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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 00:09:01

At 4/29/05 10:52 PM, ramagi wrote: Brain = overloaded after Gfox and RC posts.

lol, you can't handle their multi-quoting style?

I anot goign to bother quoting from various posts.

I guess that's fine. It's preference.

/me sets all systems normal.

normal, wait... we're in a chatroom now? I hope not.

How about Beer all around.

yes please

Burry the hachets and that good stuff.

good stuff is good.

I got a job at a restaurant called.. Red Robin. So no more Mcdonalds for me!!! :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 00:16:29

What a drama.
Yanno, when I first discovered the NG BBS, this thread was the first one I became interested in, and although I rarely have anything worth posting, I lurk here often. I have always found the regulars here to be more mature and intelligent and helpful on the whole.
This furor over the future of the LUL has been surreal.
I agree (not that anyone cares what I think) that some of the posts lately have been a little "spammy;" but I am puzzled by the proposed "solutions."
RC mentioned new rules regulating what constitutes an appropriate stat to post here. OK, so once the cool-police decide what is postworthy, do you think that those who the new "rules" are aimed at will actually read them?
So, when some kid just entering nooberty posts "woot! i got my 333th blam!" (creating ONE spam post) he will be corrected by three regulars saying "nice, but you aren't allowed to post that sort of stat here." (plus 3 on the spam/counter spam o meter)
Immediately thereafter, Wootie Nooberty will post yet again: "WTF? why not?" (spam o meter now up to 5 total.)
Haven't you just exacerbated the very problem you were intending to solve?

This thread has endured and evolved just fine for quite some time. Don't you think the pendulum will swing the other way on its own and this spammy trend will self correct without (semi) divine intervention?

I'm nobody (certainly not an all-powerful, thread-locking, ban stick wielding mod) but this is my 2 cents worth.
Worth what you paid for it, I guess.

Have fun kids. that is what this is supposed to be, isn't it?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 00:23:57

1500 blams

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 01:01:02

At 4/30/05 12:09 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I got a job at a restaurant called.. Red Robin. So no more Mcdonalds for me!!! :)

Congrats on the new job YoinK. After a night of bar-hopping 4 of my buddies and I stopped at a local Red Robin for some much needed food. I ordered a huge plate of chicken wings and before the first wing reached my lips the bowl of blue cheese dip did a 9.5 backflip and ended up in my lap. Needless to say all my friends lost it. Kinda ruined the buzz I had going.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 01:36:41

Happy NG birthday MW, buy yourself a beer (or something with alcohol in it) and drink up.

At 4/29/05 06:49 PM, VanillaTemper wrote: I know this really isn't the place to ask but most of you guys have sweet names.....And Ive had alot of trouble finding a name I like for myself, so if you can could you please suggest a good and original name?

Unfortuantly, that post does not give us much to work from. In order for anyone to suggest a name, details are needed. I see you have a dark aura, you live in Canada, like A Clockwork Orange and you cannot describe yourself in 255 characters. From this info, your new name is now DarkCandianOrange255Plus. Enjoy.

At 4/29/05 06:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: 24 days til I finally reach level 24. OMG!

Yay, I haven't seen you leveled up since... the last time you leveled up. You also get rid of the toothpick and get a better weapon. The new job you got that 'allows' some other poor soul to work at McDonald's sounds interesting, I'm glad you have a better place to work now, a real resturant.

At 4/29/05 09:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/29/05 04:19 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
6 - “The Last Ancient”
“But Dobio is still alive…” Eldarion said, cradling his broken arm from Rat’s attack.
I knew it. We'll never be able to kill Dobio unless one of us sacrifices themselves in the process. I nominate Qwoxyl.

Hey! There are plently of other people who can die. Besides, I'm too young to die, even in fiction.

At 4/29/05 08:07 PM, Forte_EXE wrote: Ok, the following happened to me today:

1. I leveled up; I'm now Level 10

Congrats, the first large gap is behind you. There are about 20 others in front of you, but the time will appear to pass quicker.

2. My first 'Awesome Score' submission (meaning it was highlighted in blue in the portal), The Betrayal of X, passed and is residing on the Portal front page right now. Catch it before it disappears!

It's only 23rd in the list, meaning it's not disappearing for several hours. But it's still blue, so good work.

At 4/29/05 09:41 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: Things that are just starting to get spammy:

Multiples of less than 1,000 (i.e. 995 Exp)

The people with a last digit other than zero aren't going to like you if they take that literally. But I agree that most achievements that aren't 1000xN aren't cool either.

X number of days before you level up, rank up, get a cool number. Those are too spammy.

Agreed, everyone can say something like that, I'm so glad they don't.

Things that I'm undecided on:
Posting only a level up (i.e. "Just hit level 13" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?
Posting only a b/p rank-up (i.e. "Just got EGPFC" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?

If it's a high level, it doesn't happen often and most people going to congratulate them anyway (and they know it, so they might think writing something special is pointless at the moment they get it and might choose to waffle on later). For the lower ones (and we might have a bunch of chains to look forward to in the future, mine included), something else should be written.

Posting only a cool number (i.e. "Just got 2,000 blams" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?

No, cool numbers can appear in a variety of ways (blams, saves, b/s, posts, etc), meaning it would be easy for 5 or more cool numbers to be posted in one day. We cannot have 5 extremely short posts every day and since they're easier to get then the main milestones, the posters should add some conversation to the lounge.

And yes, I forgive you for what you said.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 02:57:42

Hey all, I'm sure you've forgotten who I am by now. :P Stopping by since I see most everything has been straightened out I think. It seems my thoughts were right about that whole 2 separate lounges thing. Was just waiting for that to pan out. I don't mind the new name, it'd prevent new people from stopping by to post ranks and regulars could casually integrate important accomplishments into their posts here instead of it JUST being posting your achievement here. That's sounds good to me but whatever. RC, do you plan on e-mailing what I e-mailed you? o_O Slacker. )_:< I made it into the top 70 b/pers the other day by skipping from 71 to 69. Very nice right there, took forever. So now I'm starting to inch in onto the top 50 which should be obtained sometime this year I hope. Pretty close to a badge rank up and could have been there a few days ago except for my weird happenings on Thursday AND Friday night that prevented me. Saturday and Sunday may not offer enough time either. -_-;; And yes, I'm the one monitoring randyrandy for those who were oblivious to the whole thing. And I'm still never ever making it to 4.000 PPD. [-: </end Kiba update> :D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 03:38:35

I have a REALLY dumb question. For the longest time i've been only in need of logging 50 exp points to level up. This has happened from lvl 1-8, now that I'm lvl 9 it says i need 911 exp points to get to lvl 10.

if this is the case is each movie I vote on still worth only 2 exp points or do the point value increase for the movies/games i view????

if this is true then by my calculations it will take.... 92 days to level UP??!??!?!?!?

please say it isn't so... :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 03:39:50

11,000 blams O_0 for me thats alot of work since im very lazy and blamming and saving hehe...

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 11,000 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 7,443 quality entries.

Now if only this 59 exp will kick in till lvl 19...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 03:43:33

wats the point of lvl ing up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 04:00:15

At 4/30/05 03:43 AM, FrozenDarkness wrote: wats the point of lvl ing up

To increase voting power (how much your vote is worth when voting on flash submissions) and to show how often you go to the flash portal. Some people have been coming for years (which gives them a little more respect) and an easy way to guess how long some one has been coming is to divide the amount of experience points he has by 10 (although you have to take into account the extra exp for making a profile and things that used to exist to get extra exp).

At 4/30/05 03:38 AM, PHANTOMLORD wrote: if this is the case is each movie I vote on still worth only 2 exp points or do the point value increase for the movies/games i view????

Still worth 2, 10 max per day.

if this is true then by my calculations it will take.... 92 days to level UP??!??!?!?!?

Actually, a bit longer, the top exp user will widen the gap between levels every time he deposits, which he shows no sign of stopping. Sorry I didn't lie to you.

At 4/30/05 03:39 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 11,000 blams O_0 for me thats alot of work since im very lazy and blamming and saving hehe...

Congrats ~X~, your laziness gradually rewards you, I mean great work.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 04:44:01

My head hurts. I think it's safe and as I promised to RedCircle, 7.00 Voting Power. I don't post my stat achievements (3000 was only noticed by Master_Inuyasha which I didn't mention).

At 4/29/05 10:29 AM, -Myst- wrote: Oh, and great episode Alkador, I really liked this one (can't explain why though, hehe). But I think I've missed one, in which episode does the submissions destroy a mountain?

That's great, as the story is going to get better from now on. If you ever miss a chapter, just go to my website (www.jfsoftware.com/wotp) and make sure you've read some of those. I should add you on MSN as it would be good to have a talk with a person like you. And as for the mountain, I left that part out for a reason and you'll see why.

At 4/29/05 06:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: 24 days til I finally reach level 24. OMG!

Damnit...I was talking about you last night to RedCircle last night. I think I'm going to have to change some things.

At 4/29/05 09:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
“But Dobio is still alive…” Eldarion said, cradling his broken arm from Rat’s attack.
I knew it. We'll never be able to kill Dobio unless one of us sacrifices themselves in the process. I nominate Qwoxyl.

I'll leave that for you to interpret. I'll just add that Eldarion was not present when the King killed Dobio. But the idea of Qwoxyl sounds fantastic. An avenger leads one to the dark side.

At 4/29/05 09:41 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: I'm very sorry people. After reading my "Important News" post, I realized that my point was botched. Remind me not to post Important News when I'm almost half asleep.

Now it seems to make sense. I think I was not really taking much notice last night, making comments such as 'hmm' and 'hrm' and 'yeah'. I'm glad things have turned out the way they have, but I will wait for other people's comments too. You also have the issue of what Myst_William said last night, in regards to people who have not read this page (or the last).

At 4/30/05 01:36 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Hey! There are plently of other people who can die. Besides, I'm too young to die, even in fiction.

Then who do you suggest should die? Maybe we should have a poll: Who should die? Just joking, I'm going to having a random generator decide who...dies this Part because I've grown too kind come of recent.

Anyway, how are people feeling on a day such as this? It's been a particularly grey day and I spent most of it sleeping.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 05:42:47

Well from my vaction I got lots of b/p didn't get my gold bar. But have nifty saves see two paragraphs down.

At 4/29/05 09:41 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: What I feel should be acceptable for posting stats-wise is this:
If you reach a cool number like 1337, or 6666/2222/etc...that's also cool.

What about consecuive numbers they are cool. e.g. SAVESAssisted in the protection of 3,210 quality entries. [Please note I have a screen shot of that but if I post the pic would I be flamed or punished, me thinks.

Ok after going through i.e. breifly reading gfox and RC posts I jumped to the conculsion that RC made a mistake and apologies for it. So if we post look I got 4,300 blams thats spam you guys dont want it. I think so fucking what come back when you get 4,444 blams.

Ok since my last visit I will congratulate the last two pages.
That-Is-Bull happy birthday and one day late.
Myst_Williams happy first birthday.
Yoinks new jawb.
~X~ 11,000 blams
Alkador 7.00 VP

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 06:02:09

War of the Portal - Part 4
7 - “The Rising”
Interesting note: Geminus is Latin for double. The Geminus lords represent the two submissions that have the greatest power in the world. Geminus is similar to that of Gemini, the two sisters.

“What the hell happened here?” ReconRebel roared, stepping into the house of destruction, closely tagging Stamper and Alkador behind him.
“You remember that rat we met in the city?” Afterburner said as he glanced to the_phantom_spancker and _lightning_ in particular.
“What about him?” Asked Denvish, who had heard the amusing tale.
“He came back to avenge us for Dobio’s death. I don’t understand.” Crono- said slowly, looking at the new person with an inquisitive look. “And who’s he?”
“Let’s get everyone together and talk about.” Suggested gfoxcook.

The eighteen of the group including Stamper moved themselves in the lounge. A huge hole was present in the ceiling where crumbs of black ash littered the floor. Everyone quickly proceeded to the couches, removing any form of stain they might risk sitting on.
“Is everyone here?” Asked Denvish as everyone nodded. “Let us proceed.”

RedCircle sighed as he looked out the window, noticing that the sky was gradually turning grey; a sign of late winter.
“I hope the others get back soon.” He said, wondering if the portal stones Alkador had mentioned really existed. Most likely not.
The ground suddenly shook as carmelhadinosaur entered the room, confused by the strange shockwave.
“What was that?” He asked as he looked around him and glancing at RedCircle as if he had the answers.
“It was me.” Said a voice behind them. They turned to face the source of sound, RedCircle gasping as he saw the familiar face.
The rat charged to him as he grabbed RedCircle’s hair, pulling them all out at one. He grabbed RedCircle by the legs and spun him around the room at incredible speed, throwing him to the wall and releasing a ball of ice that scarred his skin.
Gasping for air, RedCircle convulsed as he stared at the rat in fear. The illusion had caused him to fall as he shook in a state of shock.
carmelhadinosaur stared at rat feeling a burning rage. “Who are you?”
“You may call me Rat,” He said while stroking his whiskers. His voice boomed. “You will die for Dobio’s death!” Charging to the boy, Rat threw his fist causing carmelhadinosaur to fly towards the wall. A roar of hope echoed behind Rat as Eldarion charged with his with knuckle duster. Rat grinned as he caught Eldarion’s right arm, laughing manically.
“You are foolish; you will die!” He laughed as he squeezed as tight as he could, in bliss with Eldarion’s screams of agony. The sounds of two cracks tingled throughout the room as Rat stared at Eldarion with a grin.
“M-my arm!” Eldarion cried as Rat forced his foot on Eldarion’s chest, causing him to fly towards another wall. Rat laughed as he summoned bolts of lightning which began to destroy the house.

“And then I came in,” Muttered Inuzuka-Kiba, staring at Eldarion’s arm. He told the rest of the tale as gfoxcook nodded.
“It’s our turn now.”

The room shock as the group looked around in shock. Without hesitation, the group followed ReconRebel and gfoxcook, who continued to attempt to carry as many portal stones as they could. The ceiling above them gave way as huge submission giants came crashing down, roaring at the group. They spat circular discs of plasma as the group quickly reached the dead end, glancing up at the hole a few feet above them.
No!” Roared Stamper as they all suddenly floated upwards. A thunder crack burst behind them as they stared at the mountain, which had a deep scar on its side. More began to develop as they ran on, submission giants bursting out of the ground throwing creations of the Power at them. Stamper turned to face the ambush.
Casus!” The ground before them erupted giving way to a black abyss as they turned again, quickly proceeding towards the roflcopter, ignoring the remaining submission giant behind them.

“That’s how it was.” Said gfoxcook as he glanced at the group.
Stamper stood up as he looked at the house and the group. “I will help.” The others smiled at him as he muttered ancient words. gfoxcook raised his head quickly as he understood some of the words. Eldarion gasped as the pain from his arm vanished and the house around them began to morph. Cracks and broken walls healed as the hole in the ceiling vanished. Small pieces of debris and charred carpet faded away as Stamper finished, looking at the others. He had no need to speak.
“Gratias.” Said Alkador, having no need to translate such a word.

The King of the Portal smiled as he held Dobio’s body firm in his arms, looking at the white mansion before him. These are the ones that fought against my brother; let them grow in fear. Then I shall kill them. He placed Dobio’s body against the doorstep as he took out the golden blade from Dobio’s pocket. He smiled as he stared at the intricate design, a power of the submission Ancients. He growled as he thrust it in the dead man’s chest, feeling the pain of the man’s heart. Dobio nearly destroyed us; but his human personification prevented him from doing so. The King of the Portal grinned as he stood up, having no need to stay around any longer. He thought for a second of taking the dark ‘Heart of the Portal’ fragment on Dobio’s neck, but he had no need of making the times ahead of him less boring.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 06:57:36

At 4/29/05 09:41 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: Authority is really not the issue...and I'm really not trying to use it at all at this point. I respect all the people in this forum much more than the mods and admins. My original point wasn't worded correctly, so hopefully after reading this post, you will understand what my original intention was. =)

Ok i understand you now, an does this mean the name will stay the same here? surely there is no reason to change it now.

Also im in favour of your "congrats worthy" boundrys, i have been going by them for a while now myself, i will rarely congratulate somebody who have lot's of 2's and 4's in their profile as i don't really see this as an achivement just a conicidense.

Thanks for clearing everything up Red.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 10:50:06

Congrats to Myst_Williams for his 3rd NG birthday (O_O wow, I thought you were a newish user), That-Is-Bull for his 1st NG Birthday, ~X~ for 11,000 blams, KIBA for #70 B/P rank and Alkador for 7.00 VP.

Thanks to Tom_s00 and schneelocke :D (no <3 for you >:D)

At 4/29/05 10:29 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: Heh, it's always been like that Eld. Back a few months ago, people used to post in the list topics regularily (when the lists were active).

Yeah, but there's a difference between discussing list updates in several threads and posting short achievement posts in several threads, I think. There should only be one place for that: here.

The LUL can't be a jack of all trades and a master of none. If you go back to the old LUL, you have just that, a discussion thread and an achievement thread, but IT DOESN'T WORK. When anyone tries to start a conversation, it gets washed away in a torrent of screenshots and congrats lists.
If there were limils on what people can and can't post in the LUL, then it would work.

Yeah, I like the sound of your new rules. But you need EVERY ONE no matter their reputation, power or whatever, to follow those rules.

Therefore, the only solution in my eyes is to have BOTH a lounge for stat posts/stat discussion, AND a lounge for general chat. Reinstate the old LUL minus the general chat and unlock the TOLTRTA thread.
Unfortunately, keeping them both open will result in one of them being locked. It just can't happen. I'm sorry, but since the LUL is the more important lounge, we will just have to keep it less spammy, and more on topic (with the occasional rank-up/achievement).

Hmm, no one can be certain what would happen with both lounges open, but I'll give this thread a chance. It didn't give me much hope to see achievements and congrats lists posted after your 'don't post achievements anymore' IMPORTANT NEWS post, though. I can see those rules being posted several times before everyone gets the point.

I realise my input is nowhere near as valued around here as that of RedCircle, Denvish, gfox, etc, but if you read all of this, I thank you. I'd appreciate any comments, or whatever.
You know your opinion counts with me, Mike. Even if you're on the other side of the tracks.

Thanks a lot Mike, for taking the time to read my post, and replying. Now, let's see if this place can be conversation friendly and non-spammy in the future :)

At 4/29/05 06:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: 24 days til I finally reach level 24. OMG!
You're almost there Vince. Keep it up dude =)

I know Level 24 is a huge achievement, but YoinK should be waiting till he gets it, then posting. That has always been one of the unwritten rules around here. Don't encourage him RC :P

At 4/29/05 09:41 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: Things that I'm undecided on:

Posting only a level up (i.e. "Just hit level 13" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?
Posting only a b/p rank-up (i.e. "Just got EGPFC" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?
Posting only a cool number (i.e. "Just got 2,000 blams" End of post.) Should that be acceptable?

I don't think we should worry about the way achievements are posted, but the achievements themselves. Since all of those examples are good achievements that take a lot of time to gain, they won't be seen that often, so a few short posts wouldn't hurt. The rest of your suggestions seem good to me. I've made an attempt to expand them though, and add some more detail to them:

OK, here's my suggested list of rules for the LUL, it's basically RC's list with more detail, and some additions, including Bonus'.


Proposed LUL Rules

Achievements that would be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Level Ups from LV 10 and upwards.
- Blam/Protect Rank Ups from Police Captain (1000 b/p) and upwards.
- Multiples of 1,000 in EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P.
- Cool numbers in EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P, e.g. 1,111, 1,337, 8,888 etc.
- NG Birthdays.
- Real Life Birthdays.
- Gold or Diety whistle.
- Multiples of 1000 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are above 1,000.
- Multiples of 100 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are between 100 and 1,000.
- Multiples of 10 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are less than 100.
- Voting Power numbers that are integers, i.e. 5.00.

Achievements that would NOT be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Level Ups from LV 2 - 9.
- Blam/Protect Rank Ups from Security Guard to Police Officer.
- EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P achievements that are not multiples of 1,000.
- Numbers for EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P like 1,234, 4,321, 1,212, 17,777, 1,555 etc. They're nifty, but far too common >:(
- Bronze or Silver whistle.
- EXP or B/P rank numbers that aren't included in the 3 rules above.
- Voting Power numbers that aren't integers, i.e. 5.04.
- Any posts achievement. Really, post count is a shitty stat, and one that shouldn't be held up alongside B/P, EXP, etc.
- Any post that relates to a level up in the future. No one cares if you need 555 EXP points to reach the next level or if you have 20 days left till Level Up. WAIT TILL YOU REACH THAT LEVEL, and then post about it.

Congrats stuff that would be acceptable:
- Posting specific congrats, e.g. User - EG General
- posting congrats about anything in the
- congrats lists that aren't too out of date. If you've been gone for days, just congratulate the latest achievers.
- Posting a congrats list and putting 'and anyone else I missed' at the end.

Congrats stuff that wouldn't be acceptable:
- posting generic congrats, e.g. User - rank up
- copying the congrats lists of others
- generic 'congrats to everyone who achieved anything' posts

NOTE: If you get something like a Level Up and happen to have 1,200 blams at the same time, please just mention the Level Up. In other words, crappy achievements shouldn't be justified just because they happen at the same time as a good achievement.


Maybe I've gone into too much detail, especially on the Rank # rules, for these to be followed correctly. But then, isn't that what we need, a clear set of guidelines/rules? I dunno. Comments/Additions/Disagreements, please.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 12:14:16

At 4/30/05 01:36 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Happy NG birthday MW, buy yourself a beer (or something with alcohol in it) and drink up.

Thanks! I can't buy myself a beer, but I think its a worthy occasion to bring out whats left of last weekends stash. : )

At 4/30/05 05:42 AM, The_Redangleknight wrote: Myst_Williams happy first birthday.

3rd actually : ) thanks!

At 4/30/05 10:27 AM, BonusOfHades wrote:
At 4/30/05 05:42 AM, The_Redangleknight wrote: Myst_Williams happy first birthday.
3rd ;)

Merci, P.S. I like the name. ; )

At 4/30/05 10:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: Congrats to Myst_Williams for his 3rd NG birthday


(O_O wow, I thought you were a newish user)

To the BBS yes. I have been apart of Ng for ages, but was never really al lthat dedicated and would visit/deposit once a week when i was absolutely bored. I am still a newbie to the forums though.

Proposed LUL Rules

Achievements that would be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Level Ups from LV 10 and upwards.

I think any level is a viable achievement, even the smaller once. Unless it is an alt, but for actualy newcomers, leveling up (even small) is an achievment on its own as they gradually become more and more dedicated.

- Blam/Protect Rank Ups from Police Captain (1000 b/p) and upwards.

I think that is fair.

- Multiples of 1,000 in EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P.

Yes, i had the 500's... lets keep it to intervels of 1000.

- Cool numbers in EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P, e.g. 1,111, 1,337, 8,888 etc.

lol! We can't ignore them, but hopefully people do not get out of hand with that.

- NG Birthdays.
- Real Life Birthdays.

I think that is a good idea.

- Gold or Diety whistle.

Well, I dunno, when i got Silver i was pretty pumped... i think it is a viable achievment.

- Multiples of 1000 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are above 1,000.
- Multiples of 100 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are between 100 and 1,000.
- Multiples of 10 in EXP or B/P rank for #'s that are less than 100.
- Voting Power numbers that are integers, i.e. 5.00.

I think those all seem fair.

Achievements that would NOT be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Numbers for EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P like 1,234, 4,321, 1,212, 17,777, 1,555 etc. They're nifty, but far too common >:(

thank god, get rid of those.

- Bronze or Silver whistle.

I am still iffy about that. Silver was big for me... Gold is nearly impossible.

- Any posts achievement. Really, post count is a shitty stat, and one that shouldn't be held up alongside B/P, EXP, etc.

ahh, damn, i look forward to those 1000, 2000, 3000 (and soon coming) 4000 post achievments, but it sounds fair to me. They are goals you do not want people striving for (spamming).

- Any post that relates to a level up in the future. No one cares if you need 555 EXP points to reach the next level or if you have 20 days left till Level Up. WAIT TILL YOU REACH THAT LEVEL, and then post about it.

Fair enough. I think that that got out of hand as well.

Congrats stuff that would be acceptable:
- Posting specific congrats, e.g. User - EG General
- posting congrats about anything in the
- congrats lists that aren't too out of date. If you've been gone for days, just congratulate the latest achievers.

Ahh, see i like that. Ialways felt bad for missing people and would go al lthe way back. Now i have an excuse not to. : )

- Posting a congrats list and putting 'and anyone else I missed' at the end.

lol! Damn. : ) But sometimes you miss people by accident.

NOTE: If you get something like a Level Up and happen to have 1,200 blams at the same time, please just mention the Level Up. In other words, crappy achievements shouldn't be justified just because they happen at the same time as a good achievement.

I agree with that also.


Maybe I've gone into too much detail, especially on the Rank # rules, for these to be followed correctly. But then, isn't that what we need, a clear set of guidelines/rules? I dunno. Comments/Additions/Disagreements, please.

I think it is pretty good except a few things like level and whistle. If it is an alt account then it should not be expressed as an achievment, that user has had the glory on another account already, but for actual newcomers they are actual achievments that feel pretty good and lead them up to the bigger achievments. If tehy can't feel good about small achievments, they may never strive for the big ones.

My opinion.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 13:08:57

Finally achieved Top 1000 in both experience and blams/protects. Started off at like, sub 2000 a month ago. :/

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 13:38:29

At 4/29/05 09:42 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: You've never been wrong on something? Well, I'm sorry. There, you've made a mod apoligize to you personally. Feel better?

You missed my point. It's not about "you're wrong and I'm right" or "I want you to apologize now" or anything like that - it's about feeling the need to interfere with something that works fine, is fun for those who participate in it, and doesn't bother anyone. And, what's worse, the need to interfere with it just for the sake of interfering, as opposed to interfering because there actually is a good reason.

And of course, I've been wrong on countless things in my life, and I've been critiziced for it, sometimes in a very vocal manner - and in those cases where I spouted complete nonsense, it was deserved, too. I do apologize if you felt it was too harsh (it wasn't my intention to make it seem like a personal attack), but sometimes, a verbal bitch-slap is much more effective than anything else.

Oh well.

At 4/30/05 10:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: Thanks to Tom_s00 and schneelocke :D (no <3 for you >:D)

Meanie. :)

Achievements that would NOT be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Level Ups from LV 2 - 9.

I think level 9 at least should be acceptable - that's what many people seem to perceive as the end of the "noob" levels.

- Blam/Protect Rank Ups from Security Guard to Police Officer.

Police Officer should also be acceptable.

- Any posts achievement. Really, post count is a shitty stat, and one that shouldn't be held up alongside B/P, EXP, etc.

I think that's not a good rule, either. Interesting numbers should still be post-able - just like interesting numbers of blams, saves, points, XP and so on.

- Any post that relates to a level up in the future. No one cares if you need 555 EXP points to reach the next level or if you have 20 days left till Level Up. WAIT TILL YOU REACH THAT LEVEL, and then post about it.

That sounds reasonable.

Congrats stuff that would be acceptable:
- Posting specific congrats, e.g. User - EG General

Congrats stuff that wouldn't be acceptable:
- posting generic congrats, e.g. User - rank up

Where's the real difference between these things? Sure, you're not as specific when you just say "rank up" instead of naming the new rank, but that's a pretty small difference to base (un)acceptability on.

- generic 'congrats to everyone who achieved anything' posts
NOTE: If you get something like a Level Up and happen to have 1,200 blams at the same time, please just mention the Level Up. In other words, crappy achievements shouldn't be justified just because they happen at the same time as a good achievement.

What counts as crappy, though? 1200 blams are not really that noteworthy in themselves, so they probably wouldn't deserve a post of their own, but if you're already making a post, anyway, why shouldn't you be allowed to include "minor" achievements like that?

"Minor" in the sense of "interesting numbers that are not quite interesting enough to deserve a post of their own, but still somewhat interesting". I.e., 1200 would probably be a minor achievement; 1836 would not be. I personally also think that 1200 is more noteworthy than, say, 10200; when you already have 10000 points in any stat, then another 200 more isn't really much of a difference, but if you "only" have 1000, then it's a bigger accomplishment really.

Maybe I've gone into too much detail, especially on the Rank # rules, for these to be followed correctly. But then, isn't that what we need, a clear set of guidelines/rules? I dunno. Comments/Additions/Disagreements, please.

I think overall, the rules look quite OK. One thing I'm wondering about, though, is the following: why is there a need for rules at all? The topic is quite fine the way it is currently, after all, and the rules seem to be written in a way that would mean that more or less everything that's being posted now would still be allowed, too. Why establish rules if they ultimately boil down to a no-op?

Congrats to:

Myst_Williams - NG birthday
Forte_EXE - Level 10, frontpaging ^^
-Osaka- - 1500 blams, top 1000 XP users, top 1000 b/p users
YoinK_VineS - new job ^_~
Inuzuka-Kiba - top 70 b/p users
XwaynecoltX - 11000 blams
Alkador - 7.00 VP

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 14:17:48

Myst_Williams - NG birthday



I was thinking, if phantom_spanker agrees, maybe w should have a mod add on the rules to the end of the first post so we can just send the newcomers to the first page, mods can edit posts right? Maybe no. Just an idea once we get it all laid out.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 14:40:45

At 4/30/05 02:17 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I was thinking, if phantom_spanker agrees, maybe w should have a mod add on the rules to the end of the first post so we can just send the newcomers to the first page, mods can edit posts right? Maybe no. Just an idea once we get it all laid out.

Thats an extremly good idea, but not even mods have the power to edit posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 14:49:12

At 4/30/05 02:40 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Thats an extremly good idea, but not even mods have the power to edit posts.

Oh well, once we get it set up, maybe someone can ask LilJim to just add it in there for us. I am sure he would take a second to do that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 16:04:13

Congrats to:

-That-Is-Bull: Happy birthday! What a coincidence, it was one of my friend's birthdays today too.
-Forte_EXE: Lv 10, Blue Score. I suck at flash, the best I ever got(Long, long ago) was red, right before blamnation :)
-Osaka-: 1,500 Blams. Nice.
~X~: 11,000 Blams. Awesome.
-Alkador: 7.00 VP. Great.

At 4/29/05 02:24 PM, -Myst- wrote: (uh, btw, even if I quoted Mazza's post, it's DOH and gfox I was talking too. Sorry for the double-posting XP )

Aw :(

I thought someone finally wanted to be my friend :(

At 4/30/05 03:43 AM, FrozenDarkness wrote: wats the point of lvl ing up

The higher your level is, the longer your e-penis gets.

At 4/30/05 10:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: - Numbers for EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P like 1,234, 4,321, 1,212, 17,777, 1,555 etc. They're nifty, but far too common >:(

I don't see what's wrong with 4,321 and 1,234 points, they're not that common. I agree on the others, though.

Anyways, I'm glad the LUL isn't changing after all, except for the proposed rules, wich are a good idea. It's a bit annoying to see posts like 'I just reached Safety Patrol' or whatever, since there are thousands of people with that same rank.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 16:39:51

Heh, I never thought of using the old computer to go on the internet until last night, my sister decides to use Dial-up to go on the internet. However, I have to pay 1p a minute for dial-up, so it's only one hour on the internet a day, but I might not have to worry since the comuter might be back tomorrow. If not, then I will pay an extra 60p to go on the internet tomorrow.

The reason I have to use Dial-up for the old computer is because Broadband wouldn't work for 1st Edition Windows 98, but would work for 2nd Edition. >:( Ah fuck!

Sorry people, but no congrats list. :( My time is very limited right now and I've spent almost half of the time already. :S So that also means I havn't properly read everyone's posts.

Hmm, other than that, my real life friend will be joining Newgrounds tomorrow and he's nicely depositing for me. :) Don't worry, I've told him to read the FAQ, so hopefully, he won't cause any trouble here.

BTW Alkador, I know there's important things that I need to know about the LUL, so please drop the information that I need to know onto my latest LiveJournal entry. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 16:59:04

At 4/30/05 04:04 PM, -Mazza- wrote: The higher your level is, the longer your e-penis gets.

That's probably the best explanation for at least half of what goes on on the Internet that I ever heard. ^^

I wonder what it means for ramagi, though. >_>

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 17:49:40

Yes I finally got the big 10-0 w00tness. My vp is now 10 maybe i should get started with blaming and saving i like playing video games way too much to spend too much time as i use to on here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 20:42:21

At 4/30/05 12:14 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I think it is pretty good except a few things like level and whistle. If it is an alt account then it should not be expressed as an achievment, that user has had the glory on another account already, but for actual newcomers they are actual achievments that feel pretty good and lead them up to the bigger achievments. If tehy can't feel good about small achievments, they may never strive for the big ones.
My opinion.

Thanks for your comments Kyle, but I have to disagree with you about the levels. It only takes 5 days to level up in the static levels. It's barely an accomplishment, and when we're trying to cut out needless stat posts from this place, low level ups should be one of the first to go.

Now, as for the whistle, I was excited when I got my silver whistle too, but it's not a major accomplishment in terms of effort. It just takes a little bit of flagging, Wade clears out the flagged entries and reviews, and BAM, silver whistle. But, on second thought, most people only ever get to see that whistle level and it does seem special at the time. Also, there weren't that many silver whistle posts in here before anyway, so maybe they should be allowed.

At 4/30/05 01:08 PM, -Osaka- wrote: Finally achieved Top 1000 in both experience and blams/protects. Started off at like, sub 2000 a month ago. :/

Congrats on both Osaka :)

At 4/30/05 01:38 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 4/30/05 10:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: Thanks to Tom_s00 and schneelocke :D (no <3 for you >:D)
Meanie. :)

Shut up bitch >:)

Achievements that would NOT be acceptable to be posted in the LUL:
- Level Ups from LV 2 - 9.
I think level 9 at least should be acceptable - that's what many people seem to perceive as the end of the "noob" levels.

No. It still only takes 5 days from LV 8 to LV 9. The end of the n00b levels would really be LV 10, the first level that takes about three months to gain. If LV 9 was allowed, all the other low levels would have to be allowed, too.

- Blam/Protect Rank Ups from Security Guard to Police Officer.
Police Officer should also be acceptable.

Shit, there's an error there. I meant to say Police Lieutenant, i.e. anything below 1,000 b/p wouldn't be acceptable. Because there are such small gaps between ranks in the sub-1000 range, it would mean people posting b/p achievements every few days, if they were quite active on the Portal.

- Any posts achievement. Really, post count is a shitty stat, and one that shouldn't be held up alongside B/P, EXP, etc.
I think that's not a good rule, either. Interesting numbers should still be post-able - just like interesting numbers of blams, saves, points, XP and so on.

I have no problem with interesting numbers, just the post count statistic, and the idea of celebrating it like it's worth anything. B/P, EXP, reviews etc, they're all something to be proud of, but not post count, surely?

Congrats stuff that would be acceptable:
- Posting specific congrats, e.g. User - EG General
Congrats stuff that wouldn't be acceptable:
- posting generic congrats, e.g. User - rank up
Where's the real difference between these things? Sure, you're not as specific when you just say "rank up" instead of naming the new rank, but that's a pretty small difference to base (un)acceptability on.

Well, it just shows the person doing the congratulating can't be arsed. It looks bad, and a little bit spammy. Maybe that's getting a bit too technical though.

What counts as crappy, though? 1200 blams are not really that noteworthy in themselves, so they probably wouldn't deserve a post of their own, but if you're already making a post, anyway, why shouldn't you be allowed to include "minor" achievements like that?

Because when people start tacking on minor achievements onto their main one, the next thing we see is other people posting ONLY their minor achievements, thinking it's OK because they've seen it before.

Maybe I've gone into too much detail, especially on the Rank # rules, for these to be followed correctly. But then, isn't that what we need, a clear set of guidelines/rules? I dunno. Comments/Additions/Disagreements, please.
I think overall, the rules look quite OK. One thing I'm wondering about, though, is the following: why is there a need for rules at all? The topic is quite fine the way it is currently, after all, and the rules seem to be written in a way that would mean that more or less everything that's being posted now would still be allowed, too. Why establish rules if they ultimately boil down to a no-op?

They don't. A lot of the things I suggested aren't acceptable have been posted here for months. This place is far from fine, I don't know where you got that idea. The LUL has been growing at an insane rate and is full of minor achievements that shouldn't have been posted, and it got so bad that many of the old regulars stopped posting or even browsing this thread. Why do you think RedCircle went to the extreme of making a new lounge?

We need a clear set of rules to keep unneccesary posts to a minimum and restore the LUL to it's former glory, a place where people can post, come back the next day and not be faced with 2 new pages full of shit that they don't have time to read. I hope that explained the need for formal rules. Thanks for your comments, schneelocke.

At 4/30/05 04:04 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
At 4/30/05 10:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: - Numbers for EXP, Reviews, Blams, Protects, Total B/P like 1,234, 4,321, 1,212, 17,777, 1,555 etc. They're nifty, but far too common >:(
I don't see what's wrong with 4,321 and 1,234 points, they're not that common. I agree on the others, though.

Hmm, yeah they aren't too bad, I suppose. It's the ones like 1,222 blams or w/e that need to stop. So, maybe those above examples should be allowed.

Anyways, I'm glad the LUL isn't changing after all, except for the proposed rules, wich are a good idea. It's a bit annoying to see posts like 'I just reached Safety Patrol' or whatever, since there are thousands of people with that same rank.

Yeah, that's the kind of thing I'd like to see gone from this place. Everyone likes the attention they get from posting an achievement here, but it's out of hand and needs to calm down a little. If people just waited till they got a major achievement, instead of posting every little thing, maybe we'd have a slower paced LUL that everyone can enjoy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 20:50:40

At 4/30/05 08:42 PM, Eldarion wrote: Thanks for your comments Kyle, but I have to disagree with you about the levels. It only takes 5 days to level up in the static levels. It's barely an accomplishment, and when we're trying to cut out needless stat posts from this place, low level ups should be one of the first to go.

I suppose, but maybe at least level 9 should be aloud... because to get to level 9 is almost equivilent to getting one level later on. I just feel that actual newcomers will think as a level up as an exciting accomplishment, even if to us, it seems miniscule.

Now, as for the whistle, I was excited when I got my silver whistle too, but it's not a major accomplishment in terms of effort. It just takes a little bit of flagging, Wade clears out the flagged entries and reviews, and BAM, silver whistle. But, on second thought, most people only ever get to see that whistle level and it does seem special at the time. Also, there weren't that many silver whistle posts in here before anyway, so maybe they should be allowed.

Ya, that was kind of my logic. Few people even flag, and since Gold is so hard... Silver seems like a good stepping stone and most people (who are deciated) skip right past Bronze, which seems like a BIG accomplishment at the time.

I understand where you are coming from, but generally i agreed with everything you said., Some nice quidlines they were.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 21:02:01

At 4/30/05 05:16 PM, BonusStageCompIeted wrote:
At 4/30/05 04:59 PM, schneelocke wrote: I wonder what it means for ramagi, though. >_>
her e-vagina > (aka wider than) all

I think women can have the 'e-penis' as well on the internet can't they? And in ramagi's case would have to be measured in the mega-ton nuke scale...or something.

At 4/30/05 04:39 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:
The reason I have to use Dial-up for the old computer is because Broadband wouldn't work for 1st Edition Windows 98, but would work for 2nd Edition. >:( Ah fuck!

I am not sure about the update page for windows in the UK but in the US you can get 98 1st edition upgraded to 2nd edition. Or at least you could prior to XP's release. At any rate you should still be able to get the upgrade on CD. Pop in a network card and walaa. A small penance in order to have a backup box for net use. :)

At 4/30/05 03:39 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 11,000 blams O_0 for me thats alot of work since im very lazy and blamming and saving hehe...

Good job XWayne. Very good. More blams than reviews now eh?

At 4/30/05 12:23 AM, -Osaka- wrote: 1500 blams

Good work Osaka. EG Private made me feel good.

At 4/29/05 10:52 PM, ramagi wrote: Brain = overloaded after Gfox and RC posts.

yeah me too

How about Beer all around.

Yanno, I am gathering more respect for you daily ramagi, please pass one my way. Any brand at the moment will do.

Burry the hachets and that good stuff.

Amen, and Ahmen.

Congrats to BonusStageCompIeted for 40K total points in stats. yeah, yeah, rock on man. Congrats on making it to EG General to Bonus. I really missed that somehow. Buried under 50 plus pages around here somewhere I am sure. :)

Thanks to Bahamut, schneelocke, and Tom_s00 for the congrats on my last acheivement.

And now for my latest, I fianally made it to the EG officers ranks. Yay me!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 21:08:16

At 4/30/05 01:01 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/30/05 12:09 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I got a job at a restaurant called.. Red Robin. So no more Mcdonalds for me!!! :)
Congrats on the new job YoinK. After a night of bar-hopping 4 of my buddies and I stopped at a local Red Robin for some much needed food. I ordered a huge plate of chicken wings and before the first wing reached my lips the bowl of blue cheese dip did a 9.5 backflip and ended up in my lap. Needless to say all my friends lost it. Kinda ruined the buzz I had going.

Red Robin is way better than McD, and I'm sure they treat their employees much better too! (McDonalds and WalMart are the bottomfeeders of American employers, but Target and any other FASTfood aren't far behind)
Yea, I've worked Target before, retail sucks. They treat people like shit!

Recon, what? Drinking and Dipping don't mix! You're luck you got off with soiled pants! LOL at least it wasn't hot sauce or coffee!
(bad coffee experience is how I found my better half)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-30 23:11:31

you get levels for posting?