idea #54646454.
make the clubs and crews forum reply only.
idea #54646454.
make the clubs and crews forum reply only.
With the new redisign launch soon, I think that Aura's should keep changing depending on how you rate things. If you rate bad movies good, it slowly goes blue, if you vote good movies shitty, it slowly turns red and things like that. And depending on how you vote, there should be other colours than Green Blue and Red
At 7/18/06 11:20 AM, -Sykes- wrote: With the new redisign launch soon, I think that Aura's should keep changing depending on how you rate things. If you rate bad movies good, it slowly goes blue, if you vote good movies shitty, it slowly turns red and things like that
That's how it used to be years back. Unfortunately that system got abused. People voted low on high scoring movies just so they could get a dark aura, and high on low scoring movies so that they could get a light aura.
It's better to allow users to select their auras, that way people will vote fairly.
At 7/18/06 09:24 AM, madknt wrote: make the clubs and crews forum reply only.
Good idea, are you suggesting that the mods would have to make the new clubs on request? I guess that would stop the number of duplicate clubs.
Here's an idea, a creativity forum.
Where people can showcase drawings, stories, and photoshops they made.
That way, Stamper, Earfetish, and others can have their own forum to create their respective medium.
At 7/19/06 06:34 PM, BatDan wrote: Here's an idea, a creativity forum.
Where people can showcase drawings
Newground Artist Showcase Thread
A picture attachment for PMs would be useful, it's kind of annoying to have to upload an image to Imageshack and provide a link if the filesize of the image is small.
There is a downside to that though, which would be that people would spam peoples inboxes with images such as goatse etc.
Though that could be fixed by only allowing the picture to show if that person has you in their contacts list, or something similar.
At 7/20/06 08:33 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: stuff
yea its kinda anoying but i think it would be for the better
I suppose we could bring back the alternate method to get a bonus 10 exp. (if you are featured in someone else's profile, you get 10 exp.). But anyone who abuses the system will be banned for a temporary time and will lose the privelige to get the bonus 10 exp for a year.
Just a thought.
At 7/20/06 10:20 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: I suppose we could bring back the alternate method to get a bonus 10 exp. (if you are featured in someone else's profile, you get 10 exp.). But anyone who abuses the system will be banned for a temporary time and will lose the privelige to get the bonus 10 exp for a year.
Just a thought.
hugh? explain the old system to me
At 7/20/06 11:52 PM, Imacow wrote:
hugh? explain the old system to me
It used to be that if you were featured in someone's public profile, you'd get 10 bonus exp. But people abused it by saying stuff like "(user) sucks", so the old system got removed..
At 7/24/06 12:00 AM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote:At 7/20/06 11:52 PM, Imacow wrote:hugh? explain the old system to meIt used to be that if you were featured in someone's public profile, you'd get 10 bonus exp. But people abused it by saying stuff like "(user) sucks", so the old system got removed..
..where did you get that craziness from?
the only other method of getting experiance was referals..
which was abused by people just making alts from different IP addresses and stuff.
t isn't helpful, but it certainly would be nice to have.
Even if you are a higher level, you may change your level icon to any earlier ones.
Example: There is a guy on level 11, however, he likes the level 10 icon better, he may change his icon to the boxing glove, while still having the status of a level 11 user.
At 7/24/06 12:39 AM, madknt wrote:
..where did you get that craziness from?
the only other method of getting experiance was referals..
which was abused by people just making alts from different IP addresses and stuff.
Whoops. Looks like I mistook that one for my altered idea.
But seriously, I think it should be brought back, under the circumstances of...
Abuse = ban + not affected for a year.
I was thinking that the old tank icon on the forums should be replaced with the new one.
Another idea, when you submit music to the audio-portal, you fill out a form, where you say that it is your own music and all.
but why doesn't Tom make an option where you can put in what it is, a loop or a song, so that loops don't have the delay between the looping part, wich is used for songs to let you know when it stops.
I know the grammar is VERY bad, but my brains are turned off, i haven't slept for 48 hours because i had to make something for a friend of mine, and to disable WGA, wich sucks.
At 7/24/06 01:20 PM, Jareddeitch wrote: t isn't helpful, but it certainly would be nice to have.
Even if you are a higher level, you may change your level icon to any earlier ones.
Example: There is a guy on level 11, however, he likes the level 10 icon better, he may change his icon to the boxing glove, while still having the status of a level 11 user.
hmmm, nice idea, but wouldn't that make a lot of weird faces?
because new guys think it is Hax0rs or so
i would like to see how close i am to improving my whistle and how accurate i am at flagging reviews and flashes. mabey there could be some more levels for it like diamond, platinum, ruby, lesser diety. maby a light/dark system for the whistle so you could get a demonic whistle instead.
also a light dark thing for the B/P system. you could advance through the ranks of crime lords for dark, police for light and vigilante status for neutral.
sorry if these ideas have already been put forwards.
Okay, here are my 2 ideas for Newgroudns imrpovemnt:
1) Some indicator when you have pending Portal buddies! Like amybe a star next to the icon in your account options, or something...
2) Being able to search the obituaries for blammed flashes. Say you went somewhere after you submitted, and come back a few days later. You want to be able to find your entry, right? Or, if you just want to find certain entries. There should be a title and authour search, just like there is on the main page of Newgrounds.
So, I hope you take these into consideration, MODs and people!
I'm not sure if anyone already suggested this, but I think it'd be either cool and it'd help the Alpha section get more traffic;: Alphas should appear in profiles, that way, the "fans" of flash artists could see what they're working on and people would go to the alphas section. Also It'd make flash artists: a) Make alphas b) stay in schedule for their flashes.
Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.
-Ambrose Bierce
"This sig, is fucking cool."
I've noticed that some submissions that have more than one author have reviews written by those same authors. That should be fixed, since those reviews are usually biased.
I dunno if this will be agreed with but maybe we should follow the example of SomethingAwful and charge 5 bucks for new accounts... this would keep alt registration down and noob registration down... cause I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't want to spend 5 bucks just to make a new account to spam.
At 7/29/06 12:23 AM, BlueGoober wrote: I dunno if this will be agreed with but maybe we should follow the example of SomethingAwful and charge 5 bucks for new accounts... this would keep alt registration down and noob registration down... cause I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't want to spend 5 bucks just to make a new account to spam.
but then would we have to pay to keep our current account?
also that would result inalot less members
sorry if this was said before, but it could show how many people looked into your profile, like profile views?
how bout a major decrease in exp points for having a submission removed because of the whistle? It would be up to the mods to determine how much exp, and it would keep people from stealing others hard work or adding a submission for the sole purpouse of getting the whistle blown on it. I would suggest the same for the abusive reviews, but on a smaller scale.
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At 7/27/06 02:23 PM, -Frenzy- wrote: Okay, here are my 2 ideas for Newgroudns imrpovemnt:
1) Some indicator when you have pending Portal buddies! Like amybe a star next to the icon in your account options, or something...
2) Being able to search the obituaries for blammed flashes. Say you went somewhere after you submitted, and come back a few days later. You want to be able to find your entry, right? Or, if you just want to find certain entries. There should be a title and authour search, just like there is on the main page of Newgrounds.
So, I hope you take these into consideration, MODs and people!
Here's another: not losing reviews over blammed and/or delted flashes.
When you review, and if teh submission gets blammed or deleted, why don't you just have something next to the submission name, in smaller letters (and in brackets), like, for example, say the entry was blammed. It would look something like this next to the submission name:
or, say the movie got deleted...
With the new 'Flash deleting' system, reviewrs like me have been losing a lot of reviews! I hope that this gets put into use!
a button to disable the PM system, to the extent that people with a forum rank under moderator can't PM you.
i could allow only certain people to PM me, without all the useless crap flooding my box.
At 8/1/06 05:22 PM, X-Stem wrote: a button to disable the PM system, to the extent that people with a forum rank under moderator can't PM you.
i could allow only certain people to PM me, without all the useless crap flooding my box.
Or instead of a block system, you could have an allow system?
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
Spam notification button (So n00bs dont constantly pm wade or tom about spam and such)
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