As some of you know, SlipperyMooseCakes organised a contest a while ago, to make 88x31 icons to replace the previous ‘Link to NG’ ones. (link)
The competition was a great success (news post / Icon page), and I think there was always some consideration to update the 468x60 banners from Captain_Bob and SMC.
DannyIsOnFire did have the idea for such a contest shortly after the News post was made, (link) but he requested it’s lock due to the lack of preparation.
After a while I e-mailed Tom to see if he had received Danny’s e-mail, apparently he hadn’t, but was okay with the idea for the contest.
The idea is to create a banner 468x60 that people can put on their websites.
Specifications and such
File Format: it can be either gif, jpeg, png or swf
Size: 100kb max, if this seems to ridiculous, it might change, but for now it’s 100kb
It must reflect the ‘new’ in Newgrounds and be related to NG.
So try and use the NG colour scheme, definitely use the header at the top of the page if you want to.
Please, for the love of god, don’t submit crappy MS paint jobs.
Animation and interactivity will be really good for these banners, so try and put in some effort there.
For the previous contest I made a quick Freewebs site, to put all the icons in one place so people could vote for them easily.
I am planning to do so again, however, unlike gifs and jpgs, I can’t download swfs. If you do make a swf, then please e-mail the file to, it will make everything much easier.
Voting will be similar to the previous contest (link),
The number of banners that can be voted for are depending on how many entries we get, so we would love to receive a lot : )
Here are some examples of NG banners:
Animated swf. - bigexplosions
Detailed jpeg. - Turkeybean
So, please make some banners for Newgrounds!
please ask any questions now so i can clear them up quickly : P
I hardly ever come here anymore....