Here's an interesting ideia I recently had. I have no ideia if this has been sugested before (and apologise if it has) and I don't think it's easy enough to implement that it can be done right now, but it's something to think about doing in the near future. Basicly, I propose the creation of a reformulated underdog of the week, a "BBS underated flash of the week", with the possiblity of it appearing on the front page. This is because I feel that the current underdog category (which would serve to acomplish this) is kinda of broken right now, since it dosen't make the awarded flash receive much attention, which I guess it the whole point of this award, mainly because people abuse the current system of reviews/votes.
So, what I'm proposing is instead of making the process of selecting the underdog / underated automatic, but creating a topic on the BBS where people can submit their candidates (and, thus, automaticly voting for said candidates) and then the flash with the greatest number of votes is selected as the underdog, each week. Votes could be simply copying and pasting the html of the movie, such as: 1770
With the possiblity (or not) of the reason why this movie should be underdog beneath the vote (or something like this). Then, the votes would be tallied (which, I admit I have no ideia if this could be done automaticly, which would be very, very useful) and the most voted movie would win the award and get a frontpage spotlight (possibly?). Perhaps one could limit the the voters to the top 2000 most active users, to prevent abuse also. This is because there's lot of good flashes out there that never receive the attention they deserve and this could help them out significantly.
--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?
Not really significant.
--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?
From flash authors, I imagine there could be quite some demand (anything to get more attention), specailly from the "little guys". From normal users, not much, really.
--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, "be nice to have?"
To make lesser known movies that Tom, Wade or the rest of the admins some how miss receive the attention they deserve, specially since making it to the front page makes a world of a diference to the number of views a movie receives.
--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?
There (porbably) is, but it isn't working right now.
--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?
Not that I know of.
--- f. Include your reasoning in your post.