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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-10 12:29:14

At 9/9/07 03:29 PM, Kenzu wrote: And here are more resons why it should be added: It takes no space on the server but it will feature new years cartoons. And the new year is already approaching. Furthemore, when people see there is such a collection, they will draw more cartoons related to this subject.

but- the Admin would have made one if it was worth making one... still, the idea is partially valid

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-10 13:54:27

Well, the admin is human as well and cannot check for new collections and new flash. Maybe he checked two years ago and at that time there wasnt much, but now there is quite a lot.

I am also saying this, because I made a new years flash as well and I feel a little bit sad that there isn't a New Years collection I can suggest it for.

Here it is:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/39 9552

Please help me! Please convince the admin to add it. I am sure NG users would appreciate!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-10 16:04:11

At 9/10/07 01:54 PM, Kenzu wrote: Please help me! Please convince the admin to add it. I am sure NG users would appreciate!

sorry for my previous ignorance... maybe expanding it to festivals as NG's logo thing is "Everything by Everyone"... its quite a good idea actually (after thinking...)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-11 03:17:02

Yes, Festivals is a good idea indeed. I saw that there are Thanksgiving and Halloween, but even though Newgrounds is an American server, it should promote internationality, afterall it is for everyone!

"Festivals" could cover also celebrations, which on the new year, as well as other celebrations of nations, which are during the year!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-12 08:55:02

Maybe this is posted before, i havent read all the pages.

I think that it should be a thumbs up thumbs down system (edited) , like thumbs down is blam point and thumbs up i save point and if it is more blams than saves it will get blammed, and otherwise, but when a flash is out of "under judgement" it becomes the 0-5 system.
What do you think?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-12 08:58:23

AND you could make a user counter thingie in the corner?
And make a b/s top 50 list?

Is this a double post?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-12 11:17:52

bad idea. It's better to keep 0-5 for all times.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-12 12:54:35

At 9/12/07 08:55 AM, Narfer wrote: I think that it should be a thumbs up thumbs down system (edited) , like thumbs down is blam point and thumbs up i save point and if it is more blams than saves it will get blammed


and otherwise, but when a flash is out of "under judgement" it becomes the 0-5 system.
What do you think?

no because we like flash with a rating when it comes out of judgement- no one votes on stuff if its passed (well hardly) and we wont know what stuff is good (we can judge by high ratings)

At 9/12/07 08:58 AM, Narfer wrote: AND you could make a user counter thingie in the corner?

that be a good one- i always want to know who reads my FAQ...

And make a b/s top 50 list?

but we have a:
Top 50 Protectors List
Top 50 Blammers List

Is this a double post?

yes and therefore teddy will hate you...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-13 16:08:51

I've a suggestion for a simple aesthetic change.

You know how when you have co-authors on a flash collaboration? It's not very obvious who submit the movie. (I didn't know until recently that the first listed was the submitter.)

There should at least be some indication of who the submitter (the collab leader usually) is, at least something simple like bolding their username, or maybe a different colour.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-13 18:24:59

At 9/13/07 04:08 PM, RupeeClock wrote: There should at least be some indication of who the submitter (the collab leader usually) is

That's always the first person on the list.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-14 12:28:19

At 9/13/07 06:24 PM, liljim wrote:
At 9/13/07 04:08 PM, RupeeClock wrote: There should at least be some indication of who the submitter (the collab leader usually) is
That's always the first person on the list.

I even said that in my post, but again, that's not very obvious.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-14 12:38:18

At 9/13/07 04:08 PM, RupeeClock wrote: You know how when you have co-authors on a flash collaboration? It's not very obvious who submit the movie. (I didn't know until recently that the first listed was the submitter.)

There should at least be some indication of who the submitter (the collab leader usually) is, at least something simple like bolding their username, or maybe a different colour.

but why do you want to know anyway? its the person at the top... and anyway, they should have had equal (or roughly equal) work anyway so its by all of them...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-14 16:40:53

At 9/14/07 12:38 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote: but why do you want to know anyway? its the person at the top... and anyway, they should have had equal (or roughly equal) work anyway so its by all of them...

It would be nice to know who organises a collaborative effort, duh.
Yes, stop telling ME it's the person on top, because chances are most people don't even know that.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-21 06:40:37

I think it's stupid how the dropdown box that contains all our other flash is cut off now (unless this is a bug) and has been replaced by the View All X Of This Authors Submissions link.

It's just another page between flash, making it less convienient to jump back and forth between an authors work - especially if you are attempting to view a complete series. Not to mention it takes less time to load an entire list of submissions in a dropdown box then it does for a whole page (going for authors with a ton of submissions). It also makes things look a little messy, especially when it stops halfway through a series.

Also, I mainly use the dropdown box to view submissions. Pretty much never view the authors "flash page." Normally I look down the dropdown box and if something catches my eye I view it, now theres going to be lots of instances where alot of submissions will go overlooked simply because it fell further down the list of submissions alphabetically.

So unless this is a bug, please return the dropdown boxes to show ALL the authors submissions, not just the first 50 (couldn't be bothered counting). And yes, most artists with more than 50 submissions are normally crap - but on occasions I hav e found some decent stuff amongst the large lists.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-21 12:28:19

At 9/16/07 12:04 PM, BlueFlameSkulls wrote: Picture attachments in PM

that would be a quite good idea. though it would start those chain mails with a horrible picture (i dunno, someones head on a spike) and then say "if you do not want this to happen to you, you must send it to 10 other people" etc. and 11 year olds WILL do it since pictures are even more powerful then words (and words had a knock on effect on 11 year olds posting chain mail in reviews...)

At 9/21/07 06:40 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: I think it's stupid how the dropdown box that contains all our other flash is cut off now (unless this is a bug) and has been replaced by the View All X Of This Authors Submissions link.

yeah, that isnt really helpful... id rather be able to see all 350 of thestarsyndicate's work there and then rathen then having to click a link (also, that drop down box is easier to navigate

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-22 04:35:14

At 9/21/07 12:28 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 9/16/07 12:04 PM, BlueFlameSkulls wrote: Picture attachments in PM
that would be a quite good idea. though it would start those chain mails with a horrible picture (i dunno, someones head on a spike) and then say "if you do not want this to happen to you, you must send it to 10 other people" etc. and 11 year olds WILL do it since pictures are even more powerful then words (and words had a knock on effect on 11 year olds posting chain mail in reviews...)

Another two:

Temporary .FLA/.SWF attachments in PMs.
-20MB limit for .FLA
-5MEG for .SWF
-Deleted after 30 days.
-Five attachments can be sent out at once.

Multi-PM for Portal Buddies
Can PM up to 10 PMs at once to people on your portal buddies list.

Both of these will be good for working with collabs.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-22 04:59:59

At 9/22/07 04:35 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: <flash in PM>

that would just increase newground's bandwidth costs... there is an NGupload site (never been on it though)

Multi-PM for Portal Buddies
Can PM up to 10 PMs at once to people on your portal buddies list.

Both of these will be good for working with collabs.

yeah, but that would also require multiple messages on PM too... and that would create MORE chain- mail

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-24 03:35:28

Multi-PM for Portal Buddies
Can PM up to 10 PMs at once to people on your portal buddies list.

Both of these will be good for working with collabs.
yeah, but that would also require multiple messages on PM too... and that would create MORE chain- mail

Well chain-mailing people on your buddies list isn't going to be as effective as doing it one by one with copy/pasting anyway.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-25 12:03:07

Yea Good Ideas

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-25 13:10:48

Here's an interesting ideia I recently had. I have no ideia if this has been sugested before (and apologise if it has) and I don't think it's easy enough to implement that it can be done right now, but it's something to think about doing in the near future. Basicly, I propose the creation of a reformulated underdog of the week, a "BBS underated flash of the week", with the possiblity of it appearing on the front page. This is because I feel that the current underdog category (which would serve to acomplish this) is kinda of broken right now, since it dosen't make the awarded flash receive much attention, which I guess it the whole point of this award, mainly because people abuse the current system of reviews/votes.

So, what I'm proposing is instead of making the process of selecting the underdog / underated automatic, but creating a topic on the BBS where people can submit their candidates (and, thus, automaticly voting for said candidates) and then the flash with the greatest number of votes is selected as the underdog, each week. Votes could be simply copying and pasting the html of the movie, such as:

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/40 1770

With the possiblity (or not) of the reason why this movie should be underdog beneath the vote (or something like this). Then, the votes would be tallied (which, I admit I have no ideia if this could be done automaticly, which would be very, very useful) and the most voted movie would win the award and get a frontpage spotlight (possibly?). Perhaps one could limit the the voters to the top 2000 most active users, to prevent abuse also. This is because there's lot of good flashes out there that never receive the attention they deserve and this could help them out significantly.

--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?

Not really significant.

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?

From flash authors, I imagine there could be quite some demand (anything to get more attention), specailly from the "little guys". From normal users, not much, really.

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, "be nice to have?"

To make lesser known movies that Tom, Wade or the rest of the admins some how miss receive the attention they deserve, specially since making it to the front page makes a world of a diference to the number of views a movie receives.

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?

There (porbably) is, but it isn't working right now.

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?

Not that I know of.

--- f. Include your reasoning in your post.



To think about the world, click cat.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-25 13:53:01

At 9/25/07 01:10 PM, Vert wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/40 1770

what? doesnt that flash have a high enough score of 4.49? also, your idea seems to be based on opinion- some might think all kk flash is underrated? its an opinion thing...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-25 19:29:27

At 9/25/07 01:53 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 9/25/07 01:10 PM, Vert wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/40 1770
what? doesnt that flash have a high enough score of 4.49? also, your idea seems to be based on opinion- some might think all kk flash is underrated? its an opinion thing...

I was only using the movie (Madness: Deus Ex Machina) as an example of HOW to make the vote, not WHICH movie deserved to receive such a vote (but there are plenty of movies, to be sure). And yes, quite obviously I'm sugesting we use the user's opinions of what could be considered an underrated movie, much like we use the opinions of NG's users on what are good movies!


Another big advantage of using a system such as I sugest is that this could / should encorage users to actually go out and find movies that other's may have missed, or at least point them out. And yes, quite obviously there could be attempts at manipulation, but that already occurs with the underdog award. What's more, by making the votes explicit, not only would these attempts become more explicit (and possibly subject to punishment), but it could (potentially, it depends on how enthusiastic normal users would be to participate) solve this sort of thing with a large enough voting base.

I'm actually more concerned with dealing with this problem (although the redesign helped out quite a bit, with things like front page posts) then with necessarily dealing it with this way...


To think about the world, click cat.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-26 17:18:26

You should be able to choose which of your news posts displays on your userpage, rather than it automatically being your most recent post.
Sometimes I want to make a news post of little importance, so I decide not to because people will forget about the news post I actually want people to see.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-28 12:11:55

2 ideas

I) on the reviews on your userpage, there is a rating bit (if there is, i cant find it)

II) on your sig, when you try to give your sig a link, let us have more letters- you cant put the link for your news post because it wont let you putall the charecters...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 01:43:00

Automatically lock news posts after 2-3 weeks.

To many post count +1s.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 09:44:38

At 9/29/07 01:43 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: Automatically lock news posts after 2-3 weeks.

To many post count +1s.

but news posts dont counts as posts... also, what if theres an ongoing discussion?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 10:06:48

At 9/29/07 09:44 AM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 9/29/07 01:43 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: Automatically lock news posts after 2-3 weeks.

To many post count +1s.
but news posts dont counts as posts... also, what if theres an ongoing discussion?


I ment the NG News.

Alot of stuff there isn't worth having open. Like the new voting system topic. It's 6 years old and obviously isn't going to happen, yet people are still posting there.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 11:09:54

2 words

Saint Aura

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 11:41:30

At 9/29/07 11:09 AM, WasabiClock wrote: 2 words

Saint Aura

no its silly? how is it "saint" anyway? it IS (slightly harshly but i wont take this back) a hideous RIP-OFF of dark aura except slightly lighter

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-09-29 22:24:51

At 9/29/07 11:41 AM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 9/29/07 11:09 AM, WasabiClock wrote: 2 words

Saint Aura
no its silly? how is it "saint" anyway? it IS (slightly harshly but i wont take this back) a hideous RIP-OFF of dark aura except slightly lighter

While being here,let's all say the evil aura is a ripoff of the neutral one >:C