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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-04 20:43:12

At 5/2/05 05:14 PM, bila wrote:
At 5/2/05 03:42 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Congrats on level 23 and Happy Birthday bila! Give it a couple of weeks and I'll be having one of those "not so happy" days myself. It's good to see you posting again bud.
Wow, another birthday at YOUR age!!! (trying to convert years to metric) hmmm :(
Well happy birthday early, sonny !

Forget what I posted bila. My birthday isn't in April, it's in May. I'm not sure where my mind was when I wrote that.

At 5/4/05 09:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: FINALLY!!!

Congrats on reaching EGSC Qwoxyl. The obvious question is are you going to continue voting on the portal?

At 5/4/05 06:35 PM, -Myst- wrote: You're right, I just often forget which name goes with each game. I played Tales of Phantasia before playing ToS anyway.

'Phantasy Star' for the Sega Master System is the cart that got me hooked on RPG's.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-04 23:05:44

At 5/4/05 07:25 AM, -Lauren- wrote:
At 5/4/05 04:06 AM, The_Redangleknight wrote: how many accounts do you take care of.
8 if mine is included, 9-10 when 2 certain people want me to deposit :)

If I made an alt would you take good care of it for me.

At 5/4/05 08:33 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Did anyone see The Hitchhiker's Guide The Galaxy on BBC2 last night? I thought it was a bit shit really. :ok:

I am not going to be a fan of HGTG because I never heard of it before and I dont want to be a poser.

At 5/4/05 09:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: FINALLY!!!

You should stop at 30,002

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-04 23:36:42


Rank: Elite Guard Major
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 11,187 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 2,813 quality entries.

Your experience points gave you a voting power of 8.05 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 38% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 11.10 votes!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 01:35:54

Congratz to
Qwoxyl rank up
_lightning_ 10K EXP
PimpMasterKDOG rank up

Sort list for those that deserve it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 02:55:04

38% additional!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 03:38:29


God of War is the best game in the universe. Has anyone played it?

Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 10
Sound: 9
Story/Plot: 10 (+1) Sooooooo goooooooooooodd.
Violence: 10
Naked women: 2 (That's not a score) ;-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 04:45:15

At 5/4/05 08:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/2/05 05:14 PM, bila wrote:
At 5/2/05 03:42 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Congrats on level 23 and Happy Birthday bila! Give it a couple of weeks and I'll be having one of those "not so happy" days myself. It's good to see you posting again bud.
Wow, another birthday at YOUR age!!! (trying to convert years to metric) hmmm :(
Well happy birthday early, sonny !
Forget what I posted bila. My birthday isn't in April, it's in May. I'm not sure where my mind was when I wrote that.

You crazy old coot! You posted that IN MAY!
See what old age does to ya? You're already showing signs of being senile!!!
Check your old posts! You're almost as senile me? :P~~

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 07:18:57

At 5/4/05 05:37 PM, BonusStage wrote: Why yes, and on the account itself :P, but yeah thanks for the belated congrats ;)

MMmm. As I said, I must've overlooked it. Strange, but... oh well.

At 5/4/05 11:36 PM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote: Rank: Elite Guard Major

Congrats. (Darn, now you got ahead of me after all, though! ^^)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 09:26:23

At 5/4/05 09:37 AM, jonthomson wrote: Nice one. And the 10VP to boot as well, congrats.

Thank you, the 10VP made it that much more enjoyable.

At 5/4/05 10:39 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Qwoxyl - EGSC. Good, but have you stopped b/p ing? Also a congrats on your 10.00+ VP. :)

Thanks, I am going to keep b/p ing, but not as much, no need to until new ranks are added.

At 5/4/05 10:52 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats Qwox!!! you rock my world : P lol

Yay, I rock more than other people. Your happiness has completed my life, I am truely honoured by your words.

At 5/4/05 01:05 PM, NorwayClock wrote: Wow congrats on that. I'm about 300 away from the start of the blue badges.

Indeed you are, indeed you are. You'll only need to get 1500 points 19 more times after you rank up and then you can stop.

At 5/4/05 02:37 PM, -Myst- wrote: Wow, it's some major achievement dude! Err ... I mean your highness :P

And never forget it... I mean thanks.

At 5/4/05 03:00 PM, schneelocke wrote: Qwoxyl - EGSC (woot! ^^), >10 VP


At 5/4/05 03:38 PM, -Mazza- wrote: -Qwoxyl: EG Supreme Commander. Awesome! 23 now. Also congrats on 10.00 VP.

22 now (without getting more points than Nijsse), I even waited for it to update so I could get a screenshot.

At 5/4/05 04:30 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: The movie is related to the book... or am i confused?

Yes, the movie is related to the book (and you're also confused. Sorry, couldn't resist). I recommend reading the first book, as I liked it more than the second and I haven't read the other ones.

At 5/4/05 04:41 PM, -Lauren- wrote: Now there are 23, i wish SevenStar got his ass moving, ORRRRRRRR EK passed me, so somehow or another i could land 25th EGSC, but yeah if SS moved, and got it 24th, and i held of regulus, i'd have 25th EGSC ... ANNNDDD the 4th 04 EGSC ;D

Yes, having that would be sweet (so is having the 4th 03 EGSC, but you speedy people have made it less sweet). Seven used to move a lot faster, but he slowed down for some reason. But 25th is super sweet, people will be able to say for the first time literally that half the Top 50 are SCs.

At 5/4/05 08:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Congrats on reaching EGSC Qwoxyl. The obvious question is are you going to continue voting on the portal?

Yes, but not as much. Maybe I'll speed up when yaya stops, but there's no more bonuses, ranks or a lot of people to pass and less time to spend watching movies and playing games since I have to leave the house more often.

At 5/4/05 11:05 PM, The_Redangleknight wrote: You should stop at 30,002

A bit late for that, you'll have to ask one of the other people (or robot like people in some cases).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 10:24:44

Yes, but not as much. Maybe I'll speed up when yaya stops, but there's no more bonuses, ranks or a lot of people to pass and less time to spend watching movies and playing games since I have to leave the house more often.

Somehow I'm not sure if he's going to stop. I can't quite put my finger on it yet but I'm almost certain that YA-YA is an AI!!

Congrats on 10VP!! That looks really impressive.

I just Leveled up!! Now Lv 15!!!

I'm not certain how fast the Levels are increasing so it's possible that it may not stick tonight once HumanTarget deposits but it WILL Stick tomorrow once I deposit.

And as a bonus, I sould finally be able to update my little spinny rank symbol since I got Captain like a week or so ago.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 10:32:13

At 5/5/05 10:24 AM, DRD1982 wrote: I just Leveled up!! Now Lv 15!!!

Congrats, your only one away from everyones favourite now!!! still the chain is bad ass!!!

And as a bonus, I sould finally be able to update my little spinny rank symbol since I got Captain like a week or so ago.

Congrats ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 10:49:00

At 5/5/05 09:17 AM, Deeone wrote: maybe...

Maybe what?

At 5/5/05 10:24 AM, DRD1982 wrote: I just Leveled up!! Now Lv 15!!!


At 5/5/05 10:32 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats, your only one away from everyones favourite now!!! still the chain is bad ass!!!

Huh? ^^ For me at least, the level 16 icon is not my favourite. ^^

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 10:58:26

At 5/5/05 10:32 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Congrats, your only one away from everyones favourite now!!! still the chain is bad ass!!!

The Chain does look really cool I admit, but somehow I liked my old Lv 14 Lead Pipe a bit better. Maybe it's just me but I think one can do more damage with a pipe than a chain.

Lv 16 is a no-brainer though. How can anyone NOT love those Nunchucks???

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 11:36:45

Hey guys, I've seen something weird a minute ago when I was voting on the portal :

You gave this entry a 2, lowering its score from 5.0038 to 3.0138!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

What does it mean eh? :-\

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 11:49:10

At 5/4/05 09:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: FINALLY!!!

Congratz man! Another SC. Are you going to quit now too?
I'm wondering why you are ranked #22 and I #23. It's not fair! :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 12:02:38

YES! My last post in this thread didn't get deleted!

Congrats to:

PimpMasterKDOG - Elite Guard Major. 11.10 VP? Nice!
DRD1982 - Level 15. The chains, but neutral? BAH!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 12:07:55

At 5/5/05 11:36 AM, -Myst- wrote: Hey guys, I've seen something weird a minute ago when I was voting on the portal :

You gave this entry a 2, lowering its score from 5.0038 to 3.0138!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

What does it mean eh? :-\

Yeah it's quite common acctually, a few people have come to the wi/ht reporting this, the reason behind it, im not sure of.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 13:13:48

At 5/5/05 10:58 AM, DRD1982 wrote:
At 5/5/05 10:32 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Congrats, your only one away from everyones favourite now!!! still the chain is bad ass!!!
The Chain does look really cool I admit, but somehow I liked my old Lv 14 Lead Pipe a bit better. Maybe it's just me but I think one can do more damage with a pipe than a chain.

Lv 16 is a no-brainer though. How can anyone NOT love those Nunchucks???

I don't. But then, I really prefer the more "medieval" weapons, anyway (anything from level 17 on up). My personal favourite is the hammer really; or maybe the golden hammer, but since I have no chance at all to ever reach that one in my lifetime, I don't think about it much. ^_~

At 5/5/05 11:36 AM, -Myst- wrote: Hey guys, I've seen something weird a minute ago when I was voting on the portal :

You gave this entry a 2, lowering its score from 5.0038 to 3.0138!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

What does it mean eh? :-\

Oddities in the voting system. I asked about that in the General forum a while ago, but outside of a couple of accusations of having made up the whole thing (which really just shows that some people don't really know much about NG apparently ^^), nothing really came out of the discussion.

It's probably either rounding errors (C has problems in this regard sometimes, and I think PHP is sufficiently low-level to maybe get bitten by this as well), or maybe the portal adjusts votes by a small random amount (for whatever reason).

In any case, it's a known glitch, nothing to worry about.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 14:00:57

At 5/5/05 01:13 PM, schneelocke wrote: In any case, it's a known glitch, nothing to worry about.

We talked about it here and I think ShittyKitty and I pretty much nailed the issue head-on.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 15:27:34

Congrats to:

-PimpMasterKDOG: EG Major, +11.00 VP. Now for the golden leaf.
-DRD1982: Lv 15. I'll be reaching that one myself soon, too. Only 10 days or so left.

Wow, a whole day has passed since my last post and only two accomplishments?

At 5/4/05 04:41 PM, -Lauren- wrote: Yeah it is Lauren's account, BUT YOU MISSED SKETCH TOO *NOOEEEZZZ*

Haha, that was just because 500s suck ;)

Also you ARE in like ASM right :P, i mean for god sakes your sigs these days are only getting better and better :D.

Nah. I like making sigs every once in a while, but ASM would mean I'd have to make a lot of them.
Too lazy to do that :)

At 5/4/05 06:35 PM, -Myst- wrote: You're right, I just often forget which name goes with each game. I played Tales of Phantasia before playing ToS anyway. The battle system was already pretty original at that time, you can't block (but your character does it sometimes), but there wasn't any combos so you could easily defeat an average enemy just by hitting him non stop. The only part that pisses me is when you're on pegasius. The idea was good, but GOD IT'S SO HARD TO FIGHT ON IT dammit :P

Yeah, that part sucked. There were some enemies I just couldn't hit no matter how hard I tried, because you can't aim the stupid spear. That's why I hate airborne enemies, Cless just seems to jump when he feels like it :(
Instant kill/stone enemies are more annoying, though.

At 5/4/05 06:42 PM, jonthomson wrote: Wait, people play SNES games in other fashions?

Of course not, we all import them the hard way ;)

At 5/5/05 03:38 AM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: HOLY GOD

God of War is the best game in the universe. Has anyone played it?

No, but I've heard good things about it.

What kind of game is it, anyways? RPG? Action/Adventure?

Naked women: 2 (That's not a score) ;-)

Roffels, there's a magazine over here that would give that game 95% for that alone.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 17:32:45

At 5/5/05 02:00 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: We talked about it here and I think ShittyKitty and I pretty much nailed the issue head-on.

Thanks for the explanation.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 20:51:44

At 5/5/05 04:45 AM, bila wrote:
At 5/4/05 08:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Forget what I posted bila. My birthday isn't in April, it's in May. I'm not sure where my mind was when I wrote that.
You crazy old coot! You posted that IN MAY!

Yeah, yeah... I know. That's what scares me bila. It's like I went through a time warp or something. Either that or I've been smoking too much weed.

See what old age does to ya? You're already showing signs of being senile!!!

You know you're old if they've discontinued your blood type.

Check your old posts! You're almost as senile me? :P~~

* Growing Old *

First you forget names, then you forget faces.
Next you forget to pull up your zipper and finally... you forget to pull it down.

At 5/5/05 09:26 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
At 5/4/05 08:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Congrats on reaching EGSC Qwoxyl. The obvious question is are you going to continue voting on the portal?
Yes, but not as much. Maybe I'll speed up when yaya stops, but there's no more bonuses, ranks or a lot of people to pass and less time to spend watching movies and playing games since I have to leave the house more often.

I've got some major vacation time coming to me and I'm thinking the last two weeks in July and the first two weeks in August. Experience deposits aren't a problem for me but my blam/protect gains would definitely suffer. I'm not spending my vacation in front of a bloody monitor. Some people must have their computer hard-wired to their ass to get the points they get day after day.

Congrats to the_phantom_spancker for reaching level 18 and Afterburner for reaching level 19.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 21:06:54

Congrats to:

Qwoxyl - EGSC
DRD1982 - Level 15
BonusStage - Being a spammer (<3), 21k Blams, 7.5k Protects

So, I think it's time to upgrade my computer's memory. Just listening to music and having MSN and Avant Browser open at the same time takes up 90% of my memory :\ Where would be the best place to buy some more?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-05 23:17:42

Now that I have access to a computer that can do so, i finally updated my spinning badge symbol from 1st LT to Captain.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 00:26:54

Hurrah, I ranked up to Elite Guard General. Supreme Commander is calling out to me now. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 00:50:10

Congrats to KDOG for EG Major and 11+VP (damn you for having so much exp, it will take years for me to get that), and Bonus for 8,888 posts (spammmmmmer) and 21,000 blams. And congrats to the new EGG, Foxball/Infinity of circles.

At 5/5/05 10:24 AM, DRD1982 wrote: Yes, but not as much. Maybe I'll speed up when yaya stops,

Somehow I'm not sure if he's going to stop. I can't quite put my finger on it yet but I'm almost certain that YA-YA is an AI!!

Well he's very fast, has one review (which over 100 people do not like) and hasn't bragged about anything with a post (because he has no posts). How could AI not apply to him?

I just Leveled up!! Now Lv 15!!!

Congrats, getting rid of the pipe makes it all better.

And as a bonus, I sould finally be able to update my little spinny rank symbol since I got Captain like a week or so ago.

A late bonus, but those sigs are cool. I forgot where I could get them though, I want/need one.

At 5/5/05 11:49 AM, Nijsse wrote:
At 5/4/05 09:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: FINALLY!!!
Congratz man! Another SC. Are you going to quit now too?
I'm wondering why you are ranked #22 and I #23. It's not fair! :P

Probably when I get 10,000 saves I'll stop (that penta can't keep me off forever). And maybe the list puts the recently active person in front so inactive users are pushed down (because sign up date doesn't explain it).

At 5/5/05 04:51 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 5/5/05 09:26 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Yes, having that would be sweet (so is having the 4th 03 EGSC, but you speedy people have made it less sweet).
HHAHa you silly gooses are then olden folks :o, and SS stopped for World Of Warcraft, and now is like STUCK, but i want either/or/both 25th/4th 04 :(

Warcraft, completely understandable. SS is still moving (and might get there eventually), you just need to stay ahead of EK and your dream will come true. That or kill him, I mean it is THE 25th SC we're talking about.

At 5/5/05 08:51 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/5/05 09:26 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Yes, but not as much. Maybe I'll speed up when yaya stops, but there's no more bonuses, ranks or a lot of people to pass and less time to spend watching movies and playing games since I have to leave the house more often.
I've got some major vacation time coming to me and I'm thinking the last two weeks in July and the first two weeks in August. Experience deposits aren't a problem for me but my blam/protect gains would definitely suffer. I'm not spending my vacation in front of a bloody monitor. Some people must have their computer hard-wired to their ass to get the points they get day after day.

A month vacation, very nice. I wouldn't spend a vacation in front of a computer either, almost unbelievable that some people would waste their vacation like that. Hard-wired, that made my day. =)

Congrats to the_phantom_spancker for reaching level 18 and Afterburner for reaching level 19.

I didn't realise that, congrats to them.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 00:51:25

At 5/5/05 06:08 PM, BonusStage wrote: lots of stuff.

Calm down you goign to get a ban again >:)
I mean congratz.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 01:52:40

At 5/5/05 08:50 PM, BonusStage wrote: Well yeah, i've always cam whored a lot recently ... hahah well recent = today, i just found out how easy it was to take pictures with it, so i made sure to add a picture if it was necessary ;). Hey it's a lounge now right, i can speak of stuff like that ^.^.

I want also to use the cam, that I don't have. I want to take pictures of my dinosaurs :P
Oh and congrats on 1500 more!! :o

LASTLY (want to ensure a nice post since it's a double post :P) i found something today that was HILARIOUS, a response that was the whole tldr acronym, DAMN YOU BIG REVIEWS XD.

Haha, speaking of long reviews, I just made my longest review, that made my reviews count: 1000!!! (for the million time...)
Oh well, at least it's back to normal now, until some more reviews of mine will be deleted...

Anyways, check out how selfish I am!
Congrats to carmelhadinosaur for almost reaching 20450 b/p!
Congrats to me for almost reaching 5800 posts!
Congrats to carmel for almost reaching 8.5 posts per day!
Congrats to that israeli dude that always follows me around for almost reaching 14k blams!
Congrats to that LUL dinosaur for going from the 60th rank to the 59th in b/p, finally again!
Congrats to ruasonidahlemrac (im running out of ideas...) for having less than 500 more XP to level 16: July 16th, 2005.

Damn im selfish.. Am I even allowed to do that?
Bonus you said it's alright umm right? al

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 02:04:18

WOoot level up!
Got my boxing glove.

Next target: NGEG Private..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-06 02:41:42

Congrats on UotD to....P-Bot?!?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge