sorry for double posting, but do I need to credit anyone for it too? :)
At 4/3/06 06:25 AM, duffeknol wrote: sorry for double posting, but do I need to credit anyone for it too? :)
thnx for the compliment
thats the first time ive made ANY thing in pintshoppro in almost like 3 months
so im sorta missing some concepts
but incase you was wondering im HBN
and again sorry for the long wait and glad i could help
At 4/3/06 06:27 AM, HellboundNinja wrote:At 4/3/06 06:25 AM, duffeknol wrote: sorry for double posting, but do I need to credit anyone for it too? :)thnx for the compliment
thats the first time ive made ANY thing in pintshoppro in almost like 3 months
so im sorta missing some concepts
but incase you was wondering im HBN
and again sorry for the long wait and glad i could help
allright, you earned your credit, I'll put it in my sig too :)
and as for what you posted in the metal hell, I like this version better, I'll keep it ok?
At 4/3/06 07:09 AM, duffeknol wrote:At 4/3/06 06:27 AM, HellboundNinja wrote:allright, you earned your credit, I'll put it in my sig too :)At 4/3/06 06:25 AM, duffeknol wrote: sorry for double posting, but do I need to credit anyone for it too? :)thnx for the compliment
thats the first time ive made ANY thing in pintshoppro in almost like 3 months
so im sorta missing some concepts
but incase you was wondering im HBN
and again sorry for the long wait and glad i could help
and as for what you posted in the metal hell, I like this version better, I'll keep it ok?
oh i got no prob with that man
its all your choice
thnx for likin my work
hope your able to enjoty it for a long time to come
oh and dont eat yellow snow
it tastes funny
Hey there SSM,I would like a sig with the word Late night Poker Lounge on it and my anme as well and in the background a poker table which is green possibley (or just a green nackground and Two playing cards which are both Aces (doesnt matter which suit) That would be great thanks :D
(Oh sorry for double post,replace the word lounge with club :P)
ok i read the to do post and read about mine can't be made cause of to much stuff, so can i just have akuma wit his back turned wit the evil sign on his back, and my name in the back ground or wit just the move (cut out the back facing me thing)wit my name in the back ground can any of those be made.
(sorry 4 the double post)
if not i'll just giv up on my akuma dream sig. o yeah if ur going to make it wit just his back turned if possable can u make his clothes move as if the wind is moving it.
Could somebody make me a gory flying mongooses signature. Have the text: Flying Mongooses in the bottom right-hand corner, please. Size = 600x100, any help would be greatly appreciated.
At 4/3/06 11:57 AM, Dfrost16 wrote: (sorry 4 the double post)
if not i'll just giv up on my akuma dream sig. o yeah if ur going to make it wit just his back turned if possable can u make his clothes move as if the wind is moving it.
i hate you with a vengeance. better crack open the old Fireworks. gimme a while to do this and you better f'ing credit me after. cause if you dont ill kill you.
Hey noir_, think you can do a sig for me with my username on it. Just suprise me. Thanks.
At 4/3/06 01:11 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:At 4/3/06 11:57 AM, Dfrost16 wrote: (sorry 4 the double post)i hate you with a vengeance. better crack open the old Fireworks. gimme a while to do this and you better f'ing credit me after. cause if you dont ill kill you.
if not i'll just giv up on my akuma dream sig. o yeah if ur going to make it wit just his back turned if possable can u make his clothes move as if the wind is moving it.
I feel sorry for you, Dfrost. I pretty much made it perfectly. but the filesize is 119Kb. if anyone wants to try and resize it go for it. here's a link to your dream sig full quality anyway:
i'll try and reduce the filesize. if this doesn't work i'll make it with just the burning.
sorry mate. here's the fixed image link:
i couldnt get the filesize down. pretty much impossible. but i hope this makes up slightly:
At 4/3/06 02:10 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote: sorry mate. here's the fixed image link:
Waaaaaaay too many explosions. have just one or two and it'd be possible to compress.
At 4/3/06 03:06 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Waaaaaaay too many explosions. have just one or two and it'd be possible to compress.
just tried that. cut out the power up and every explosion bar one. even then i cant compress it without the colours being severly compromised.
I'm on the list :D:D:D Finally someone recognizes me :D:D:D
Hey guys, I would like a sig with Yuna, Rikku, and Paine from Final Fanasy X-2 and YPR somewhere on it, preferably in the middle. I would also like my name somewhere on it too. I don't have any requests for an artist, but I would prefer whoever has the most knowlege of Final Fantasy.
May I request a signate that IS NOT Ng sized?
At 4/3/06 02:50 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Prellz/At 3/27/06 02:05 PM
splinter cell series, so I would like a black or grey background, with my name spread across the sig in a lighter shade of the black or grey. Then, since im a larger person, I would like a decently fat sam fisher (main character from splinter cell), popping in and out of the sig in seperate areas.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 4/3/06 02:50 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: -Colossus-/At 3/22/06 11:05 PM
Colossus from X Men with a grunge background.
I hope this is Colossus
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 4/3/06 03:28 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Musical_Rocky/At 3/23/06 07:30 PM
Based on Alias with piano background
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 4/3/06 02:50 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: PalabraATuMadre/At 3/26/06 09:24 PM
hot chick and skateboard
two copys
one with current alias and one with LamboFactor
Once again that is only 50% correct...
You guys can scratch my request anyway...
This may go against the rules of the SSMR but i right now dont really care (due to the mood i'm in)... First off, the ASM is way more effective and the sigs they make are just as good as you guys' sigs... All you guys seem to do is argue with random users... I may be stepping out of line when i say this but a lot of the sig makers in here these days are complete dicks and have to respect for anyone... If somebody is being annoying, don't call them names be respectfull... If people can't be patient send them to the ASM for the same quality sigs made here... I hope some day it will go back to the way it used to be, respectfull, well-mannered users making sigs for people who can't make good ones themselves...
At 4/3/06 03:28 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Suudsu/At 3/30/06 06:52 PM
V For Vendetta Style
V for style
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
Hey can i get a sig made for me. I would like my name in the lower left corner good sized. The theme for my sig can be elder scrolls 4 Oblivion. I would like one of the daedric charecters wearing full daedric. If possible I would like the background being the red sky like as you approach an oblivion gate. For those who don't know its red with lightning. And the type of letters for my name could be like black and red with spikes. But it would be nice if it can be seen easily. I hope this is enough details. Thx if you do it or not.
At 4/3/06 03:28 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Harry_FELTERSNACH/At 4/2/06 05:09 PM
Chuck Norris style
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 4/3/06 07:12 PM, fahrenheit- wrote:At 4/3/06 02:50 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Prellz/At 3/27/06 02:05 PM
I like! Good use of glowy light. Nice job!
At 4/3/06 08:35 PM, Prellz wrote:At 4/3/06 07:12 PM, fahrenheit- wrote:At 4/3/06 02:50 AM, Sig-Bot wrote: Prellz/At 3/27/06 02:05 PMEnjoy.I like! Good use of glowy light. Nice job!
On second thought, could you possibly move my name up a little bit, make it a little larger, and write a little phrase under it? Something along the lines of 'I'm Waiting for you..." If you can think of anything better, feel free to throw it in there.
... And if its possible, animate the glow on his goggles? Just like fading the brightness in and out in a set of frames, if you have any idea what im talking about...