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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 17:04:15

At 6/22/05 04:55 PM, -BAWLS- wrote: If we choose not to write the message, there's no direct way for us to get back to the thread <snip>

Not entirely true (see the attached image). I suppose it wouldn't hurt to extend the navigation on the top left as well, though.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 17:11:05

At 6/22/05 05:05 PM, -BAWLS- wrote: But it doesn't link to the thread you're replying to.

Yes. It does.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 17:14:12

Well it's like...all over the place!

In the name of organization, perhaps.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 20:51:22

At 6/17/05 02:05 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: I've seen people using the N-Word on their profiles such as the profile message and I'm sure that isn't allowed. Here's one example of an account that uses the word:

You forgot Earfetish as well...


And he wants to become a mod. lol

It would also be good, because alot of people, I guess you could say that are like YellowberryClock [ WTFSNOE ] have lemonparty stuff in there. I find it funny, but I'm sure some people don't.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 21:05:52

I said it before, and I'll say it again: I would like to see us NG users have the power to mark reviews for audio submissions helpful, unhelpful or abusive--like we've been doing with Flash for a long time now. The existing review mods can help with the banning people who abusively review audio submissions--though more may need to be assigned. If we cannot insult Flash artists, then NG should also protect its aspiring musicians from the abuse they may receive in their reviews.

To add to that, I'll bring up another idea that I haven't seen anywhere before. For Flash entries that are under judgment, keep the vote panel hidden until the submission is finished. This way, people will be giving each submission a fair vote instead of just quickly going in and out to rack up their blam/protection points. For the submissions that are games and not movies, I suppose that the vote panel can load immediately after a user opens the submission window. But, as far as I'm aware, a lot more movies than games are submitted to the Flash Portal daily--so my idea would still successfully cut down on a lot of unfair votes that movies sometimes get.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-22 21:56:05

Overtime Voting Points-
When you do some overtime voting it doesn't get added in.
When you are doing Under Judgement ones I can understand cause you want b/p points but when you view other movies we should have little tenths of experience that overtime get added up and added to your experience points.
example: It may give you maybe.01 experience for every overtime vote and once you get 1 whole point it gets added in.
If you used this u can use more or less experience points if you like.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-23 15:09:15

The ability to delete your own account. This would benefit people who no longer want to stay on Newgrounds or for any other reason.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-23 15:49:01

Jesus. Which part of this do you guys not understand???

1) Only post here if you have an unique idea for NG's improvement. In an attempt to keep the thread concise, discussion of ideas is no longer encouraged.

I've just deleted 9 posts from page 4 of this thread. If you can't be bothered reading the first post of the thread, then don't be surprised if you end up banned for spamming.

Yeah, I'm in a bad mood.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-23 22:29:04

im sure this has been suggested before but a flash can only be like 7 megs or something (there is a limit) and all these flash anomaters that make large flash movies have been complaining about how they have to make "chapter 2 part3" because newgrounds wont hold their flash memory.

maybe expanding on this limit will cause less "chapter 2 part3"s and will make longer more efficient flashes. plus they have to put the credits and preloader in agian and agian in every part so it does take up alot of space.

this is just a random idea.

Well hey guys, it's nice you're reading this.

4chan is the cancer that is killing NG

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-24 18:06:42

I'd like a message in my User Menu that tells me if I'm banned or not.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-24 18:14:15

At 6/23/05 10:29 PM, neogriffingee wrote: im sure this has been suggested before but a flash can only be like 7 megs or something (there is a limit) and all these flash anomaters that make large flash movies have been complaining about how they have to make "chapter 2 part3" because newgrounds wont hold their flash memory.

It's to encourage optimised flash. If something's decent and over 5MB, Tom can manually post it.

At 6/24/05 05:27 PM, neogriffingee wrote: there is currently a 4 posts per topic per 30 minutes... get rid of it

That's a spam prevention thing. There's absolutely no need for anyone to post more than four times in 30 minutes.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-25 21:13:23

At 6/24/05 06:14 PM, jonthomson wrote:
That's a spam prevention thing. There's absolutely no need for anyone to post more than four times in 30 minutes.

I think , if its the persons own topic, they should be able to post as much as they like, i could be one of thoose advice topics


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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-26 12:35:21

I have a feeling this may be like a glitch but i've noticed in several peoples profiles there seem to be random spaces... Heres an example straight from my profile:

~~~~Current Work: NG Frat Animation!!!!~ ~~~
There is this strange space right here ^

I see it more in peoples favorite musical artists than their message in the profile, but i think its a glitch that should be worked out some day...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-26 14:11:22

i don't think it has been suggested before but here is my idea:

i think it would be nice if you could get an e-mail notification when one of your favorite artist submits something new, it would actually make the favorite artist feature a lot more usefull since a lot of people can't come to NG every day and see if an artist they know submitted something new

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-27 14:39:57

Im not sure if this has been suggested but.
At the bottom of the Flash Portal there could be a number of people browsing the portal. Like at the bottom of the BBS.

- ><--stick vs. sprites-->< - ><--flat beat-->< - ><--pico vs. sticks-->< -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-27 18:04:48

At 6/8/05 05:49 PM, Denvish wrote: Suggested ideas still under speculation/works in progress: (May not be implemented, but have not been refused)


Favorite game.

Remember kids, make sure that you do actually read the first post and the topic, so that you don't make a pointless post like I was about to do.

I suppose this qualifies as a "quoted for great justice" suggestion anyway...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-27 21:53:51

Well, here's some

Shockwave Portal
More secrets
Better blamming system. I see crap go through all the time and I also sometimes see good stuff get deleted.

Here's a big one.

Split the games and the movies COMPLETELY. Like have 2 seperate portals. Game portal and Movie portal or something. Split the daily awards for that. I would have had more portal awards (and a daily feature) if games and movies were split. I e-mailed Tom about this, and he said that they are trying to work on ways to promote the games better, so yeah.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-27 22:01:15

And one last one.

1. See the review you were banned for (I'm banned and I don't know what I did. This would be VERY helpful.)
2. Know whether you're banned before you write a review. The first time I found out that I was banned was after I wrote a long review and tried to post it. It's also hard to find out if you've been un-banned because you have to write a review to find out.
3. Un-ban sometime? It says wait for an administrator to view the cause of your ban, but I've been waiting for months.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-28 23:48:43

At 6/27/05 10:01 PM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: And one last one.

1. See the review you were banned for (I'm banned and I don't know what I did. This would be VERY helpful.)

Well not sure how possible that is, most of the time when I ban people, they have several bad reviews, that cause me to ban them.
If you really want to know why you were banned, email me.

2. Know whether you're banned before you write a review. The first time I found out that I was banned was after I wrote a long review and tried to post it. It's also hard to find out if you've been un-banned because you have to write a review to find out.\\

I know this was suggested before, it wasn't rejected. No idea if it will be implemented

3. Un-ban sometime? It says wait for an administrator to view the cause of your ban, but I've been waiting for months.

Sorry nothing any of the mods can do on this, I have made suggestions on a better system for the review bans. You like me will have to wait.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-29 11:08:14

At 6/27/05 10:01 PM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: And one last one.

1. See the review you were banned for (I'm banned and I don't know what I did. This would be VERY helpful.)

Hopefully this won't be too much of a problem when some planned improvements come into place.

3. Un-ban sometime? It says wait for an administrator to view the cause of your ban, but I've been waiting for months.

Well, unlike most that complain, you have actually been waiting for a bit... I'm guessing it's either because you've implied a flash was stolen, made a review that didn't talk about the flash at all "You gave this entry a 4, raising its score from 3.7768 to 3.7769! When were 4 decimals added?", or reviewed badly on something that was blammed/deleted which I can't see. A lot of your reviews are short and don't say much as well, you might want to be aware of that when you're unbanned.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-30 09:23:08

At 6/30/05 07:42 AM, Loco-Evil-Dabdoub wrote: It would be nice to see the picture we use in our profiles in the bbs in the place of our level logo (this one could be under the picture).

That's not going to happen. Most people can't get the dimensions down and when the images are resized, they look all screwy. The signature picture is there for a reason, use that.

I hope if what I said is ignored, that liljim will be able to find a way to help those who support NG to limit the access to their files to thieves.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-30 13:33:14

Well, since my first suggestion was ignored, I'll try this:

Make it mandatory to read the rules. Imagine if a newbie came into the BBS and made his first post, WITHOUT reading the rules. After clicking the "Post It!" button, this error page appears:

Error: This seems to be your first post, please read the rules before posting.

Hope that helps in any way, since I think that will cut down the amount of people not noticing that sexy green tank.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-06-30 19:44:05

At 6/30/05 01:33 PM, arab_freak wrote: Well, since my first suggestion was ignored

I doubt it. I have read every post in this thread several times, as I did with all the posts in the first thread. If your original idea, whatever it was, has not been further discussed, it means that it's either something I'm still contemplating working on or something that should have been on the list of things that have been rejected. Either way, I read through each suggestion. Trying to compile a list of what has been said and rejected/accepted/done already from the previous list was time consuming and Denvish and I may have missed a few things when doing that, but that's NOT to say that I haven't read through every suggestion.

Make it mandatory to read the rules.

You can't post a message to the forums without checking the box next to a link that says, "I've read the rules." That's as close as we're going to get with respect to checking that people have read the rules. I could make it so that the rules page requires a database overhead to track the user as having looked at the rules, but that's overkill in my opinion.

At 6/26/05 02:11 PM, totoum wrote: i think it would be nice if you could get an e-mail notification when one of your favorite artist submits something new, it would actually make the favorite artist feature a lot more usefull since a lot of people can't come to NG every day and see if an artist they know submitted something new

YES! Believe it or not, that was one of the ideas suggested between Tom, Wade and I way back when we changed the way that the favorite artists were added and favorite submissions were re-worked. I had forgotten about it, though, so thanks for reminding me!

I've attached a sample of how things will look. If you have more than one submission showing for that day, it'll be in the e-mail as more bullet points. Multi-authors are covered here, too.

This thing's set to roll for the first time tomorrow morning.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-01 02:58:15

For the audio portal:

The problem of A-bots weekly favorites has been brought up inside of the Audio forums about a billion times. I would like to help formulate a fair weighted down voting system (that will only affect the score for A-BOT in deciding the weeks favorites).

With me so far? All right, please listen carefully, and please consider this. This is in no way perfected, only a direction:

Since A-Bot decides the favorites on a specific day, the total score of the audio submission will be increased for how many days go by until the next weekly favorites are chosen.
Short: The more days that go by, the higher the score will be weighed down (for A-Bot). This will add to the equation that a score kept at an average of 4.50 for a week is better than a score of around 4.50 that was just submitted, because more people have had a change to see it and listen to it. Is that rational?

Also, add to the equation how many people have voted on the song. For example, adding this along with the idea above in the equation would result (for example) a score of 4.17 voted by, say, 30 people higher than a score of 4.75 by 3. Now, this is in no way correct but this si what I would hope for the equation to accomplish somehow.

And possibly, only impliment this equation (allow for the weekly favorites) for submissions submitted within 8 days, instead of 7. Why? Because submissions that are submitted on a tuesday don't have a decent chance of getting a high enough score (with the equation in mind) to give it a fair chance. You may think that giving it 8 days to be viewed and rated would cause an ADVANTAGE, but the weight of the scores is what would really determine it, so the days would only have a slight change in score.

Another idea for this is to maybe exclude the 0's from having any affect on the audio being on the favorites. This would probably reduce the massive downrating of songs. And, if a song really does deserve a rating of 0, it will only effect the ACTUAL rating of the song ass seen on the charts and artist page. But, this is not exactly the best idea, it does have flaws flaws, but it does have elaborative value, I wnt to spawn some brain storming for you guys. I really want to see the audio portal grow.

Bottom Line: I think Any improvement on the A-Bots Weekly Favorites is an Improvement. The way that audio gets on A-Bot is too easy to manipulate.

Would this make things more fair? if the equation was weighted down correctly.

I wanted to write down the exact equation that you could implement....But I couldn't get started. Hopefully someone, good at math, could do this fairly easy, I wouldn't imagine this would take too much effort to implement on NG, maybe just a little bit of tweeking with A-bot, but I have no idea. I believe this to be in high demand, and it would ABOLISH the users who submit their audio and vote 5 on their own right before A-Bot selects the highest score...If done correctly.

Hopefully these few ideas for the equation will guide eveyone in the right direction for the voting system. I believe this would be a massive upgrade to the audio portal. I would love to hear input from you mods out there, if allowed.


Audio | Alter | It sounds like a fire hydrant went off in an old folks home with screaming babies field recorded, glitched, and spontaneously played back.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-01 10:40:57

Audio Review Suggestion

Well I don't know if this has been suggested but I skimmed threw all this threads pages and did not find it so I am going to say it.

It get's annoying when I go to my profile and then click on "Respond To Audio Reviews" after that I click them and then I click the song that I think someone has reviewed. If I was wrong and no one reviewed anything I have to X the screen and start over if I want to check out an other song, because there is no back button.

Now in the Flash reviews its different when you are reading your reviews at the bottom of the page it say's "Go back to the list of your submissions and Go back to the main menu" for the audio portal it does not do that.

So im saying put a back button at the bottom of your audio review pages, this will save a bit of time and it will make things more easy.

Also it would be nice if beside the song/flash movie it said something like "You Have 2 New Reviews" so that way with people who have a lot of songs and or lots of flash movies will only have to check those out and not go threw every single song/movie.

Just a thought...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-01 18:43:12

This probably won't get trough, but i'll try....

What if we changed the colors of the level icons? Then, at least we'd be a bit more unique. We could change things like the boxing glove, (lv.10 & 12)or the color of the skin, (like green,or yellow) and things like that.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

The cake is a spy... hahaha no

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-02 02:28:20

I hate myself for saying it, and you probably will too, but how about some sort of stat / whatever that users can freely assign to each other? You could represent it with simple PIPs (attached pic). To be at all workable, there would need to be serious restrictions for new members (to stop multiple accounts all shifting their points to the main account / etc.). But I'm currently posting on another site, and the system works fine (the respected, helpful, and knowledgeable posters have a large amount of PIPs, and I've recieved a few points for a couple of my good posts).

How would you earn these points originally? Not sure. Post count seems obvious, but there are drawbacks (would people seriously spam just for a meaningless state? Been known to happen. Taking away points with each ban might negate this issue however).

And then users could give points to other users, as they see fit. Restrict the time inbetween giving points, restrict giving / taking to the same user for a set amount of time / etc. You could give points, and you could deduct them (you'd lose that amount of points in both cases). When you did it, you would associate the change with a specific post - so the user could see what he was rewarded / punished for. I imagine negative points would be possible, in which case that person cannot give/take other people's points. Probably an absolute min. of -100 or so.

Make the person giving/taking points anon? Give this person the ability to jot a quick one or two sentence blurb explaining themselves? Depends, could go either way.

In time the system could reward helpful, worthwhile posts. You know, halfway through I realized that I was basically talking about creating actual cool points. But what the hell, if done right, it could work nicely and be another little perk of being a good member. I could foresee this being especially useful in the politics forum, for rewarding / encouraging well thought-out posts. The biggest thing would be balancing the system, to minimize abuse (ie. make sure to weight it towards long-term, level-minded regulars).

And I know it's a monumental undertaking at this point, but any chance we'll see NG move away from tables and completely into CSS? The probs with Safari are pretty bad. Not complaining, just..

And what about cupholders?

Either way, appreciate you taking suggestions from us commonfolk liljim.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

The one thing force produces is resistance.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-02 10:54:59

At 7/1/05 03:47 AM, -Gooch- wrote: Stuff about moving topics.
At 7/1/05 06:43 PM, Nightmaric wrote: Stuff about changing aura colors.

I know both these ideas have been suggested before. I wouldn't expect to see either.

At 7/1/05 09:22 PM, Kam-Ron wrote: Well I have a tiny idea that will probably be shit on by people, but my idea is to add an adjustable volume bar on flash movies and game. It's just a tiny idea that would be nice to add, but it could really help people who can't acess their volume easily or someone who doesn't like to change there volume all the time.

Well this is a nice idea, I can not see how they are goign to implement this at all.
Each of the flash that are submitted are made by thee author and not by NG.
There is no way to force each author to make one for thier flash. Plus the time it would take to go to each individual flash and add it in would be way too much.
I don't think it is possible to had a volume control to the loading window.
So I see no real way of implementing this.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-03 02:22:06

omgomgmog *runs in circle*
It just hit me!

How about adding to the C&C summery, that you can requests sigs to be made for you there?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-07-04 07:05:13

How about an option of turning off or on the UOTD, say like todays i would prefer not looking at that one all day sigh, so a on/off option might come in handy...



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