At 9/22/05 02:48 PM, ChurroNG wrote:At 9/21/05 03:31 PM, canada_rocker wrote:Also The war efforts of Australia and New Zealand are ignored jsut as much. If you feel the same way as i do tell me. I just dont ike seeing my grandfathers sarifices and acomplishments ignored nor the sacrifices of all his comrades ignored either.I agree, the Anzacs did do well but were largely ignored because everyone was to busy looking at the achievements of USA and UK.
Ah, they defended Guatalcanal and many other posts in the Colonies - and I recognize em for it - as if you ever play Civilization III Conquests (I highly reccomend it), it's Britain's main unit of choice in that scenario - the best part about that game is though, that you can read up on actual history about the unit - it's very interesting.
1 more thing. If you ask me who won the war i'd say it has to be RussiaI agree, Stalingrad was <quote>" the beginning of the end for the Nazis" </quote>
Apparently 200,000 Nazis and 1,000,000 Soviets died in that battle.
They did, I wouldn't be suprised - but Russia in my opinion didn't win the war - it was the Russian winter that did =D