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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 10:01:56

At 4/28/05 09:49 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Hopefully, the new lounge won't oblige anyone to lock this topic. This topic deserves to stay open for a longer period of time even though the congratulations lists/lame stats are polluting this topic which still contains ymany interesting discussions.

A flash movie.

No idea where it came from, and why im replying to this, but, a flash movie.

A flash movie that shows as real people the posters here, the ones that around them stuff happens in the story.
It will have everything that happens here. It will begin with 'once opon a time, in a far far kingdom of Newgrounds... lalalala... there was a new forum opened - The Wi/Ht?.. it had a success and all that (opening) etc etc'. Then the story begins with a list stops then another and another.. then all the main things that are happening here, Alkador being elected, new lounge locking issues, changes, revolutions and what's not.. It will also have what there will be as a continue to all of this, that will happen while the animation for what happens now is done.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 11:23:59

At 4/28/05 12:01 AM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote: Thank you for your deposit, PimpMasterKDOG! You now have 12,000 experience points. You need 216 more to get to level 22.

Congrats Pimp, thats huge, and it sounds like you are so cole to 22 wehn in reality, it's still fairly far lol.

At 4/28/05 12:57 AM, BonusStarClock wrote: 40,000 total points

HAHAHAHAHA good job old Bonus.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 11:36:59

Congrats to:

-randyrandy: Lv 10. I don't remember him leaving :/
-DRD1982: EG Captain. Nice.
-Coop83:EG Staff Sergeant. Almost 3,000 Blams, too.
-OsAmARaMa: 3,000 B/P. I like that badge.
-PimpMasterKDOG: 12,000 Exp. Ouch, that much and only level 21? I thought that amount got you like level 25 :/
-Kazuo_Kirayama: 666 Exp left, first deposit. Too bad you're only listed as fifth :P
-Bloodthorne: 9,000 Exp. Only 100 days left.
-BonusStage: 40,000 combined points. I hate math, so I'll probably never get my milestones for that.
-Eldarion: #250 B/P. Nice.

At 4/27/05 03:00 PM, Toocool100 wrote: also, its actually 91 now. My aim was off and i hit 1 instead of 2. damn! >:(

Oh noes!

It's teh dark side!

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 17,000 crappy entries.

Hooray! And went up another rank, too, #46 now. Pretty weird, when I was number 51 it took me ages to pass whomever was in front of me, and now I'm ranking up like every two or three days :/

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 12:13:29

At 4/27/05 11:39 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: What's the opposite of crap eh?...

I don't know.

Heh, for what? She's as harmless as a kitten. She's only 17 you know. ;P

She isn't harmless. If she was, then she wouldn't be owning anyone. And I think you're right about the age.

At 4/28/05 04:13 AM, schneelocke wrote: Heh, OK. ^_^ I'm thinking about changing my aura to Light myself, though - I think the level 11 icon looks better on a blue-ish background.

No matter how bad any weapon looks with the dark aura, I will still use Dark. However, I will occasionally change aura for fun.

Congrats to:

Coop83 - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Just before a year? That's not bad.
OsAmARaMa - Elite Guard Sergeant, 7.00+ VP. That's good. :)
PimpMasterKDOG - 12000 EXP. Heh, very good since you have a 0 at the end. :)
Kazuo_Kiriyama - First to deposit. Lucky.
Bloodthrone - 9000 EXP. I almost thought you were X. O_O
BonusStage - 40000 total points. It's a bugger to exactly see 10000 or whatever.
Eldarion - top 250 b/p. You should find that quite special.
-Mazza- - 17000 blams. That was quick getting from 16000 to 17000.

Also, a congrats to the LUL for reaching 1100 pages.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 13:32:32

At 4/28/05 12:13 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: No matter how bad any weapon looks with the dark aura, I will still use Dark. However, I will occasionally change aura for fun.

I'm not decided yet myself. Light looks better, but Dark certainly is more fitting - even though I'm not as evil as I'd like to be. But then, I'm not a dragon, so... ;)


Congrats to:

Eldarion - top 250 b/p
-Mazza- - 17000 blams

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 14:47:27

Congrats Mazza ! good job, : )

And before it goes, happy page 1100 to all, weird how every 100 pages is no longer a big deal now the lounge has made it past the 1000 mark, i remeber the fiasco back at page 700 !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 14:57:26

Okay, with the Birthday celebrations well underway... (I spent the whole day working >:( ) I thought I'd better post my year-end stats.

Experience Points: 3,660. 10 per day, plus the sign on bonuses. I calculate that I have not missed a single day since sign up.

Level 12, so that means for next year's target, I'd say give me another 5 or 6 levels. Any more and I suck at maths.

Experience: Ranked 1,304 out of 732,126 users. I'll aim for between top 1000 and top 750 by 365 days time.

B/P: Ranked 472 out of 732,126 users. Maybe top 200 this time next year.

Blams: 2,996. I'm not happy that I didn''t get 3k in time, but it will come. Target for next year: 8k total, 5k on the year.

Saves: 1,007. I managed to get this one across the line, and would aim to do the same next time, but push the bar up a little. Target 2,500 which is a gain of 1500.

Total B/P 4,003; Rank: EG Staff Sergeant. Target is 10,500 for next year, so the rank of EG Second Lieutenant. I'll have to push extra hard and get the 1st Lieutenant, just to show off.

Whistle: Silver. Everyone's got one of those, so I'd like to upgrade to gold, but since I don't know the boundaries, I'm not going to speculate.

BBS Posts: 2,612 (7.166 per day.) I'm currently posting at about 10/day so I'll put a target at 4000 posts. Let the spamming commence.

Now, to crack open the booze (and get me those 3000 BLAMS)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 15:07:21

testing testing check 1, 2, 3.
does this even still work?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 16:45:48

At 4/28/05 02:57 PM, Coop83 wrote: Okay, with the Birthday celebrations well underway... (I spent the whole day working >:( ) I thought I'd better post my year-end stats.

Happy NG-birthday. :)

Level 12, so that means for next year's target, I'd say give me another 5 or 6 levels. Any more and I suck at maths.

Don't count on it. humantarget currently has 19496 XP, so assuming he deposits everyday and gets up to 23146 next year, the XP required for (for example) Level 16 will rise to 7982 by then. That's more than you'll have if you deposit every day, too, so you'll likely be Level 15.

Blams: 2,996. I'm not happy that I didn''t get 3k in time, but it will come. Target for next year: 8k total, 5k on the year.

Sounds doable.

Saves: 1,007. I managed to get this one across the line, and would aim to do the same next time, but push the bar up a little. Target 2,500 which is a gain of 1500.

Same thing. :)

Total B/P 4,003; Rank: EG Staff Sergeant. Target is 10,500 for next year, so the rank of EG Second Lieutenant. I'll have to push extra hard and get the 1st Lieutenant, just to show off.

OK, good luck to you! ^^

Whistle: Silver. Everyone's got one of those, so I'd like to upgrade to gold, but since I don't know the boundaries, I'm not going to speculate.

Out of all the people who were listed on D0GMA's last EGRL, there was exactly *one* person with a gold whistle (TheJoe324) and *one* deity (ramagi), so I guess it'll be very, very hard at least to get beyond Silver. That's what more or less everyone's stuck at.

BBS Posts: 2,612 (7.166 per day.) I'm currently posting at about 10/day so I'll put a target at 4000 posts. Let the spamming commence.

Shouldn't be a problem, either. ^_^


Congrats to:

Bahamut7 - 111 reviews with responses. I'm not sure that's really that special an occasion, but I like dragons, so you get congrats anyway. ^.^
j00bie - Elite Guard General (cool!)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 18:21:14

At 4/28/05 02:57 PM, Coop83 wrote: Now, to crack open the booze (and get me those 3000 BLAMS)

Job done, now that leaves more time for drinking.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 18:24:03

At 4/28/05 06:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: Job done, now that leaves more time for drinking.

Happy NG B-Day... mine is coming up soon too! : )

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 20:56:21

At 4/28/05 01:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 4/27/05 09:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Sorry to hear that Toocool100. Don't give up on your high save ratio because of it. That's a major accomplishment in my books. You've always been the Savior King.
Hey now. ;_; He's the Save RATIO King, always has been, always will be.

But I was #1 in saves from July of 2004 until April of 2005. Please to not spit upon my achievement. It's all I have. Memories... (sniff)

You're right gfox. You have the most protection points out of everyone so the crown should go to you. All hail the King! Still, I hope Toocool100 tries for EGSC without increasing his blam total too much. Getting there with less than 100 blams would definitely be something to brag about.

At 4/28/05 09:49 AM, EKRegulus wrote: I also don't understand why they called it "the lounge to rule them all", calling it wi/ht? lounge would make more sense.

My guess is the name originated from someone's fondness for Lord of the Rings.

At 4/28/05 10:01 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Fictional.

Fictional stories are great! They allow you to do things you wouldn't normally do in the real world.

At 4/28/05 11:36 AM, -Mazza- wrote: -Bloodthorne: 9,000 Exp. Only 100 days left.

Thanks -Mazza-, but it's really only 99 days not counting the backslide effect. I forgot to deposit after midnight yesterday.

At 4/28/05 02:57 PM, Coop83 wrote: Whistle: Silver. Everyone's got one of those, so I'd like to upgrade to gold, but since I don't know the boundaries, I'm not going to speculate.

Good call Coop. I honestly can't remember the last time I flagged an abusive review and I still have a silver whistle. Once it hits bronze I'll start checking reviews again.

At 4/28/05 06:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: Job done, now that leaves more time for drinking.

To some it's a six-pack, to others it's a support group. Happy birthday Coop!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 22:40:14

Bloodthorne 9K exp
BonusStarClock 40K BP
Eldarion top 250 BP
Coop83 Ng B-day
I would welcome j00bie back but he got himself banned again :/ (no it wasn't me who did it)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 23:08:42

At 4/28/05 10:40 PM, ramagi wrote: I would welcome j00bie back but he got himself banned again :/ (no it wasn't me who did it)

Are you freakin' serious ramagi? How many days of freedom did he enjoy and what was the reason for his sudden departure? Got a link to post?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 23:11:29

At 4/28/05 11:08 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Are you freakin' serious ramagi? How many days of freedom did he enjoy and what was the reason for his sudden departure? Got a link to post?

j00bie posted "first post" in the last NG news topic. That's why he's banned.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 23:54:43

At 4/28/05 11:15 PM, BonusStarClock wrote:
At 4/28/05 10:40 PM, ramagi wrote: BonusStarClock 40K BP
I GOD DAMN WISH i had that :P, haah it was total as in everything altogether ramagi, you're so silly


Also EK didn't say that he JUST got off the ban today, and yeah got banned ... today XD

I know when joobie got off ban He was on a ban by me that was extended by Wade. I was mostly pokign fun at him getting banned so soon again.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 04:03:47

Its been dragged out, but I have finally reached Level 13.
100+ days to go...

Congratulations to everyone else too on thier achievements.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 04:19:09

War of the Portal - Part 4
6 - “The Last Ancient”
Note: For the sake of simplicity, the Ancient speaking Ancient tongue (Latin) in this chapter will be translated by Alkador. At times the Latin is displayed; you may assume that the Ancient tongue (Latin) was not translated.

The huge submission giant charged to the group as he roared in a rage. A geyser of lava erupted from the ground as they all entered the roflcopter. The blades began to turn immediately despite the large icicles that had attached themselves to the machinery. The submission growled as it threw a ball of fire towards the flying transport, which quickly dodged the destructive power as it hovered upwards.
“The shadows of earth are rising again. The King has awoken.” Muttered Stamper as the giant submission became an ant as they moved northwards.

“What does he mean by the King?” Asked Denvish as he shivered, looking at the collapsed mountain in shock.
“The last Geminus lord has risen. His coming will be an end if none fight.” Stamper said with an expressionless face, seemingly calm over the whole incident.
“Was that the King’s work?” Stuttered _lightning_ as he looked back at the ruins. He turned his head away, unable to bear the shock he has experienced. “The destruction of the mountain?”
“No,” The four looked at Stamper in shock. “Only the guards of the King. They are a force that is as strong as the other Geminus lord who is dead.”
“Can’t we just do what D0GMA did to the last Geminus lord?” Suggested the_phantom_spancker, remembering the blue light that came from the heavens during the huge battle against the submissions.
“D0GMA?” Stamper stared at the_phantom_spancker; the name very familiar to him. “God’s servant!”
“Do…mini?” Alkador looked at Stamper.

“I am the last Ancient alive in this world,” He said slowly, giving time for Alkador to translate. “When the Gods departed the world, three servants came to be, always dying and returning in an alternate life.”
“An alternate life? Departed?” Denvish appeared confused. “So D0GMA was a god…do you know who the others where?”
“When the servants died, they were brought back in another body, unaware of their past lives. They were still able to summon the Power to a level they previously had learnt. The other two gods were Dobio and the King himself.”
“The King?” ReconRebel gasped as he walked into the small compartment, shaky of the whole incident. “You’re going to have to tell me about this. Then we’re going to have to find out about how the submissions managed to destroy a mountain so huge!”

Qwoxyl ducked as Rat charged at him in rage. Rat threw a ring of fire as Afterburner appeared from behind.
“Qwoxyl, XwaynecoltX, XkwiziTOnE! Come here!” Roared Crono- as he grinned, his right hand placed forwards. Afterburner and XkwiziTOnE appeared by his side, placing their hands on top of his. Inuzuka-Kiba grunted as he threw binding threads of a red colour at Rat. Qwoxyl and XwaynecoltX gasped for breath as they placed their hands on the others.
“Relax and think of our bodies becoming one,” Said Afterburner as he breathed slowly. They focused and felt each other with a strange aura glowing around them. It was done. “Penta formation!”

The five smiled as radiating auras appeared around them. They charged towards Rat as XwaynecoltX felt a strange urge in his body, sliding on the ground and leaping up to give Rat an uppercut. Qwoxyl dashed forwards, unleashing a blow from his pipe and slamming it against Rat’s head. The creature growled as it roared deeply, throwing a hail of ice towards XkwiziTOnE, who was instinctively aware of what actions to take. He dodged with great speed, moving like a blur as Crono- flashed behind Rat, throwing him upwards. Afterburner grinned as he flared forwards while XkwiziTOnE threw him into the air, towards Rat. Afterburner roared as his fist glowed blue; his silver gauntlet smashing onto Rat’s chest. The creature gasped as the force brought him to the ground, breaking the floor as he did so. He coughed blood as he tried to breath. Mustering his final energy, Rat stood up.
“You may have defeated me twice, but next time, I’ll avenge you all for Dobio’s death!”
Two black holes formed on his back as small rockets jets appeared from beneath his fur. A flare of fire boosted him away as he laughed manically. His laughed continued as he smashed through the mansion walls to escape.

“But Dobio is still alive…” Eldarion said, cradling his broken arm from Rat’s attack.
“It was bad timing too,” Sighed RedCircle. “Just as we were getting ourselves a better defence.”
carmelhadinosaur gasped as he stared at the group, shocked at the Penta formation. “What kind of power is that?”
Afterburner puffed as he slumped against the wall. The whole mansion was in ruins. “It seems that ‘Rat’ is back and he’s nastier than ever.” He glanced towards carmelhadinosaur. “That power is different to that of the Power. Traditionally it was the_phantom_spancker, _lightning_, MPA, Crono- and I that performed that, but…”
“But three of those people are away…” Sighed Inuzuka-Kiba. “The Penta formation is an increase in strength that requires five men who have a great willpower. It can also be done with more people or even less but five is the best number.”
“And what about those red threads that came out of your fingertips?” RedCircle breathed as he stood up to stare at Inuzuka-Kiba. “What was that?”
“My body has been infected with Portal threads. Because of that, I am able to manipulate air around me to a lesser extent.”

The roflcopter landed on the helipad as gfoxcook smiled. His was tired and he was more curious as to what happened to the mansion.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 05:56:03

Yet another quality installment from Alkador, master of portal based fiction.

It's been a hectic week for me, collecting my 1000th Save, 3000th Blam, EG Staff Sgt badge and celebrating my 1st NG Birthday.

Now that all those are out of the way, expect me to blend into the background again for about another 3 months.

Congratulations to all on any achievement and thanks to those of you who congratted me.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 06:37:47

At 4/29/05 06:13 AM, -LazyDrunk- wrote: Congrats, Congrats and Congrats. Wish my EGSS rank-up held the same nice numbers as yours.

I guess that calls for thanks, thanks and indeed thanks.

I will, however, be passing you tonight :P

You probably will, as I've got an 8-hour shift ahead of me. Damn

*rank up*


Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 06:43:48

At 4/28/05 04:45 PM, schneelocke wrote: Congrats to:
Bahamut7 - 111 reviews with responses. I'm not sure that's really that special an occasion, but I like dragons, so you get congrats anyway. ^.^

Thanks, but it seems that post I mentioned about my responses disappeared. :S Oh well.

At 4/28/05 10:40 PM, ramagi wrote: I would welcome j00bie back but he got himself banned again :/ (no it wasn't me who did it)

O_O Banned again? He really needs to try and keep away from bans. :S

At 4/29/05 04:19 AM, Alkador wrote: The roflcopter landed on the helipad as gfoxcook smiled. His was tired and he was more curious as to what happened to the mansion.

Yay, roflcopter! :D

Congrats to:

j00bie - Elite Guard Lieutenant General. That's good, but you should always try and be good on the BBS.
Coop83 - NG birthday. Happy birthday to your account. :)
UndercoverStudios - Level 13. Heh, I have to wait a long time for the next level up as well. :(
-LazyDrunk- - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. That's nice.

Well, that's pretty much the last congrats list I will make until I've got my computer back, so see you all soon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 07:39:21

Thanks to Mazza, schneelocke, ramagi, BonusStage and Bahamut7 <3

At 4/28/05 11:11 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 4/28/05 11:08 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Are you freakin' serious ramagi? How many days of freedom did he enjoy and what was the reason for his sudden departure? Got a link to post?
j00bie posted "first post" in the last NG news topic. That's why he's banned.

Fuck's sake, why, oh why did j00b have to do that? I'm gonna miss the bastard. AGAIN. ;_;

Happy NG Birthday to Coop83, have a good one :D

I should have waited till today to post that #250 b/p pic, because I managed to get into the top 2000 EXP users today as well:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 08:46:17

--------IMPORTANT NEWS--------

It's time to enforce the Newgrounds rule:

"Stat Topics aren't allowed. Everyone on NG (potentially) has a profile for a reason. No need to have a "Post your popularity here!" thread. Level up (blam/protect or experience) threads and threads about how many posts you have are also not allowed."

Here's what we're gonna do:

I will try and get spancker's approval on the renaming of this topic to just the:
Wi/Ht? Lounge

I will be locking my "The One Lounge" since there isn't a need for two lounges in one forum.

I will try to get jonthomson to allow me to unlock his Reviews topic so that people may post in there if they want to talk about Reviews (since there will be little discussion about reviews in here).

This will now be the Lounge in Where is/How to. This will not be a place where you can post your achievements, but rather, you may engage in casual conversation. The reason? It's against the rules. This topic (and forum) have been built on stats, and it might take some time for people to adjust, but all in all, it's for the best for the topic and forum as a whole.

There are plenty of topics out there (ramagi's EXP topic, gfoxcook's VP and Pentalist topics, Jonthomson's Reviews topic [which I will ask Jon to unlock in the next day or so], D0GMA's Blam&Save topic, gfoxcook's Blams and [unrelated] Saves topic) that will cater to your specific discussion regarding those relevant topics of interest.

Anyway, I'll be deleting irrelevant and spam posts from now on. gfoxcook and I have decided that it's in the best interest for the forum, and since the rules state that this topic should not contain stat posting anyway, it makes sense.

Ideas? Comments? Suggestions?

But, if you feel the need to flame me, do it in e-mail, or AIM, and I'll hear you out gladly.

E-mail: RedCircle@newgrounds.com
AIM: RedCircleNG

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 09:08:22

At 4/29/05 08:46 AM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: I will try to get jonthomson to allow me to unlock his Reviews topic so that people may post in there if they want to talk about Reviews (since there will be little discussion about reviews in here).

Hmm, there's the Review club in the C&C, so I don't think there's a point on unlocking that review thread. The review stuff could be in the Reviewer's Club. That's what I think, though. If I am wrong, then okay.

Also, I'm alright with this change, even though I hate changes like this. I will miss the stat acheivement and congratting people, but to keep away from breaking the rules, then I guess it's best to stop. I'm sorry for any mess I have caused in this lounge. Hopefully with this new change, I will not be as bad as I used to be with the posts I made in the LUL.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 09:24:32

Well than, no more place to talk about archivments ):(

I just hope everything will be as fun as it used to be, in the good old days.

Anyways, today i finally go... WHAHAHAHA! BOOHOO..

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 09:30:24

At 4/29/05 09:24 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: WHAHAHA!
Well than, no more place to talk about archivments ):(

Heh, there are other topics regarding stats. Feel free to use those :)

I just hope everything will be as fun as it used to be, in the good old days.

It will be...different, but I think everything will be just fine.

Anyways, today i finally go... WHAHAHAHA! BOOHOO..

hahaha, it's hard, isn't it?

Anyway, after a LONNNNNNNNNNNNG night of talking to people and sharing comments (and Halo 2), I'm finally ready for bed. Have a good one everyone, and I talked to spancker on MSN, and I'll try and contact Wade or James about renaming this topic tomorrow.

So, YAAFM isn't all that I thought it would be, but it wasn't bad this time around. Too much advertising, but hey, they gotta make their money somehow...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 09:34:34

At 4/29/05 09:30 AM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: Heh, there are other topics regarding stats. Feel free to use those :)

Haha ment to say one place. How can you know about people's new archivments now?
Oh well.. dang

It will be...different, but I think everything will be just fine.


hahaha, it's hard, isn't it?

Well i did it on purpose, but yes :o
It'll be odd doing everything while it's splitted into different topics...


Wow, you had a lonnnnnnnng day... dream about a new way for everything to be fun =)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 10:29:03

Well, I think it's a good think that these stats talks finally end. It was getting rather boring just to see stats and lists everywhere, it stopped to make sense after all :-\

Oh, and great episode Alkador, I really liked this one (can't explain why though, hehe). But I think I've missed one, in which episode does the submissions destroy a mountain?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 10:36:11

Nevermind Alk, found it myself ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-29 10:50:34

At 4/29/05 04:03 AM, UndercoverStudios wrote: Its been dragged out, but I have finally reached Level 13.
100+ days to go...

Congrats US, i love the bat, i can't wait till it's my turn to get there : )

At 4/29/05 07:39 AM, Eldarion wrote: I should have waited till today to post that #250 b/p pic, because I managed to get into the top 2000 EXP users today as well:

Top 2000! congrats Eldarion : ) does this mean i get on that <3 list in your next post ?

t 4/29/05 08:46 AM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote:

--------IMPORTANT NEWS--------

Ok, im not sure i compltely agrre, but hey your the one with the authority around here lol, are you going to allow time for the stat in here to fizzle out, as im sure alot of people will not read this, it would be unfair to ban if somebody is not imformed about the new ruleing in here.