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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

131,625 Views | 1,645 Replies
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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-21 19:19:43

At 8/21/05 03:46 PM, Maus wrote: I asked this in the last thread. Four characters is the lowest threshhold liljim wants to have in place. You can use Google to search for 3 character terms. :)

I think there should be something cause it takes me forever to find the 311 Club and the SK8 Crew...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-21 19:57:51

At 8/21/05 07:19 PM, Religiously_Rude wrote: I think there should be something cause it takes me forever to find the 311 Club and the SK8 Crew...

Bookmark them. :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-21 20:33:27

By the by, I tried searching 3 words, the first being a 3 charactered one, and it gave me the "more than 3 characters" error. Like say, you search for "the newgrounds club" and it gives you the error.

Oh, and how about having "whistle mods"? If a submission gets flagged, why not have mods inspect it, instead of the admins?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-21 20:39:56

At 8/21/05 08:33 PM, arab_freak wrote: By the by, I tried searching 3 words, the first being a 3 charactered one, and it gave me the "more than 3 characters" error. Like say, you search for "the newgrounds club" and it gives you the error.

It won't happend ever. Move on. Use goggle like Maus said

Oh, and how about having "whistle mods"? If a submission gets flagged, why not have mods inspect it, instead of the admins?

That has been suggested before, but on a larger scale. I believe the idea was liked, but no idea if or when they may get to it.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-21 21:18:49

dont know if these have been mentioned, sorry if they have

it would be cool to know if someone had responded to one of your bbs posts, maybe like a option on the posts page that allows you to see them, or maybe like there under your posts (like on gmail, or even the portal reviews)

clean out the flagged movies more, ive been submission banned for about 3 months now, its not good and i have obviously learnt my lesson. i think its pathetic that the site main feature is put out the iwndow because i submitted two crappy dress ups, when i was new. also, ive emailed wade 3 (i think) times now, its just really annoying.

some kind of passport for posting in a new general section, like general upperclass were u dont get all the newb bullshit(i havent really thought of this one much, but if you think about it you could probably come up with something good)

a better tutorial section

a better stats page, it would be nice to know the percent of english people, what the average job is and stuff, some of the profile stuff is just pretty useless else.

some user changeable functions, like little buttons and stuff you can remove from your profile, for instance having a bar at the top of the bbs saying Read the rules?, you can turn this off in your profile etc

im out for now, i hope you think about some of these though


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-22 13:53:47

I was wondering if anyone would consider adding a new whistle level, such as platinum? I believe if at least one more level was added to the whistles, people would be encouraged to whistle more abusive reviews. It seems to me that most people quit or drastically reduce their effort of clearing out abusive reviews because they feel they cannot gain any more levels.

Adding more levels would work two ways:

1. It would motivate people to gain more exp through whistle usage (much like the B/P ranks)

2. It would cause SOME abusive reviewers (although not all) to control their comments because of the increase possibility that they would be caught.

I am not sure how easily whistle levels could be added, but it would draw a fair amount of interest from users who would like to have their true levels (3 of the top 5 whistles are silver) shown.

Although I came up with the idea of a platinum whistle, other levels could include ruby (above gold), diamond (above gold), coal (next to garbage), and a improved regular (between regular and bronze).

(The whole "add more whistle levels" was originally stated by Luxury_Yacht on this page)

~Bronze Portal Lt. Redwrath~

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-22 17:29:29

I just saw a topic here and it gave me the idea of having an adult section of the bbs. This would be good so the younger users such as myself dont run into stuff like that.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-22 18:22:32

At 8/22/05 05:29 PM, Prellz wrote: I just saw a topic here and it gave me the idea of having an adult section of the bbs. This would be good so the younger users such as myself dont run into stuff like that.

That topic was deleted, so I don't know what it was about. The mods do try to keep discussions here fairly appropriate for people 13 and over.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-22 19:08:17

I have an idea.

I think that in every post, and I mean every post, not just a topic post, There should be a report abuse button. Along with an article of why the post is abusing the rules.

Also this abuse signal could be sent to moderators and Administartors through a Private Messaging service so that Wade, Tom and the others do not have to read 100 emails before they get to your report abuse message. The service could be used solely for reporting the abuse, and not for spamming up their accounts. this could also help Whistling experience by a portion.

--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost? Little to none, possibly a lot more for Administrators.

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be? Much, just about everyone wants there whistling as high as they can get it.

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?” It would serve a very good purpose, letting administrators know of faulty posts right away, and helping user experience grow.

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this? There are similiar buttons for flash movies and reviews, this implements that idea into BBS posts.

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this? Not that I know of, however I may be wrong.

--- f. Include your reasoning in your post. I have.

"Anything coming must automatically give way to your perfection, your anger, your awesomeness. The world must yield." -- Best Fortune Cookie Ever ; -[AXP]-

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-22 19:32:12

At 8/22/05 07:08 PM, Ganondorf wrote: I have an idea.

I think that in every post, and I mean every post, not just a topic post, There should be a report abuse button. Along with an article of why the post is abusing the rules.

Already discussed at least once and very unlikely to happen, the site is too small for this to be of any real use. It'd be easy enough to PM a mod that's online when that feature is introduced.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 06:41:57

I know this had been suggested before, but I really think there's no use for a 'New Topic' button to be inside an already existing topic, so my idea is to remove it.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 10:03:45

Uhh this may be the only time in my life i'm ever going to see this but i was wondering...


Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 10:11:58

At 8/24/05 10:03 AM, Religiously_Rude wrote: Uhh this may be the only time in my life i'm ever going to see this but i was wondering...


People saw it, but didn't vote? The voting score has been removed for under judgement movies.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 19:57:34

One more thing. Why not show an error whenever someone tries to post "[img]lameimageshackpicture[/img] ? I've been seeing these a lot lately in the "Build a Robot" thread on general.

Error - It seems you are using image tags. Please use the attachments function.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 20:15:05

At 8/24/05 07:57 PM, arab_freak wrote:
Error - It seems you are using image tags. Please use the attachments function.

Because it's fun to laugh at people thinking their inferior bbcode will work here.

As for the views on UJ thing on the previous page, it's probably the author whoring out his F5 button to make people think it's further on in judgment than it actually is and get better votes.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 20:44:56

At 8/24/05 06:41 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: I know this had been suggested before, but I really think there's no use for a 'New Topic' button to be inside an already existing topic, so my idea is to remove it.


If you read a thread and it inspires you to create a different thread, based on what you read in the one you were in, you'd have to go to the forum list before you're able to click a link that takes you to post a new thread.

Any arguments about morons clicking the link because it's there, rather than using the reply buttons are moot, given that they're morons for doing that in the first place...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 22:01:24

At 8/22/05 01:53 PM, Redwrath wrote: Although I came up with the idea of a platinum whistle, other levels could include ruby (above gold), diamond (above gold), coal (next to garbage), and a improved regular (between regular and bronze).

I think that the problem lies in the huge gap between silver and gold. I feel that many people just stop whistling once they reach silver, and I think that making it plausible to go beyond silver would be a good incentive for whistling past silver.

(The whole "add more whistle levels" was originally stated by Luxury_Yacht on this page)

Thanks for giving me credit, there. I appreciate it.


oh no I am choking on a million dicks

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-24 23:53:37

At 8/24/05 10:01 PM, Luxury_Yacht wrote:
I think that the problem lies in the huge gap between silver and gold. I feel that many people just stop whistling once they reach silver, and I think that making it plausible to go beyond silver would be a good incentive for whistling past silver.

If more levels were added to close the objective exp. gap, more people would continue whistling.

Tell me if you come up with any good ideas.

Does anyone think I should start a petition of user's names approving whistle level changes?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-26 16:48:20

This is a very small thing that might end up at the very bottom of liljim's never ending to do list (it may already be there for all I know).

There is a link in the user profile that tells you about aura. It is situated below and to the right of the level icon.

The description there is currently inaccurate as it describes how the aura used to depend on the users voting disposition. It is now a user selected attribute.

I was thinking maybe use an edited version of the description found in the site FAQ.

Here is a suggestion.

Your aura is a user-selected aspect which impacts nothing except others' interpretations of your self-expression. Formerly, it was determined by one's voting habits, but this is no longer the case. You may select or alter your aura in your public profile.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-27 15:11:33

A simple idea to stop possible future problems...

Have a level requirement to submit flash.
Like for example there are alot of really crappy barney/ clifford flashes that I am convinced is created by the same person just with many different level one accounts and just submitting these effortless submissions cause he has nothing better to do.

This will also work for the new people to get an idea of what is acceptable to the flash portal. And perhaps give them second thoughts on there 15 kb stickfight move

Also this could stop advertisements Im sick of seeing people just submit logo's
Have a level requirement and interest is lost and if something is still submited the account could be deleted and that person(s) will have to start all over again getting exp.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-27 15:37:40

At 8/27/05 03:11 PM, major_punk wrote: A simple idea to stop possible future problems...

Have a level requirement to submit flash.

But then a lot of artists who decide to sign up and submit their movies would be denied. The point of the portal is to have regular people submit their flash to a place that people can enjoy it. That level restriction contradict the point of the portal.


oh no I am choking on a million dicks

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-27 17:45:10

i think that we should be able to tell how many points we have and how close we are to leveling up like with exp. points

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-27 17:46:43

sorry for double posting... i meant with whistle points

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-28 17:40:12

Someone told me to come here with my idea. I think if you try to BLAM something and it SURVIVES, or you try to PROTECT something and it gets BLAMMED, your voting power should go down.

This would protect against people voting high for PEOPLE they like, instead of the actual film, ALSO protect against people going on BLAMMING or PROTECTION streaks, just trying to rack up points.

I think it'd make people THINK about the score they're giving a bit more, if it actually could come back to bite them.

Ignorance is bliss.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-28 20:36:24

At 8/28/05 05:40 PM, LogoPresents wrote: Someone told me to come here with my idea. I think if you try to BLAM something and it SURVIVES, or you try to PROTECT something and it gets BLAMMED, your voting power should go down.

This would lead to people voting on how well they think a submission will do, not what they think it deserves. So im guessing this idea won't happen.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-29 18:00:06

I suggest making a 225 character MINIMUM limit for the reviews, in order to discourage shitty one liners like "YOU SUCK".

goddamn n00bs.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-30 01:23:04

At the top of every thread, there is a list of the number of views and replies. Why not add a "number of posts deleted" option? Like say, "200 views, 23 replies, 23 deleted posts"? Just a small suggestion.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-30 11:38:17

Can you also re-name the "ATTACHMENT" to "IMAGE"? I'm seeing far too many idiots in the build-a-robot thread over in general.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-30 12:28:29

Last but not least, how about having a script that re-sizes attached images? I don't feel like opening photoshop to do that sometimes...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-08-30 15:47:44

How about adding a "who's who" section to the FAQ that lists some of the notable users on the website? I'm thinking primarily the admins (who I know are already listed) and mods, but also a few of the other prominent users that have a lot of questions asked about them (notably Bend, but also, say, humantarget, Strawberry Clock, Stamper, Dan, i.e. not an exhaustive list).