At first when i read the title i thought this was just some club that talked about how cool war is. I took a look at your posts and i am intrested in joining. I'd like to point out something about WW2 i find that alot of the countries who put huge efforts into defeating facism and fighting Nazi Germany, Mussoluni Italy and Imperial JApan where largely ignored. I happen to be a canadian and my grandfather was in WWII as an artillery officer on D-day so it would bother me more directly. At the moment im in a International School In Istanbul that uses British Textbooks.I was reading the history boo today and It just annoys me how unwilling they are to mention Canadas war effort What they mentioned in the text book was "British, north american and Commonwealth troops attacked on d day"
Before i countinue heres some facts about it:
500,000 people in uniform by the end of the war out of a population of 11,000,000
The First assult on the Alantic Wall was in 1942 was performed by several regiments of the 2nd Division methinks and 4 companies of British Comandos. (i was in the Imperial War museum in London and there was an american magazine of the time its headline read "we and the British Assult france" The fact was there were 32 american soldiers invovlved.
Canadian 1st army landed at D-day, fought in France, Belgium, and liberated much of Holand. then In the Rhineland.
1st canadian corps fought in Italy.
Commonwealth Air Training Plan which trained 50, 000 Allied pilots was run by and in Canada.
Also the Navy was responsible for Half the Atlantic for 3 years. Im not sure on naval statistics so i wont go there.
Also im unsure about war manufaction numbers.
Also The war efforts of Australia and New Zealand are ignored jsut as much. If you feel the same way as i do tell me. I just dont ike seeing my grandfathers sarifices and acomplishments ignored nor the sacrifices of all his comrades ignored either.
1 more thing. If you ask me who won the war i'd say it has to be Russia