I finally made it to the next rank (Elite Guard Major). Yay. ^^

Big congrats i had no idea you were so highly ranked.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 10:39:17

At 5/6/05 04:38 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
9 - “The Power of Unsealing”

Another great addition to your story Alk. We can almost feel the ground shaking in this one, all it'd need is an apocalypse background music :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 10:39:23

At 5/5/05 03:27 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Wow, a whole day has passed since my last post and only two accomplishments?

I know. :S I thought I missed lots of people. :S

At 5/5/05 08:51 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Congrats to the_phantom_spancker for reaching level 18 and Afterburner for reaching level 19.

Two nices levels. Congrats to both of them.

Congrats to:

BonusStage - 8888 posts, 21000 blams, 7500 saves. If I was the god of NG, I would have the edit button on the BBS, even if I know there will never be one.
Foxphere - Elite Guard General. Be patient for the last badge.
carmlehadinosaur - Mentioning about his stats too much. >:(
Melsith - Level 10. Yay, the glove.
P-Bot - UOTD. I thought he was already UOTD or couldn't be able to get UOTD.
AnzRage - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel.
Frostbreath - Elite Guard Private.
schneelocke - Elite Guard Major. Nice, but you sig looks messed up. :S

Meh, other than stats, I had two injections yesterday. And I think both of them were strange. One didn't hurt, but can now. The other that did hurt at first, but not anymore. :S I really should trust eNurses and eNeedles rather than real life ones.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 10:49:05

At 5/6/05 10:39 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: P-Bot - UOTD. I thought he was already UOTD or couldn't be able to get UOTD.

A user can be selected for UOTD more than once, or any ammount of time for that matter. And as long as they have an account like P-Bot aparently does, they are eligable.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 11:00:02

At 5/6/05 10:49 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: A user can be selected for UOTD more than once, or any ammount of time for that matter. And as long as they have an account like P-Bot aparently does, they are eligable.

Yeah, but I thought P-Bot was just a robot. I didn't know he was able to become UOTD, but at least it's another familiar person to get UOTD rather than a random person. >:(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 11:09:31

At 5/6/05 10:34 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 5/6/05 04:55 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Made it to the Elite guard ranks....
Congrats i see you have gotten the hang of screenshots now : p

Yes i have :)

I'm surprised how easy it was, though :p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 13:14:25

6k blams.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 14:21:18

At 5/6/05 10:34 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Big congrats i had no idea you were so highly ranked.

Thanks. ^_^ But I don't think it's that high really yet, actually - I'm not in the top 50 or something like that.

At 5/6/05 10:39 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: schneelocke - Elite Guard Major. Nice, but you sig looks messed up. :S

Mmm, strange. o.O I just switched to one of Denvish's rotating 3D badges - maybe your browser still has the old picture cached? In that case, Shift-reloading should help. ^_^

I really do need a nicer signature picture, though. Now if only I had the skills to create one... ^_^

Meh, other than stats, I had two injections yesterday. And I think both of them were strange. One didn't hurt, but can now. The other that did hurt at first, but not anymore. :S I really should trust eNurses and eNeedles rather than real life ones.

If you get an injection, try to relax as much as possible - it usually does make it less painful. I'm not sure whether the advice really helps, since it's usually the prospect of pain that causes people to go tense, but... do give it a try. It really works.


Congrats to:

Frostbreath - Elite Guard Private
Tom_s00 - 6000 blams

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 14:55:25

how do you level up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 14:56:49

At 5/6/05 02:55 PM, firewall200 wrote: how do you level up

Take a look at this! Do this EVERYDAY!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 17:43:42

Congrats to:

-BonusStage: 8,888 Posts, 21,000 Blams. Close to 9,000 now, too.
-DRD1982: EG Captain. Huzzah for gold stripes.
-Foxphere: EG General. One star away now.
-Melsith: Lv 10. Blah blah not level nine anymore :P
-P-bot: UOTD. Pretty good for an automated bot.
-MaxR: EG Lieutenant Colonel. What's so different about the next rank? The one after that, now that's different.
-Alkador: Another update I'll (probably) read tomorrow. That is, if I don't forget.
-Frostbreath: EG Private. Nice.
-Tom_s00: 6,000 Blams. Awesome.

At 5/5/05 04:51 PM, BonusStage wrote: Like the 500 ... YOUR MOM OOOHHHHHH

Oh noes, I got pwned :(

I wish Bonus could get a sig of YuYuHakusho (blue, bowton (sp :( )), or Rurouni Kenshin (purple, Ms. Kaoru) but yeah i'm just jealous that i don't have sig skills :(

Haha, here you go.

Never watched YuYuHakusho, so this'll have to do. I think it turned out pretty well, except for the image at the left.

Nothing to report here, apart from the fact that Firefox be hatin' on me :(

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 17:44:30

Oh my... there are lots of level 18s and 19s. I feel so sad now. I'm only level 5.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 17:53:43

At 5/6/05 05:44 PM, YomamaStanks wrote: Oh my... there are lots of level 18s and 19s. I feel so sad now. I'm only level 5.

Don't. Everyone was level 5 at some point in their life. :)

At 5/6/05 05:10 PM, BonusStage wrote: You got points much faster than posts it seems

Yeah, that definitely.

why'd you not seem to post AT ALL before like 3 weeks ago when you began to post here :)

Why not... good question really. I never looked into the BBS at all until some time this year, and then followed the threads without posting for a while, too. *shrug* These days, though, I learned that most people here (in this forum, that is) are very nice (as opposed to the General forum, for example, where there seems to be an abundance of various kinds of less-than-nice people) and nice to talk to, and I also want to increase my post count a bit so I can eventually get triple-listed in the pentalist ^^ (of course, for now, I have to focus on getting listed at all first...)

At 5/6/05 05:43 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:

Waah, you forgot me. :P

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 18:31:53

At 5/6/05 06:23 PM, BonusStage wrote: A stat whore before a poster eh? :P

I guess so. ^^

hahaha well general is nice to people that go along like me, hahaha aka the types that push it XD, but stay in the rules ;)

Which rules? :) (Well, if you mean the general BBS rules, that's a given, of course)

hahaha at this rate you'll have gotten XP before posts, and have the blams and saves long before that XD

I already have the blams, and I'll have the saves before I have the XP. ^^ But I only can get 10 XP per day, while, on the other hand, there is no such limit for posts, so...

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 19:43:46

At 5/6/05 05:10 PM, BonusStage wrote: haha maybe one is the virus, and the other was the cure, just to fuck with you :) ... though i have NO IDEA which would do which, i'm too bored it seems ;D

O_O Okay...

So Mr. Dragon, any other exciting things happen to you recently? :P

Meh, AOL decide to fuck up twice! >:( But..I have something good, though. An impression of my Biology teacher! XD


At 5/6/05 07:32 PM, Level-Up-Lounger wrote: ~BonusStage~

I deposit for it :)

Is it me or are you hacking into people's accounts for the sake of depositing? :O

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 19:51:35

Ok, i've missed out on a ton of stuff with my constant bannings (though the one i just got off of i feel was kind of soft), and I just want to ask if this is still "level up", or is it just a lounge now..

or is it still a bit of both, like it always has been (i'm hoping for this answer).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:03:11

At 5/6/05 07:51 PM, j00bie wrote: Ok, i've missed out on a ton of stuff with my constant bannings (though the one i just got off of i feel was kind of soft), and I just want to ask if this is still "level up", or is it just a lounge now..

or is it still a bit of both, like it always has been (i'm hoping for this answer).

It is becoming more of a lounge but talk of stats is still very much welcome. I am so fucking glad you're back now though. Much <3

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:05:08

At 5/6/05 07:51 PM, j00bie wrote: Ok, i've missed out on a ton of stuff with my constant bannings (though the one i just got off of i feel was kind of soft), and I just want to ask if this is still "level up", or is it just a lounge now..

Why do you have to keep getting banned? :S

At 5/6/05 08:03 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: It is becoming more of a lounge but talk of stats is still very much welcome. I am so fucking glad you're back now though. Much <3

Yeah, I've tried not talking about stats 100% in my posts in this thread. I pretty much started that...today. :|

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:13:45

At 5/6/05 07:51 PM, j00bie wrote: Ok, i've missed out on a ton of stuff with my constant bannings (though the one i just got off of i feel was kind of soft), and I just want to ask if this is still "level up", or is it just a lounge now..

or is it still a bit of both, like it always has been (i'm hoping for this answer).

I thought the plan was to stop posting useless stats like 1,234 b/p points, level ups below level 9, whistle ranks (unless gold or deity), post counts, and clean up the spam as needed. I could be wrong though...

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:21:39

At 5/6/05 08:13 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I thought the plan was to stop posting useless stats like 1,234 b/p points, level ups below level 9, whistle ranks (unless gold or deity), post counts, and clean up the spam as needed. I could be wrong though...

I believe that the guidelines for stat posting are still under discussion. There have been many suggestions for them, but nothing concrete has been agreed upon. For now, I'm going to stick with major accomplishments only, just to be on the safe side.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:23:16

At 5/6/05 08:03 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: It is becoming more of a lounge but talk of stats is still very much welcome. I am so fucking glad you're back now though. Much <3


At 5/6/05 08:05 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Why do you have to keep getting banned? :S

in a sarcasticly emo thread, i posted the lyrics to "Crawling" by Linkin Park.
Now, despite the fact that it was a massive spam topic, people posting in all caps, etc.
Somehow.. i was the only one who managed to get banned (i know nobody else did because i asked one of the modddddddds if he/she thought my ban was soft ot not.. which he/she agreed that it was).

At 5/6/05 08:13 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I thought the plan was to stop posting useless stats like 1,234 b/p points, level ups below level 9, whistle ranks (unless gold or deity), post counts, and clean up the spam as needed. I could be wrong though...

Alright, that sounds much better then what it was before. Though i guess this is a few days late, i did manage to his 24000 bp points the other day, but was unable to post due to.... yea... what i said above.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 20:27:20

If non-NG stats are in the criteria now, I have an interesting one for you. I've been in 3 life threatening situations in the past month. Well, 2, the second one was really just a large inconvenience, not really life threatening.

First, I got hit by a car. I was not at fault, I was simply walking across the street when some guy decided to come from behind a bus and speed through a red light. I jumped before he hit me, broke through his windshield, then rolled off his hood and onto the pavement. A few cuts and bruises, but really not bad. Could have been much worse.

Secondly, I was out hacking in the sun too long and got sun stroke. Don't know why, but my body is messed like that and I always get it every year. Like I said, not life threatening, but still quite a pain in the ass.

Finally, while coming home from one of my classes, I was jumped by two guys. I had been sparring for like 45 minutes straight in my class, so my body was already pretty taxed. Luckily, I still had it in me to pull off some of my better moves (lol) and get away with no more than a cut and a few bruises. This one was pretty ugly. I broke the first guy's nose. Then the second guy got angry, pulled a knife, and managed to slice me through my jacket. Then I managed to break his arm and jaw, and took off. Luckily I caught a bus when I got to the street, but they were still on the ground when they left my sight.

Yep, at this point I'd almost entertain the thought that some higher power wants me dead. Yet, I still seem to have a little luck on my hands. My backpack took most of the abuse of going through the windshield, and my jacket proved to be quite difficult to cut through. It seems more likely this higher power is just fucking with me. Kinda like that one friend who would always push you and then grab you whenever you stood on the edge of a stair, or other.

Now to stay on topic, uh...I deposited yesterday for the first time in a long time. Go 10 experience points...