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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 07:39:38

How about, when you have an unread Private Message, the orange "Inbox" rectangle in the top right could change to, say, blue. I think it needs to catch your attention when you have a PM because it's quite easy to overlook the small writing in your Account Options that says how many unread messages you have.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 09:41:40

There are a lot of idiots who come to this forum and ask how to blam/protect.

Like how the mature button was changed to the forums button, the NG MAG button should he changed to the HELP/FAQ button.

The thing with the NG MAG, is that it's the least active part of the website and few people pay any interest to it anymore, whilst a lot more people need to see the damn FAQs...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:09:58

Probably one of the mose things over looked - BBS User of The Day Page. Does anyone think it would be an ok idea for users to be able to search for users who were the users of the day? Or, to even have a small notification on their user profile, saying "You have been User of The Day xxx times!

Just a thought. What does everyone else think?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:20:00

At 8/18/06 11:43 PM, RupeeClock wrote: Considering the ammount of gaming related discussion in the general forums that might not be a bad idea, I support it.

I'm with RuppeClock. There are alot of gaming threads on the BBS. This would be a great idea.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:32:29

At 8/26/06 03:20 PM, UnknownFear wrote:
At 8/18/06 11:43 PM, RupeeClock wrote: Considering the ammount of gaming related discussion in the general forums that might not be a bad idea, I support it.
I'm with RuppeClock. There are alot of gaming threads on the BBS. This would be a great idea.

Instead of Gaming, it should be something like "Entertainment" or "The Lounge" or something like that, so it can talk about movies, games, tv, music, and stuff like that, and cover a lot more ground.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:38:06

At 8/26/06 03:32 PM, Moose1015 wrote: Instead of Gaming, it should be something like "Entertainment" or "The Lounge" or something like that, so it can talk about movies, games, tv, music, and stuff like that, and cover a lot more ground.

PERFECT IDEA!! It should be a name that involves music, tv, video games... entertainment. Something like... well, what you said.

"The NG Lounge!
Talk about all your entertainment here!

And, if the admins can make it, when you click on the forum link, there would be SUB FORUMS for specific topics, like Music, Video Games, TV, Movies, etc...

Sound good?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:44:58

I don't think you can be UOTD more than once.

unban russianspy22

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:47:43

At 8/26/06 03:44 PM, MAYORMCHEESE wrote: I don't think you can be UOTD more than once.

Ok, but is implanting a user search on the user of the day an ok idea?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-26 15:49:46

I think it's a good idea. The Entertainment idea would be perfect too, as music and such related topics usually get buried in General.

unban russianspy22

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-28 17:04:50

I have no clue if someone has suggested this yet, and I really don't feel like looking through many pages of posts, so here is my suggestion:

There should be an option where you can delete your music tracks in the audio portal. Something similar to removing flashes, if it's not too popular, than you could remove it yourself.
I don't think this option would take up a lot of bandwidth, in fact, it would take up very little. This would be very usefull.

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-28 20:53:08


* Topic of the Day, maybe? There is user of the day, so why not topic of the day?

* A sandbox, like Wikipedia. It gets cleaned out once a day, and people can spam it as much as they want. This idea was partially inspired form an idea by ---Connor--- (I think that's his username).

* Some indicator when you have pending protal buddies! And onceyou've accepted someone, they can't send you another request.

* Reviews aren't lost when submissions are blammed/deleted. There should be some indicator that it was blammed, but the reivew shouldn't be lost, and should count towards your review count.

* I don't know why this was rejected, but I think a user search would be a good idea.

* More secrets.

That's a ll I can think of right now... what do you guys think?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-28 21:02:09

At 8/28/06 08:53 PM, -Frenzy- wrote: * Some indicator when you have pending protal buddies!

I believe that if you have checked the box to receive ng emails, you'll get an email notification of that.

* I don't know why this was rejected, but I think a user search would be a good idea.

Just try adding the person you're searching for to your contacts with the pm system. Or use google search.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-28 21:13:28

At 8/28/06 08:53 PM, -Frenzy- wrote: * Reviews aren't lost when submissions are blammed/deleted. There should be some indicator that it was blammed, but the reivew shouldn't be lost, and should count towards your review count.

Plus people who make abusive reviews for obviously blammable flash (which is a rampant problem) can get their comeuppance, heheh.

* More secrets.

Special auras, maybe?

But yeah, the current secrets aren't really enough. I'm sure with a little creativity, and help from Newgrounds members, they could whip up some more.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-29 15:44:23

At 8/28/06 09:13 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 8/28/06 08:53 PM, -Frenzy- wrote: * Reviews aren't lost when submissions are blammed/deleted. There should be some indicator that it was blammed, but the reivew shouldn't be lost, and should count towards your review count.
Plus people who make abusive reviews for obviously blammable flash (which is a rampant problem) can get their comeuppance, heheh.

Completely agree with this. That way, people will review people who actually need help with thier flash skills.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-29 16:27:23

Has this been said, but a preview button for the BBS would be nice - some times I find out my HTML isnt allowed after clicking the 'POST' Button.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-29 20:20:27

Have the audio portal work like the flash portal. You can vote on 5 submissions, get your exp, have bad scoring audio deleted, and so on.

Front page archive: show how long something was on the front page.

PM system: be able to send a message to more than 1 person.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-30 20:49:01

On a flash's page, if it's won a portal award, have it link to the P-bot post for that day. That way, if it was say daily 2nd, we could easily find out what came 1st that day as well.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-30 20:51:15

At 8/30/06 08:49 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: On a flash's page, if it's won a portal award, have it link to the P-bot post for that day. That way, if it was say daily 2nd, we could easily find out what came 1st that day as well.

Great idea.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-31 15:01:56

The message underneath every page in the BBS that says:
All Times are Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4)
should be updated for when Daylight Saving Time applies. Right now Eastern Daylight Time is actually (GMT -5). The message confused me an awful lot, I thought that something was wrong with the system until I realised that DST currently applied. I for one would find a dynamic message like this:
All Times are Eastern Daylight Time. The current time in EDT is (GMT -5).
useful, regardless of Daylight Saving.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-31 15:17:21

At 8/31/06 03:01 PM, backflipper42 wrote: The message underneath every page in the BBS that says:
All Times are Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4)
should be updated for when Daylight Saving Time applies. Right now Eastern Daylight Time is actually (GMT -5).

No it isn't. EDT is GMT-4, and it always will be unless the time system gets changed. And I really can't see that happening.

I for one would find a dynamic message like this:
All Times are Eastern Daylight Time. The current time in EDT is (GMT -5).
useful, regardless of Daylight Saving.

Since DST takes place in Philadelphia, it will change during the year.

Since Newgrounds' time-zone is stated on the BBS there's not really a problem with it. Your problem is that you don't know much about time-zones.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-31 17:00:56

Sent PM folder?

The cake is a spy... hahaha no

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-08-31 18:10:01

At 8/31/06 03:17 PM, Ludicolo wrote: Your problem is that you don't know much about time-zones.

He's confusing GMT (which isn't affected by daylight savings) with BST (British Summer Time).

The time at the bottom of the pages will actually automatically change back to EST (GMT-5) once we're not in Daylight Savings.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-01 03:27:26

I think your batting average should add to your voting power, because the higher your BA is, its shows that you are expririenced with flash. This means you have a better understanding of how difficult flash is, and you can appriciate it more...if you get what i mean? Sorry If you don't, i've had an all nigter and its diffucult to think. xD

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-06 14:35:42

How about this one? you know when you voted on a movie and when you voted again by acident it will give you a movie to vote on? well when you have voted on the movie the next time you do it again you will get a different movie instead of seeing the same one over and over. Nothing big but yeah.

Sig by @Brokendeck

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-07 16:24:20

This is a vote on increaseing the limits on uploading pictures to atleast 700x800 90kb anyone in favour please respond if you do not vote your children will look like this

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-07 22:17:34

I think it'd be cool to have some sort of system that allows you to know when someone has directly responded with a quote to one of your posts.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-07 22:30:14

Maybe we could institute a coloured text system?

Spelled like the english spelling to please you uk'ers :D

Just a fun little idea if you guys get bored and say "Hey, that's easy, let's try it out."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-08 20:13:16

At 8/29/06 04:27 PM, Archkronos wrote: Has this been said, but a preview button for the BBS would be nice - some times I find out my HTML isnt allowed after clicking the 'POST' Button.

You wouldn't have the problem if you looked to the left of the message box or read the FAQ. Hell, there are even aids that do the work for you.

At 9/7/06 10:30 PM, LordTrunks wrote: Maybe we could institute a coloured text system?

I asked a similar question about that once here.


I honestly don't know if this has been suggested yet, I honestly don't want to read through all the pages.

In due time might we be able to flag Audio Reviews as well? I've come across some that are questionable and some that are particuarly nasty when it comes to VG remixes such as 'You no tallent fag you didn't make this' and other low brow insults. Sorry if it's been sugested sir, but I'd really like to see this happen one day.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-09 12:31:21

i have an idea on a portal award, Front Page Award! any flash that has gone on the front page gets the award.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-09-09 14:01:51

It would be pretty cool it, next to the number of reviews you have for a flash or audio, you could see how many unresponded reviews there are, instead of opening the page very time. (yes laziness will once kill me, so what).




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