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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 09:42:59

At 4/1/06 08:18 PM, Rophynol wrote:
At 4/1/06 12:22 PM, chunga1 wrote: I just want a sig PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Least I can do. <3

thanks man

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 10:35:11

At 4/2/06 09:32 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Im not sure if this group is still going but i wouldnt mind a new sig :)

Burn Baby Burn!

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 11:06:19

Oh cool! thanks arach_angel_rhys! Its really good!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 12:01:21

Hey Banana I guess you miss understood me. You sig you made for me the NG size one can you make that one into a 480*272 and have the name be DYLAN just plain DYLAN.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 12:20:45

At 4/1/06 05:40 AM, duffeknol wrote: can you make me a totally spies one? :D
I have a nice TS sig on an other forum, but it's way too big to use here, can you guys help me out?

refreshed, and I'd like Alex in it. The left girl is
Please make me my sig... after a month of waiting for nothing I'd say it's about time :P

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 12:30:13

totally spies
well tonight im gonna make a noter todolist
then if no one else has made you sometin ill post sometin for ya at the aSM
id do it now but i gotta got o work

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 12:43:56

Hello. Can someone of the team make me a cool Deadpool sig?? With my name on it somewhere...Size of it 300-350x150 if it's all right with you guys.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 12:59:38

errrr i like this one but you think you could make it just auron and selphie on their? and a darker shade of purple ill keep this one till another ones made though thanks and bye ^^

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 14:24:03

heu guy i jus don't want to get forgoten i would lov to see what you can do wit my idea for a sig.

(hey peoples, i hav a request, i would like to 2 ask for an animated sig (u know the ones that move) i was thinking of a great one i want. it was akuma from street fighter doing his finshing move on ryu u know the one where he flows across the floor the the screen go black and the person u was fighting is K.O.ed then he goes in to his stance with his back turned and then the evil sign appers on his back out of no where, people who played street fighter know what i'm talkin about, it soud like a hard sig to make and if u u can make it can you make my name the background. plz giv me some feed back thx)

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 15:05:58

At 4/2/06 12:01 PM, _Obito_Uchiha_ wrote: Hey Banana I guess you miss understood me. You sig you made for me the NG size one can you make that one into a 480*272 and have the name be DYLAN just plain DYLAN.

No. Because it would look like this.

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 15:07:59

At 4/2/06 03:05 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: No. Because it would look like this.

Oops, wrong file. :\

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 15:40:01

Not ttrying to be a nag or anything, but I requested awhile ago....

P.S. All of the recent work has been amazing fellas, the sigs look ace.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 15:41:06

Hi guys. Hottify my old sig please :D

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 17:09:40

someone make me a chuck norris sig pic

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 17:32:45

Is ANYBODY going to make me a signature here???


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 18:00:48

Can i request an Urban Dead themed sig i will be using it (on another forum).

Im not to bothed how you do it ill leave the details up to you, just use the alias "Tommy" on it.

Thanks in advance SSMR

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 20:45:41

Hey, could someone make me a V for Vendetta sig incorporating the two following pics

PIC #1
PIC #2

And include the following quote from the movie, "Disdaining fortune with his brandished steel. Which smoked with bloody execution..." as well as "I've Returned" some where in there as well. I'd like someone to make this dramatic and different from other V for Vendetta sigs, I'm hoping someone with some major sigging skill takes my request ;)

Thanks in advance.


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 22:02:21

my sig shall never be made >_<


Yeah I have an Attitude proplem, so the fuck what?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 22:07:42

can someone please make me a Napolean Dynamite sig?

Also I am looking for an official sig maker..

like for when I want a sig I can go to that person to make me one

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 22:52:27

where is linkage?

Someone told me you would be interested in being my sig maker.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 22:59:26

At 4/2/06 10:07 PM, chunga1 wrote: can someone please make me a Napolean Dynamite sig?

I made you a sig yesterday, wait a fortnight until you request again.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 23:08:04

At 4/2/06 10:52 PM, chunga1 wrote: where is linkage?

Someone told me you would be interested in being my sig maker.

there is no one called linkage, thats just what i call all my links. just request a sig and these guys will make it.

I dont even.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 23:24:14

hey guys i wont be long because im full of adrenaline right now lol.
I just finished watching WWE Wrestlemania 22 and i was hoping you guys could possibly make me a sig depicting the finer moments of it?

like: a black background sig with eddie on one side and rey holding up his new heavyweight title on the other (there is an image where he;s with chavo guererro and katie, eddies wife and they are pointing upwards referring to eddie, but i dont know where i can find it, sorry)
or just an image with rey and the title in it.

and have the words below the 2 images like this:
just below the images: (can these 2 be paragraphed please)

"Rey Mysterio: WWE Heavyweight Champion"

"Eddie would be proud Rey" (in bold itallics) Below it

if thats possible i'd appreciate it.

thanks guys.


Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-02 23:44:47

the Request list is gonna be posted tonight at some point in time so if you have amde a request dont make any more you will be added to it...and if you havnt then go ahead and make one and ill add you too

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 02:38:17

At 4/2/06 03:40 PM, Suudsu wrote: Not ttrying to be a nag or anything, but I requested awhile ago....
P.S. All of the recent work has been amazing fellas, the sigs look ace.

dont worry guy i didnt miss you
and thanx for being patient

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 02:50:51

/|\SSM To Do List/|\ Start of Part 1 of 3

Tsuchiya/At 3/29/06 06:48 PM
Japan Style lettering for Alias w/ a pagadoa and the moon in the backround

-IHATEPPLlol-/At 3/22/06 04:38 PM
Zim (from invader zim) that says "obey the fist!" and in smaller letters put my screen name at the bottom

TehChahlesh/At 3/24/06 03:52 PM
White BG w/ Tophat on left side and "I own a Top Hat, therefore I am cool" on right w/ alias in time new roman and black in bottom right

Prellz/At 3/27/06 02:05 PM
splinter cell series, so I would like a black or grey background, with my name spread across the sig in a lighter shade of the black or grey. Then, since im a larger person, I would like a decently fat sam fisher (main character from splinter cell), popping in and out of the sig in seperate areas.

Pyrostudios/At 3/21/06 02:15 PM
anime type guy holding and starring at a burning match with Pyrostudios in fire up in the top left corner and in the bottom right corner it says "Feed your inner Pyro".

rayzerblayze/At 3/27/06 11:42 AM
Angel & Grim reaper w/ "Life is worth Living"

Smizzoach/At 3/13/06 06:54 PM
Pro-Pic request:
Guy wearing a leather S&M mask with a caption saying "Smizzoach, The Sadomasochist"

kingofgamers18/At 3/16/06 06:07 PM
Crown with name in it and "Hail to the king" in lower right corner

KakashiKunai/At 3/16/06 06:16 PM
red blue and black backrounds colors with pics similar to thses

Carnane/At 3/16/06 07:47 PM
fading blue background with name in wavy font in the corner and the linked pic of Siegfried

_Obito_Uchiha_/At 3/22/06 07:56 PM
green background with 8-bit link and how he grows with text "O how time's have changed"
no name to be on it

Catcatcat/At 3/18/06 12:59 AM
1- Put a spinning, gif shuriken in the center in the middle of the sig.
2- Put the facepaint stuff on the pic of kankuro

Scud_Buster/At 3/21/06 01:39 AM
gaara from naruto w/ scud_buster in the lower right and "Any One Who Crosses Me is Dead Meat" or "The First Breath is the Beginning of Death" in upper right

duffeknol/At 3/18/06 08:51 AM
Thnk HBN

Senseless_Blue/At 3/27/06 02:06 AM
Blakc and blue and main colors and shades of them are fine Just no Grey.
Neutical stars of the same color and main colors.
Alias and possibly animated

Respect_plus_1/At 3/19/06 03:16 PM
Animated Request
two stick figures in middle of sig...one slaps other and say respect bitch
name in bottom right corner

Metaphor_99/At 3/20/06 07:09 PM
Sig and Profile Pic Request
Sig request
-Use pic provided in link
-In one of the corners, put: Metaphor
-Somewhere on the sig, have a microphone. If you can make it laying on the ground with the chord rolling off to the end of the pic
Profile Pic request
-Use pic provided in link
-Just in the bottom, put Metaphor in the same font and colour you did with the sig.
-A border around the whole outline, use Red Blue or both

Honkey pic for sig and Propic

Jay-B/At 3/21/06 01:24 AM
black, and blue, maybe a white border and looking as if it is part of the forum it'self. Like the color of the BBS but not actually in the sig and check below is post for the style of lettering he wanted

DarkTails100/At 3/22/06 05:02 AM

StrawberryShock/At 3/12/06 07:27 PM
WebSite Banner Request:
logo made for my clan website. It's clan SiD I need a pic made for SiD. Im not eaxctly sure what I want on it umm mayb some guy laying dead on top of the SiD with the letters. Black and blue. Just try to be creative because I don't reallly know what I want but I need a logo so just do some random cool stuff to it. But I would like a body laying of to of the Clan SiD logo. and like a sword leaning aggisnt the D on the SiD.

Note From Sig-Bot
Some Specs wpuld be nice...like heightxWidth

PalabraATuMadre/At 3/26/06 09:24 PM
hot chick and skateboard
two copys
one with current alias and one with LamboFactor

ZERO52/At 3/22/06 08:48 PM
Wants 3 VG ch in it
Samus Aran-Metroid prime 1 or 2
Joanne Dark-Pefect dark Zero
Main charcter from Farcry-Any farcry
black and white style
and his name beaten to hell like farcry letters with a biohazard sign by name...a tiny one

Rebuttal/At 3/29/06 05:10 PM
Sig/ProPic request
Name With provided pic


-Colossus-/At 3/22/06 11:05 PM
Sig Pro-Pic Combo Request
Colossus from X Men with a grunge background.
My alias in a destroyed font like Retro Rock Poster<see link> Some blood, and make it fade to the site color like paint spills

Requested Text is at Bottom of Page

Hardcoded-Ham/At 3/23/06 06:11 AM
Navy blue-deep red-white w/ Zombie style for the rest and "ZombieCrew"on it

-Clone-/At 3/29/06 04:57 PM

Dogget/At 3/23/06 08:11 AM
Cartoon Style
man standing next to a dog saying "Dog! Get!"
And the dog looks sad, and has the watery/cute eyes happening.

tax777/At 3/23/06 05:59 PM
Something along the lines of 'tax' (all lower case, and no numbers so i can use it on teh other forum i frequent, please) with a katana or a random sword running behind it, with a shiny star thingy on teh blade, on an all black backround, with tax in red or green.

End Of Part 1 of 3

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 03:28:29

Start of Part 2 of 3

Musical_Rocky/At 3/23/06 07:30 PM
Based on Alias with piano background

Ryan_Kajito/At 3/23/06 07:38 PM
Freestyle with Sonic the Hedgehog and Edward Elric

dooseyboy/At 3/24/06 09:26 AM
Animater Request
The sentence " i mite av stole ya sig"
in big red lettering then it can flash or somthing then turn into a laughing face and my name on it somewhere

Click the Current ASM todolist for photoshop needs and info

Behemoth theme w/ "I have not seen a man who is not god already"
Band Logo
Album Art

Captain-Jack/At 3/28/06 09:07 AM
Freestyle w/ pics prvided in link and text on bottom "Bring me back to the railroad track."
Cptn Jack Link

DeadSoulz/At 3/28/06 09:33 AM
Freestyle add in alias
judging from his current sig id add something from counterstrike in there as well

TMicko/At 3/29/06 09:46 PM

FeargusMcDuff/At 3/30/06 10:34 AM

Norvash/At 3/30/06 11:55 AM
FF7 style w/ red,black and blue colors
Cloud and Septh/ or Red13 w/ alias big in center

allhaillaharl/At 3/30/06 04:57 PM
Request for someone else
Request:Similar to current sig but based on Black/red color scheme with Knuckles

Current Sig

Suudsu/At 3/30/06 06:52 PM
V For Vendetta Style

Mr_Fluffykins/At 3/30/06 09:50 PM
Thnk Rophynol

Fat_and_Proud/At 3/30/06 10:24 PM
Simple animated request...i think
Alias w/ Gif...rest is freestyle


Click here for Sig

Rewmac/At 4/1/06 12:17 PM
Hello. I actualy have request for sigs if it's not a problem. But I got special writing needed on them if it's also not a problem. And I'd like if Juggernaut or somebody with his style would make them. Thank you. I'm requesting a Wolverine,Ghost Rider,War Machine, Vergil (Devil May Cry 3) sigs if it's all right. The size would be good in 300-350x150, and I kinda need my name on every one somewhere on it. And a line that fits the character. I hope it is not a problem that I request this much.

-Speedy-/At 4/1/06 05:07 PM
Thnk Rophynol

GumSlough/At 4/1/06 05:39 PM
Thnk Rophynol

Diablo-The-Devil/At 4/1/06 05:58 PM
Request update...auron and selphie and a darker shade of purple
Thnk Rophynol

Thnk BBM

Thnk BBM

Thnk Rophynol

Thnk AAR

DannyIsOnFire/At 4/2/06 09:32 AM
Thnk AAR

Rewmac/At 4/2/06 12:43 PM
Deadpool style sig

tons of shit
Sorry man but that aint gonna happen dum it down some

Harry_FELTERSNACH/At 4/2/06 05:09 PM
Chuck Norris style

Tom_s00/At 4/2/06 06:00 PM
Urban dead style w/ alias Tommy

End of Part 2 of 3

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 03:30:26

Start of Part 3 of 3

Vegeton/At 4/2/06 08:45 PM
Diff V for Vendetta style sig w/ "Disdaining fortune with his brandished steel. Which smoked with bloody execution..." and "I've Returned"
Link 1
Link 2

Dangan/At 4/2/06 11:24 PM
2 choices of what to make
1.a black background sig with eddie on one side and rey holding up his new heavyweight title on the other (there is an image where he;s with chavo guererro and katie, eddies wife and they are pointing upwards referring to eddie, but i dont know where i can find it, sorry)
2.just an image with rey and the title in it
but which ever you do include "Rey Mysterio: WWE Heavyweight Champion"

"Eddie would be proud Rey" (in bold itallics) Below it

Note For all sig makers
If you whish to join the SSM you can do so by posting your work in the ASM as they have elected to watch only that thread for new talent...when they have there tryouts they will make a post in both places saying so...other wise !!!DON'T POST YOUR WORK HERE!!!
Just ask for what you want and i'll add you to the list...if you piss of one of the artists here and they dont make you one to bad...and since I make the todolist for both the ASM and the SSM I know once your request is filled and i'll remove said request from BOTH lists.
If You Want Somethign for Another Site
Please let us know the height/width and MAX file size so we know what we can work with.
Wanna do what we do?
Then check the current ASM ToDoListfor all your Photoshop and PaintShopPro needs
the data is growing almost every update...not to mention theres some new NG themed things on the list for your PC.
Contact Sig-Bot

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 03:35:58

Missed one
Diablo-The-Devil/At 4/1/06 05:58 PM
Request update...auron and selphie and a darker shade of purple
Thnk Rophynol
Thnk Turkeybean
the seconed one contains your updated request critera

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-03 05:18:29

omg sorry guys for the quad post but i finished the ASM todolist and i found many more of or pending request were filled there
sorry again
if you REALLY need to know who just check the other to dolist
ill have all this shit sorted out by the next list
sorry agin

BBS Signature