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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 13:22:10

At 4/27/05 08:46 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(
Maybe now is a good time to go for some blams. You've already passed 20k saves.

Indeed, you could be EGSC in no time if you turned to the dark side, Toocool :P
Hard luck about getting knocked off the top 50 list by those evil blammers >:(


Congrats to ShittyKitty for Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel, ramagi for 42,000 blams, Tom_s00 for 2,000 saves and randyrandy for LV10. Is that you posting, Bonus?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 14:24:49

At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(

I'm sorry that it was my re-entry to the list (the fourth time I've made it into the top 50, even if two of those were times I was only off for one day) that knocked you off. Its not a very satisfying entry knowing you could be so much higher given your lack of blamming.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 14:25:52

At 4/27/05 01:22 PM, Eldarion wrote:
At 4/27/05 08:46 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(
Maybe now is a good time to go for some blams. You've already passed 20k saves.
Indeed, you could be EGSC in no time if you turned to the dark side, Toocool :P

On the other hand, he'd be the first real Jedi to reach that rank ... but well, he kinda screwed it up with his 90 blams ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 14:47:05

At 4/27/05 02:25 PM, -Myst- wrote: On the other hand, he'd be the first real Jedi to reach that rank ... but well, he kinda screwed it up with his 90 blams ...

That wasn't his fault though. Weren't all of those an attempt to save a blammed movie on the 60th/100th/200th vote and getting the blam point for getting the last vote?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 15:00:19

At 4/27/05 02:47 PM, Eldarion wrote:
At 4/27/05 02:25 PM, -Myst- wrote: On the other hand, he'd be the first real Jedi to reach that rank ... but well, he kinda screwed it up with his 90 blams ...
That wasn't his fault though. Weren't all of those an attempt to save a blammed movie on the 60th/100th/200th vote and getting the blam point for getting the last vote?

yes :(

also, its actually 91 now. My aim was off and i hit 1 instead of 2. damn! >:(

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 16:12:15

It's been a really long time since I've poster here so congrats to all.

I hate to make a shameless plug to congrats to me also I just made Captain!!
Fortunately for me school's almost over and I'll have more access to a computer so I can rack up points faster, and post more.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 16:17:46

At 4/27/05 11:15 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: schneelocke - Level 11. Now wait for Master_Inuyasha to get level 11. >:(

Oh, BTW, why wait for Master_Inuyasha? I'm not with you there.

At 4/27/05 03:00 PM, Toocool100 wrote: also, its actually 91 now. My aim was off and i hit 1 instead of 2. damn! >:(

Don't worry too much about that, I'd say. What really counts is not intentionally blamming movies - if it happens by accident (like hitting the wrong number) or due to site peculiarities (like getting a blam point even though you didn't vote 0 or 1), then I'd say it doesn't tarnish your record.


Congrats to:

randyrandy - Level 10
DRD1982 - Elite Guard Captain

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 18:02:08

At 4/27/05 12:57 PM, randyrandy wrote: Oh, I hope randyrandy actually notices that he's level 10 now. It seems as if I've been depositing for him forever now. Well he did manage to do his last 2 deposits on his own so maybe, just maybe he'll stop by and pay a vist. :D

Congrats! Too bad I don't see you here much often now. :(

At 4/27/05 04:12 PM, DRD1982 wrote: I hate to make a shameless plug to congrats to me also I just made Captain!!

That's nice, congrats. :)

At 4/27/05 04:17 PM, schneelocke wrote: Oh, BTW, why wait for Master_Inuyasha? I'm not with you there.

Then there'll be three Dark Level 11s here. XD

At 4/27/05 05:04 PM, WiBonusINoKnowHt wrote: hahaah karma will make it come next level ;o


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 18:02:58

EG Staff Sergeant.

Made it, just before the deadline for my 1st Year expired! w00t!

Stats on that to follow tomorrow.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 18:58:12

At 4/27/05 06:02 PM, Coop83 wrote: EG Staff Sergeant.

Made it, just before the deadline for my 1st Year expired! w00t!

Stats on that to follow tomorrow.

Good job. Congratulations on being a member for 1 year too. :) I feel that there is a tail chasing at my back. When I am done with my exams next week, I will try to get rid of you, don't worry. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 21:16:04

At 4/26/05 01:32 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: HAHA! Well, as you say it was graveyard shift, and in a circular shape[the buildings], so the sound will bounce around somewhat.

Yeah, the sound did tend to travel at night on that particular site.

And my, that is quite odd that a transformer blew up. Maybe it was a sign eh? ;D

Pfft. I was completing my last patrol and cruising behind building 8 when I heard the explosion. Half of the buildings instantly went dark and seconds later Robin calls me on the radio asking me to meet him by the west side of building 7. When I round the corner I can already see 4' flames coming out of the ground. We watched it for a bit then called the fire department and power company. It was the weekend and a lot of the buildings functioned on mag-locks so we needed extra coverage until the power was restored. I didn't get off that site for another 7 hours.

And there were the bleak and hopeful compasses though, very small. And the even lesser sock crew. rofl.

Haha! I never even heard of those two groups! Are they still operating?

Ack! Don't you recognize Dirty Harry? He's shot people for less!
Sorry sir, I don't. : ( I'm not a big fan of those western films much. I do fancy a movie now and then, but not too often.

Western!?! He plays a San Francisco cop!

At 4/26/05 05:21 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
5 - “Power of the Gods”

Another awesome chapter Alkador. I wonder if Dobio has been reading it.

At 4/26/05 09:28 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 4/26/05 07:24 PM, -DaughterOfHades- wrote: I'm gonna make a Lounge-only Lounge tonight in Wi/Ht. That's what we need. BAD.
So a topic that will eventually turn into spam?

Nobody really cares ramagi. Moderators are immune to the basic concepts of spam. Less posts to read and more attention to bask in. What a joke...

At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(

Sorry to hear that Toocool100. Don't give up on your high save ratio because of it. That's a major accomplishment in my books. You've always been the Savior King.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 23:08:45

At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(

Sorry man ya i was out of there long long ago, you stayed in there for a good long while though..

Times sure have changed since alot of were able to stay in the top 50's but with all these crazy blammers and saviors heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-27 23:39:32

At 4/26/05 04:38 PM, BonusStarClock wrote: Master_Inuyasha + spam = post :o

lol Fail Mr. 8k, going on 9k posts in about under a year. :P You just don't want to face the truth.

At 4/26/05 06:28 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: but now the requirements have risen so high that it's gone from the requirement of elite guard second lieutenant to major general to even be on the top 50.

Yeah, I know what you mean, you have to be a two star to be on the Top 50 list now. :/

Well, I guess I'll never get there. It shouldn't be too long until everyone on the top 50 is supreme commander.

You'll get there, just slowly. You have a life, some others don't. But yeah, I see that in about one-two years from now.

At 4/26/05 09:33 PM, BonusStarClock wrote: ):< i hate him

Congrats to YaYa12 for pissing off Bonus, and about 1,000 other people by becoming and EGSC! :D

At 4/27/05 03:52 AM, schneelocke wrote: I think I liked the glove better, picture-wise, but levelling up is a nice thing, too, so I don't complain. ^_^

In about a weeks time, I'll be there as well. I've grown tired of this glove, and I'm looking for a trade. But congratulations on that. :)

At 4/27/05 08:46 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(
Maybe now is a good time to go for some blams. You've already passed 20k saves.

Well that sucks Toocool, but look at the bright side, you've gotten there on saves alone, isn't that enough to make you feel good, to make you feel special? :)

But I don't think he should, he should keep on with saving and saving alone, eventhough it promeses only a handful of saves each day. :/

At 4/27/05 11:15 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Nah. Level 10 > Level 9.

Opinions opinons. :)

Oh crap!

What's the opposite of crap eh?...

So she's probably secretly making an own list.

Heh, for what? She's as harmless as a kitten. She's only 17 you know. ;P

At 4/27/05 11:30 AM, -Myst- wrote: I agree with him. Anyway, it'd only do some good to the portal if you would stop trying to protect all the crap that passes through it! :P

I don't think Toocool protects EVERYTHING, just the ones that are worthy of protecting. He skipps over the ones that suck, as in doesn't vote on them, that's all.

At 4/27/05 12:40 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
At 4/26/05 03:28 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: and sad stuff concerning Gaara. :' (
I think that was in the series too...When his father tried to assasinate him....

Ah no, this is further, it involves the Akatsuki, it's way past that.

Anyways, all off-topicness aside....

That is why I'm continuing this in the other topic. :)

At 4/27/05 04:17 PM, schneelocke wrote: Oh, BTW, why wait for Master_Inuyasha? I'm not with you there.

lol Just a figure of speach. I missed a few days back in February, and two this past March, I'd be level 11 now, shit, level 14 if I deposited from sign up, but yeah, just a joke. I'll get there in time. :)

At 4/27/05 09:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Yeah, the sound did tend to travel at night on that particular site.

I'm guessing a cold night. The crisp air, sound travels better.

I didn't get off that site for another 7 hours.

Haha! Damn, that sucks hard. Sounds like you could've gotten some marshmellows and made some smores with that fire going. 7 hours? Man, that must've made you pretty upset.

Haha! I never even heard of those two groups! Are they still operating?

lol Nope, not to my knowledge anyways.

Western!?! He plays a San Francisco cop!

See what I mean? Sorry sir. : (


Congratulations to all. Hopefully with this new lounge, things will slow down, and I can start making lists. : X

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:01:25

Thank you for your deposit, PimpMasterKDOG! You now have 12,000 experience points. You need 216 more to get to level 22.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:06:44

Well, 2 days ago I had 666 points left until I was level 12. And today, I was the first to deposit.

My screen shot of depositing first. I thought there was a website that kept track of people who deposited first. Am I right?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:12:04

At 4/28/05 12:06 AM, Kazuo_Kiriyama wrote: My screen shot of depositing first. I thought there was a website that kept track of people who deposited first. Am I right?

"Was" is the key word here. It's gone now. No more cookies will be given out. Finally made it to 9,000 experience points. 10k or bust!

blood...its in you to give...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:30:49

Damn, oh well. It's still always fun trying to be the first to deposit!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:37:43

At 4/28/05 12:06 AM, Kazuo_Kiriyama wrote: I thought there was a website that kept track of people who deposited first. Am I right?

Yeah, that was me. However, Wade mandated that all programs pulling Newgrounds pages be stopped, and that included my Quick Draw list. Oh well. You can still access the page at http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng/ngqd.html, because I'll leave up the past records for historical purposes.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:38:55

At 4/28/05 12:01 AM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote: Thank you for your deposit, PimpMasterKDOG! You now have 12,000 experience points. You need 216 more to get to level 22.


Well you will ahve that double axe before I get my short sword. Fun.
Thanks to those who gave me congratz.
I am running short on time tonight so general congratz to everyone.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 00:42:28

At 4/28/05 12:37 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: You can still access the page at http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng/ngqd.html, because I'll leave up the past records for historical purposes.

Heh, cool, my old alias is actually on that list. I never though my name was even on there! It's too bad it had to be discontinued, though.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 01:08:09

Ahhh, the things you notice while reading pages 1070 to 1072 to see what people had to say back on April 9th/10th about the lockage of the Top Reviewers List thread...

At 4/10/05 08:23 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: I know this may be completely insignificant to the rest of you, but I just accomplished a little NG goal of mine just now. Guess whose experience just went up by 10. ;) It was easier to get her to do so than the other person I'm convincing right now. :)

Ha ha. So what, you pestered Kitty by e-mail or AIM or livejournal until she relented and deposited just 10 exp? I noticed her depositing a few weeks ago, and I guess that explains it. You silly, silly bastich.

She signed up to NG about a week or so after I did. She and allpro are the most well known NG members who are right near me in ID#. :::nods:::



At 4/27/05 08:24 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Its official, i am off the top 50 list... :'(

So I noticed on the top 50 list for 4/27, yes... I was sorry to see it happen, man, but I was well aware it was coming (I think I mentioned something to the effect of knowing you'd be passing me soon in saves, and feeling bad for you that you were getting knocked off the top 50 b/p combined pretty soon, but still not wanting you to pass me in saves nonetheless)... so it wasn't really a shock.

In any event, I hope that passing me in saves will bring you some small piece of comfort.

That said, there's nothing that says you can't get yourself back up onto the top 50 list, man (nor is there anything preventing me from trying to retake #1 in saves at some point, naturally #;-}>).

At 4/27/05 03:00 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
At 4/27/05 02:47 PM, Eldarion wrote: That wasn't his fault though. Weren't all of those an attempt to save a blammed movie on the 60th/100th/200th vote and getting the blam point for getting the last vote?
yes :(

also, its actually 91 now. My aim was off and i hit 1 instead of 2. damn! >:(

You say "yes" but then admit to voting 1 by accident in ADDITION to that error happening... there's kinda a contradiction between those two lines of your post, man. #;-}>

In actuality, I believe it was 88 blams you stopped at when the "mistake blam point" system was stopped and it was fixed where you can't get accidental blams for getting the blam movie even if you vote to save... which means that your 89th, 90th, and 91st blams were all by voting 1 by accident instead of 2.

So, not quite "ALL" of those, but 88 of 91 were attempts to save blammed movies, Eldarion. The other three were misaimed clicks.

At 4/27/05 09:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Sorry to hear that Toocool100. Don't give up on your high save ratio because of it. That's a major accomplishment in my books. You've always been the Savior King.

Hey now. ;_; He's the Save RATIO King, always has been, always will be.

But I was #1 in saves from July of 2004 until April of 2005. Please to not spit upon my achievement. It's all I have. Memories... (sniff)

Meet the new boss... same as the old boss... YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

:::goes to listen to The Who:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 01:14:15

Say, about that deposit thing that was mentioned earlier, a pretty accurate list of the last 50 deposit can be found here.

Usually TheJoe has the first deposit, at 12:00:00 exactly.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 01:19:31

At 4/28/05 01:14 AM, i-hope-you-die wrote: Say, about that deposit thing that was mentioned earlier, a pretty accurate list of the last 50 deposit can be found here.

We all know about that list. That's how we find out who's first. However, it's completely useless in determining who's first if you don't check with the first minute or two after midnight.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 01:31:57

1100 pages of posts! We're all insane. How do you become a light or dark user?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 01:51:10

At 4/28/05 01:31 AM, Tsukaska wrote: 1100 pages of posts! We're all insane. How do you become a light or dark user?


Click on the link above and read the instructions because the first step will be to create a profile and a grounds gold menu.

Whenever you will have your menu/profile, the next step is to click on "sign-in" on the top-right of NG's page ---> public profile ---> aura ---> change it ---> submit

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 02:19:02

At 4/28/05 01:26 AM, -LazyDrunk- wrote: I guess I figured if you were concerned enough about depositing first, someone would just take a screeny of each days first depositers according to that list. It wouldn't be that hard to have one person contribute a pic to another web site. It wouldn't even need to be that big, maybe 100 x 100.

Yeah, that Quick Draw list actually started as a hand-updated list that I worked on for a couple of months before finally automating it. However, I don't exactly have the time anymore to keep that thing up to date, and you have to be there right at midnight every night, without fail.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 02:44:04

At 4/28/05 01:31 AM, Tsukaska wrote: 1100 pages of posts! We're all insane.

I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.

How do you become a light or dark user?

That depends on how much time you spend in the sun.

Ack! Numa Numa Dance has finally been removed from the front page with an incredible 5.5 million views (and counting).

The man, the myth, the legend.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 04:13:00

At 4/27/05 06:02 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Then there'll be three Dark Level 11s here. XD

Heh, OK. ^_^ I'm thinking about changing my aura to Light myself, though - I think the level 11 icon looks better on a blue-ish background.

At 4/27/05 11:39 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: In about a weeks time, I'll be there as well. I've grown tired of this glove, and I'm looking for a trade. But congratulations on that. :)

Thanks. ^_^ Ultimately, I think I like the hammer (level 20) the best, but it's probably going to take a LONG while 'til I get there. (Or maybe I like the golden hammer of level 27 even better - I haven't decided on that yet -, but that one's so out of reach I'll never be able to make it there unless all the high-ups stop depositing altogether ^^)

lol Just a figure of speach. I missed a few days back in February, and two this past March, I'd be level 11 now, shit, level 14 if I deposited from sign up, but yeah, just a joke. I'll get there in time. :)

Ah, OK. ^^ I missed a couple of deposits right after signing up, too, I think, but I have been able to deposit every day without any exceptions since then. There probably will be a time this come summer where I will be away for a couple of days, but maybe I'll ask a friend to deposit for me during that time.

At 4/28/05 01:31 AM, Tsukaska wrote: 1100 pages of posts! We're all insane. How do you become a light or dark user?

Oh, you don't say! ^^ As for your aura, you can just select that in your Public (I think) Profile.

At 4/28/05 02:44 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Ack! Numa Numa Dance has finally been removed from the front page with an incredible 5.5 million views (and counting).

The man, the myth, the legend.

Wow. 5.5 million views of a 4700 KB flash - that's about 25 TB of transferrred data in total. And Wade still complains that SK's NGTL etc. were "DoS"-ing the site? >_>


Congrats to:

Coop83 - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
OsAmARaMa - 3000 points, >7 VP
PimpMasterKDOG - 12000 XP (*envies*)
Kazuo_Kiriyama - first deposit of the day (yeah, the list isn't being kept up-to-date anymore, but still, that's cool)
Bloodthorne - 9000 XP
BonusStarClock - 40000 total combined stat points

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 09:49:41

heh, I will keep posting in this lounge instead of posting into the new "lounge". It's not really a wi/ht? lounge, it's more like a mix of several topics that should be in the general/clubs sections of the BBS. The only difference with the new "lounge" and the topics in the general forum is that the usual morons that browse the general forum aren't posting there or their posts get deleted.

I also don't understand why they called it "the lounge to rule them all", calling it wi/ht? lounge would make more sense. It reminds me of the series submitted by LF, one of the most overrated series I ever watched on NG. Fortunately, they are MUCH better series created by more talented artists.

Hopefully, the new lounge won't oblige anyone to lock this topic. This topic deserves to stay open for a longer period of time even though the congratulations lists/lame stats are polluting this topic which still contains many interesting discussions.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-04-28 10:01:14

At 4/27/05 05:04 PM, BonusStarClock wrote:
At 4/27/05 01:22 PM, Eldarion wrote: Is that you posting, Bonus?
No it's KIBA

Haha, that post just reminded me of you, strange how I confused you two after your alias changing shenanigans a while back :P

Oh, and congrats on 40,000 total points BTW :)

Also, congrats to Osamarama for 3000 b/p and +7 VP, Coop83 for EG Staff Sergeant, KDOG for 12,000 EXP, Bloodthorne for 9,000 EXP and everyone else.

At 4/28/05 01:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: In actuality, I believe it was 88 blams you stopped at when the "mistake blam point" system was stopped and it was fixed where you can't get accidental blams for getting the blam movie even if you vote to save... which means that your 89th, 90th, and 91st blams were all by voting 1 by accident instead of 2.

So, not quite "ALL" of those, but 88 of 91 were attempts to save blammed movies, Eldarion. The other three were misaimed clicks.

Oh, OK. I've gotten that bug quite recently though, maybe a few months ago. I can't remember if I tried to save a blammed movie or blam a saved movie, but I voted one way and got the opposite movie. I never checked if it added the point though, so maybe it just played the blam/save movie but didn't add the point.

Weeeeeee, #250 in b/p :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge