Hey, i'm sorry if this has been posted before, I don't know how many bothers reading... :P
Well, how about adding in the profile a total of your b/p? I think it can be helpful and not a big of a change, something small..
Hey, i'm sorry if this has been posted before, I don't know how many bothers reading... :P
Well, how about adding in the profile a total of your b/p? I think it can be helpful and not a big of a change, something small..
At 7/31/05 02:26 AM, -NightCrawler- wrote: Well, I got a new idea.
so basically you get a limited ammount of time where the server will crash?
if you have a good movie, email it to tom james or wade..
At 8/1/05 02:53 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Well, how about adding in the profile a total of your b/p? I think it can be helpful and not a big of a change, something small..
That does seem like a logical thing to have, and i would imagine it would be easy to implement, goo idea Carmel : )
Sorry if these have already been said.
1) Other than the online box below, users should have a little thing near their info on the rleft telling if they're online at the moment. Even better, maybe something telling people they're under a ban.
2) A "Report Post/Thread to Moderator" button. Something to throw a red flag up to the mods, an assist in detracting people from backseat modding with posts. A systm to bust fraudlent claims too would be nice (related to the whistle blower system).
I think the view counter on flash movies need to be changed. At the moment the most you can have is a message saying "more than 1 million views" on the page of the falsh even though some have a lot higher for instance alien hominid has over 11 million and sim girl has like 27 million but they still only say "over 1 million views." If some code was used that just retrieves the number at the front of the views and puts it inbetween "more than ____ million views" that would be good.
One more quickie: Adding the number of view/replies at the top of a news thread. Whenever there's a front page news story, it would seem "logical" to see the number of views or replies just like any other thread.
At 8/1/05 02:53 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Hey, i'm sorry if this has been posted before, I don't know how many bothers reading... :P
Well, how about adding in the profile a total of your b/p? I think it can be helpful and not a big of a change, something small..
I'm afraid I already suggested that. :\
At 8/4/05 09:13 PM, arab_freak wrote: Fix this please.
Does it need fixing?
It'll probably be fixed when they redesign all the profiles and crap...
Yeah it was obvies that someone had suggested this before FrOzEn_FoX.. So it's you apperantly :P
I'd like to see what liljim thinks of it though, I think it can work rearry well :P
I have a suggetsion, basicly I want all users statistics like post count, level, and level icon to be removed from The BBS, so that it could be available only in profile.
The reason is simple, it disrupts discussion, your level has nothing to do with the amount of intelligence therefore shouldn't be such a big respect factor on the bbs. I'm sick of comments on the BBS about post count, level or sighn up date.
I know that comments like that aren't going to go away, hopefully they will become less frequent.
I think it will encourage newbs to behave better too.
Just a suggestion.
At 8/7/05 11:32 AM, amplefied wrote: I have a suggetsion, basicly I want all users statistics like post count, level, and level icon to be removed from The BBS, so that it could be available only in profile.
The reason is simple, it disrupts discussion, your level has nothing to do with the amount of intelligence therefore shouldn't be such a big respect factor on the bbs. I'm sick of comments on the BBS about post count, level or sighn up date.
I know that comments like that aren't going to go away, hopefully they will become less frequent.
I think it will encourage newbs to behave better too.
Just a suggestion.
I don't think so, the level icons are supposed to act as your avatars, and people will just look at their profiles anyway. The point of having higher levels is partially to command more respect I think...
At 8/8/05 12:35 AM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: I don't think so, the level icons are supposed to act as your avatars, and people will just look at their profiles anyway.
Maybe the level icons should be replaced by actual avatars from the profile. That's how it is on other forums.
The point of having higher levels is partially to command more respect I think...
But the real question is: should it be? Espesially on a forum that has little to do with the rest of the site, flash-wise. The whole respect thing mainly works in the general because that's where most n00bs post, the rest of the site is thankfully more or less spared from that retardation.
How about a whole new system for the C&C section? Once a user starts a thread (club/crew) he she is declared "admin". The admin can use his or her powers to set up other admins, or mods. If someone wants to join the club/crew, they are to be approved. "Admins" can also ban/delete posts off their threads, the banning would be disabling a member's ability to post in the club.
Just an idea...
At 8/8/05 01:36 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: Not needed, this allows people to see who has been around and find users who could help them easier.
That's what I think the profile should do, the whole leveling up system is corrupting our minds, just by looking at your post count and your sighn-up I automaticly think less of you, and I don't like that. That's why I think it would be better off being pulled back into the profile where it belongs. Plus it's not fun when a n00b bugs you for help.
Most people will tell you that level doesn't matter, but the quality of your posts. If you can demonstrate intelligence in a post it won't matter what your level is. If you can commit to staying on the site longer you deserve more respect on the bbs.
I didn't say that level mattered to more experianced users, it does matter to 13 year olds however. It's all very psychological. Having a lollypop that basicly labels you as a n00b, can make it difficult to get your thoughts through and many users with higher levels might feel stupid agreeing with a new person.
As for the bbs being unrelated to the rest of the site, i don't believe it was intended to be that way and there are still parts of the forum or threads that talk about the site so it is related.
Yeah the flash forum, the rest is very cut off. And the flash forum is mainly for the artists and new beginners who may not be as interrested in leveling up as making and discussing flash techniques. So levels there don't plat such an imprtant role.
I have a small idea, EXP related.
As you may know, chances of getting more EXP in repeated manner (like something you can achieve daily) will probably never exceed 10, ya know?
Well anyhow, I was thinking what if we added more "One time" oppertunities? For example, how when you sign up for e-mail you are rewarded addition exp.
There are plenty of one time things that happen on Newgrounds, a first time experience, your first ever signiture uploaded for example, that would count for your first experience, doing something such as this could maybe give you another 5 exp, but only ONCE.
And joining the fan-net for the first time, it's a one time thing and perhaps it will encourage people to affliate with Newgrounds, and doing that will give them another 5 exp, but only ONCE.
As for submitting a movie for the first time, uh, no. Why I'm not reccomending this is so that people do not submit more shit to the portal just to get some EXP.
We can use the idea of earning EXP for a first try to encourage people to try out NG features, we could reward them for trying something and encourage them to enjoy what Newgrounds has to offer, maybe encouraging more members to join and stay.
It would be a good idea of course, to not let the maximum "One time" ammount of this exceed 50 EXP on your first day of course, we can't have level 3 accounts on one day.
Harmless things that we could reward for:
1. Voting on Under judgement movie for the first time.
2. Making a signiture for the first time. (Like one's profile.)
3. Joining the Fan-net for the first time.
4. Writing a review for the first time. (Emphasise on ONLY ONCE.)
5. Bookmarking a favourite author/flash for the first time.
And as such, there would be perhaps harmful things, that we SHOULDN'T reward for.
1. Submitting a flash for the first time. (People will upload crap just for EXP)
2. Submitting audio for the first time. (Same reason as flash.
3. Posting on the BBS for the first time. (Let we don't get enough lvl1 spammers.)
Like I said, it could encourage more publicity and interest if people feel they can be rewarded like this.
How about allowing the mods to see alt accounts? If 2 or more users are logged in using the same IP, the mods can see that.
arab, I don't think giving mods access to IPs is such a good idea for the following reasons
1)This can always be spoofed through a proxy
2)I don't think alts are such a problem
At 8/9/05 03:28 PM, arab_freak wrote: How about allowing the mods to see alt accounts? If 2 or more users are logged in using the same IP, the mods can see that.
Shared Computers (computer labs)
Privacy issues.
Won't happen. The admins see all, though.
At 8/4/05 04:27 AM, BrianPeppers wrote: 2) A "Report Post/Thread to Moderator" button.
At 8/9/05 05:44 PM, Inglor wrote:
2)I don't think alts are such a problem
Alts cause more problems than you can think of. But sadly we're not going to be able to see IP addresses.
This may be considered whining but i think other people will agree... This is an idea or problem that i dont have a solution for but i think most users will benefit from this...
Well this came to my attention after checking my "numbers" on the new exp. calculator...
I realized 2 things...
1- It would take me 80+ years to get even close to level 30 let alone any of the high 20's...
2- Hard as it is for me to say NG may get boring at some point and I realized i probably wont stay at NG forever... Thinking realistically i'll probably start to fade out of NG around lvl 16 or so...
So i thought about this for a while and finally decided i was ok with this (never really getting to such a high level)...
So right before leaving for vacation i realized i had about 330 exp to deposite till lvl 12... I was like sweet im getting close to level 12 only like 30 days left... So when i came back that number was up to about 345... While that may not seem like its that big a deal, take into affect that i'm not able to deposit every day... I know this has to do with HT52 depositing daily... I just dont really think its fair to go away and suddenly it will end up taking longer to get to the next level that it was before you left...
Ok so while i was writing this i've spent the time trying to think of a solution... While i know this will probably wont even get a glance from liljim but i was thinking: if somebody is going away for a given amount of time say 5 or even 7 days then can go on "vacation mode" where their account is put on like "pause" where the users like cant post in the bbs and their exp. wont go up when they dont deposit... Like there would be a maximum amount of time the user could go away before their account would "un-pause" itself... Also there would be a certain amount of time before the user could go on "pause" again...
I know this isnt the greatest idea but i think it would allow the users a better chance of leveling up... If that isnt the best solution, maybe something that could help with this problem or issue...
I don't know, people might be able to find some way to abuse that seeing as how they can go on vacation mode when they want, and then to do that every member would have individual targets to reach for a level up.
It might be a good idea to just let the difference stop rising anymore, the differences between levels are big enough as it is, if it gets any bigger it'll likely just discourage more people to deposit if it gets to a point when it takes like months to get level 10.
Anyhow I got a small idea, you know how when you mouse over a submission in the portal or on Frontpage it shows an age rating?
Well I just noticed, you don't get this mouse over effect for portal awards on the left hand side in the portal page, oddly enough.
At 8/10/05 12:18 AM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: It might be a good idea to just let the difference stop rising anymore, the differences between levels are big enough as it is, if it gets any bigger it'll likely just discourage more people to deposit if it gets to a point when it takes like months to get level 10.
Thats basically what im getting at
Anyhow I got a small idea, you know how when you mouse over a submission in the portal or on Frontpage it shows an age rating?
I like this idea a lot...
On a seperate note... When i first tried to "reply with quote" it wouldnt let me cause there was a certain percent that was the quote... Maybe if there was a "characters remaining till you can post box" cause it happens to me a lot...
I just got a small idea.
You know the Audio portal is a place for people to help find audio in general? Not just music, ya know?
Well I thought, why not add a voice acting section? People are always in need of voices, people can use this particular section to showcase their voice-acting skills and put up their voices for use on request!
They could also put say small fitting in voice clips, say someone going "Yay" or "OW" or whatever, but of course there should be a rule against Synthesized voices that anyone could make with the right program.
There could also be a sound effects section for people to make and upload whatever sound effects they can make, after all, Audio isn't entirely about the music now is it?
How about a link in a profile that appears if a user was selected as UOTD. Alot of people wouldn't know if they have been selected or not, or even when it was.
I know I wouldn't. But if it did happen I would like to know.
I've got an idea though it may sound dumb.
Why not show at the bottom of topics people who are viewing them. Then italicize their names when they are posting That way you know if a model poster is posting or a n00b.
I know it's stupid but it's the best I could come up with since I was flamed for my last idea in the first topic.
At 8/12/05 05:45 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: Uh, no I didn't.
6797 + 2827 = 9624
Shit dude you're right... Some how with the slantedness of hte numbers i made a small error... My bad...
Hell, who cares if there were a little mathmatical error anyway? That doesn't matter, it's the IDEA that counts man.
I didnt say the idea didnt count just when i get tired i get a little wierd and find things funny that arent funny... My bad...
I think that next to the persons screen name in their account there should be a little icon that like lights up whenever the person is online...
How about making it so when you vote in the Audio Portal it doesn't take you to another page and make you have to restart the song?
Pardon my ignorance if these ideas have been suggested.
Online / Offline Notification
You can view who is online by scrolling down to the bottom of each forum, yet, it can be troublesome to scout out individual users. Having a, for example, small icon on the left of a user's posts that displays their activity would be simply helpful.
Other Messangers Featured in Profile
I'll pressume this has been suggested before, but if not, such options should be implamented into the user's profile. I fully support this notion.
This might've been posted before but, I think that there should be a big visible button on the top of the front page, so it'll atract more people to the forums. Here's what I mean... not as crappy but, I think you'll get the point.