dont know if these have been mentioned, sorry if they have
it would be cool to know if someone had responded to one of your bbs posts, maybe like a option on the posts page that allows you to see them, or maybe like there under your posts (like on gmail, or even the portal reviews)
clean out the flagged movies more, ive been submission banned for about 3 months now, its not good and i have obviously learnt my lesson. i think its pathetic that the site main feature is put out the iwndow because i submitted two crappy dress ups, when i was new. also, ive emailed wade 3 (i think) times now, its just really annoying.
some kind of passport for posting in a new general section, like general upperclass were u dont get all the newb bullshit(i havent really thought of this one much, but if you think about it you could probably come up with something good)
a better tutorial section
a better stats page, it would be nice to know the percent of english people, what the average job is and stuff, some of the profile stuff is just pretty useless else.
some user changeable functions, like little buttons and stuff you can remove from your profile, for instance having a bar at the top of the bbs saying Read the rules?, you can turn this off in your profile etc
im out for now, i hope you think about some of these though