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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2005-09-13 22:55:20

Very well, but we must prey...

Also, we better continue with a topic (cannot talk again until tomarrow afternoon however... sorry)

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

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Response to The War Crew 2005-09-14 11:14:04

ok a topic erm how about this if the cold war was still on and was 50/50 then suddenly turned into all out war which side would u be on and why?

p.s for those who dont know the superpowers leading the factions were U.S.A and C.C.C.P (U.S.S.R)

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-14 17:32:42

At 9/14/05 11:14 AM, redglare1 wrote: ok a topic erm how about this if the cold war was still on and was 50/50 then suddenly turned into all out war which side would u be on and why?

Definitly the US of A. They had superior technology, although numbers might possible be against them. Also, if it were current today, and Ronald Reagan's plan went into effect, no nuclear missiles would penetrate the US, and you would say goodbye to Moscow. (Sorry Redglare1)

p.s for those who dont know the superpowers leading the factions were U.S.A and C.C.C.P (U.S.S.R)

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

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Response to The War Crew 2005-09-14 20:14:23

I go fo the United States, plus if you have played the game: Freedom Fighters, then here is the story of the game. This is about what would happened if USSR won World War 2.

During World War 2, USSR made an atomic bomb and nuked Germany and ended World War 2. They were the strongest nation in the world. After World War 2, USSR stopped North Korea from making and war with the United States and South Korea. In the years, they were in the Vietnam War with the north side while the US was with the south side. Then in 1986, USSR sent 10,000 soldiers to Central America and "help out" the peace there. In 1990, while the US was fighting in Iraq, USSR went to South America and took over all the countries in South America. After the war in Iraq, USSR came in the Middle East and took over that part of the world. The United States didn't care about while they were busy with the O.J. Simpson trial. Also while USSR took over the Middle East, they also took over the rest of Asia and most of Europe (all the way to France, England, and Spain.).

By 1995, USSR took over most of the world but they needed only Africa, North America, and Australia. In 1997, USSR took over Africa and Australia. Now with North America left to take over, the US was getting ready to surrender, but they took over Canada. By the year of 1999, USSR needed only Mexico and the United States to take over. That changed in 2000, when USSR took over Mexico and now they had the US surrounded. In 2001, the USSR tried to gun down the president of the United States and failed to do it.

In 2002, in the US radar there was a lot of "weather balls" coming from the West and East Coasts. Those "weather balls" landed on the shores of America and the "weather balls" were big subs with 5,000 soldiers each and they began to start a war against the US people and the US soldiers. They had most of the soldiers and subs land in major cities like Los Angeles, San Franisco, Seattle, San Diego, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, Washington DC, Boston, and New York City. They battled for 3 months but the major cities failed to defend the coasts.

5 months passed and USSR began to move in the United States to get mor cities like Chicago, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Nashville, Denver, St. Louis, Dallas and the rest of the United States. 1 year later, and USSR did some did that Nazi Germany, Alexander The Great's Empire, Roman Empire and other armies failed to do: Took over the world. But that would last for less than a week becuase the rebels in the world began to fight back and get others to join. In less than 3 years the world kicked USSR ass out of their countries and forced them bakc to Russia where they were broken away by England, Japan, Mexico, Canada, China, France, and the United States. That was the story of how what USSR could have done if they had won World War 2.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-14 22:15:21

I find that story a bit out of proportion - if the USSR took over the Middle East, we would not be paying attention to the OJ Simpson trial - we'd have humvees down their spines.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 11:05:51

what plan would this be if u mean the starwars program than sorry nomad but they only have a 20% probabilty of hitting a missile and reagen was a figurehead he had very little powr in terms of desicion making and he also listened to a t.v astrologer for advice its true he signed bills at midnight because she told him that was the safest time to do it

And the soviet union did win the second world war the turning point of that war was in 1943 Stalingrad not D-Day all the decisive battles of that war that brought germany down were on the eastern front Kursk Stalingrad and Leningrad and the battle of berlin were won by the soviets and who said the war would be nuclear the second the 1st nuke was launched the everybody who had them would launch them that would be suicidal and as far as supiorer tech goes what about vietnam and korea they had an ak and a cocktail bomb the americans had chemical weapens missiles APC tanks choppers and jets and napalm and u still lost big time the same with korea the chinese army were infantry armed with rifles and weak mortors and they pushed you back into south and retook soul they almost won but settled for a draw

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 11:20:15

At 9/15/05 11:16 AM, marchingtyrants wrote: hey what about me? i was o-ne of the first to join this club.... ishould be the major or colonel or something.

not really because u didnt post after that if you want a rank other than private u need to post more

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 11:44:42

At 9/15/05 11:29 AM, marchingtyrants wrote:
At 9/15/05 11:20 AM, redglare1 wrote:

anyways, i've noticed your'e pro-communist/ soviet.

What was your first clue?

and i'm gald to tell ya that the Russian "medics" that are going to help the rescue in Katrina are actually field spies to espionage on the status of the American military, china has put bugs everywhere in NY, Cuba sent "doctors" or as in assasins to assasinate those traitor cuban bastards who fled cuba.

they cant be good spies if you know about it

America is vulnerable now, and its reserve funds are almost out. What gonna happen next...not surprised if Russia and China invades US, even Canada!!

i would considering China sees russia as a traitor to the revolution and your constant of swearing suggests that you dont know that much about the revolution either that or u think its cool it aint no more and why do u have hitler in your sig

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 19:49:23

Ranks (This will update a lot of times):
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison (founder)
General: redglare1, ChurroNG
Lieutenant General: Nomader
Major General:
Brigadier General:
Lieutenant Colonel:
Captain: seventy-one
Second Lieutenant:
Sergeant Major: marchingtyrants
Master Sergeant:
First Sergeant:
Gunnery Sergeant:
Staff Sergeant:
Lance Corporal:
Private First Class:
Private: KjartanT, -bloodskater, thegodofwolves

At 9/15/05 11:16 AM, marchingtyrants wrote: hey what about me? i was o-ne of the first to join this club.... ishould be the major or colonel or something.

Ok, you want a rank? Then right now your rank is Sergeant Major. If you post three more times, then your rank could be a Major Colonel or Colonel.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 20:17:53

Just a comment - General Bison, I wanted to mention that it is BBS rules that you can only update a member list once a page at most - or else it could get this topic locked... we don't want that, Sir, now do we?

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 21:04:08

At 9/15/05 08:17 PM, Nomader wrote: Just a comment - General Bison, I wanted to mention that it is BBS rules that you can only update a member list once a page at most - or else it could get this topic locked... we don't want that, Sir, now do we?

We should do that but only two per page (maybe one). This is how it will go: One list will be at the top of the page and the second will be at the bottom of the page.

Ok, here is some topics that we can talk about:

What was the mistake in a war that may have changed the war?
(Example: If the men in Pearl Harbor knew that the Japan Empire was going to strike in Dec. 7, 1941, then that could have changed the history.)

Do you know what World War 1 was about?

Which person in a war did you considered the evil enemy? (Example: Adolf Hitler)

What war did you think was not worth fighting for?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 21:08:23

At 9/15/05 09:04 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: Ok, here is some topics that we can talk about:

What was the mistake in a war that may have changed the war?
(Example: If the men in Pearl Harbor knew that the Japan Empire was going to strike in Dec. 7, 1941, then that could have changed the history.)

If Hannibal had struck Rome itself instead of waiting, there are more that I think are above this, it just escapes my mind right now.

Do you know what World War 1 was about?

I'm sure when that's posted it will be the end of that topic so...

Which person in a war did you considered the evil enemy? (Example: Adolf Hitler)

Single-handedly the person who defines evil, Adolf Hitler, although Osama comes close, Hitler was much more effective at doing what he wanted to do.

What war did you think was not worth fighting for?

Iraq, vietnam, most wars because people should solve their conflicts peacefully, but I guess the Crusades, then and now.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-15 22:01:10

What war do you think was not worth fighting for?

For the US? I'd have to go with... the battle of Tripoli. What'd it do for us? It stopped a few raids on ships... that's about it. We had 60 marines, and we lost. And there's only one way it's remembered - the Marine Corps. Hymm

"To the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli..."

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 14:02:45

At 9/15/05 09:04 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:

:: Do you know what World War 1 was about?

Which person in a war did you considered the evil enemy? (Example: Adolf Hitler)

world war 1 officaly began when a serbian terrosit assainated the aire to the austro hungarian empire however the reason why this was a full scale world conflict was because europe was full of empires and they ran out of territory and were sharing more and more borders so when to nations serbia and austria who both had allies went to war it was seen as the perfect opportunity for the allaince (britain france and russia) and the central powers (germany austro hungry) to annexe each others empires the problem was alot of new technology was introduced machine guns mustard gas barb wire and grenades but battle tactics hadnt caught up to these tools so a trench war started

there are many wars that should never have been fought in my opinion so i'll just list them for know , grenadeia, war on iraq ,vietnam,and many more

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 15:49:04

At 9/16/05 02:02 PM, redglare1 wrote: there are many wars that should never have been fought in my opinion so i'll just list them for know , grenadeia, war on iraq ,vietnam,and many more

I still say Tripoli... grenaidia too - but Vietnam and Iraq both have their reasons.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 16:14:18

At 9/16/05 03:49 PM, Nomader wrote:
At 9/16/05 02:02 PM, redglare1 wrote: there are many wars that should never have been fought in my opinion so i'll just list them for know , grenadeia, war on iraq ,vietnam,and many more
I still say Tripoli... grenaidia too - but Vietnam and Iraq both have their reasons.

reasons what reasons could justify vietnam

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 16:30:16

At 9/16/05 04:14 PM, redglare1 wrote:
At 9/16/05 03:49 PM, Nomader wrote:
At 9/16/05 02:02 PM, redglare1 wrote: there are many wars that should never have been fought in my opinion so i'll just list them for know , grenadeia, war on iraq ,vietnam,and many more
I still say Tripoli... grenaidia too - but Vietnam and Iraq both have their reasons.
reasons what reasons could justify vietnam

Actually, I kinda have to leave NG for around 45 min - I'll think about it while I'm gone... can I tell you then?


Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 16:40:37

fine just dont go on about domino effect and anti communist propaganda thats just offensive

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-16 17:19:53

At 9/16/05 04:40 PM, redglare1 wrote: fine just dont go on about domino effect and anti communist propaganda thats just offensive

Oh... I guess you win then... lol... just wanted to say though my dad was in the Navy at that time, and was on LTDs... yeah - so don't dis Vietnam Veterans (you weren't I'm just sayin...)

So you win - I lose - happy?

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-17 01:55:34

At 9/17/05 01:53 AM, marchingtyrants wrote: Russia is democratic as a front, you see, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the leading aprty in the whole of Russia. One day, the almighty USSR might come back. Russia's relation with China has greatly improved, ude to the Russo-Sino military exercise.

Just wanted to say, that I believe that if Russia does come back as the USSR, it won't come back under that name. The world would quickly take them down - so they'd be some sort of Socialist (actually communist) government in the end.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-17 05:21:25

At 9/16/05 05:19 PM, Nomader wrote:
At 9/16/05 04:40 PM, redglare1 wrote: fine just dont go on about domino effect and anti communist propaganda thats just offensive
Oh... I guess you win then... lol... just wanted to say though my dad was in the Navy at that time, and was on LTDs... yeah - so don't dis Vietnam Veterans (you weren't I'm just sayin...)

So you win - I lose - happy?

yes i am happpy but i know how u feel my dad served in falklands as an advanced reconisence scout for the navy so i know how you feel its also worth mentioning that his highest medal he got was a few years after when he was sent back there to recover are defense plans from one of are sunken ships before the russians got there but im still a communist id still be proud of him even if the falklands was an unjust war

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-17 10:22:40

It's nice to know you care :)

But really, what would happen if the USSR suddenly decided to raise their flag again... I believe it would be a bit odd, and a few complaints in Russia might be heard...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-17 16:37:05

At 9/17/05 10:22 AM, Nomader wrote: It's nice to know you care :)

But really, what would happen if the USSR suddenly decided to raise their flag again... I believe it would be a bit odd, and a few complaints in Russia might be heard...

do u mean what the russian fedaration would do or what the west would do?
i cant give you an answer for the fedaration although i might be able to predict what the west would do
1)the 1st revolution the red army faced many enemes the white army (russian non communsits) the poles the finns the japanese americans british french and some czech mercenaries were all threatened by thiss new ideal tried to destroy it and failed

i believe that only america would go as far as it did a second time the rest would stay out of it or supply the white army with the power of the press and the ability to find facts on the day they happen few governments would risk a war plus the fact the russians have rarly been defeated on there home soil and the fact that attitudes towards left wing ideals have changed also id like to add something Marx said communism would happen first in england for the industrial revolution and contray to popular beleif he was right .

the workers rallied together and formed unions to crush capitalist industralists and the labour party to represent the working man in government so we stopped short of a full scale marxist soceity but we took action against the corruption marx warned about
so we came pretty close .

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 05:06:38

im really into and interested in wars and such. Also i am becoming an air assult Ranger for the army, because its in my blood, and my grandfather died a ranger medic from World War two, and im just inlove with UH-60 BlackHawks

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 05:56:38

tyrant russia's population is over 170 million they only got 13% of the vote there an opposition party admit it the mafia rule everything in russia and peace u must be joking kruschev tried that and look were it got him replaced by breznev

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 06:49:26

u moron do you know what the mafia is about no not family money its that simple the only reason the mafia ever existed was because they figured out that an organised faction such as a family would have better chances of making money and because they belonged to somthing they were less likly to squel if they were caught also the kgb were about as loyal as judas less than half of them were communists the rest were natinalist or found the pay appealing the fact that they joined the mafia alone should be proof of there loyalty or lack of it if they were true communsits they would have joined the russian communist party and also the russian mafia was founded in the 70's in america by kgb agents who deserted dealing drugs murdering rivals flooding guns on the streets for a tidy profit this dosnt sound like the actions of a communist

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 09:21:30

Can I join?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 09:46:34

At 9/18/05 09:21 AM, Emumember wrote: Can I join?

You have my vote for approval - so right now you can consider yourself an "unoffical" member (you need the other 3 generals' approval at this point)

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 10:17:51

At 9/18/05 09:46 AM, Nomader wrote:
At 9/18/05 09:21 AM, Emumember wrote: Can I join?
You have my vote for approval - so right now you can consider yourself an "unoffical" member (you need the other 3 generals' approval at this point)

of course you can join if you promise to post often we'll start you off with 1st class pprivate and nomader you have the power to accept people on your own just make sure they'll post often and saithead it looks like you want to join do you?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-18 10:19:15

Thanks - I'll remember that - and I'm pretty sure he does want in...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

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