At 4/26/05 03:28 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
Bah, the boxing glove is one of the ugliest levels IMO. Level nine looks even better than it, but the knuckles are a step up. :)
Nah. Level 10 > Level 9.
lol He might me though. :/
Oh crap!
lol I remember her saying that to me once. My reply? ' Meh, do as you will then. ' I don't really care if I get banned or not, I'm sure I deserved it in some form or way. Besides, it means I can actually have somewhat of a life. XD
So she's probably secretly making an own list.
At 4/26/05 04:38 PM, WiBonusINoKnowHt wrote:
HAHAH and once he does, carmel's picture shall pwnt j00 ):<
Oh yes, but don't expect that picture to come to own me until a long time. >:)
At 4/26/05 04:49 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
Big congratulations to:
Bahamut7: level 11. (I had to read your name 5 times to realize that it was indeed you. You look so different without the boxing glove.)
Thanks! :D I know I look so different with the knuckles. I even thought it wasn't me that made a post that I made. :S
Hmm, how about changing my aura to light for a few days to see if I own anyone if they thought I was ZeroAsALimit? >:)
Congrats to:
Quisty - Level 10. Level 10 > Level 9.
Toocool100 - 2000 posts. I find that good. :)
ShittyKitty - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. That's good, but too bad about having to get 2000 more.
Nior- - Police Officer. Could you work on b/p a little more?
Rabid-Echidna - Elite Guard Colonel. I am jealous.
jump3rboi - Elite Guard Private First Class. Heh, I remember when I had that.
ramagi - 42000 blams. My blams are so small compared to yours.
Dream_of_Duke - 3000 blams. Now the 3333 shouldn't be too far away.
-Gooch- - Elite Guard Lieutenant General. There's a hidden rank?
VanillaTemper - Level 12. Didn't you mention that already? :S
Frostbreath - 1000 posts. Special number. :)
schneelocke - Level 11. Now wait for Master_Inuyasha to get level 11. >:(
Hmm, no school until Tuesday for me. :D But my computer will be going in two days. :( But it'll be better when I get it back. :)